A day late and a dollar short ...

So let's look at what happens in the REAL world...
Software engineer or Applications Developer is interviewed in excess of 10 hours.
The human interviewed by the Managing Director, CIO and even CEO as well as head DBA, Project Manager and Project Leader.
The CEO, CIO and Managing Director howl to the skies about loyalty and reward for "hard work" and a job well done.
The Developer accepts the position and develops an automated system in less than a year that brings in tens of millions of dollars.
The Developer has a developed Fourth Form Normalized RDB, receives feeds from other systems as well as feeding other system.
The System has all the bells and in whistles in it's infrastructure before the Business Logic kicks in.
The Developer has analyzed, designed and created Forms, Reports, Batch Processes and God knows what else that YOU, or any OTHER Manager, will NEVER be able to accomplish.

THEN the CEO decides it's time to bring in the Cheap Labor.
And that's where YOU, the capitalist comes in.
YOU are part and parcel of the BIG LIE about "loyalty and reward for "hard work" and a job well done."

And you call me a Marxist?
What does that make you?
Simple...a lying scumbag that can't admit you're a scumbag.
I'd have some respect for you if you simply admit you...do next to nothing for a living and...facilitate a fundamental lie within unfettered Capitalism...That accomplishment does not result in treachery.

Without me, there was no "automated system" in the first place

There was automation way before you.
And if all you got to work with is H1-Bs you ain't getting shit done.

I have plenty of friends working in the Fortune 500 Firms that can't stand the bad English and absolute lack of Software Development skills.
But that's what the CEO wants.

The GAME...
Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Wash, rinse, repeat,

You've got to do better than that to pull your bullshit on me.

It still cracks me up that the Citibank App took over a year to read a picture of a check correctly.

I always said at GE that GE sucks at IT and if you're going to suck at something, you should at least suck at it cheaply ...

That's good that your admitting that the gods at GE are wasting Stock Holders money.

Illogical response. I agreed we outsource and offshore to save money because we sucked at IT anyway, that's not wasting money

What percentage of Projects actually get implemented within time and within budget?
I hear horror stories where the outcome is...It took forever but they were cheap.
Sort of screws Customer expectations.
So let's look at what happens in the REAL world...
Software engineer or Applications Developer is interviewed in excess of 10 hours.
The human interviewed by the Managing Director, CIO and even CEO as well as head DBA, Project Manager and Project Leader.
The CEO, CIO and Managing Director howl to the skies about loyalty and reward for "hard work" and a job well done.
The Developer accepts the position and develops an automated system in less than a year that brings in tens of millions of dollars.
The Developer has a developed Fourth Form Normalized RDB, receives feeds from other systems as well as feeding other system.
The System has all the bells and in whistles in it's infrastructure before the Business Logic kicks in.
The Developer has analyzed, designed and created Forms, Reports, Batch Processes and God knows what else that YOU, or any OTHER Manager, will NEVER be able to accomplish.

THEN the CEO decides it's time to bring in the Cheap Labor.
And that's where YOU, the capitalist comes in.
YOU are part and parcel of the BIG LIE about "loyalty and reward for "hard work" and a job well done."

And you call me a Marxist?
What does that make you?
Simple...a lying scumbag that can't admit you're a scumbag.
I'd have some respect for you if you simply admit you...do next to nothing for a living and...facilitate a fundamental lie within unfettered Capitalism...That accomplishment does not result in treachery.

Without me, there was no "automated system" in the first place

There was automation way before you.
And if all you got to work with is H1-Bs you ain't getting shit done.

I have plenty of friends working in the Fortune 500 Firms that can't stand the bad English and absolute lack of Software Development skills.
But that's what the CEO wants.

The GAME...
Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Wash, rinse, repeat,

You've got to do better than that to pull your bullshit on me.

It still cracks me up that the Citibank App took over a year to read a picture of a check correctly.

I always said at GE that GE sucks at IT and if you're going to suck at something, you should at least suck at it cheaply ...

That's good that your admitting that the gods at GE are wasting Stock Holders money.

Illogical response. I agreed we outsource and offshore to save money because we sucked at IT anyway, that's not wasting money

I looked up Software Architect; I never knew I was a Software Architect.
No one ever called me a Software Architect.
Boo Hoo!
One thing I have learned in my 1600 posts of Bullshit that you haven't learned in your 34000 posts of Bullshit.

