A Catholic Thread, if you please

Germany was dominantly Protestant, in fact they also killed millions of Catholics in Poland, including thousands of Catholic priests.

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era[2] and after the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in God", often described as predominately creationist and deistic),[3] and 1.5% as non-religious.

That's just Germany. So let's look at the other Axis Powers in Europe.

Italy was almost all Catholic.
So was Hungary
So was Romania
Bulgaria was Orthodox and Muslim
Finland was Protestant and Orthodox.

Then we get into the minor Axis Puppet states like Croatia and Slovakia.... Yup. Mostly Catholic.
what if the organization itself is evil?
What if it is not? What if, for you, it's simply a handy target for bitterness and anger?

Any organization built upon the professed belief that one can set aside the command of God and not die but instead can worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life is at best built upon a lie.

Didn't you ever read the story about how the talking Serpent screwed up paradise for Adam and Eve with the exact same deception?


Some people never learn......
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Germany was dominantly Protestant, in fact they also killed millions of Catholics in Poland, including thousands of Catholic priests.

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era[2] and after the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in God", often described as predominately creationist and deistic),[3] and 1.5% as non-religious.

That's just Germany. So let's look at the other Axis Powers in Europe.

Italy was almost all Catholic.
So was Hungary
So was Romania
Bulgaria was Orthodox and Muslim
Finland was Protestant and Orthodox.

Then we get into the minor Axis Puppet states like Croatia and Slovakia.... Yup. Mostly Catholic.

90% of the Holocaust was German though.
My following commentary has been utilized successfully and recanted in many TV broadcast sermons by Pastors like TJ Jakes etc...
It's TD Jakes

So, let me get this straight...

You, who professes Jesus is Satan,
sent out letters to various pastors,
to tell them, they are not teaching
sound or accurate doctrine...

should be engaged with the community,
start study groups, yada yada yada

And, your commentary was recanted by
TD Jakes...and, who...Joyce Meyers,
Charles Stanley, Bill Winston, Joseph Prince,

Get the fuck outta here!
You are so full of shit!

TD Jakes utilized and recanted your commentary
in one of his televized sermons.....
Germany was dominantly Protestant, in fact they also killed millions of Catholics in Poland, including thousands of Catholic priests.

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era[2] and after the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in God", often described as predominately creationist and deistic),[3] and 1.5% as non-religious.

That's just Germany. So let's look at the other Axis Powers in Europe.

Italy was almost all Catholic.
So was Hungary
So was Romania
Bulgaria was Orthodox and Muslim
Finland was Protestant and Orthodox.

Then we get into the minor Axis Puppet states like Croatia and Slovakia.... Yup. Mostly Catholic.

And the Catholic church said nothing against the Nazi war machine as genocide was all around them.

It's just like today, the Catholic church views abortion as murder, yet they seemingly remain silent on this genocide as well, all in the name of self preservation.

Instead, the Pope gives sermons on the evil's of global warming and the virtues of government redistribution and condemns anyone who builds a wall..

Meanwhile, the Vatican keeps their walls high enough to keep the riff raff out.

It's all about self preservation I reckon. Just conform to the world powers or be exterminated.
And the Catholic church said nothing against the Nazi war machine as genocide was all around them.

It's just like today, the Catholic church views abortion as murder, yet they seemingly remain silent on this genocide as well, all in the name of self preservation.

It's kind of insulting to compare legal and safe abortion to the Holocaust, but I expect nothing less from religious nutters.
And the Catholic church said nothing against the Nazi war machine as genocide was all around them.

It's just like today, the Catholic church views abortion as murder, yet they seemingly remain silent on this genocide as well, all in the name of self preservation.

It's kind of insulting to compare legal and safe abortion to the Holocaust, but I expect nothing less from religious nutters.

As I'm sure Hitler was insulted about the notion that Jews were just as human and equal as himself.
As I'm sure Hitler was insulted about the notion that Jews were just as human and equal as himself.

Did the Jews own mothers take them in to be terminated?

You see, your argument would make sense if hte abortion industry was grabbing women off the street and performing abortions.

But instead, women who don't want to be pregnant just find a way to not be pregnant, which is what they've done for centuries.

