A great example of why socialism is better than "charity"

As a woman she would be at risk going to a mans shelter.
He's not a woman. Basic biology says so. Why do you ignore science?
Science disagrees with you.

Really? What "science" would that be? Certainly not biological science. Not medical science. By "science", I must assume you mean psychologists and "reassignment" butchers, whose livelihood depends on feeding into these delusions, and whose pronouncements are long on self-interest and short on any real research or fact.

Social science.

Exactly. "Science" that isn't really scientific.

When someone relies on feeling rather than facts, it really doesn't amount to much and is definitely not scientific.
I'm fascinated by the way you cite one of the primary reasons for charity as a negative aspect.

Dignity comes from one's self and one's actions; it is most definitely not conveyed by stealing someone else's money via government and being told you have a right to feel good about it.

Socialism is a lot more dignified than charity. Everybody pays in and everybody is entitled. Its a right. The NHS works on the same principle. How many Americans are suffering in pain because they cant afford the treatment ? Barbaric.

No, socialism is a lot of unearned pride, based in nothing substantial. REAL dignity is far more to be found in personal, one-on-one charity, as is genuine growth and development as a person. Learn the difference between "dignity" and "never experiencing unpleasantness". It's a level of maturity that clearly neither you nor the self-centered, delusional homeless person have ever encountered.

As for the "wonders" of the NHS, how many Britons are suffering because they forced others to pay for them, and now they can't get treatment at all? How dignified is THAT?
There is no dignity in begging for handouts. Dignity comes from being part of a society where people work for the common good. I realise that is anathema to conservatives who would inflict their Victorian values on the rest of us.

I think a big problem here is that you don't understand what dignity actually is. You seem to think it means "feeling good about yourself and never having to feel uncomfortable about anything." It doesn't.

And I strongly challenge your notion that sending the government to take other people's money and give it to you so that you never have to face them yourself or, God forbid, feel ashamed or grateful, is not at all being a part of society, and certainly does not make you one of the people working for any good at all. It makes you a leech, sucking off the lifeforce of those who are working and weighing them down. You SHOULDN'T feel any sense of dignity or comfort with yourself under those circumstances.

I realize any sort of values that actually involve becoming better people is anathema to leftists, who would inflict their greed and self-centeredness on the rest of us. Your half-assed, mistaken notions of charity are exactly the cause of most - if not all - of what is wrong with the world today.

Only 39% of Americans have enough savings to cover a $1,000 emergency

61% of Americans are $1001 from losing their dignity
Which is irrelevant
Arent there charities in the US that cover things like this ? In the UK socialised medicine would care for this poor woman until she was well again.

Charity turns the recipient into a beggar to be pitied. Socialism is a contract between government and the people that lets you keep some dignity.

I'm fascinated by the way you cite one of the primary reasons for charity as a negative aspect.

Dignity comes from one's self and one's actions; it is most definitely not conveyed by stealing someone else's money via government and being told you have a right to feel good about it.

Socialism is a lot more dignified than charity. Everybody pays in and everybody is entitled. Its a right. The NHS works on the same principle. How many Americans are suffering in pain because they cant afford the treatment ? Barbaric.

No, socialism is a lot of unearned pride, based in nothing substantial. REAL dignity is far more to be found in personal, one-on-one charity, as is genuine growth and development as a person. Learn the difference between "dignity" and "never experiencing unpleasantness". It's a level of maturity that clearly neither you nor the self-centered, delusional homeless person have ever encountered.

As for the "wonders" of the NHS, how many Britons are suffering because they forced others to pay for them, and now they can't get treatment at all? How dignified is THAT?
There is no dignity in begging for handouts. Dignity comes from being part of a society where people work for the common good. I realise that is anathema to conservatives who would inflict their Victorian values on the rest of us.

I think a big problem here is that you don't understand what dignity actually is. You seem to think it means "feeling good about yourself and never having to feel uncomfortable about anything." It doesn't.

