$8 Trillion In Four Years

It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

And here we have an example of what were just discussing.

I supported you in your comments about Trumps deficits.

I've been disgusted with congress & presidents ever since Clinton left office.

We were almost budget balanced and almost debt free.

Now we are fucked.

The worst culprit......the moron, non-conservative Bush43.

But about 1/2 of that 8 trillion is associated with the pandemic. Something that Trump trump didn't control.

I watched John Oliver shit his pants last night about COVID and he was about 90% wrong in his emphasis.

We never needed to lockdown.

I give Trump negative credit for 4 trillion. The rest I associate with assholes like the bitch in Michigan.
Trump allowed the coronavirus to run rampant, so he owns the cost of that mistake.

We all know you'd attach ownership if it had been a Democrat.

Trump was well on his way to shattering Obama's record, with or without a pandemic.

Bullshit. He owns nothing of that.

Most of the early deaths were in the N.E. Lots of Mountain West states really never shut down and had no issues.

Blaming it on Trump is a left wing wet dream.
As I said, if Trump was a Democrat, you'd be blaming him day and night. The stench of your hypocrisy is very ripe.

See my signature.
You're a dishonest asshole. He does blame him! OMG!
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?
Trump allowed the coronavirus to run rampant, so he owns the cost of that mistake.

(Here's where we discovery your authoritarian statist side)
Everyone knows how. He blew it off. He called it a hoax. He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April. He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring. He was totally asleep at the switch.

He owns every penny of that negligence.
Oh getting weepy again, and I have to remind you of your Dem governor's incompetence since we are having a blame pity party.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

And here we have an example of what were just discussing.

I supported you in your comments about Trumps deficits.

I've been disgusted with congress & presidents ever since Clinton left office.

We were almost budget balanced and almost debt free.

Now we are fucked.

The worst culprit......the moron, non-conservative Bush43.

But about 1/2 of that 8 trillion is associated with the pandemic. Something that Trump trump didn't control.

I watched John Oliver shit his pants last night about COVID and he was about 90% wrong in his emphasis.

We never needed to lockdown.

I give Trump negative credit for 4 trillion. The rest I associate with assholes like the bitch in Michigan.
Trump allowed the coronavirus to run rampant, so he owns the cost of that mistake.

We all know you'd attach ownership if it had been a Democrat.

Trump was well on his way to shattering Obama's record, with or without a pandemic.

Bullshit. He owns nothing of that.

Most of the early deaths were in the N.E. Lots of Mountain West states really never shut down and had no issues.

Blaming it on Trump is a left wing wet dream.
As I said, if Trump was a Democrat, you'd be blaming him day and night. The stench of your hypocrisy is very ripe.

See my signature.

Maybe, you missed the part where I said....at the end of Clinton...we were almost there.

But Clinton was a republ......oh wait.

And I throw a lot of blame at Bush43 (and the associated GOP assholes in congress).

Go fuck yourself.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

Obammy did worse in his first term whiner.
Nope. Not even close. You can't just make shit up, rube.

Obama more than halved the federal deficit during his tenure. Trump doubled it in his first two years.
The Muslim in Chief was in office 8 years though.
Yes, it took Obama 8 years to run up $8 trillion of debt. It took Trump half that time.

All caught up now?
Yes, it took Obama 8 years to run up $8 trillion of debt.

$9.3 trillion.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.
careful g5000 is a sissy who puts those who disagree with him on ignore.
Congress has not helped things.
This is why I can't hang it all on Trump. It pissed me off that he didn't just play hardball, but they were holding military pay hostage.

If he were to do it again, I bet he would hold his pen a bit longer this time.

I agree.

Trump isn't a great guy. If he bought the house next to me, I'd sell mine.

But he did the job I wanted him to do and things were O.K.

I agree he was stupid on debt.

Of course, I want to give AOC full reigns to spend money.......we'd be fucked in a week.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.
careful g5000 is a sissy who puts those who disagree with him on ignore.

Like I give a fuck if he lives or dies ?
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.

Trump's stock and trade is fearmongering. It's all he does.

So for him to claim AFTER THE FACT that he was trying not to frighten people is pure horseshit.

He bungled it. He is a disgrace. A total disaster.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.
careful g5000 is a sissy who puts those who disagree with him on ignore.

Like I give a fuck if he lives or dies ?
Love it and don't leave this board. Marc_ATL is a loser.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.

Trump's stock and trade is fearmongering. It's all he does.

So for him to claim AFTER THE FACT that he was trying not to frighten people is pure horseshit.

He bungled it. He is a disgrace. A total disaster.
Sort of reminds me of you as a poster on here. You add zero to this board.
He blew it off.
Shut down travel from China in January.
He called it a hoax.
You're taking that Democrat out-of-context talking point as fact. Go read what he actually said.
He pretended it would magically go away all by itself in April.
He went golfing and to rallies while the death count was soaring.
Ask Cuomo in April what he did for hard-hit NY.
He was totally asleep at the switch.
What switch? Be specific. What did he NOT do that he could have or should have done?
He owns every penny of that negligence.
What about China?

It's all horseshit.

This country surged (like sweden) because we killed elderly (like sweden) and people are pretty fed up.

I've heard the term covid-fatigue.

I understand what Trump was doing. He could have done better.

He also could have had a congress that wasn't impeaching him and a congress that was more cooperative than interested in party over country.

When Trump said open by Easter....he was showing some grit. Trying to buck people up.

Morons like g5000 just shit their pants and hated on him more.

Fuck 'em.

Trump's stock and trade is fearmongering. It's all he does.

So for him to claim AFTER THE FACT that he was trying not to frighten people is pure horseshit.

He bungled it. He is a disgrace. A total disaster.
Waah waah waah professional whiners who come up with a man in a diaper who can't speak, total hypocrite.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

Just wait for Biden's Green New Deal estimated at 100 Trillion.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

Just wait for Biden's Green New Deal estimated at 100 Trillion.
Oh he will spend that much wiping out the killer lefty zombievirus that is as dangerous as the flu.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

Just wait for Biden's Green New Deal estimated at 100 Trillion.
More diversionary misdirection horseshit to deflect from Trump's colossal spending.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!"
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

Just wait for Biden's Green New Deal estimated at 100 Trillion.
More diversionary misdirection horseshit to deflect from Trump's colossal spending.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!"
We aren't the ones whining all the time doof, its you.
It took Donald Trump only four years to run up $8 trillion in debt. Half the time it took Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. The man hates being second to anyone.

On 20 January 2017, the date of the president's inauguration, the total outstanding public debt was $19.95tn (£15.2tn).

And the fuckin' COVID had NOTHING to do with that?

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