Including Jews, like the Judenrat.

and Catholics like Fr. Tiso.
As I'm sure Hitler was insulted about the notion that Jews were just as human and equal as himself.

Did the Jews own mothers take them in to be terminated?

You see, your argument would make sense if hte abortion industry was grabbing women off the street and performing abortions.

But instead, women who don't want to be pregnant just find a way to not be pregnant, which is what they've done for centuries.

Including Jews, like the Judenrat.

and Catholics like Fr. Tiso.

The first victims of Auschwitz were mostly Catholic, like the Polish POW's housed there 1.5 years before the Final Solution of Jews.
My following commentary has been utilized successfully and recanted in many TV broadcast sermons by Pastors like TJ Jakes etc...
It's TD Jakes

So, let me get this straight...

You, who professes Jesus is Satan,
sent out letters to various pastors,
to tell them, they are not teaching
sound or accurate doctrine...

should be engaged with the community,
start study groups, yada yada yada

And, your commentary was recanted by
TD Jakes...and, who...Joyce Meyers,
Charles Stanley, Bill Winston, Joseph Prince,

Get the fuck outta here!
You are so full of shit!

TD Jakes utilized and recanted your commentary
in one of his televized sermons.....

My commentary has been online since 1996,
and yes my sermons and pages have been borrowed, but not by those people.
TD Jakes was using that particular guideline of what churches should be doing.
And as you laugh, go back to before 1996 and compare it to now, did they wear prayer shawls and star of Davids before or did it slowly change whereby you don't notice the transfer from Romanized Christianity to Judaic root Christianity.
And so are you saying it magically appears or are you admitting you don't know "who" what and how these influences come to be?

=Jokes on you, Chrisianity is gonna be converting to Judaism not the other way around.
=Jokes on you, Chrisianity is gonna be converting to Judaism not the other way around.

Yeah, that's wishful thinking.

Most likely solution- people will outgrow their need for imaginary sky pixies and rely on reason.

Or maybe the Muslims will take over because, shit, they are reproducing faster than the Jews or Christians.
He most certainly does not!
God hates sin, not sinners

As far as Jeffrey Dahmer goes...
well, you don't believe in God, so,
why would you believe in demons

I don't believe in Demons, either.

And you miss the point of my discussion.

I do think that Dahmner was insane. But because we have a goofy idea of insanity in this country, we put him in a jail where he promptly got his brains bashed in by another inmate.

What we should do is have "Guilty but insane" so these people can get treatment, then we can decide what would be appropriate punishment after they are cured.

Probably better than sticking them in a prison and telling them some Sky Pixie forgives their eating disorder.
I live in suburban Pittsburgh, and our diocese is current going through the painful process of down-sizing, going from something like 180 parishes down to 45 or so. It appears that the consolidated parishes will get a new name (rather than adopting the name of the biggest surviving parish), and many of the "old" parish buildings will continue to be used for maybe one Mass over the weekend and the occasional other event.

Obviously the joint reasons are a shortage of priests and a slowly-shrinking population of people who actually go to Mass and drop a few shekels in the collection box. My own parish is thriving...dynamic priest, vibrant, growing parish, and a brand new "campus" of traditional parish buildings. No school, however.

The Bishop is taking some heat from people who are unhappy with their churches shutting down and having to consolidate with others, but the economics are undeniable.

While I'm a strong proponent of women and married priests, I will ignore that for the moment, since with Pope Frank in the Chair of Peter, these concepts are non-starters.

But I have a proposal to place before the Board. Rather than have a top-down "solution," with the Bishop picking the surviving parishes, why not throw it back at the congregations? Challenge each congregation (minus its current Pastor) to either present a viable plan for continuing in existence, or agree to consolidate and liquidate its assets. Then the priests would act as Free Agents to serve the surviving parishes as the arrangements can be worked out.

So for example, let's say there are 10 priests within reasonable driving distance of a certain parish church. The Parish contacts each of them and says, "We want to have a Mass at 1600 on Saturday, and another at 1100 on Sunday; make us a proposal." A priest responds, "I'll meet the Saturday obligation, but not Sunday, and it will cost you $500 a month. I will commit for the next 6 months." Or, "If you will provide me a furnished apartment, utilities included, I will do a Sunday 0900 Mass every week for the next two years, with four Sundays off for vacation."

