911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

Have to ask why faking a foreign terror attack bringing down a rather important structures in NYC was more worthwhile than just faking a US citizen abduction, making a video of their execution, then going on air every day and night for weeks speculating about how she was raped and tortured...;)

I suppose that's really a question of the perspectives of various dirtbags, whose viewpoints aren't individually or collectively as worthy of intelligent consideration as the wad of soiled toilet paper I flushed after my morning dump a little while ago...
You're a fucking nut. :cuckoo: The fact that you defend your hallucinations with such furor reveals that as well as revealing a common psychosis which appears common among you twoofers -- the need the twist reality into your distorted world view to accommodate the conspiracy you've married....

Projecting much? :laugh:

Speaking of perfect examples of twisted realities...

Faun said:
...Here's a perfect example. In your world, aluminum can't glow when heated enough. ...

Again, it's not a matter of incandescence; it's a matter of color, more specifically that which may or may not be attainable under very specific conditions (E.G. pouring down 80-some stories in both open air and broad daylight). Now pay close attention, Faun: I don't deny that molten aluminum can glow, nor do I deny that it can apparently do so with red hot intensity under certain conditions. What I deny is that those conditions could have been present as whatever we saw was pouring out into the open air outside of the south tower on 9/11/01.

Faun said:
...You must believe that and defend that at all costs (even at the cost of your sanity) because your goal is to remain faithful to your idiotic notion that the molten metal seen pouring out of the tower cannot possibly be aluminum. Even when shown an example of molten aluminum glowing red hot, your instincts kick in, block all abilities at sound reasoning and logic, and spit forth a string of empty and worthless denials. All key, mind you, to being the quintessential twoofer (i.e., batshit crazy). ...

Meanwhile, you must continue to misinterpret, distort, and mischaracterize your opponents' statements and views (albeit maybe sometimes subconsciously, as a defense mechanism to safeguard your cherished delusions?), even after the "evidence" you've provided has been exposed as suspect at best. Almost as if the tendency to distort rather than address opposing views were an instinctive behavior commonly triggered with the 'life or death' level of urgency that seems so key to the deep-seated motivations of the quintessential "debwunker" you are (I.E. hopelessly self-deluded on a pathological scale).

Faun said:
...sorry twoofer, your lock step denials fail to alter that video. The molten aluminum seen it is most certainly glowing...

Nor does the accusation of a denial I never made alter the fact that the video was clearly either filmed under intensely reddish-orange lighting (for whatever reasons) or later tampered with by someone with an agenda (possibly the uploader).

In any event, the color on the glowing aluminum that was poured into the molds (I'm talking about that barely perceptible hint of orange from which your entire argument dangles like the last remaining baby tooth in the mouth of a disillusioned 13 year-old) can easily be explained by reflectivity or manipulative deception.

Faun said:
Polly, want a cracker?

What, imitation isn't the sincerest form of flattery? :dunno:

Sorry, I was just trying to be complimentary................

The RJ Lee Group's dust study showed that the WTC dust had a unique signature that was marked primarily by "spherical iron particles", from which it concluded that "[iron had] melted during the WTC Event, producing spherical metallic particles". The study also showed that the iron particulate content of the WTC dust was nearly 150 times greater than normal, and that temperatures "at which lead would have undergone vaporization" had occurred (that's 1,749°C/3,180°F).

The US Geological Survey's WTC dust study independently verified the RJ Lee Group's findings, but further found that molybdenum had melted, which meant that temperatures at ground zero must have reached at least 2,623°C/4,753°F.

Not to mention the study that was carried out by the Harrit Group, my somewhat lengthy defense of which can be found in another thread on this board. ;)

FEMA's infamous chunk of swiss-cheesified steel, a number of fused iron/concrete formations like the so-called 'meteorite', the providentially welded-together cross of iron, the inexplicably non-deformed 'horseshoe', and the 3 independent dust studies mentioned above constitute a body of physical evidence that steel had indeed been melted. Alongside the video documentation that was captured during the clean-up at ground zero and the several highly credible eyewitness accounts of "flowing, dripping, running, pool[ing], molten" metal that was variously described as the sort of thing seen "in a foundry" or in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption ("like lava" and "little rivers of molten steel"), the hard physical evidence that was entirely ignored or outright denied by the NIST group is especially damning.

I just did what the paid trolls here at this site refuse to do.watched those videos,they prove beyond a doubt the government purposely lied and how Robertson who was one of the engineers,quickly changed his story later on as did other officials.the paid shills here such as gomer pyle ollie,faun and dawgshit with his sock puppet say,it can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls hey are.lol
I just did what the paid trolls here at this site refuse to do.watched those videos,they prove beyond a doubt the government purposely lied and how Robertson who was one of the engineers,quickly changed his story later on as did other officials. ...

