5 Reasons why blacks should vote for the Republican party.

1) Black Americans have been voting for the Democrats en masse for almost 40 years. What do they have to show for it economically? Here's what they have to show for it: In 2009, the average net worth for white households was $113,149 and $5,700 for black households. Great job, Democratic Party!

2) As long as black Americans vote monolithically for the Democratic Party, they will always be treated like dirt. There's never any question which party black Americans are voting for. The only real question is turnout

3) Black Americans are thriving in today's Republican Party.

4) Black Americans are not as liberal as their voting records seem to show.Many black Americans actually see eye-to-eye with Republicans on manysocial issues including abortion, gay marriage, and being friendly to Christianity. Many black Americans also agree with the conservative stance on illegal immigration, school choice, being tough on crime, and supporting entrepreneurs -- and no wonder. For a lot of black Americans, a vote for the Democratic Party is a vote to lose their job to an illegal alien, trap their kids in a lousy school, and get criminals released back into their neighborhood.

Even someone like Louis Farrakhan, who has campaigned for numerous Democrats over the years, is in favor of corporal punishment, building small businesses, and he believes that welfare is a trap that keeps black Americans mired in poverty. Incidentally -- it is.

When black Americans stop buying the phony baloney "He's a racist" line that Democrats peddle in every election and start genuinely considering Republican candidates on the issues, suddenly both parties will start giving black Americans the attention they deserve.

5) What has the Democratic Party's "help" over the last 40 years achieved for black Americans? The Democratic Party's line is that black Americans need their "help" to get by in a racist world. Here's an alternate theory: Buying into the Democratic Party's philosophy and accepting "help" has been one of the biggest reasons that black Americans lag behind white Americans. Black males are 6 times as likely to be in prison as white males and black Americans make up 49% of the homicide victims in America. 71.6% of all black Americans are born out of wedlock and black Americans are almost twice as likely to drop out of high school as white Americans, both of which help explain why the black poverty rate is almost 2 1/2 times the white poverty rate.
6} black like getting shot at and hung by racist whites
conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.

There u go . Thanks for proving my point .

The GOP thinks they are infallible . It's everyone else's fault. , never theirs .
conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.

There u go . Thanks for proving my point .

The GOP thinks they are infallible . It's everyone else's fault. , never theirs .

The only point you have is on your head. All you do is come here and spew Huffpo BS, everyone recognizes it, dork
conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.
Carson and thomas aren't on the plantation ,,either are numerous other blacks All because of the dem party
KMI lol
This topic is about race...blaming others for the OP is goofy
OIC... so whenever the topic of race is raised one must start slinging around accusations of racism, well that certainly explains why race relations in the U.S. are so fucking stellar. :rolleyes:

The OP brought up race and you blamed someone else for playing the race card. The OP is the race card.
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
This topic is about race...blaming others for the OP is goofy
OIC... so whenever the topic of race is raised one must start slinging around accusations of racism, well that certainly explains why race relations in the U.S. are so fucking stellar. :rolleyes:

The OP brought up race and you blamed someone else for playing the race card. The OP is the race card.
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
You are a moron.
Thread title; 5 reason why blacks should vote for the republican party.

what does skin color have to do with it? Are you a racist or something?

You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
"why should I vote for an all white party" is what I was responding to...

Not the black part then? You're only upset about race when referring to whites huh. Too dam funny
You always hear "color don't matter" then you see shit like that. I just made a comment off of what is going on around me. Im not sorry if you didn't like it.

Nice word salad.
This topic is about race...blaming others for the OP is goofy
OIC... so whenever the topic of race is raised one must start slinging around accusations of racism, well that certainly explains why race relations in the U.S. are so fucking stellar. :rolleyes:

The OP brought up race and you blamed someone else for playing the race card. The OP is the race card.
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
You are a moron.

Thats it, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Accept that you cant explain yourself and go from there
Condi Rice, Mia Love, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Benjamin Hooks, J C Watts, Allen West, Herman Cain......

Half the people you mentioned have never been elected to any office.

Democrats had more African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since the end of Reconstruction.

The argument that Blacks should vote for republicans is just silly.

They are still conservatives....dumbass. You're not very good at this are you?

So? Those people are not reasons to vote for Republicans. Put down those goalposts and stick with one excus....err reason.
When the Negro voted Reagan they went to work.
When the Negro voted Clinton they went to prison.

The Reagan years crushed the black community. You'd have a better chance trying to sell pussy at a NAMBLA convention than to get anyone to believe the RayGun era was good for blacks lol

Was Ronald Reagan's record on black unemployment better than Barack Obama's?

