3 Reasons Trump’s Parson of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Awesome

The "essence' of Arpaio's pardon....



NO, no........I agree......ALL of you racists (including Trump) MUST stick together and both defend and UPHOLD your right to be racists.........
Mexicans come in all races, shapes, sizes, and colors. Why is this about race and NOT about a FOREIGN NATION allowing its citizens to violate U.S. (Texas) sovereignty, vote in U.S. (Texas) elections, and fuck up U.S. (Texas) schools?
Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it.

BTW, as I stated in another post, I am GLAD that Trump pardoned the old racist.....Open up those "closets" and lets see who is who in support for white supremacist causes.

Where exactly do you see a white supremacist bent in the good sheriff? Please point it out to us, the open support for white Power guys? Or are you speaking from your pussy again?
NO, no........I agree......ALL of you racists (including Trump) MUST stick together and both defend and UPHOLD your right to be racists.........
Mexicans come in all races, shapes, sizes, and colors. Why is this about race and NOT about a FOREIGN NATION allowing its citizens to violate U.S. (Texas) sovereignty, vote in U.S. (Texas) elections, and fuck up U.S. (Texas) schools?

Not only Texas, but California, Arizona and New Mexico to.
A fine example of who comprises the right wing horde.........Be proud of this idiot,right wingers....LOL
You're assuming this has ANYTHING to do with RACE. Mexico is a country that is invading my state and the guys that are supposed to do something about that (U.S. Government) have willfully encouraged it, motherfucker. THAT is TREASON!!!!
Mexicans come in all races, shapes, sizes, and colors. Why is this about race and NOT about a FOREIGN NATION allowing its citizens to violate U.S. (Texas) sovereignty, vote in U.S. (Texas) elections, and fuck up U.S. (Texas) schools?

Tell you what....Convince your orange clown to declare WAR on Mexico........LOL

(BY the way, fuck head.........this thread is about Arpaio and the KKK....NOT about your racism against Mexicans.)
I honestly support war with Mexico. They are out of control. We can beat the shit out of the cartels for them after we destroy their worthless, corrupt government.
Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it. Elections have consequences, in this case Trump put a boot up the ass of the liberal witch hunt traitors.
Yes...he was pardoned...which means that it is confirmed that he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with.
You're assuming this has ANYTHING to do with RACE. Mexico is a country that is invading my state and the guys that are supposed to do something about that (U.S. Government) have willfully encouraged it, motherfucker. THAT is TREASON!!!!

Well, had you graduated from junior high.....you'd know that the U.S. invaded Mexican territory and THAT is how your sorry ass happened to be born in "your" state.......LOL
Arpaio is a member of the KKK? Got a link....FUCK HEAD?

Probably.......let me remind you ....from the original post..

In 2007, during an interview, Arpaio openly stated that it was an "honor" for his department to be compared to the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist terrorist organization...
Yes...he was pardoned...which means that it is confirmed that he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with.
Guilty of disobeying a corrupt court, who ordered him to allow Arizona to be slowly destroyed and to stop doing the Federal Government's job it refused to do.
In 2007, during an interview, Arpaio openly stated that it was an "honor" for his department to be compared to the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist terrorist organization...
Don't just tell me what some article in 2007 may have stated. I want to see the article, the context, the meaning behind the alleged statement. You may be a dumb ass to believe the bullshit you read, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should.

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