Zone1 A Brief Look at Blacks and Jews in America

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Mar 11, 2015

Black Americans' Reaction to the Persecution of European Jews​

by Bat-Ami Zucker​

"The exploitation which the Negro suffers from the whites," wrote M. Rosenblatt, who investigated antisemitism in Harlem in 1939 for the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, "he therefore experiences from the hands of Jews." Rosenblatt concluded, "the present antagonism grows out of the fact that whenever the Negro comes in contact with white discrimination he can find a Jew to blame." A confidential report on antisemitism in Harlem, prepared for the NAACP, reached similar conclusions: "The root of the problem is economic ... people of different nationalities do not naturally hate one another." A report from a Black Chicago lawyer to Walter White supported such views. It said that anti-Jewish feelings among Blacks focused on "Jewish merchants . . . who are regarded . . . as some sort of exploiters and as purveyors of inferior goods at extremely high prices " The NAACP and its tireless secretary, Walter White, did their utmost to distinguish between antisemitism, which they strongly rejected as "bigotry," and what they regarded as "a legitimate and understandable feeling" of resentment against "Jewish merchants in Negro neighborhoods, who charged high prices for inferior goods.

(For those who will try whataboutism, there is this)

Relations between the two groups before World War II were mainly of three kinds: Jewish employers/Black employees, Jewish landlords/ Black tenants, and Jewish small businessmen/Black customers. In these encounters the Jew appeared to the Blacks as exploiter and abuser, whether this was fact or stereotype. "The belief is widespread in the negro community," wrote a Black scholar in 1942, "that a large share of the exploiting landlords are Jewish." Discrimination against Blacks in employment and exploitation of Black labor were common charges against Jewish employers in the 1930s and 1940s. The so-called "slave market" in the Bronx became the symbol of Jewish maltreatment of Blacks. Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that the Jewish landlord, employer, and merchant had become "part of the folklore of black anti-Semitism in the 1930's and 1940's," a promising phenomenon emerged. A large Black organization-the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) strongly opposed the persecution of Jews in Germany and the spread of antisemitism in the United States. In fact, apart from the Jews, organized American Blacks were the only group to act promptly against Hitler's "reversion to barbarism" and to offer "condemnation of the unspeakable terror ... being inflicted upon the Jewish people in Germany . . . ."

Economic exploitation rather than racial prejudice was the dominant theme of Black antisemitism.45 Yet at the same time the latter was given a forward thrust by German propaganda and the popular exploitation of the Jew as national scapegoat. In fact, when examining Black response to Jewish persecution in Europe, one should take into account first, that white American society was generally indifferent to Jewish fate during the 1930's,46 and second that Black- Jewish relations had reached a disturbingly low point. Thus American Blacks could easily fit into the general American atmosphere of indifferent passivity in the face of Jewish suffering. In other words, given both the Blacks' own misery and the increased anti-Jewish feeling in white society,47 Black antisernitism would have been the expected behavior. Yet they chose a different path. Motivated not so much by tragic events for Jews as by their own interests, Blacks reacted immediately both to the racist implications of Nazism48 and more intensely still to the meaning for Blacks of Hitler's persecution of the Jews.

When white Americans were non-committal to what Hitler was doing to Jews, blacks stood with Jews even as some Jews were exploiting blacks to make money. Yet today we have Jews who sound like the racists who were excluding their entry into this country during WW2.
NAACP was a Jewish creation and Jews were president of the org until the 70's.
The OP just wants a chance to say how Jews are racist, even though, according to him, blacks never did anything to them to warrant that. The truth is:

1) Jews stood side by side with blacks during the Civil Rights Movement, even risking their lives, and the thanks they get for that is….

2) Blacks are significantly more antisemitic than whites, and 4x as likely as whites to be vehemently antisemitic

My guess that is because Jews were successful merchants and landlords in black hoods. Jews were likely the first internationally successful merchants in many countries. In more recent times that is also the case with E. Asians, S. Asians, and Lebanese (ran retail in Liberia and tried to in some W. Indies places).
My guess that is because Jews were successful merchants and landlords in black hoods. Jews were likely the first internationally successful merchants in many countries. In more recent times that is also the case with E. Asians, S. Asians, and Lebanese (ran retail in Liberia and tried to in some W. Indies places).
I think it’s because Jews, and now as you note more recently Asians, immigrated here with no money, no education, and minimal English, and the only way to make a living was by opening up stores - and they were almost always in the poor neighborhoods where they could afford to live.

My great-grandfather opened his little grocery in a poor NY neighborhood - and it was mixed….blacks, Jews, and Italians, mostly. Blacks resented Jews, and later Asians, opening stores in what they saw as “their” territory, but really….nobody was stopping blacks from opening stores.
NAACP was a Jewish creation and Jews were president of the org until the 70's.

Actually the organization grew out of the Niagra Movement. That was a movement by blacks,
Trying to find distinctions between blacks and others is a promotion of racism.
Stating what was written in that article is not a promotion of racism.
My great-grandfather opened his little grocery in a poor NY neighborhood
Is this your 'ancestor' who arrived here both penniless and with no education that you have claimed "alone and unassisted" rose to affluence in 10 years?

If so, where did he get the capital to purchase, stock and run a grocery store?
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Is this your 'ancestor' who arrived here both penniless and with no education that you have claimed "alone and unassisted" rose to affluence in 10 years?

If so, where did he get the capital to purchase, stock and run a grocery store?
That’s on the other side. He too arrived penniless. It took him years of pinching pennies, while he and his five children and wife lived in a three room tenement, to open the grocery store.And if you knew anything, you’d realize it was a little 10 x 10 store stocking some basics, and eking out a living. His 12-year-old son worked evenings after school to help out. THAT is called a work ethic.

