A conservative guide to Thanksgiving day political discussion...take no prisoners.....

Enjoy your Thanksgiving conservatives......you earned it

Next year, Liberals get to recount everything Trump did over the last year

Yes.....going over each success will make for a very happy Thanksgiving next year.....

If his presidency is remotely close to his candidacy......liberals are going to have a lot to gloat about next Thanksgiving

I told you so

Enjoy it while you can

And after you are done recounting everything you can ponder, only 7 more years to go.....
I heard yesterday that some people are being dis-invited to Thanksgiving dinner over this stuff.

Priorities, people.

We've lost our freaking minds.
Luck has it that politics at my dinner table is like wearing hats, using cell phones, and computers.

Not happening.

There are pleasant conversations, of travel and tourism, strangers met and befriended, etc.

Never a holiday in this home that is tainted with anger and disagreement, resentment or hatred.

We raised them better than that and friends and relatives are always welcome, if they leave their unpleasantness at the door.

None of this drama ever enters the conversation at any of the dinners I attend on Thanksgiving. We're far too busy laughing and pouring each other shots. Only assholes attempt to turn dinner into some left/right wing talk radio segment.

Shots. Maybe that's what's wrong with my family gatherings: most of us are teetotalers.
In all honesty.....I feel bad for young people...they are the real victims of the left wing totalitarians...they have been fed lies their entire time in government controlled public education, run by the education wing of the democrat party....they are the victims....and this Thanksgiving is the day we start helping them for real........teaching them how to understand facts, the truth, reality and the difference between Right and Wrong and Good and Evil...

They are our kids....and they need our help......

Im not a trumpie and Im not a liberal. Its all about the slot, huh? I am simply pointing out that trump is no different than the rest. trump will be worse than obama.

So, privatise...that will fix everything. Pay to the corporation to be fed propaganda from the corporate bull shit world. Yeah, good idea. Your the same person that thinks its ok for people to profit off of sickness.

The problem is, you leftists don't think people should profit off of providing people what they need, and it's "frivolous and obscene" to make a profit off of providing people what they want. So what you REALLY mean is that people shouldn't profit at all, off of anything.
I heard yesterday that some people are being dis-invited to Thanksgiving dinner over this stuff.

Priorities, people.

We've lost our freaking minds.
Luck has it that politics at my dinner table is like wearing hats, using cell phones, and computers.

Not happening.

There are pleasant conversations, of travel and tourism, strangers met and befriended, etc.

Never a holiday in this home that is tainted with anger and disagreement, resentment or hatred.

We raised them better than that and friends and relatives are always welcome, if they leave their unpleasantness at the door.

None of this drama ever enters the conversation at any of the dinners I attend on Thanksgiving. We're far too busy laughing and pouring each other shots. Only assholes attempt to turn dinner into some left/right wing talk radio segment.

Shots. Maybe that's what's wrong with my family gatherings: most of us are teetotalers.

On second thought, getting that bunch drunk would probably turn Thanksgiving into an episode of "Cops". Better not risk it.
I heard yesterday that some people are being dis-invited to Thanksgiving dinner over this stuff.

Priorities, people.

We've lost our freaking minds.
Luck has it that politics at my dinner table is like wearing hats, using cell phones, and computers.

Not happening.

There are pleasant conversations, of travel and tourism, strangers met and befriended, etc.

Never a holiday in this home that is tainted with anger and disagreement, resentment or hatred.

We raised them better than that and friends and relatives are always welcome, if they leave their unpleasantness at the door.

None of this drama ever enters the conversation at any of the dinners I attend on Thanksgiving. We're far too busy laughing and pouring each other shots. Only assholes attempt to turn dinner into some left/right wing talk radio segment.

Shots. Maybe that's what's wrong with my family gatherings: most of us are teetotalers.

On second thought, getting that bunch drunk would probably turn Thanksgiving into an episode of "Cops". Better not risk it.
Yeah, beat me to it.

If you're happy without the shots, to hell with the shots....

Kurt Schlichter is a great columnist...he is like Ann Coulter and Milo Yianopolous in that he knows how to skewer the left wing totalitarians and doesn't take prisoners........

here is his guide for political discussion with the victims of left wing totalitarianism who will be walking through way too many American doors this Thanksgiving....

Kurt Schlichter - Be That Obnoxious Conservative Uncle At Thanksgiving

Welcome Him to Dinner: Extend a hearty greeting, like “Good to see you! Of course, when I was 25, I spent Thanksgiving in a fighting position eating reconstituted pork patties, but your part time Chore Monkey gig is pretty much the same. Come on in!”