And I strongly challenge your notion that sending the government to take other people's money and give it to you so that you never have to face them yourself or, God forbid, feel ashamed or grateful, is not at all being a part of society, and certainly does not make you one of the people working for any good at all. It makes you a leech, sucking off the lifeforce of those who are working and weighing them down. You SHOULDN'T feel any sense of dignity or comfort with yourself under those circumstances.

I realize any sort of values that actually involve becoming better people is anathema to leftists, who would inflict their greed and self-centeredness on the rest of us. Your half-assed, mistaken notions of charity are exactly the cause of most - if not all - of what is wrong with the world today.

It shouldn't be a safety net, it should be a trampoline.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?

If she has a penis she is not a woman, Tommy. She might "feel" like a woman and she might think she is a woman, but she is not a woman.

Following your logic this "woman" would have been allowed in. Is that what you want ?


Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?

If she has a penis she is not a woman, Tommy. She might "feel" like a woman and she might think she is a woman, but she is not a woman.

Following your logic this "woman" would have been allowed in. Is that what you want ?


Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
You and all your ilk advocate state slavery. The socialist state owns the means of production and distribution and by implication there is no private property. You and those who advocate socialism are fools of the first order.
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?

If she has a penis she is not a woman, Tommy. She might "feel" like a woman and she might think she is a woman, but she is not a woman.

Following your logic this "woman" would have been allowed in. Is that what you want ?


Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
You and all your ilk advocate state slavery. The socialist state owns the means of production and distribution and by implication there is no private property. You and those who advocate socialism are fools of the first order.
You are describing communism not socialism. Im a socialist and I have my own business,I own my house,shares and so on. You are badly informed.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

A link from some obscure source..."Pink News".....Sorry they turned you away Tommy but, being a male is toxic no matter how you dress....don't cha know.
You and all your ilk advocate state slavery. The socialist state owns the means of production and distribution and by implication there is no private property. You and those who advocate socialism are fools of the first order.
You are describing communism not socialism. Im a socialist and I have my own business,I own my house,shares and so on. You are badly informed.

You shouldn't really own anything, you are a hypocrite.
If she has a penis she is not a woman, Tommy. She might "feel" like a woman and she might think she is a woman, but she is not a woman.

Following your logic this "woman" would have been allowed in. Is that what you want ?


Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
Following your logic this "woman" would have been allowed in. Is that what you want ?


Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
But they have paid - that is the point of socialism.
Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
But they have paid - that is the point of socialism.
No they have not and the point of socialism is to FORCE people to pay for others which is one of the reasons it universally fails
Following YOUR logic, there's a likelihood of a homeless person who can't even provide for personal shelter having the money and time to get multiple major surgeries and then body sculpt in a gym with a personal trainer.

And by the way, THAT person in your picture wouldn't have been asking to stay in the women's homeless shelter in the first place, so as usual with you, your "Aha!" moment bears utterly no relation to anything real, relevant, or useful from any direction you approach it.

Congratulations on a really outstanding and nonsensical waste of time and space. You've truly outdone your standards in stupidity here. :clap:
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
But they have paid - that is the point of socialism.

No, the point of socialism is that they HAVEN'T paid, and they don't want to. Socialism is about making someone ELSE pay.
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
But they have paid - that is the point of socialism.
No they have not and the point of socialism is to FORCE people to pay for others which is one of the reasons it universally fails
They have paid through taxation. And we havent been forced to pay for anything. Britain voted to introduce the NHS because we wanted a better life. Thats why we kicked Churchill out. I will tell you what failing is. Its about hobbling around on a dodgy hip because you cant afford the £25k to get it fixed.
That is a failed society.
According to you the man in the picture is a woman.You are very confused.

And sex changes are available on the NHS so there would be no charge to the patient. Another victory for socialism.
Ripping people off to finance someones sex change is not a victory.
Who is being ripped off. The sex change guy is paying for your new hip.
Both should pay for their own needs and anyone being taxed for unneeded crap like sex changes is being ripped off
But they have paid - that is the point of socialism.

No, the point of socialism is that they HAVEN'T paid, and they don't want to. Socialism is about making someone ELSE pay.
They have paid through their taxes. What part of that is so complicated ?

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