Zone1 5% percenters say God is Black!

Why should God be limited to black? God is any color he wants to be in the moment.

God can be George Burns or Morgan Freeman or both at the same time if he chooses to do so.
Kind of interesting that black is no color and white is all colors. God is Spirit, so to the human eye, no discernable color?
Evolution. Due to natural selection, people who lived in areas of intense sunlight developed dark skin colouration to protect against ultraviolet (UV) light, mainly to protect their body from folate depletion. Evolutionary pigmentation of the skin was caused by ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
Wikipedia,Evolution,ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
So, is God's skin in need of Sun protection? Which sun? Thus, I would have to conclude God the Father and God the Son are very white skinned resurrected individual personages. And, that all people are made in the image of the Father God of all skin colors. Same is true with Adam and Eve. While created in the Garden of Eden, their bodies were not subject to the sun's rays and thus their skins were white as snow. Once fallen, their children from generation to generation in areas of intense sun rays saw their skin turn darker and darker.


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John 4:24. God is Spirit. Invisible.
How do you know Spirit bodies are invisible? I'm sure to each other, spirits are quite visible. By the way, that is a mistranslation. It should be God is spiritual. Two of the Godhead, the Father and Son are resurrected beings of body and spirit. Quite visible in Heaven. See, we have a veil covering our minds so we are unable to see them unless they remove our veils and reveal themselves to us.
god is everything.

& doesn't care if it's spelled with a capital ' g ' or not.

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