24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

T has no chance of winning in 2020 if all states do not make it harder to vote and he knows it and the GOP know it.
Harder for illegals to vote. You left that part out.

No harder for inner cities to vote and the populated states. When Wyoming gets 2 Senator and CA 2 and NY 2 is beyond me, does not represent the people does it.

How many times does it need to be explained to you what the Senate's purpose was?

I'm glad no one is doing that. That would be scary. No one wants to know, as you so mistakenly state, "how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot". But you knew that.

"Asked for Voters’ Data, States Give Trump Panel a Bipartisan ‘No’
By MICHAEL WINESJUNE 30, 2017, New York Times

...The vice chairman and day-to-day leader of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity, Kris Kobach, had asked election officials in a letter to turn over the data “if publicly available,” apparently to aid a nationwide search for evidence of election irregularities. Besides election information like voters’ names and party affiliations, the commission sought personal information including birth dates, felony conviction records, voting histories for the past decade and the last four digits of all voters’ Social Security numbers..."

Next contestant, please.
T has no chance of winning in 2020 if all states do not make it harder to vote and he knows it and the GOP know it.
Harder for illegals to vote. You left that part out.

No harder for inner cities to vote and the populated states. When Wyoming gets 2 Senator and CA 2 and NY 2 is beyond me, does not represent the people does it.
You are a poster child for requiring voters to pass a civics class.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, Ozzie.
Maybe you want to point out the dozen or so cases of voter fraud out of 130 million votes.
Move that goalpost, Ozzie.
He might find that T lost MI, since so many ballots were unreadable. Be careful what you ask for, but then again its a Pub , and Trump lover that is going to decipher them.

You Pubs are crooks and scam artists.
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.


So I guess you believe that one gun crime is sufficient evidence to support a national registry of gun owners.

Don't bet on any games where you might have to guess. You're not very good at it.


Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
North Carolina
New Mexico
New York
Oklahoma's SOS is a mexican
Rhode Island
Wisconsin ALL have democrap SOS aka the party that NEEDS illegals to vote to win elections so no surprise.
Time for a little arm twisting :) Maybe some hacking to get the information. Plus this will play VERY WELL for the midterms...LOOK PEOPLE! THE DEMOCRATS REFUSE TO HELP AN INVESTIGATION INTO VOTE FRAUD!

It also includes states like South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah and Mississippi which are Republican states. So who cares what the Oklahoma SOS's nationality is except to bigots like you.

There is no evidence of voter fraud except in Trump and his supporters. minds. This is the biggest witch hunt in history. Just because a state votes a way you don't like it does not make it fraud.
Oh it matters to smart people who know a man's race may prevent him from doing his job properly because it being the southwest its mostly illegal mexicans that would be voting. Oh and I didn't count how many states have a republican SOS but democrap governors. Virginia might change soon as there are new elections in November but doubt the cuckservative republican will win and here in NC well we are about to kick our negress SOS to the curb for illegal acts :). Oh and the ONLY reason there is no evidence yet is because you whiny little bitches keep obstructing it but that just plays right into our hands! Plays great to the electorate for next years elections by showing how much you democraps obstruct justice.

Who's the whiny little bitch? Who doesn't want the government in their life? I think you better do some research and see what the feds want them to release about you. I know they already have it, they only want to see who you voted for and it's not of their goddamn business. You ever heard of a secret ballot?

Aren't you the one that was whining about your medicaid a couple weeks ago?
I'm glad no one is doing that. That would be scary. No one wants to know, as you so mistakenly state, "how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot". But you knew that.

"Asked for Voters’ Data, States Give Trump Panel a Bipartisan ‘No’
By MICHAEL WINESJUNE 30, 2017, New York Times

...The vice chairman and day-to-day leader of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity, Kris Kobach, had asked election officials in a letter to turn over the data “if publicly available,” apparently to aid a nationwide search for evidence of election irregularities. Besides election information like voters’ names and party affiliations, the commission sought personal information including birth dates, felony conviction records, voting histories for the past decade and the last four digits of all voters’ Social Security numbers..."

Next contestant, please.

If publicly available. You missed that part.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.

Never mind all of the people that's been convicted of voter fraud over the last few years and sent to jail. :)
Easy to look it up with a search on the web.

Who have they been convicted by? Yep that's right the states. The state has no business turning anything over to the feds about me.

You people kill me first you want state rights then you don't.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.

Then you let the states deal with it. Federal Government has no right to know everything about every citizen. If you don't see what's slowly happening in this country then there is no hope for you.
I am happy what's happening. The federal government DOES have the right especially when people are illegally voting in NATIONAL elections.
Dont you want smaller less invasive government?

I see a problem here, they don't know what the fuck they want. Seems to me they all have a little bit of SYBIL in them.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.

Never mind all of the people that's been convicted of voter fraud over the last few years and sent to jail. :)
Easy to look it up with a search on the web.

Who have they been convicted by? Yep that's right the states. The state has no business turning anything over to the feds about me.

You people kill me first you want state rights then you don't.