This is the internet. You can be whatever you want to be. And people lie about what they are. All the time. Ever notice that ALL the high post count right winger people are super successful. So they say.

If you were the manager you CLAIM to be, you would know that.

And as one liar famously said; you don't know what you don't know. So quit acting like you do or can.

Assuming things like you do makes you sound stupid.
Don't be so hasty; I for one would LOVE to engage in a technical discussion of how to design certain Tables, Indexes and Relationships in a Database as well as discuss Form and Report Design.
Kaz may have some great insight on how to actually create something as opposed to simply shipping in the next batch of H1-Bs.

My Masters Thesis for my MS in Computer Science at Virginia Tech was titled, "Developing Distributed Applications with Heterogeneous Database Management Systems." I was in a GE Technical management training program at the same time, their paying for my degree, books and all, was part of the program.

I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems. I was an architect and consulted with global application development projects and helped them design their solutions. We used Tuxedo at that time.

Did you understand any of that? Or are you a poseur?

Good...I've read those non-technical manuals also.
So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs?
I personally hate Inheritance.
Your preferred Report Generator?
Do you do Logical or Physical Database design?

Your reaction to what I did proves you're full of shit. But I'll go one round for kicks

So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs? - I programmed mostly in C. I did some Fortran but only because I was usually way ahead of the mainframe guys and wrote a lot of their code for them. I started in Informix RDBMs and then went to Oracle when that became dominant. Since I was writing SQL it made little difference to me. Matters more to the DBA. I try to write generic SQL anyway and not use database specific capabilities. Ditto C. I created a version of C++ before there was C++ because I read about the concept of objects and found it very useful.

I personally hate Inheritance. - Agreed

Your preferred Report Generator? - that was a while ago, but I preferred Crystal at the time

Do you do Logical or Physical Database design? - Logical, duh. I said I was a software architect. Why would I want to screw with the physical design?

"I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems."
I'm not impressed because I never wrote about those topics...I DID THEM...MANY TIMES.

You make me lose interest with crap like this because I already said I was a software architect and wrote those papers. If you don't want to even respond to what I said, I'm going to lose interest real fast

OMG! I hated Crystal! Imagine having to Warehouse Data before running a report!
I loved Access and there was a Reporting OCX, DataDynamics ActiveReports, that combined the Visual Basic Design Interface with the Access engine so that you could write interactive SQL with the Field Events.
But Crystal has the budget to out advertise it.

I don't know what's funnier, that it turns out you wrote tiny applications on access databases ... or that you wanted to write reports on live, globally distributed transaction processing databases. Your uses must have hated you

RMS on VAX VMS wasn't bad but I was thrilled when DEC's RDB came out, but it's performance was horrendous.
I never got to work on Sybase but I was told that when it flushed out to disk the Application would come to a stand still for 30-90 seconds at a clip.

Well, there are a thousand reasons that could happen. You didn't give me enough information except to say, OK?

I never worked with a Software Architect.
I meet people who tell me that they are Software Architects, but when I ask them EXACTLY what they do they always switch to another topic.
What EXACTLY does a software architect DO?

Well, you wrote tiny applications, so I guess you wouldn't know. I designed each of the distributed logical data models, the interactions with all the legacy systems, laid out the transactions within and between the data base transactions, defined the application level system monitoring. By the time it got to the programmers, they were writing defined, pieces of the program. I also usually wrote the hardest database queries and central pieces of the code.

So do you actually interview any of your team?

The new ones coming into the organization, of course.

That's funny. I say I was a software architect for online transaction processing applications with globally distributed databases, and you come back with oh yeah, I wrote access programs, I'm not impressed!!!! Of course you're not impressed, you don't comprehend it
Without me, there was no "automated system" in the first place

There was automation way before you.
And if all you got to work with is H1-Bs you ain't getting shit done.

I have plenty of friends working in the Fortune 500 Firms that can't stand the bad English and absolute lack of Software Development skills.
But that's what the CEO wants.

The GAME...
Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Hire an H1-B team for dirt money.
Let the project go on for about 2 years.
Managers get a raise and bonus for articulating why the "programmers" failed.
Blame the failure on the "programmers".

