A message to America from Black America.

an educated Black man is only a threat to Progressives. And of course an educated Black man's education is worthless if he allows himself to be a petty, race-baiting Progressive brainwashed loser anyway....................like somebody here.....................ijs
So you like Ben Carson?

sure; why not? he isnt a race-baiting Black bigot like some one here
He's the poster boy for it. Republicans love finding black uncle tom's they can use.
That's racist.

White supremacists dont have valid lines. Everything I said was based on genetics. Next thing I know you will be denying Black Jews.

What white supremacists are you talking about? White Jews, that treated black Jewish women with Depo-Provera and reduced their birthrate to a minimum?

Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent'

Well, they do not like black people in Israel, and they openly say it:

Israel's Interior Minister declares, 'this country belongs to the white man'.

80 refugees are rounded up as Israel's Interior Minister declares, 'this country belongs to the white man'

And they get away with it, but not because they are white (white Christians would not get away with it), but because they are Jews.
an educated Black man is only a threat to Progressives. And of course an educated Black man's education is worthless if he allows himself to be a petty, race-baiting Progressive brainwashed loser anyway....................like somebody here.....................ijs
So you like Ben Carson?

sure; why not? he isnt a race-baiting Black bigot like some one here
He's the poster boy for it. Republicans love finding black uncle tom's they can use.
That's racist.

Does that make you feel better? Now, tell us why what you said is not racist. You're the one who thinks black people who don't think the way you like are uncle toms, a racist thing to say.
So you like Ben Carson?

sure; why not? he isnt a race-baiting Black bigot like some one here
He's the poster boy for it. Republicans love finding black uncle tom's they can use.
That's racist.

Does that make you feel better? Now, tell us why what you said is not racist. You're the one who thinks black people who don't think the way you like are uncle toms, a racist thing to say.

Feeling better isnt part of it. Its exposing your bullshit
sure; why not? he isnt a race-baiting Black bigot like some one here
He's the poster boy for it. Republicans love finding black uncle tom's they can use.
That's racist.

Does that make you feel better? Now, tell us why what you said is not racist. You're the one who thinks black people who don't think the way you like are uncle toms, a racist thing to say.

Feeling better isnt part of it. Its exposing your bullshit
So you have no defense of your racist comment?
If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:

Moors were of mixed race, some of them were white, others were brown, but there were no black Africans among the Moors, dude.

Do you see any black Africans in this picture?

Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black Africans were a little minority that inhabited the equatorial zone of Africa in ancient times.

The South Africa was populated by brown people, the Bushmen and the Pygmy.

North Africa was populated by white Caucasians, like Berber tribes.

The black Africans (Bantu tribes) expanded in the recent time, their expansion began 2500 years ago, and they genocided the Bushmen and the Pygmy people and partially mixed with them.


When white Dutchmen (the Boers) colonized South Africa, there were no black Africans in these regions. In fact, white Boers are the native population of this region, not black Africans.
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Europe after the Roman Empire was a pretty dismal place.

What Europe are you talking about?
Roman Empire occupied only a small part of Europe, South Europe.

North and East Europe were not affected by the dismantlement of West Roman Empire. And, as already said, Scandinavians and other Germanic tribes were better sailors and better warriors, than Romans, that is why they could get the control over the West Roman Empire (East Roman Empire existed till the 12th century).

Hence the term "Dark Ages".

That is a silly term, and most historians do not use it any more, or use it in a different context, referring to the paucity of historical records:

However, many modern scholars who study the era tend to avoid the term altogether for its negative connotations, finding it misleading and inaccurate for any part of the Middle Ages.[9][10][11]

When the term "Dark Ages" is used by historians today, therefore, it is intended to be neutral, namely, to express the idea that the events of the period often seem "dark" to us because of the paucity of historical records compared with both earlier and later times.[10]

Dark Ages (historiography) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
7 seconds? You heard nothing because you are ignorant and hear nothing.

No moron, that's all it took because I'm much too smart for that bull shit. I've heard those lies for decades now. I was exactly correct as evidenced by the defenders here.
You are afraid to listen to a Black man.

No idiot, I said quite clearly that I've heard it all before. How stupid are you exactly?
If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:

Moors were of mixed race, some of them were white, others were brown, but there were no black Africans among the Moors, dude.

Do you see any black Africans in this picture?

Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black Africans were a little minority that inhabited the equatorial zone of Africa in ancient times.

The South Africa was populated by brown people, the Bushmen and the Pygmy.

North Africa was populated by white Caucasians, like Berber tribes.

The black Africans (Bantu tribes) expanded in the recent time, their expansion began 2500 years ago, and they genocided the Bushmen and the Pygmy people and partially mixed with them.


When white Dutchmen (the Boers) colonized South Africa, there were no black Africans in these regions. In fact, white Boers are the native population of this region, not black Africans.
That was funny. The Moors came in two colors. Black and Tawny. There is a reason moor was used in europe when speaking about Black people before the term negro came into use. You should learn your history and etymology. I have been in Germany and I have seen the statues of the Moors. You sound like a fool.

That was funny. The Moors came in two colors. Black and Tawny.
There is a reason moor was used in europe when speaking about Black people before the term negro came into use. You should learn your history and etymology.

Educate yourself:

The Moors were initially of Berber and Arab descent, though the term was later applied to Africans, Iberian Christian converts to Islam, and people of mixed ancestry.[1][2]

The term "Moors" has also been used in Europe in a broader, somewhat derogatory sense to refer to Muslims in general,[4]especially those of Arab or Berber descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.[5]

Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berber people are white Caucasians, Arabs are mostly brown or white. And that were the initial Moors that conquered Andalusia.