You are just so determined to prove that persecuted people, with no education and money (and initially no English), can get by, and then a generation later, live successful middle class lives. Kills your entire “blame whites for any failure of any black” narrative.
Thread now open for business after deletion most posts that were either off topic, responding to off topic as well as inappropriated for Zone 1 content. If I missed any, please report.
Remember the topic of the thread is
"A Brief Look at Blacks and Jews in America" and posted as discussion in Zone 1 race relations, consideration and discussion based on posted writings by by Bat-Ami Zucker taken from Black Americans' Reaction to the Persecution of European Jews.
Enjoy the thread.
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Jews and blacks have it great in America. It's why they keep coming. American blacks are spoiled...
Jews and blacks have it great in America. It's why they keep coming. American blacks are spoiled...

Perhaps you need to take a more realistic look at this. And please stop trying to describe the experience of blacks in America from the perspective of a white person who has not ever experienced being black whose opinions are shaped by reading blacks who are disliked by 99 percent of the blacks in America for their views only because they tell you what you want to hear.
Perhaps you need to take a more realistic look at this. And please stop trying to describe the experience of blacks in America from the perspective of a white person who has not ever experienced being black whose opinions are shaped by reading blacks who are disliked by 99 percent of the blacks in America for their views only because they tell you what you want to hear.
Blacks all over the world are flooding our borders. Let's go with that perspective. You must have something they want here in the good old USA....

And the Jews love it here too. They work hard and make out well, as do most hard workers. It is the land of opportunity for sure!

Jewish Racism​

By Ta-Nehisi Coates

One of the things that I don't think folks get is when it comes to the perspective of blacks on Jews/Italians/Irish/Scott-Irish/Germans/Polish, very few black people actually differentiate. I know that there is a legacy of singling out Jews among black Muslims (I wonder why...) and some black nationalists, but people who think that black power was ever a mainstream ideology among black folks, need to read some history. And I say that as someone who was, and still am, heavily influenced by black power/nationalism. Obviously James Baldwin and Chris Rock have made this point before. I understand why different tribes of white people don't completely see it that way also. I agree with much of what Jim Webb said about Appalachia, for instance, though I think he slightly downplayed racism.

Anyway, here is a great example of why black people don't make ethnic distinctions among whites. I have problems with this piece as a journalist, in that it basically surveys a bunch of people (Jews in Florida, most of them elderly) and reaches a broad conclusion (Obama has a Jewish problem). Of course the piece either ignores, or just dismisses complicating evidence. Indeed:

A new Gallup survey found that 61% of Jewish voters prefer Obama to McCain, who got 32% of the Jewish support. That number is far greater than the rate found for the general population, who only preferred Obama to McCain 45-43, according to the poll. Obama also still trails Clinton in Jewish support, according to the survey, with Clinton winning against Obama in the Jewish community 50%-43%.

But the stats would make it harder to write the cartoonish, simplistic conflict narrative that truly hackish journalism thrives on. That's all good though. Newspapers publish these sorts of badly sourced trend pieces all the time, and then turn around and wonder why they're loosing readers. It's just what they do. That is another rant for another day, here is where I am going with this. The piece has no problem calling out "black antisemitism" pointing to Farrakhan, a man who hasn't have a national following in over a decade, and, essentially, the rising crime rate in Brooklyn. Meanwhile the reporter interviews several voters who offer the following conclusions:

They’ll pick on the minister thing, they’ll pick on the wife, but the major issue is color,” she said, quietly fingering a coffee cup.

At brunch in Boynton Beach, Bob Welstein, who said he was in his 80s, said so bluntly. “Am I semi-racist? Yes,” he said.
And this:

Jack Stern, 85, sitting alone at an outdoor café in Aventura on Sunday, said he was no racist. When he was liberated from a concentration camp in 1945, black American soldiers were kinder than white ones, handing out food to the emaciated Jews, he said.
Years later, after he opened a bakery in Brooklyn, “I got disgusted,

The amazing thing to me is that, even after citing these examples--which sound eerily reminiscent of West Virginia and Kentucky, the attitudes aren't labeled racist, they're called "anxiety about race." Fucking amazing. I think if I told you there's no way I could support Mike Bloomberg because he's Jewish, you would not simply say I had some "anxiety about religion." You'd say I was an antisemite, and you'd be right, but you wouldn't stop there. You'd talk about how I emerge from a culture in which antisemitism is rampant. And whenever you wanted to claim your status in the Oppression Olympics, you'd invoke that culture. Then you'd start a letter writing campaign to sites like this and this, demanding that they denounce me and remove me from their blogroll. And then you'd publish editorials bemoaning the ungraciousness of blacks--don't they remember Philadelphia? You'd recruit a few black Ivy League scholars, who view black folks mainly as lab rats, to pillory this new wave of hate speech.There would be books publish, dissertations written. Whole careers would be made, lost, rescued.

More to the point, two factors are at work here: 1.) Say it with me children--In America, Jewish people are white. It's not that "Jewish racism" is dismissed, it's that "White racism"--short of calling for a mass lynching--is dismissed.

Blacks all over the world are flooding our borders. Let's go with that perspective. You must have something they want here in the good old USA....

And the Jews love it here too. They work hard and make out well, as do most hard workers. It is the land of opportunity for sure!
Fully how you say that when there are 4 times more blacks living in Africa than in America and the population is increasing. Not that many Africans are rushing to come to America.

Blacks have worked hard since we got here. Mod Deleted/Edit & warning: Do not make racial slurs in Zone 1 race thread, especially your own. Whites have received direct economic assistance from the government on several occasions and that includes whites who practice the Jewish religion. You are making factless comments based on emotion and everything you say is incorrect.
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