Be patient when he inquires whether you have anything “infused” or “curated,” and assure him that “Oh yeah, I got something locally sourced for you right here.”

Listen intently to his list of dietary restrictions, then helpfully explain that “Your vegan option is not eating.”

Ensure that your prayer concludes “And we thank you for our police and firefighters, and for all our veterans, and for our warriors fighting evil across the globe. May you protect them and grant them total victory over our enemies.”

Don’t forget to be inclusive! “Oh, and let’s not forget the Chore Monkey guys. They’re heroes too in their own way, I guess.”

Understand His Sensitive Feelings About The Election: Hillary Clinton’s loss was a blow to many millennials, and he is likely to be emotionally fragile. You’ll want to ruthlessly exploit his pathetic weakness.

Always refer to “President Trump” and how he will “Make America great again.” Wear a MAGA hat to the table. Mention the “eight years of the Trump administration” and to what Justices Cruz and Willet will do to get the Supreme Court squared away again. Refer to Hillary as “Prisoner No. 59875779.”

He’ll likely react poorly, and if he becomes really annoying, build a wall between you and him with mashed potatoes and demand he pay for it.

He may try to demand that you “denounce” some dipwad pseudo-Nazi geebo you’ve never heard of in a lame ploy to buy into the latest anti-conservative media narrative. Respond that you despise all socialists – after all, “Nazi” doesn’t stand for National REPUBLICAN Worker’s Party – and ask if he’ll join you in denouncing all advocates of that hateful ideology, including Bernie Sanders. When he refuses, ask him why he loves Hitler.

If he pops off about how Hillary allegedly won the popular vote, start laughing and inquire, “Then you mean Hillary was too dumb to win an election she won?” Hoist your glass and call for a toast to the Electoral College.


Agree that America has a terrible gun crisis – many Americans simply cannot afford to purchase the multiple firearms each citizen should own. Inform him that his opposition to your plan for “gun vouchers” to allow all Americans to take part in the defense of themselves, their families, communities and the Constitution, is “super racist” and that you support “caliber diversity.”

Make sure you never refer to “climate change.” It’s the “global warming scam,” and you are in favor of it “Because warming means sunshine and I like chicks being able to choose to wear bikinis. Why don’t you support womyn’s choices?” Add: “Yeah, that’s ‘womyn’ with a ‘y,’ sexist.”

Take no prisoners? You plan on killing your relatives?

Kurt Schlichter is a great columnist...he is like Ann Coulter and Milo Yianopolous in that he knows how to skewer the left wing totalitarians and doesn't take prisoners........

here is his guide for political discussion with the victims of left wing totalitarianism who will be walking through way too many American doors this Thanksgiving....

Kurt Schlichter - Be That Obnoxious Conservative Uncle At Thanksgiving

Welcome Him to Dinner: Extend a hearty greeting, like “Good to see you! Of course, when I was 25, I spent Thanksgiving in a fighting position eating reconstituted pork patties, but your part time Chore Monkey gig is pretty much the same. Come on in!”

Be patient when he inquires whether you have anything “infused” or “curated,” and assure him that “Oh yeah, I got something locally sourced for you right here.”

Listen intently to his list of dietary restrictions, then helpfully explain that “Your vegan option is not eating.”

Ensure that your prayer concludes “And we thank you for our police and firefighters, and for all our veterans, and for our warriors fighting evil across the globe. May you protect them and grant them total victory over our enemies.”

Don’t forget to be inclusive! “Oh, and let’s not forget the Chore Monkey guys. They’re heroes too in their own way, I guess.”

Understand His Sensitive Feelings About The Election: Hillary Clinton’s loss was a blow to many millennials, and he is likely to be emotionally fragile. You’ll want to ruthlessly exploit his pathetic weakness.

Always refer to “President Trump” and how he will “Make America great again.” Wear a MAGA hat to the table. Mention the “eight years of the Trump administration” and to what Justices Cruz and Willet will do to get the Supreme Court squared away again. Refer to Hillary as “Prisoner No. 59875779.”

He’ll likely react poorly, and if he becomes really annoying, build a wall between you and him with mashed potatoes and demand he pay for it.

He may try to demand that you “denounce” some dipwad pseudo-Nazi geebo you’ve never heard of in a lame ploy to buy into the latest anti-conservative media narrative. Respond that you despise all socialists – after all, “Nazi” doesn’t stand for National REPUBLICAN Worker’s Party – and ask if he’ll join you in denouncing all advocates of that hateful ideology, including Bernie Sanders. When he refuses, ask him why he loves Hitler.

If he pops off about how Hillary allegedly won the popular vote, start laughing and inquire, “Then you mean Hillary was too dumb to win an election she won?” Hoist your glass and call for a toast to the Electoral College.