I think it's worth mentioning that all the notable testimonial flip-flops (from Michael Hess to Les Robertson, ETC.) just happened to swing in favor of the official narrative. Not that any of us should blame them, considering the well-documented persecution of those with the moral fiber and courage to stand their ground (people like Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds, and Barry Jennings). Such patterns abound in the post-9/11 era, regardless of anyone's refusal to see them. ;)
I just did what the paid trolls here at this site refuse to do.watched those videos,they prove beyond a doubt the government purposely lied and how Robertson who was one of the engineers,quickly changed his story later on as did other officials. ...

I think it's worth mentioning that all the notable testimonial flip-flops (from Michael Hess to Les Robertson, ETC.) just happened to swing in favor of the official narrative. Not that any of us should blame them, considering the well-documented persecution of those with the moral fiber and courage to stand their ground (people like Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds, and Barry Jennings). Such patterns abound in the post-9/11 era, regardless of anyone's refusal to see them. ;)

I get the feeling that if 'all the notable testimonial flip-flops' went in favor of your position, you'd hail them as evidence of what you consider the truth. ;)
I get the feeling that if 'all the notable testimonial flip-flops' went in favor of your position, you'd hail them as evidence of what you consider the truth. ;)

I can't speak to that "feeling", Monty. I can, however, assure you that I most certainly would not be hailing the testimonies of flip-floppers as evidence of anything but their lack of credibility. I've never been one to undermine my own intellectual honesty.

We're not talking about minor differences, which could be rationalized as natural lapses of memory ETC.; we're talking about complete reversals of previously documented accounts.
I get the feeling that if 'all the notable testimonial flip-flops' went in favor of your position, you'd hail them as evidence of what you consider the truth. ;)

I can't speak to that "feeling", Monty. I can, however, assure you that I most certainly would not be hailing the testimonies of flip-floppers as evidence of anything but their lack of credibility. I've never been one to undermine my own intellectual honesty.

We're not talking about minor differences, which could be rationalized as natural lapses of memory ETC.; we're talking about complete reversals of previously documented accounts.

monte worships the governments version of events no matter how absurd they are.He worships the versions of what the media and our corrupt government institutions tell him over experts in their fields.lol

He would rather listen to what our corrupt government institutuions tell him about the version of the pentagon that a plane hit that building and did all those incredible manuvers in the air instead of the best expert pilots in the world what THEY have to say.what they have to say means nothing to him.:biggrin:

It means ZERO to him for example that the lady in the air traffic control tower said the air manuvers that were being done by the alleged airliner in the air were so incredible,she thought that it was a jet fighter since a jet fighter would be the only aircraft that could do all those incredible manuvers in the air that were done.not to mention the fact that the best pilots in the world have said THEY could not have pulled off those incredible feats of manuver in the air with a jet airliner that an ALLEGED airliner did.:biggrin::lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

somehow what that lady traffic controller said and what expert pilots from around the world have said,they are not credible people to him,only the LAMESTREAM media and our government are credible to him.:lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::cuckoo:

thats how you know that agents faun,gomer pyle ollie and dawshit-aka sayit,are all indeed paid goverment disinfo agents the fact they constantly come back here everyday for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday.no way would they come back here everyday and make up lies like they do here everyday without getting paid,no way would they do it for free,no way no how.:lmao:

when you bring up those facts to monte,he is left only capable of doing this in reply.:blahblah:

thats why i dont waste my time with him anymore in the conspiracy section.Now the nonsense he talks in the sports section i can put up with and tolerate, but not in the conspiracy section.
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I just did what the paid trolls here at this site refuse to do.watched those videos,they prove beyond a doubt the government purposely lied and how Robertson who was one of the engineers,quickly changed his story later on as did other officials. ...

I think it's worth mentioning that all the notable testimonial flip-flops (from Michael Hess to Les Robertson, ETC.) just happened to swing in favor of the official narrative. Not that any of us should blame them, considering the well-documented persecution of those with the moral fiber and courage to stand their ground (people like Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds, and Barry Jennings). Such patterns abound in the post-9/11 era, regardless of anyone's refusal to see them. ;)

exactly,Barry Jennings paid for it with his life telling the truth about bld 7 and not flip flopping because Bld 7 which is the crux od the 9/11 coverup commission these paid trolls faun,gomer pyle ollie and dawgshit-aka sayit,have never been able to get around.:biggrin: Robertson probabably knew he would end up dying like Jennings did if he did not flip flop.
I get the feeling that if 'all the notable testimonial flip-flops' went in favor of your position, you'd hail them as evidence of what you consider the truth. ;)

I can't speak to that "feeling", Monty. I can, however, assure you that I most certainly would not be hailing the testimonies of flip-floppers as evidence of anything but their lack of credibility. I've never been one to undermine my own intellectual honesty.