BUSH did better for the Negro
Unemployment. The average Black unemployment under President Bush was 10 percent. The average under President Obama after six years is 14 percent. Black unemployment, “has always been double” [that of Whites] but it hasn’t always been 14 percent. The administration was silent when Black unemployment hit 16 percent – a 27-year high – in late 2011.

conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.
Carson and thomas aren't on the plantation ,,either are numerous other blacks All because of the dem party
KMI lol

KMI....bought and sold last week for a 12K profit, bought back today on the drop.....LOL You're a fucking fraud fool

Eddie doesn't know what swing trading is but has millions in holdings? ROFLMFAO
Should anyone vote republican right now? Most their policies are failures and the party is imploding.
Thread title; 5 reason why blacks should vote for the republican party.

what does skin color have to do with it? Are you a racist or something?

You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
"why should I vote for an all white party" is what I was responding to...

Not the black part then? You're only upset about race when referring to whites huh. Too dam funny
You always hear "color don't matter" then you see shit like that. I just made a comment off of what is going on around me. Im not sorry if you didn't like it.

Nice word salad.
cliché response
conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.

There u go . Thanks for proving my point .

The GOP thinks they are infallible . It's everyone else's fault. , never theirs .

The only point you have is on your head. All you do is come here and spew Huffpo BS, everyone recognizes it, dork

I don't read huff po. I make up my own mind.

Name calling only confirms I am right .
conservatives don't realize that they repel blacks , and pretty much all minorities, from joining the GOP. I'll sum it up for you.....racism is a deal breaker for minorities .

For example, conservatives love to say that blacks are bought off/dependent by the dems . Translation: " all blacks are on welfare". They don't realize that's offensive ??!

Cons also love to point out the bad in the dem party as a reason to join the GOP . Lol, that's like saying "don't vote for Stalin, you should be voting for hitler!"

And the blacks haven't figured out the Dems still keep them on the plantation.
Carson and thomas aren't on the plantation ,,either are numerous other blacks All because of the dem party
KMI lol

KMI....bought and sold last week for a 12K profit, bought back today on the drop.....LOL You're a fucking fraud fool

Eddie doesn't know what swing trading is but has millions in holdings? ROFLMFAO
LOL you sold too low and like the scared rabbit you are never get back in Who are you trying to bs??
OIC... so whenever the topic of race is raised one must start slinging around accusations of racism, well that certainly explains why race relations in the U.S. are so fucking stellar. :rolleyes:

The OP brought up race and you blamed someone else for playing the race card. The OP is the race card.
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
You are a moron.

Thats it, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Accept that you cant explain yourself and go from there
there is a difference between discussing race and acting racist. Ignorant fuckin tool. THIS is what nightfox meant.
3) Black Americans are thriving in today's Republican Party.

Really? What sort of special treatment do Blacks get by being a Republican?
Special treatment?
This is why I wouldnt vote for the left if I was black. They give you special shit like they think you are fuckin helpless or something.

The OP says blacks are thriving in the Republican party. That's gibberish.

What the hell is this shit you mean to tell me their has only been 9 black US senators ever?????

Only 9 out of 1,963 and Tim Scott of South Carolina was one of the last?

Yea I see the blacks thriving in the Democrat party, Obama was just a Damn experiment by you guys.

A frickin novelty ...

I called and asked my one and only long term black friend if he would consider voting republican.

He wanted to know why he should even consider that.

I told him that the dems still had him on a plantation.

He told me I was full of shit and wanted to know what was wrong with me.

I told him it was something I read on line. He laughed. He doesn't know any friends or family who vote republican.

He's a good friend. Smart too.
The OP brought up race and you blamed someone else for playing the race card. The OP is the race card.
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
You are a moron.

Thats it, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Accept that you cant explain yourself and go from there
there is a difference between discussing race and acting racist. Ignorant fuckin tool. THIS is what nightfox meant.

Yes there is a difference, one you cant seem to explain but instead repeat over and over as if declaration means its real
do you know the difference between race and racist? Dumbfuck

You didnt make a point there skippy. The OP brought up race and then you tried to act offended by someone bringing up whites and called it the "race card".

You dont make sense
You are a moron.

Thats it, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Accept that you cant explain yourself and go from there
there is a difference between discussing race and acting racist. Ignorant fuckin tool. THIS is what nightfox meant.

Yes there is a difference, one you cant seem to explain but instead repeat over and over as if declaration means its real

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