Agree that America has a terrible gun crisis – many Americans simply cannot afford to purchase the multiple firearms each citizen should own. Inform him that his opposition to your plan for “gun vouchers” to allow all Americans to take part in the defense of themselves, their families, communities and the Constitution, is “super racist” and that you support “caliber diversity.”

Make sure you never refer to “climate change.” It’s the “global warming scam,” and you are in favor of it “Because warming means sunshine and I like chicks being able to choose to wear bikinis. Why don’t you support womyn’s choices?” Add: “Yeah, that’s ‘womyn’ with a ‘y,’ sexist.”

Take no prisoners? You plan on killing your relatives?


Yes......as a lefty you don't understand what I meant......that is why you guys are always wrong....
In our close circle of friends we've got a couple that are polar opposites politically. He's a staunch conservative and she's about as liberal as they come and is very active in local Dem politics. Instead of their real names we all refer to them, to their faces, as James and Mary, as in Carville and Matalin.

Back in '08 Mary was unbelievably despondent when Hillary lost out on the nomination. She adores Hillary and because of her party activities had been with her several times on campaign swings through our part of the state then and again as recently as a few weeks ago as Hillary desperately campaigned to save Michigan.

Haven't spoken to Mary since the election but have to James a couple of times. Last thing he jokingly said was that he's no longer on suicide watch but it was definitely going to be a while until she's back to normal or whatever. As much as I despise Hillary I really feel sorry for Mary though. She's a very nice person, great friend, and it's tough knowing how badly she feels about the outcome, but hoping Thanksgiving provides at least a bit of a respite from her grieving.
Ha, great post. Thanks.

I just tell em... Kneel and submit to your new King. You're a King Donald subject now. He has the pen & phone. It's his turn to be above the law. Then i do a joyous jig like this... :dance:

They hate that. They don't have much to say, other than ranting & raving about how 'EVERYTHING's RACIST!' I just laugh at em. There's no need to get angry. They're not in charge anymore.
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In our close circle of friends we've got a couple that are polar opposites politically. He's a staunch conservative and she's about as liberal as they come and is very active in local Dem politics. Instead of their real names we all refer to them, to their faces, as James and Mary, as in Carville and Matalin.

Back in '08 Mary was unbelievably despondent when Hillary lost out on the nomination. She adores Hillary and because of her party activities had been with her several times on campaign swings through our part of the state then and again as recently as a few weeks ago as Hillary desperately campaigned to save Michigan.

Haven't spoken to Mary since the election but have to James a couple of times. Last thing he jokingly said was that he's no longer on suicide watch but it was definitely going to be a while until she's back to normal or whatever. As much as I despise Hillary I really feel sorry for Mary though. She's a very nice person, great friend, and it's tough knowing how badly she feels about the outcome, but hoping Thanksgiving provides at least a bit of a respite from her grieving.

Sorry.....she was supporting a woman who helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault, who used her office as Secretary of state to make money, and who used her private charity to steal money from Haitian earthquake relief...and on top of that took 140 million dollars to her charity to help the Russians get uranium for their new nuclear missles....and allowed 4 men to die in Bhengazi when she refused to increase their security and then refused to send a rescue mission...

"Mary" backed a monster....I do not feel sorry for her misguided inability to see the truth....
Enjoy your Thanksgiving conservatives......you earned it

Next year, Liberals get to recount everything Trump did over the last year

Yes.....going over each success will make for a very happy Thanksgiving next year.....

If his presidency is remotely close to his candidacy......liberals are going to have a lot to gloat about next Thanksgiving

I told you so

Enjoy it while you can

And after you are done recounting everything you can ponder, only 7 more years to go.....

I give it 50/50 Trump gets through one term
Enjoy your Thanksgiving conservatives......you earned it

Next year, Liberals get to recount everything Trump did over the last year

Yes.....going over each success will make for a very happy Thanksgiving next year.....

If his presidency is remotely close to his candidacy......liberals are going to have a lot to gloat about next Thanksgiving

I told you so

Enjoy it while you can

And after you are done recounting everything you can ponder, only 7 more years to go.....

I give it 50/50 Trump gets through one term

The same guys who said he would never be President......I never get tired of this video.......heres to you rightwinger.....you keep being delusional....

And when war breaks out across the table never forget that the conservatives are the ones who did not voluntarily surrender their guns.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving conservatives......you earned it

Next year, Liberals get to recount everything Trump did over the last year

Yes.....going over each success will make for a very happy Thanksgiving next year.....

