3 Reasons Trump’s Parson of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Awesome

Arpiao illegally detained people based on race instead of citizenship....
That is not true.

If they could not produce proper documentation, they were detained. That the majority were Latinos is irrelevant.

They should not have been stopped in the first place. They were not charged with anything. You cannot pull someone off the street and demand their papers.

I'm afraid that Jake and his ilk have hit on a winning campaign theme for his Democrats for 2018 and beyond: People who don't agree with us are Nazis, Vote Democrat!

Vlad might get to sit it out if they go with that
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .
Well sure he is. The congress already had a law that someone entering our country illegally is a criminal. He arrested illegals! The fed judge violated the rule of law passed by congress the lawmakers. Fk him the judge

He was not empowered to violate people's 4th Amendment rights. Maybe you don't believe in the Constitution but some of us do. You are nothing but a jack booted thug.
illegals are not part of the 4th amendment. And they are criminals because they violated our constitution and laws, he is a sheriff sworn to uphold our laws, not illegals. try again. what a wimp ass.

You are right. I am not a jack booted thug. The Constitution protects everyone in this country. The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement cannot ask for their immigration status unless they are stopped for a crime. These people were not stopped for a crime. They were stopped. You are a enemy of this country because you refuse to accept the Constitution that protects all.
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .
Well sure he is. The congress already had a law that someone entering our country illegally is a criminal. He arrested illegals! The fed judge violated the rule of law passed by congress the lawmakers. Fk him the judge

He was not empowered to violate people's 4th Amendment rights. Maybe you don't believe in the Constitution but some of us do. You are nothing but a jack booted thug.
illegals are not part of the 4th amendment. And they are criminals because they violated our constitution and laws, he is a sheriff sworn to uphold our laws, not illegals. try again. what a wimp ass.

You are right. I am not a jack booted thug. The Constitution protects everyone in this country. The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement cannot ask for their immigration status unless they are stopped for a crime. These people were not stopped for a crime. They were stopped. You are a enemy of this country because you refuse to accept the Constitution that protects all.
How do you know there was no crime? being in the country is illegal. so you're saying as they cross into the country, border security is not allowed to question their reason for being on our land? why have a customs or border security into the country then? been through an airport where you have to show passports? every fking country has them. there is no crime or deportation if caught with no papers? When there is a police checkpoint, is that not allowed? cops do it routinely, how is it they can pull over every car and check people out? me thinks you don't know our constitution.
  1. He ran a jail he described as a “concentration camp.” - Not racism. He ran it that way to make people not want to come back. I have seen detailed documentaries about it.
  2. Prisoners in his jails died frequently, often without explanation. - not racism. You want to call him incompetent, fine. But, not racist.
  3. An inmate who was paraplegic and asked for a catheter almost had his neck broken by one of his jailers. - Not racism, again. Maybe a cause for an ADA claim, but not racism.
  4. He botched hundreds of sex-crime cases of underage girls—oh, and ... one of his “sheriff’s posse” was indicted for child pornography. - again. Not racism.
  5. He marched only Latinx prisoners into a segregated area with electric fencing. - All Latinos? Or just people who could not provide documentation? Were any Latinos left with the general population?
  6. A black woman horrifically lost her baby in his jail. - That racist motherfucker. I bet he went in there and kicked her in the stomach to lynch that black baby before it could even be born. What an animal.
  7. A prisoner baked to death in his cell at a temperature of 109 degrees. - Racism
  8. He sent a deputy to Hawaii to “look for Barack Obama’s birth certificate.” - Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign didn't start this birther shit. But they used the fuck out of it. Is Hillary racist?
  9. He was ordered to pay the Phoenix New Times co-founders $3.75 million dollars for false arrests. - Were they racist arrests?
  10. His people killed a puppy in a botched SWAT raid. - Oh, how EVIL. Arpaio hates puppies. :lol:
Sure you can........If you were living in Berlin in the late 1930s you could.....
I agree that if Arpaio did that, he should be in jail. Let's make that clear right now.

But that was NOT the allegation. They would have had a really good civil rights action against him if that had been the case. In fact, it appears that he made sure that his deputies had probable cause to stop and detain. Local law enforcement is supposed to hold illegals long enough for ICE to take them into custody. He was basically doing his job and the Obama administration didn't like it.
Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it. Elections have consequences, in this case Trump put a boot up the ass of the liberal witch hunt traitors.
Yes...he was pardoned...which means that it is confirmed that he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with.

And they were ?
Whatever he was convicted of......here: Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt

President Trump should issue a blanket pardon for contempt of liberals and their operatives in the courts.
The author admits he’s no fan of the sheriff, calling him a grandstander. But his reasoning is right on the spot.

1. Sheriff Joe Is Guilty Only of Upholding the Law

2. Sheriff Joe Was Denied a Jury Trial [Doesn’t the constitution guarantee everyone a trial by a jury of ones’ peers?]

3. All The Right People Are Furious Over Trump’s Pardon

The 3rd one is my favorite. With so many leftists outraged, it has to have been the right thing to do.

Full piece @ Nolte: 3 Reasons Trump's Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Awesome

John Nolte is awesome.....Do you follow his work?
Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it. Elections have consequences, in this case Trump put a boot up the ass of the liberal witch hunt traitors.

He put the boot into the ass of people who believe in the Constitution. You are the traitor as you have no regard for Constitutional protections. You are a enemy of this country as is Trump.

The Constitution gives Trump the power to pardon idiot, who educates these libs ^^^ ?
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .

Twit....the power to pardon is part of the rule of law........it can't be disrespectful if it is used as intended.....
People who are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws are racist.

People who refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country are racist

People who do not accept that America is an English speaking country are racist

People who block Voter ID laws so that illegals can erase the votes of American citizens are racist

Democrats are
Besides the obvious fact that you cannot define racism, those who break the law are criminals. Arpiao is a criminal.
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .

Twit....the power to pardon is part of the rule of law........it can't be disrespectful if it is used as intended.....

The left have accidently on purpose forgotten the scum Bill Clinton pardoned.
But, your constant lying has robbed you of all credibility.

I don't care what you "conclude" about MY credibility.......Worry about your racist Trump.

It is not what I think, everyone knows it, including you.

It is obvious from your behavior, that like most liberals, you have no respect for your credibility, or the truth, or even your own self image.
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .
Well sure he is. The congress already had a law that someone entering our country illegally is a criminal. He arrested illegals! The fed judge violated the rule of law passed by congress the lawmakers. Fk him the judge

He was not empowered to violate people's 4th Amendment rights. Maybe you don't believe in the Constitution but some of us do. You are nothing but a jack booted thug.
illegals are not part of the 4th amendment. And they are criminals because they violated our constitution and laws, he is a sheriff sworn to uphold our laws, not illegals. try again. what a wimp ass.

You are right. I am not a jack booted thug. The Constitution protects everyone in this country. The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement cannot ask for their immigration status unless they are stopped for a crime. These people were not stopped for a crime. They were stopped. You are a enemy of this country because you refuse to accept the Constitution that protects all.
How do you know there was no crime? being in the country is illegal. so you're saying as they cross into the country, border security is not allowed to question their reason for being on our land? why have a customs or border security into the country then? been through an airport where you have to show passports? every fking country has them. there is no crime or deportation if caught with no papers? When there is a police checkpoint, is that not allowed? cops do it routinely, how is it they can pull over every car and check people out? me thinks you don't know our constitution.

Me thinks you don't know our constitution. There has to be probable cause before someone can be asked for their immigration status. You cannot pull someone walking down the street aside and asking for their immigration status. Even real conservatives agree that Arpaio violated their 4th Amendment rights.

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