Wash, rinse, repeat,

You've got to do better than that to pull your bullshit on me.

It still cracks me up that the Citibank App took over a year to read a picture of a check correctly.

I always said at GE that GE sucks at IT and if you're going to suck at something, you should at least suck at it cheaply ...

That's good that your admitting that the gods at GE are wasting Stock Holders money.

Illogical response. I agreed we outsource and offshore to save money because we sucked at IT anyway, that's not wasting money

I looked up Software Architect; I never knew I was a Software Architect.
No one ever called me a Software Architect.
Boo Hoo!

I think they got it right when they didn't call you that
Don't be so hasty; I for one would LOVE to engage in a technical discussion of how to design certain Tables, Indexes and Relationships in a Database as well as discuss Form and Report Design.
Kaz may have some great insight on how to actually create something as opposed to simply shipping in the next batch of H1-Bs.

My Masters Thesis for my MS in Computer Science at Virginia Tech was titled, "Developing Distributed Applications with Heterogeneous Database Management Systems." I was in a GE Technical management training program at the same time, their paying for my degree, books and all, was part of the program.

I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems. I was an architect and consulted with global application development projects and helped them design their solutions. We used Tuxedo at that time.

Did you understand any of that? Or are you a poseur?

Good...I've read those non-technical manuals also.
So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs?
I personally hate Inheritance.
Your preferred Report Generator?
Do you do Logical or Physical Database design?

Your reaction to what I did proves you're full of shit. But I'll go one round for kicks

So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs? - I programmed mostly in C. I did some Fortran but only because I was usually way ahead of the mainframe guys and wrote a lot of their code for them. I started in Informix RDBMs and then went to Oracle when that became dominant. Since I was writing SQL it made little difference to me. Matters more to the DBA. I try to write generic SQL anyway and not use database specific capabilities. Ditto C. I created a version of C++ before there was C++ because I read about the concept of objects and found it very useful.

I personally hate Inheritance. - Agreed

Your preferred Report Generator? - that was a while ago, but I preferred Crystal at the time

Do you do Logical or Physical Database design? - Logical, duh. I said I was a software architect. Why would I want to screw with the physical design?

"I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems."
I'm not impressed because I never wrote about those topics...I DID THEM...MANY TIMES.

You make me lose interest with crap like this because I already said I was a software architect and wrote those papers. If you don't want to even respond to what I said, I'm going to lose interest real fast

OMG! I hated Crystal! Imagine having to Warehouse Data before running a report!
I loved Access and there was a Reporting OCX, DataDynamics ActiveReports, that combined the Visual Basic Design Interface with the Access engine so that you could write interactive SQL with the Field Events.
But Crystal has the budget to out advertise it.

I don't know what's funnier, that it turns out you wrote tiny applications on access databases ... or that you wanted to write reports on live, globally distributed transaction processing databases. Your uses must have hated you

RMS on VAX VMS wasn't bad but I was thrilled when DEC's RDB came out, but it's performance was horrendous.
I never got to work on Sybase but I was told that when it flushed out to disk the Application would come to a stand still for 30-90 seconds at a clip.

Well, there are a thousand reasons that could happen. You didn't give me enough information except to say, OK?

I never worked with a Software Architect.
I meet people who tell me that they are Software Architects, but when I ask them EXACTLY what they do they always switch to another topic.
What EXACTLY does a software architect DO?

Well, you wrote tiny applications, so I guess you wouldn't know. I designed each of the distributed logical data models, the interactions with all the legacy systems, laid out the transactions within and between the data base transactions, defined the application level system monitoring. By the time it got to the programmers, they were writing defined, pieces of the program. I also usually wrote the hardest database queries and central pieces of the code.

So do you actually interview any of your team?

The new ones coming into the organization, of course.

That's funny. I say I was a software architect for online transaction processing applications with globally distributed databases, and you come back with oh yeah, I wrote access programs, I'm not impressed!!!! Of course you're not impressed, you don't comprehend it

My bad description as it has been so long since I used ActiveReports.
ActiveReports was a Server Based OCX that allowed Reports to be generated like a Visual Basic Form.
Super powerful and zero learning curve.
DataSource simply had to be set to the ADO or ODBC DataSource and it expose all the Database Objects.
Beat the snot out of Crystal.
I see that MS has incorporated it into their .NET Platform...a wise move.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
My Masters Thesis for my MS in Computer Science at Virginia Tech was titled, "Developing Distributed Applications with Heterogeneous Database Management Systems." I was in a GE Technical management training program at the same time, their paying for my degree, books and all, was part of the program.