If his presidency is remotely close to his candidacy......liberals are going to have a lot to gloat about next Thanksgiving

I told you so

Enjoy it while you can

And after you are done recounting everything you can ponder, only 7 more years to go.....

I give it 50/50 Trump gets through one term

You really so sure you wanna start making more predictions? Don't make me show how wrong you've been on just about everything you've predicted. Think about it a bit. :)
I heard yesterday that some people are being dis-invited to Thanksgiving dinner over this stuff.

Priorities, people.

We've lost our freaking minds.
Luck has it that politics at my dinner table is like wearing hats, using cell phones, and computers.

Not happening.

There are pleasant conversations, of travel and tourism, strangers met and befriended, etc.

Never a holiday in this home that is tainted with anger and disagreement, resentment or hatred.

We raised them better than that and friends and relatives are always welcome, if they leave their unpleasantness at the door.

None of this drama ever enters the conversation at any of the dinners I attend on Thanksgiving. We're far too busy laughing and pouring each other shots. Only assholes attempt to turn dinner into some left/right wing talk radio segment.

Shots. Maybe that's what's wrong with my family gatherings: most of us are teetotalers.

On second thought, getting that bunch drunk would probably turn Thanksgiving into an episode of "Cops". Better not risk it.
Yeah, beat me to it.

If you're happy without the shots, to hell with the shots....


Happy? Clearly, you haven't been reading my posts about my family. ;)

Maybe I should just have the shots by myself.
Kurt Schlichter is a great columnist...he is like Ann Coulter and Milo Yianopolous in that he knows how to skewer the left wing totalitarians and doesn't take prisoners........

here is his guide for political discussion with the victims of left wing totalitarianism who will be walking through way too many American doors this Thanksgiving....

Kurt Schlichter - Be That Obnoxious Conservative Uncle At Thanksgiving

Welcome Him to Dinner: Extend a hearty greeting, like “Good to see you! Of course, when I was 25, I spent Thanksgiving in a fighting position eating reconstituted pork patties, but your part time Chore Monkey gig is pretty much the same. Come on in!”

Be patient when he inquires whether you have anything “infused” or “curated,” and assure him that “Oh yeah, I got something locally sourced for you right here.”

Listen intently to his list of dietary restrictions, then helpfully explain that “Your vegan option is not eating.”

Ensure that your prayer concludes “And we thank you for our police and firefighters, and for all our veterans, and for our warriors fighting evil across the globe. May you protect them and grant them total victory over our enemies.”

Don’t forget to be inclusive! “Oh, and let’s not forget the Chore Monkey guys. They’re heroes too in their own way, I guess.”

Understand His Sensitive Feelings About The Election: Hillary Clinton’s loss was a blow to many millennials, and he is likely to be emotionally fragile. You’ll want to ruthlessly exploit his pathetic weakness.

Always refer to “President Trump” and how he will “Make America great again.” Wear a MAGA hat to the table. Mention the “eight years of the Trump administration” and to what Justices Cruz and Willet will do to get the Supreme Court squared away again. Refer to Hillary as “Prisoner No. 59875779.”

He’ll likely react poorly, and if he becomes really annoying, build a wall between you and him with mashed potatoes and demand he pay for it.

He may try to demand that you “denounce” some dipwad pseudo-Nazi geebo you’ve never heard of in a lame ploy to buy into the latest anti-conservative media narrative. Respond that you despise all socialists – after all, “Nazi” doesn’t stand for National REPUBLICAN Worker’s Party – and ask if he’ll join you in denouncing all advocates of that hateful ideology, including Bernie Sanders. When he refuses, ask him why he loves Hitler.

If he pops off about how Hillary allegedly won the popular vote, start laughing and inquire, “Then you mean Hillary was too dumb to win an election she won?” Hoist your glass and call for a toast to the Electoral College.


Agree that America has a terrible gun crisis – many Americans simply cannot afford to purchase the multiple firearms each citizen should own. Inform him that his opposition to your plan for “gun vouchers” to allow all Americans to take part in the defense of themselves, their families, communities and the Constitution, is “super racist” and that you support “caliber diversity.”

Make sure you never refer to “climate change.” It’s the “global warming scam,” and you are in favor of it “Because warming means sunshine and I like chicks being able to choose to wear bikinis. Why don’t you support womyn’s choices?” Add: “Yeah, that’s ‘womyn’ with a ‘y,’ sexist.”

What planet are you from that you want people to be obnoxious on Thanksgiving?

lol, telling a RWnut to be obnoxious on Thanksgiving is just another way of saying

hey, just be yourself today.
Eventually if you're smart you'll do Thanksgiving my way,

stay home alone and have a giant roast chicken all to yourself.

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