As we see, the population of North Africa (Morocco, Algeria) has the same skin colour as the South Europeans.

The Muslims who invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711 were mainly Berbers, and were led by a Berber, Tariq ibn Ziyad....

Berbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is a picture of a Berber who lives in France:

Zinedine Zidane, born to Berber parents from Algeria (Kabyle)

The Moors had some black slaves or soldiers, and that is why Europeans paid attention to the "otherness" of Moors, stressing the fact, that there were some black people among them.

In any case, these black Moors were not the elite, they were just soldiers or slaves.

I have been in Germany and I have seen the statues of the Moors. You sound like a fool.



There were no Moors in Germany, and the meaning of the word "Moor" changed during the centuries.

The today Spanish definition "Moro" does not have anything to do with the initial meaning of this word:

Among Spanish speakers,moro came to have a broader meaning, applied to both Filipino Moros from Mindanao, and the moriscos of Granada. Moro refers to all things dark, as in "Moor", moreno, etc. It was also used as a nickname; for instance, the Milanese Duke Ludovico Sforza was called Il Moro because of his dark complexion.

Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry, but your argumentation is pathetic.


The South-Spanish people (Andalusia) are descendants of Moors that converted to Christianity.

I was to Andalusia and I did not see any black Spanish people there, except the black refugees from Sub-Saharan-Africa.
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Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.

And 14 - 150 = 136.

What about it?

This isn't rocket surgery, 9/11 is still pretty recent so it's no surprise American's are still livid about it.
Slavery on the other hand is long gone and all's we here is whine whine whine !!!!!!!

Remind me of that the next 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Columbus day mmkaay?

That girl sure can cry.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Wow, this young guy went through slavery and segregation?

This is the real problem, blacks like to fantasize that they themselves are slaves. That they are in no way responsible for their own actions and situation in life.

It's a nice load of garbage, so it's no wonder progressives like Swallow gobble it up.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
7 seconds? You heard nothing because you are ignorant and hear nothing.

No moron, that's all it took because I'm much too smart for that bull shit. I've heard those lies for decades now. I was exactly correct as evidenced by the defenders here.
You are afraid to listen to a Black man.

No idiot, I said quite clearly that I've heard it all before. How stupid are you exactly?
You have nothing but insults, so it appears that you are the stupid one.
If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:

Moors were of mixed race, some of them were white, others were brown, but there were no black Africans among the Moors, dude.

Do you see any black Africans in this picture?

Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black Africans were a little minority that inhabited the equatorial zone of Africa in ancient times.

The South Africa was populated by brown people, the Bushmen and the Pygmy.

North Africa was populated by white Caucasians, like Berber tribes.

The black Africans (Bantu tribes) expanded in the recent time, their expansion began 2500 years ago, and they genocided the Bushmen and the Pygmy people and partially mixed with them.


When white Dutchmen (the Boers) colonized South Africa, there were no black Africans in these regions. In fact, white Boers are the native population of this region, not black Africans.
That was funny. The Moors came in two colors. Black and Tawny. There is a reason moor was used in europe when speaking about Black people before the term negro came into use. You should learn your history and etymology. I have been in Germany and I have seen the statues of the Moors. You sound like a fool.

Ever see the movie True Romance where Dennis Hopper talks shit to a mafia guy played by Christopher Walken? He knows he is about to be killed anyways so he says this:

Clifford Worley: You're Sicilian, huh?

Coccotti: Yeah

Clifford Worley: Ya know, I read a lot. Especially about things... about history. I find that shit fascinating. Here's a fact I don't know whether you know or not. Sicilians were spawned by n*ggers.

Coccotti: [He does a double take] Come again?

Clifford Worley: It's a fact. Yeah. You see Sicilians have black blood pumpin' through their hearts. If you don't believe me you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago the Moors conquered Sicily.

Coccotti: Yes...

Clifford Worley: So you see, way back then, uh, Sicilians were waps from Northern Italy. They all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well, then the Moors moved in there, and uh, well, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin' with Sicilian women that they changed the whole bloodline forever. That's why blonde hair and blue eyes became black hair and dark skin. You know, it's absolutely amazing to me to think that to this day, hundreds of years later, that, uh, that Sicilians still carry that n*gger gene. Now this...

[Coccotti busts out laughing]

Clifford Worley: No, I'm, no, I'm quoting... history. It's written. It's a fact, it's written.

Coccotti: [laughing] I love this guy.

Clifford Worley: Your ancestors are n*ggers. Uh-huh.

[Starts laughing, too]

Clifford Worley: Hey. Yeah. And your great-great-great-great grandmother fucked a n*gger, ho, ho, yeah, and she had a half-n*gger kid... now, if that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? 'Cause you, you're part eggplant.

Then they shot him.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
7 seconds? You heard nothing because you are ignorant and hear nothing.

No moron, that's all it took because I'm much too smart for that bull shit. I've heard those lies for decades now. I was exactly correct as evidenced by the defenders here.
You are afraid to listen to a Black man.

No idiot, I said quite clearly that I've heard it all before. How stupid are you exactly?
You have nothing but insults, so it appears that you are the stupid one.

Your illiteracy isn't my fault, moron.
And so I really do no accept any responsibility for Blacks who once were

Is there some note stuck to white people's door that says ANYONE wants them to take responsibility for slavery? What the fuck does that even mean?
It means that I do not care if someone's great, great, great, great grandfather was a slave. It has no relevance now. Sure, we need to remember the past so that we do not repeat mistakes. There are enough mistakes to go around.

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