We're not talking about minor differences, which could be rationalized as natural lapses of memory ETC.; we're talking about complete reversals of previously documented accounts.

monte worships the governments version of events no matter how absurd they are.He worships the versions of what the media and our corrupt government institutions tell him over experts in their fields.lol

He would rather listen to what our corrupt government institutuions tell him about the version of the pentagon that a plane hit that building and did all those incredible manuvers in the air instead of the best expert pilots in the world what THEY have to say.what they have to say means nothing to him.:biggrin:

It means ZERO to him for example that the lady in the air traffic control tower said the air manuvers that were being done by the alleged airliner in the air were so incredible,she thought that it was a jet fighter since a jet fighter would be the only aircraft that could do all those incredible manuvers in the air that were done.not to mention the fact that the best pilots in the world have said THEY could not have pulled off those incredible feats of manuver in the air with a jet airliner that an ALLEGED airliner did.:biggrin::lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

somehow what that lady traffic controller said and what expert pilots from around the world have said,they are not credible people to him,only the LAMESTREAM media and our government are credible to him.:lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::cuckoo:

thats how you know that agents faun,gomer pyle ollie and dawshit-aka sayit,are all indeed paid goverment disinfo agents the fact they constantly come back here everyday for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday.no way would they come back here everyday and make up lies like they do here everyday without getting paid,no way would they do it for free,no way no how.:lmao:

when you bring up those facts to monte,he is left only capable of doing this in reply.:blahblah:

thats why i dont waste my time with him anymore in the conspiracy section.Now the nonsense he talks in the sports section i can put up with and tolerate, but not in the conspiracy section.

Yeah, I worship the government's version of events. You total nitwit.

Actually, nobody knows the physics of a jet plane colliding with a modern steel/concrete multilevel building until after 9/11. Steel girders melt under a burning gas tanker under steel bridge under a San Francisco bridge. Steel and concrete. And Jet fuel burns much hotter. All these people that tell me that no multilevel skyscraper ever collapsed from the heat of a fire, 9/11 was the first time.
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I totally agree that burning gasoline demonstrated what it can do, & BTW that bridge was not in San Francisco but Oakland, ( details, details ..... ) anyhow my question is about the actual conditions of the fire damage with regards to WTC1, 2 & 7, did the fire burn in such a manner as to uniformly weaken, or melt steel in such a way as to cause the observed result? and how can that be accounted for, considering the fuel-load in each building had to have been non-uniform.
Actually, nobody knows the physics of a jet plane colliding with a modern steel/concrete multilevel building until after 9/11. ...

The B-25 that struck the Empire State Building in thick fog back in 1945 provided a bit of a test case. Granted, it was significantly smaller and much slower than the 9/11 aircraft/drones, not only due to its archaic twin propeller-driven engines, but also because the pilot probably wasn't flying balls to the walls in that pea soup fog. The Empire State Building was also a horse of a different color, in comparison to the far more modern WTC Towers, but a couple of things stand out about that horrible accident. One: the bulk of the aircraft did mangage to pentrate the building's exterior, leaving only a small section sticking out from the hole. Two: one of the engines "shot through the South side opposite the impact and flew as far as the next block, dropping 900 feet and landing on the roof of a nearby building and starting a fire that destroyed a penthouse.", ...exemplifying the physics of penetration in the process. In my view, this is pretty compelling evidence that the physics of the observed 9/11 aircraft impacts (at least in NYC) were probably in line with those of the 1945 crash.

I like the 'mosquito netting' analogy I once heard an engineer use to describe the Towers' external bearing walls, because the penetrated areas similarly wouldn't have compromised the integrity of the rest of the super-structures. The visual called to mind by the analogy isn't far off-base either, because there were significant spaces between the penetrated columns, meaning it wasn't as if the aircraft/drones slammed headlong into a single massive concrete block.

I personally see no viable basis for the 'no-planes' argument, at least not where the physics of the observed impacts are concerned; and yes, I'm fully aware that this puts me at odds with some of my fellow 'twoofers'. ;)

MaryL said:
...Steel girders melt under a burning gas tanker under steel bridge under a San Francisco bridge. Steel and concrete. And Jet fuel burns much hotter. All these people that tell me that no multilevel skyscraper ever collapsed from the heat of a fire, 9/11 was the first time.