I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems. I was an architect and consulted with global application development projects and helped them design their solutions. We used Tuxedo at that time.

Did you understand any of that? Or are you a poseur?

Good...I've read those non-technical manuals also.
So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs?
I personally hate Inheritance.
Your preferred Report Generator?
Do you do Logical or Physical Database design?

Your reaction to what I did proves you're full of shit. But I'll go one round for kicks

So what language(s) are you currently developing in and what RDBs? - I programmed mostly in C. I did some Fortran but only because I was usually way ahead of the mainframe guys and wrote a lot of their code for them. I started in Informix RDBMs and then went to Oracle when that became dominant. Since I was writing SQL it made little difference to me. Matters more to the DBA. I try to write generic SQL anyway and not use database specific capabilities. Ditto C. I created a version of C++ before there was C++ because I read about the concept of objects and found it very useful.

I personally hate Inheritance. - Agreed

Your preferred Report Generator? - that was a while ago, but I preferred Crystal at the time

Do you do Logical or Physical Database design? - Logical, duh. I said I was a software architect. Why would I want to screw with the physical design?

"I ended up writing two papers on the subject. One was for my masters which talked about two phase commit and maintaining data concurrency from an academic standpoint. The other was a white paper for GE on how to actually build applications using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems."
I'm not impressed because I never wrote about those topics...I DID THEM...MANY TIMES.

You make me lose interest with crap like this because I already said I was a software architect and wrote those papers. If you don't want to even respond to what I said, I'm going to lose interest real fast

OMG! I hated Crystal! Imagine having to Warehouse Data before running a report!
I loved Access and there was a Reporting OCX, DataDynamics ActiveReports, that combined the Visual Basic Design Interface with the Access engine so that you could write interactive SQL with the Field Events.
But Crystal has the budget to out advertise it.

I don't know what's funnier, that it turns out you wrote tiny applications on access databases ... or that you wanted to write reports on live, globally distributed transaction processing databases. Your uses must have hated you

RMS on VAX VMS wasn't bad but I was thrilled when DEC's RDB came out, but it's performance was horrendous.
I never got to work on Sybase but I was told that when it flushed out to disk the Application would come to a stand still for 30-90 seconds at a clip.

Well, there are a thousand reasons that could happen. You didn't give me enough information except to say, OK?

I never worked with a Software Architect.
I meet people who tell me that they are Software Architects, but when I ask them EXACTLY what they do they always switch to another topic.
What EXACTLY does a software architect DO?

Well, you wrote tiny applications, so I guess you wouldn't know. I designed each of the distributed logical data models, the interactions with all the legacy systems, laid out the transactions within and between the data base transactions, defined the application level system monitoring. By the time it got to the programmers, they were writing defined, pieces of the program. I also usually wrote the hardest database queries and central pieces of the code.

So do you actually interview any of your team?

The new ones coming into the organization, of course.

That's funny. I say I was a software architect for online transaction processing applications with globally distributed databases, and you come back with oh yeah, I wrote access programs, I'm not impressed!!!! Of course you're not impressed, you don't comprehend it

My bad description as it has been so long since I used ActiveReports.
ActiveReports was a Server Based OCX that allowed Reports to be generated like a Visual Basic Form.
Super powerful and zero learning curve.
DataSource simply had to be set to the ADO or ODBC DataSource and it expose all the Database Objects.
Beat the snot out of Crystal.
I see that MS has incorporated it into their .NET Platform...a wise move.

My role as an architect didn't involve writing reports, so I can't really argue between tools since I only had cursory interaction with them. I did write some SQL statements for custom reports. But a power user of the report tools I was not and didn't want to be. That was way lower on the food chain than me. I was way too expensive to be doing that.

I was only responsible for the strategy and data structure for providing them. But I never provided access to live reports out of production, transactional systems. Would have been a huge performance risk. You could bring the system to it's knees with a wide enough query

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