3 Reasons Trump’s Parson of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Awesome

Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it. Elections have consequences, in this case Trump put a boot up the ass of the liberal witch hunt traitors.
Yes...he was pardoned...which means that it is confirmed that he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with.

And they were ?
Whatever he was convicted of......here: Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt

Yeah, that's the same charge they give you for not taking your hat off in court or getting busted playing candy crush on your phone.
Don't just tell me what some article in 2007 may have stated. I want to see the article, the context, the meaning behind the alleged statement. You may be a dumb ass to believe the bullshit you read, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should.

Well,do YOUR OWN research .....That way you'll be just a bit LESS ignorant.......LOL
Let me sum up the entire leftist strategy:

against illegal immigration. = Racist
for voter I.D. = Racist
for a wall = Racist
against amnesty - Racist
for controls on legal immigration that benefits the U.S. - Racist
against a minimum wage hike - Racist
against socialist bullshit - Racist
against communist revolution - Racist
against own imprisonment - Racist
against complete reorganization of society - Racist

It's raining outside - Racist
Somebody rear-ended my car = Racist

I'm of European decent = Racist

I have a job = Racist

I speak English = Racist
Usually a pardon is granted by the president AFTER a thorough background investigation is implemented by a special office WITHIN the DOJ.......even "recovering" racist Sessions knew this.....

But, the orange charlatan wanted to please the horde of slightly white supremacist base with something they could cheer the low-self-esteemed Trump.

Had a more thorough investigation been done, EVEN Trump would have had a hard time explaining this.

In 2007, during an interview, Arpaio openly stated that it was an "honor" for his department to be compared to the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist terrorist organization.
This very minor pardon has you all worked up doesn't it? Jughead released hundreds of murdering terrorists, and not a word from you. This makes your 4th or 5th cry for help on this trivial matter. Trump made the right decision, again.

"Well you know. They call you KKK. They did me. I think it's an honor. It means were doing something."

You are a fucking dumbass.

against illegal immigration. = Racist
for voter I.D. = Racist
for a wall = Racist
against amnesty - Racist
for controls on legal immigration that benefits the U.S. - Racist
against a minimum wage hike - Racist
against socialist bullshit - Racist
against communist revolution - Racist
against own imprisonment - Racist
against complete reorganization of society - Racist

It's raining outside - Racist
Somebody rear-ended my car = Racist

I'm of European decent = Racist

I have a job = Racist

I speak English = Racist
It shows no respect for the rule of law .

Joe is not a judge. It's not his role to be the arbiter of what is lawful . He was accused and found in contempt . If he doesn't like it, there's an appeal process .
Well sure he is. The congress already had a law that someone entering our country illegally is a criminal. He arrested illegals! The fed judge violated the rule of law passed by congress the lawmakers. Fk him the judge

He was not empowered to violate people's 4th Amendment rights. Maybe you don't believe in the Constitution but some of us do. You are nothing but a jack booted thug.
illegals are not part of the 4th amendment. And they are criminals because they violated our constitution and laws, he is a sheriff sworn to uphold our laws, not illegals. try again. what a wimp ass.
Arpaio has been pardoned, suck it. Elections have consequences, in this case Trump put a boot up the ass of the liberal witch hunt traitors.

NO, no........I agree......ALL of you racists (including Trump) MUST stick together and both defend and UPHOLD your right to be racists.........

Jake, I think you hit on a campaign theme for Dems and your ilk in 2018 and beyond: if you don't vote for us, you're a Racist, Nazi, KKK member.

I'm not sure it helps you defeat Putin's Vote Flipping Mind Control Array, but it's worth a shot

But, right wingers....THANKS for the thread's bump......
I noticed that NONE of you idiots commented on the Arpaio KKK videotape......I wonder why? LOL

But, right wingers....THANKS for the thread's bump......
I noticed that NONE of you idiots commented on the Arpaio KKK videotape......I wonder why? LOL


I've never seen it... anyway, the man was pardoned for a misdemeanor.... many other POTUS' have pardoned hard core felons; like Obama. Did you soil your panties over that?

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