A Message From Our Great President

low interest rates and earnings make a market rise Obama nor trump had much to do with it But now you see what your blabbermouth has done opening his yap about NK

I guess you never heard of Quantitive Easing then, huh?
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.

If you tell somebody the game is rigged for them to win, how can you blame them for playing?

Big investors knew the market could only go up with trillions of government dollars supporting it. The rich have never gotten richer than under Obama. But QE ended late 2014, and at the beginning of 2015 is when we started to see numbers that actually reflected the economy.
What about millions who have IRA's or 401 K's the market wasn't good for them?
Republican joke
Hillary phoned the President’s office shortly after midnight.

“I need to talk to President Trump, it’s very important!!” exclaimed Hillary.

After some cajoling, the President’s assistant agreed to disturb the boss.

“So, what is it that’s so important it can’t wait until morning?” grumbled Trump.

“Supreme Court Judge Ginsburg just died, and I would like to take her place,” begged Hillary.

Trump says, “Well, it’s alright with me, if it’s OK with the funeral home."

maybe enemy was a little too strong How about America under Trump can't be trusted any more?
not trusted how?
awww look at eddie, can't answer a simple question from a statement he made.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?
There was no landslide he squeaked in because many folks believed his bullshit about jailing Hillary how our economy was in the shitter etc etc etc
306 to 227, that's landslide bubba.
not trusted how?
awww look at eddie, can't answer a simple question from a statement he made.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
I guess you never heard of Quantitive Easing then, huh?
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

low interest rates and earnings make a market rise Obama nor trump had much to do with it But now you see what your blabbermouth has done opening his yap about NK

I guess you never heard of Quantitive Easing then, huh?
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.

If you tell somebody the game is rigged for them to win, how can you blame them for playing?

Big investors knew the market could only go up with trillions of government dollars supporting it. The rich have never gotten richer than under Obama. But QE ended late 2014, and at the beginning of 2015 is when we started to see numbers that actually reflected the economy.
I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain
awww look at eddie, can't answer a simple question from a statement he made.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
and if obama didn't have a teleprompter...

we all have our faults. you just like to magnify the ones of people you don't like and minimize the same on people you do. kinda human nature to be sure.

but still annoying as fuck.
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

I guess you never heard of Quantitive Easing then, huh?
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.

If you tell somebody the game is rigged for them to win, how can you blame them for playing?

Big investors knew the market could only go up with trillions of government dollars supporting it. The rich have never gotten richer than under Obama. But QE ended late 2014, and at the beginning of 2015 is when we started to see numbers that actually reflected the economy.
I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

306 to 227 is not squeaking, that is a landslide brother one to which isn't seen that often.
Great speech! President Trump is definitely a 2 term President!
Trump's Presidency starts in 2018! Right now Trumps is taking credit for Obama's economic, financial, employment, the DOW. Trump hasn't past any major legislation so how doe he get all the CREDIT???

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
and if obama didn't have a teleprompter...

we all have our faults. you just like to magnify the ones of people you don't like and minimize the same on people you do. kinda human nature to be sure.

but still annoying as fuck.
You're right It is human nature depending on what side of the fence you're on but Obama could speak without a prompter A real cool character that didn't let too much disturb him Trump is a wild cannon
Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.

If you tell somebody the game is rigged for them to win, how can you blame them for playing?

Big investors knew the market could only go up with trillions of government dollars supporting it. The rich have never gotten richer than under Obama. But QE ended late 2014, and at the beginning of 2015 is when we started to see numbers that actually reflected the economy.
I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

306 to 227 is not squeaking, that is a landslide brother one to which isn't seen that often.
So Trump's land slide-mandate. Why couldn't he get the ACA repealed??? After all the god damned-racist GOP own the WH , the senate and house???? Shut the Fuck up.
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
and if obama didn't have a teleprompter...

we all have our faults. you just like to magnify the ones of people you don't like and minimize the same on people you do. kinda human nature to be sure.

but still annoying as fuck.
You're right It is human nature depending on what side of the fence you're on but Obama could speak without a prompter A real cool character that didn't let too much disturb him Trump is a wild cannon

he does just fine when he wants to.
he can tweak your nose when he wants to and you let him do it.

as for obama w/o prompter...

he has moments also but you forgive them cause you like him.
Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.

If you tell somebody the game is rigged for them to win, how can you blame them for playing?

Big investors knew the market could only go up with trillions of government dollars supporting it. The rich have never gotten richer than under Obama. But QE ended late 2014, and at the beginning of 2015 is when we started to see numbers that actually reflected the economy.
I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

306 to 227 is not squeaking, that is a landslide brother one to which isn't seen that often.
Less than 100K votes separated the electoral college in the 3 swing states and he got smashed by millions in the popular vote. Not even close to a landslide.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
and if obama didn't have a teleprompter...

we all have our faults. you just like to magnify the ones of people you don't like and minimize the same on people you do. kinda human nature to be sure.

but still annoying as fuck.

And sometimes when he did have a teleprompter:

how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.
Sure he might have we all have one time or another But if trump had to speak to make a living he'd be a beggar in the street But like another dictator he knows how to incite
and if obama didn't have a teleprompter...

we all have our faults. you just like to magnify the ones of people you don't like and minimize the same on people you do. kinda human nature to be sure.

but still annoying as fuck.

And sometimes when he did have a teleprompter:

You really want to compare Obama blunders with Trump blunders?! I wouldn't go down that road...

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

How's the weather in the bubble world?

If it was really that nice, you people wouldn't be so angry and hateful all the time.

Do you ever bother to fact-check his claims? I mean, on your own.

There is no new tax code and the ones being proposed only throw crumbs to the American worker while giving away the cake to the billionaires.

It's like every day; Sunny with a 90 percent chance of liberal deuche bags.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

All rhetoric. Not a single fact in there. Sheeple gotta sheep.

:lmao: Chopped full of facts, dude. Don't give me your one liner blanket spew. I'll block your ass before I let you waste my time.
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

Sure it is. First of all he beat out over a dozen candidates in the Republican primary. Next he went against a woman who was virtually partners with what liberals consider one of the greatest Presidents we had.

Hillary is a person who spent much of her life in politics. Trump was never so much as a councilman or sat on a school board; absolutely zero political experience.

Hillary had much of the backing from her party. Trump had a lot of Republicans who hated him and made that obvious in the media. She outspent him almost three to one. While the media praised Hillary up and down. they (as they do now) bashed Trump every chance they could.

Sure that's something to boast about. It's political history. No other outsider could have done the same.

I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain

First off the housing crisis had a beginning, and that beginning was government creating more liberal regulations to lower their standards for the purpose of increasing minority home sales. The bad mortgages had to go somewhere, or we would have had a national banking collapse.

Secondly, locking up money is not the way to get an economy going. DumbBama went beyond regulation, he went into downright running the banks.

Jobs don't create themselves, and Presidents don't create jobs either. The private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do so. Obama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Businesses at the bottom only had one way to go, and that was up, but because of Obama, that was a struggle for them.

Trump is the exact opposite of Obama. He is pro-business, not anti-business. The consumer confidence alone is responsible for the good economy we are now experiencing.
Now what the left will say is that this is all because of Obama.

But yet when during the run up to the election they said that the economy would tank under Trump. Now they are stuck between lies.

You're right that Trump is enjoying the work done by President Obama but he's going to have to start producing pretty soon.

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