You do understand that the information is publicly available don't you? You can go down and get copies of the voter rolls. Anyone can. Every candidate in the state does it. So why not provide it when they'll get it Monday Morning anyway?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He might find that T lost MI, since so many ballots were unreadable. Be careful what you ask for, but then again its a Pub , and Trump lover that is going to decipher them.

You Pubs are crooks and scam artists.

So you telling us you don't know how to vote?


Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
North Carolina
New Mexico
New York
Oklahoma's SOS is a mexican
Rhode Island
Wisconsin ALL have democrap SOS aka the party that NEEDS illegals to vote to win elections so no surprise.
Time for a little arm twisting :) Maybe some hacking to get the information. Plus this will play VERY WELL for the midterms...LOOK PEOPLE! THE DEMOCRATS REFUSE TO HELP AN INVESTIGATION INTO VOTE FRAUD!

It also includes states like South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah and Mississippi which are Republican states. So who cares what the Oklahoma SOS's nationality is except to bigots like you.

There is no evidence of voter fraud except in Trump and his supporters. minds. This is the biggest witch hunt in history. Just because a state votes a way you don't like it does not make it fraud.
Oh it matters to smart people who know a man's race may prevent him from doing his job properly because it being the southwest its mostly illegal mexicans that would be voting. Oh and I didn't count how many states have a republican SOS but democrap governors. Virginia might change soon as there are new elections in November but doubt the cuckservative republican will win and here in NC well we are about to kick our negress SOS to the curb for illegal acts :). Oh and the ONLY reason there is no evidence yet is because you whiny little bitches keep obstructing it but that just plays right into our hands! Plays great to the electorate for next years elections by showing how much you democraps obstruct justice.

Who's the whiny little bitch? Who doesn't want the government in their life? I think you better do some research and see what the feds want them to release about you. I know they already have it, they only want to see who you voted for and it's not of their goddamn business. You ever heard of a secret ballot?

Aren't you the one that was whining about your medicaid a couple weeks ago?
Let them know. I don't give a crap. State government already does know who I voted for etc.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.

Never mind all of the people that's been convicted of voter fraud over the last few years and sent to jail. :)
Easy to look it up with a search on the web.

Who have they been convicted by? Yep that's right the states. The state has no business turning anything over to the feds about me.

You people kill me first you want state rights then you don't.

You do understand that the information is publicly available don't you? You can go down and get copies of the voter rolls. Anyone can. Every candidate in the state does it. So why not provide it when they'll get it Monday Morning anyway?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yes, I know that but you can't see my social, who I voted for and my draft status to name a few they're looking at.

Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
Gee I wonder why he's asking for this? I mean I've only been posting about voter fraud since the election process began in 2016. From the onset and seeing Obama loosen border controls, advocating no ID would be required, implementing his infamous catch and release law, and so called sanctuary cities were obviously harboring and nurturing Illegals just for their votes, I knew the fix was in.

The fact that Donald still won irregardless of those facts is testament as to how popular he was and how many actual AMERICANS hated the Hildebeast. So if truth be known, Hillary didn't come anywhere close to obtaining the popular vote either when considering all the election fraud of millions of illegals who were allowed to vote.

Obama reinstates ‘catch-and-release’ policy for illegal immigrants

Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election

Surge of migrants illegally crossing U.S.-Mexico border ahead of election


'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home


Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud



Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
North Carolina
New Mexico
New York
Oklahoma's SOS is a mexican
Rhode Island
Wisconsin ALL have democrap SOS aka the party that NEEDS illegals to vote to win elections so no surprise.
Time for a little arm twisting :) Maybe some hacking to get the information. Plus this will play VERY WELL for the midterms...LOOK PEOPLE! THE DEMOCRATS REFUSE TO HELP AN INVESTIGATION INTO VOTE FRAUD!

It also includes states like South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah and Mississippi which are Republican states. So who cares what the Oklahoma SOS's nationality is except to bigots like you.

There is no evidence of voter fraud except in Trump and his supporters. minds. This is the biggest witch hunt in history. Just because a state votes a way you don't like it does not make it fraud.
Oh it matters to smart people who know a man's race may prevent him from doing his job properly because it being the southwest its mostly illegal mexicans that would be voting. Oh and I didn't count how many states have a republican SOS but democrap governors. Virginia might change soon as there are new elections in November but doubt the cuckservative republican will win and here in NC well we are about to kick our negress SOS to the curb for illegal acts :). Oh and the ONLY reason there is no evidence yet is because you whiny little bitches keep obstructing it but that just plays right into our hands! Plays great to the electorate for next years elections by showing how much you democraps obstruct justice.

Who's the whiny little bitch? Who doesn't want the government in their life? I think you better do some research and see what the feds want them to release about you. I know they already have it, they only want to see who you voted for and it's not of their goddamn business. You ever heard of a secret ballot?

Aren't you the one that was whining about your medicaid a couple weeks ago?

Who's the whiny little bitch? Who doesn't want the government in their life

Just for basic needs..other then that get the government out of my life


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