2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?

Why would anyone want another four years of Don?
Lets see, he loses to Hillary by three million, then loses to Biden by seven along with the senate and house. The election “trajectory“ doesn’t look good. It doesn’t look good for anyone who lost after 4/years in office. Trump doesn’t give a shit. Everyone else who lost after four in modern times, had enough brains not to.
Lets see, he loses to Hillary by three million, then loses to Biden by seven along with the senate and house. The election “trajectory“ doesn’t look good. It doesn’t look good for anyone who lost after 4/years in office. Trump doesn’t give a shit. Everyone else who lost after four in modern times, had enough brains not to.
How is Biden doing?
Lets see, he loses to Hillary by three million, then loses to Biden by seven along with the senate and house. The election “trajectory“ doesn’t look good. It doesn’t look good for anyone who lost after 4/years in office. Trump doesn’t give a shit. Everyone else who lost after four in modern times, had enough brains not to.
I plan to volunteer to be a pollster in the next election and nobody is shutting down the building at 3:30AM because of a leaky toilet.
after the major massive cluster created by the dems whoever runs as a republican will win.

it’s almost like the leftist tyrants know that and are trying to cause as much damage as they can before they get booted
Sure. Let’s see, they passed an infrastructure bill that the gop promised every year but never did. They want to expand Medicare to cover hearing, eyes and dental.

Tell us at what point the country will be a cluster fk.

Oh, they will not have the usual recession…..is that what you’ll miss ?
Sure. Let’s see, they pasted an infrastructure bill that the gop promised every year but never did. They want to expand Medicare to cover hearing eyes and dental.

Tell us at what point the country will be a cluster fk.

Oh, they will not have the usual recession…..is that what you’ll miss ?
NY, NJ, FL and just about every State has been rebuilding for the last 4 years.
Where in Africa do you live?
I plan to volunteer to be a pollster in the next election and nobody is shutting down the building at 3:30AM because of a leaky toilet.
Sounds like a good job for you. You can witness all those illegal votes by republicans.
NY, NJ, FL and just about every State has been rebuilding for the last 4 years.
Where in Africa do you live?
Ha ha
Really ? Rebuilding what ? Bowling lanes ? We know FL is barlely keeping up with storm damage .
Ha ha
Really ? Rebuilding what ? Bowling lanes ? We know FL is barlely keeping up with storm damage .
You must live in a slum.
Highways, bridges and tunnels.
At least now I know you don't own a car or go shopping.
It doesn't matter whether or not he complains about a 3:30AM ballot dumping.
You have not addressed that he received millions of more votes in 2020.

I agree that all establishment politicians are very polite while they are screwing us.
I don't remember mentioning anything about the number of Trump votes. That's of no interest to me.

What matters, imo, are two things:

1) Trump has alienated huge numbers of voters, Dems and Repubs. And,

2) Trump is the best thing that ever happened for the Democratic party. The mere thought of Trump stinking up the Oval Office again is enough to drive extra tens of millions of Dems out to vote against him. Trump is a magical Get Out the Vote machine for the Dems.

I'd love to see a strong, capable, intelligent, and morally decent Republican presidential candidate in '24. But, again, imo, Trump has none of those qualities. For those reasons, and more, I would NEVER VOTE for Donald, or any other trump.

That's all I have to say. We're all entitled to our own reasons for voting the way we do. I would NEVER vote one party, or the other, simply to please a bunch of cult-like sheep.
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You forgot open borders, political persecutions, and criminals being set free. Not to mention the fascist mandate.
I missed that tripe on Fix and Friends. Keep us up to speed though. I’m sure they won’t mention the infrastructure bill repos NEVER passed but promised and huge gains in employment.
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I missed that tripe on Fix and Friends. Keep us up to speed though. I’m sure they won’t mention the infrastructure bill repos NEVER passed by promised and huge gains in employment.
Independent was right about you.
That's not true. He golfed.
He whined a lot. Too bad he couldn’t tweet. So I guess you could say for a while he wrote material for SNL
I missed that tripe on Fix and Friends. Keep us up to speed though. I’m sure they won’t mention the infrastructure bill repos NEVER passed by promised and huge gains in employment.

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