I'm not familiar with the situation you're referring to in the San Francisco 'bay area' (and I'm originally from NoCal, BTW), but I do know why the official narrative had to be rewritten in a manner that scrubbed all previous references to "molten steel". It had to do with the widely influential work of an MIT professor, for whom the laws of physics were apparently more authoritative than anything else. We could discuss the details of his findings if you'd like, but you can rest assured, that if there were a way to explain the mountain of various types of evidence that steel had indeed been melted at Ground Zero (as opposed to merely weakened), he'd have done so.
That plane that struck the empire state building, I rest my case. The fully loadoaded jet plane that was used as a fully laden human missile, different story. The physics involved in the collapse of the twin towers, nobody knows and it's never been fully understood.
That thermite thing is just a delusion. Nobody has ever seen a 101 story building collapse. Physics is scary. Nobody knows what to think when those towers went down, but unknown physics and a couple of planes full of jet A fuel and planes crashed used by wacko Islamo nut jobs had everything to do with this...
I get the feeling that if 'all the notable testimonial flip-flops' went in favor of your position, you'd hail them as evidence of what you consider the truth. ;)

I can't speak to that "feeling", Monty. I can, however, assure you that I most certainly would not be hailing the testimonies of flip-floppers as evidence of anything but their lack of credibility. I've never been one to undermine my own intellectual honesty.

We're not talking about minor differences, which could be rationalized as natural lapses of memory ETC.; we're talking about complete reversals of previously documented accounts.

monte worships the governments version of events no matter how absurd they are.He worships the versions of what the media and our corrupt government institutions tell him over experts in their fields.lol

He would rather listen to what our corrupt government institutuions tell him about the version of the pentagon that a plane hit that building and did all those incredible manuvers in the air instead of the best expert pilots in the world what THEY have to say.what they have to say means nothing to him.:biggrin:

It means ZERO to him for example that the lady in the air traffic control tower said the air manuvers that were being done by the alleged airliner in the air were so incredible,she thought that it was a jet fighter since a jet fighter would be the only aircraft that could do all those incredible manuvers in the air that were done.not to mention the fact that the best pilots in the world have said THEY could not have pulled off those incredible feats of manuver in the air with a jet airliner that an ALLEGED airliner did.:biggrin::lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

somehow what that lady traffic controller said and what expert pilots from around the world have said,they are not credible people to him,only the LAMESTREAM media and our government are credible to him.:lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::cuckoo:

thats how you know that agents faun,gomer pyle ollie and dawshit-aka sayit,are all indeed paid goverment disinfo agents the fact they constantly come back here everyday for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday.no way would they come back here everyday and make up lies like they do here everyday without getting paid,no way would they do it for free,no way no how.:lmao:

when you bring up those facts to monte,he is left only capable of doing this in reply.:blahblah:

thats why i dont waste my time with him anymore in the conspiracy section.Now the nonsense he talks in the sports section i can put up with and tolerate, but not in the conspiracy section.

Yeah, I worship the government's version of events. You total nitwit.


Rather than just saying "nitwit", please tell your interpretation of the events as different from the official story.
That thermite thing is just a delusion. Nobody has ever seen a 101 story building collapse. Physics is scary. Nobody knows what to think when those towers went down, but unknown physics and a couple of planes full of jet A fuel and planes crashed used by wacko Islamo nut jobs had everything to do with this...

So even though there are some significant unknowns, you believe that the terrorist attack ( that is the radical Arabs flying airliners into buildings ) is the explanation for the total destruction of not only the twin towers but WTC7 also.
Significant unknowns? Really? Islam and 9/11. Wow, I just don't know how to reply to that. What color is the sky in your world...?
Significant unknowns? Really? Islam and 9/11. Wow, I just don't know how to reply to that. What color is the sky in your world...?
Nobody has ever seen a 101 story building collapse. Physics is scary. Nobody knows what to think when those towers went down, but unknown physics and a couple of planes full of jet A fuel and planes crashed used by wacko Islamo nut jobs had everything to do with this...

BTW: that is 110 story skyscraper and even though it has never been done before, there are some fundamental physical laws to consider, and the total destruction of the towers is definitely the least likely out-come of all the available options.

Maybe to you "physics is scary" but to some of us who have made a career out of handling applied physics, its really not.

From a previous post by you "And Jet fuel burns much hotter." Allegedly in comparison to gasoline, Please tell me where you got this bit of information.
Really? Panes use jet A fule because I say so.
Significant unknowns? Really? Islam and 9/11. Wow, I just don't know how to reply to that. What color is the sky in your world...?
Nobody has ever seen a 101 story building collapse. Physics is scary. Nobody knows what to think when those towers went down, but unknown physics and a couple of planes full of jet A fuel and planes crashed used by wacko Islamo nut jobs had everything to do with this...

BTW: that is 110 story skyscraper and even though it has never been done before, there are some fundamental physical laws to consider, and the total destruction of the towers is definitely the least likely out-come of all the available options.

Maybe to you "physics is scary" but to some of us who have made a career out of handling applied physics, its really not.

From a previous post by you "And Jet fuel burns much hotter." Allegedly in comparison to gasoline, Please tell me where you got this bit of information.
Look it up kidoo , how do I know? I have lived aviation all my life, it's a given, JET A, not gas from a car or a truck. You been a around airport, you smell the difference. I have flown, there is a difference in the octane rating. Plane pure and simple.

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