A lot of Atheist and agnostics just don't get it

And I continue to be mystified that you would think any of that matters. A parent was threatened with the death of their child. That is all that matters. There is no justification for it, only rationalization.
A good story addresses "Why." It also presents a conflict and a resolution. Bible stories also teaches a lesson. The story about the Binding of Isaac, teaches two lessons, and those two lessons have great strength thousands of years later.
Any conclusion can be wrong. To think otherwise is pure ego. But that does not mean there has been no exploration. Why would you think that?
I was focused only on the story of Abraham and Isaac. What further exploration have you made regarding that story. I certainly did not intend for you to infer that you don't explore, and I apologize that my words came across that way.
And I continue to be mystified that you would think any of that matters. A parent was threatened with the death of their child. That is all that matters. There is no justification for it, only rationalization.
A good story addresses "Why." It also presents a conflict and a resolution. Bible stories also teaches a lesson. The story about the Binding of Isaac, teaches two lessons, and those two lessons have great strength thousands of years later.

We may be talking at cross purposes. You seem to be talking about the benefits of storytelling. I am talking about the actions of God in that story. I am treating God as if he were real, not just an object lesson.

Now, if we want to switch the discussion to the role of myth in society, I am good with it.
Any conclusion can be wrong. To think otherwise is pure ego. But that does not mean there has been no exploration. Why would you think that?
I was focused only on the story of Abraham and Isaac. What further exploration have you made regarding that story. I certainly did not intend for you to infer that you don't explore, and I apologize that my words came across that way.

I really don't see much else to explore there. Genesis 22 really isn't that long.
Jewish law is written as it is. They did not spare accounts of themselves ...

your pathology is quite remarkable ...

those people have voided themselves by their exclusivity and use your logic for their justification that does not exist - it was not child sacrifice, relinquishing the sibling and the artificial attachments among themselves was the issue they failed to heed and fabricated their story to a false conclusion, meriweathers - why through the centuries they bring upon themselves the same holocaust's is of their own making.
We may be talking at cross purposes. You seem to be talking about the benefits of storytelling. I am talking about the actions of God in that story. I am treating God as if he were real, not just an object lesson.

Now, if we want to switch the discussion to the role of myth in society, I am good with it.
I am taking everything in its entirety. I am good with the Bible taking story form. It appears you would be more comfortable with the summary: Abraham said God told him no child sacrifices. (Of course, I can imagine his child-sacrificing neighbors snickering and saying, "Yeah, sure, Abe.") Even this brings up the point, of why should anyone have to be told not to kill (sacrifice or abort) their child? Why should there have to be a law against murder, against thievery, against testifying falsely?
We may be talking at cross purposes. You seem to be talking about the benefits of storytelling. I am talking about the actions of God in that story. I am treating God as if he were real, not just an object lesson.

Now, if we want to switch the discussion to the role of myth in society, I am good with it.
I am taking everything in its entirety. I am good with the Bible taking story form. It appears you would be more comfortable with the summary: Abraham said God told him no child sacrifices. (Of course, I can imagine his child-sacrificing neighbors snickering and saying, "Yeah, sure, Abe.") Even this brings up the point, of why should anyone have to be told not to kill (sacrifice or abort) their child? Why should there have to be a law against murder, against thievery, against testifying falsely?

Because human being aren't particularly nice and require rules for any social group to survive. Those laws did not begin with Moses.
Not really. The ending does not make the beginning any less unacceptable. As I said, God had a choice and made a decision on how to proceed. I am judging that decision.
A story with no beginning...

I sometimes teach English; not sure I should promote that idea! ;)
Because human being aren't particularly nice and require rules for any social group to survive. Those laws did not begin with Moses.
True, Abraham was long before Moses. However, the point I was trying to make is that back in those days they used the story technique of presenting a rule...or, in Abraham's case, the changing of what was then currently considered the rule of the day.

Anyway, diver52, its been fun discussing all of this with you. I look forward to future discussions.
Because human being aren't particularly nice and require rules for any social group to survive. Those laws did not begin with Moses.
True, Abraham was long before Moses. However, the point I was trying to make is that back in those days they used the story technique of presenting a rule...or, in Abraham's case, the changing of what was then currently considered the rule of the day.

Anyway, diver52, its been fun discussing all of this with you. I look forward to future discussions.

I'm not sure what you mean.
The Binding of Isaac was presented in story form. It's purpose was to change a custom of sacrificing children to a new one of not killing children.

You seem to be suggesting that a line in the Bible, "Do not sacrifice children" would have an equal, even better impact all through the ages as the story that did make it into the Bible. Perhaps so, but I do enjoy stories!
I'm not sure what you mean.
The Binding of Isaac was presented in story form. It's purpose was to change a custom of sacrificing children to a new one of not killing children.

You seem to be suggesting that a line in the Bible, "Do not sacrifice children" would have an equal, even better impact all through the ages as the story that did make it into the Bible. Perhaps so, but I do enjoy stories!

A fair point. Do you think people would have paid a bit more attention to the teachings of Jesus if he had been more proficient at kicking ass?
Do you think people would have paid a bit more attention to the teachings of Jesus if he had been more proficient at kicking ass?
I would say the reason people have paid so much attention to the teachings of Jesus is that he presented so many of them in story form. ;)

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