You get the idea. The Parish has to keep the Church up, operating, insured, and maintained, and the Priest becomes like a visiting, compensated speaker. If the Parish can't get a priest for a given weekend, it sends out an email to the congregation, advising them of that fact, and they can find another church for those Sundays/Saturdays. This arrangement will greatly enhance the importance and power of the parish councils, and could even make the parishioners more invested in their Church.

Obviously, I'm over-simplifying, but I have the impression that many Protestant churches operate in a similar fashion.

As a side benefit, these parishes might even consider bringing in a "de-frocked" married priest on occasion, or - horror of horrors - a woman Episcopal priest (the theology is nearly identical). In effect, they could force the hand of the Bishops and the Pope on these issues - Conform or die!


Somebody already pointed out the 'top down' bureaucratic nature of the Catholic Church, with little input from the congregations, plus the prohibition of married priests, which is actually a later affectation and not the case originally. Some of the priests are taking a cue from the charismatic evangelical types and going that route, but I haven't looked into how well that is successful or not. The Church needs to stop being a playground for homosexual predators and start actively weeding out the sociopaths, for one; that has hurt them more than any one thing you can point to; just because it's harder to find priests doesn't make it 'better' to open the job up to sickos and deviants, no matter how popular they are with other sickos and deviants. Catholics need a 'Reformation', and seriously re-examine its doctrines adopted from the 12th century on, most of which are not very effective at anything but expanding the corruption and politicization of the Church at the expense of its credibility and mission; many of the Popes were corrupt, same for the Cardinals and Bishops, who were more local political appointees than clergymen and scholars, and represented secular kings and princes, not the Church.
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So, let me get this straight...

commentary was recanted by
TD Jakes...and, who...Joyce Meyers,
Charles Stanley, Bill Winston, Joseph Prince,

TD Jakes utilized and recanted commentary
in one of his televized sermons.....

Nobody noticed just how reflective your post could be, so I'm gonna bring it back up in the premise they missed using your standard.

Mirror reflect your words and standard of reason: KNOWING JESUS HIMSELF ADMITED BEING LUCIFER in
Rev 22:16.

sent out VERBAL TEACHINGS to various PRIESTS &
to tell them, they are not teaching
sound or accurate doctrine...

should be engaged with the community, yada yada yada

And, Jesus' commentary was recanted by
TD Jakes...and, who...Joyce Meyers,
Charles Stanley, Bill Winston, Joseph Prince,

Get the **** outta here!
You are so full of ****!

TD Jakes utilized and recanted Jesus commentary
in one of his televized sermons.....

Ahhhhhh, you said it yourself, these pastors recanting someone deemed the failed one, and who indeed failed, is a giant joke, except the thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in the fallen ones name is no laughing matter.

Morning star sources:
[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28

· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

Morning Star in mythology is Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son.

You've never seen those symbols of luciferous rays of light eminating from the heart icon in Jesus iconographs?
Fact: a luciferous light came to both
Paul & Constantine calling itself Jesus, a name no Jew would use for himself.
Fact:Nazarenes taught their god was that mystical (luciferous) rays of light between the sun and earth.
Remnants of the followers of John who Jesus stole his flock from (called Mandeans)still teach this physical light teachings seen throughout the NT.
Fact: the church symbolizes this teaching through the radiating Baal Sun cross and radiating heart, because Lucifer(morning star) is in their heart.-2 Peter 1:19
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The Church needs to stop being a playground for homosexual predators and start actively weeding out the sociopaths, for one; that has hurt them more than any one thing you can point to; just because it's harder to find priests doesn't make it 'better' to open the job up to sickos and deviants, no matter how popular they are with other sickos and deviants.

Once again you conflate being gay (which is completely healthy) with being a pedophile (which isn't.)

Some of these priests are hitting on little girls, too.

Catholics need a 'Reformation', and seriously re-examine its doctrines adopted from the 12th century on, most of which are not very effective at anything but expanding the corruption and politicization of the Church at the expense of its credibility and mission; many of the Popes were corrupt, same for the Cardinals and Bishops, who were more local political appointees than clergymen and scholars, and represented secular kings and princes, not the Church.

Naw, what is needed is for people to admit that there aren't any pixies in the sky and stop pretending that there are.

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