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A personal note to Climate Change Deniers

If you took all the fossil fuels burned by mankind all over the world for an entire year...

The sun gives us more energy than that in one hour.

OoOoH lookie! We have a scientist in the thread.
Praise JEBUS! :icon_rolleyes:

So you admit you're a SCIENCE DENIER?

No - My point was that I'm NOT a science denier.
97% of peer reviewed studies by ACTUAL climate scientists (aka not YOU) confirm extreme weather events are manmade.
But live in your bubble - Y'all will be dead sooner than later.

You really ought to read this again...

For example, a position statement recently published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and frequently cited as the “definitive” indication of scientific consensus on global warming was authored by a mere 23 persons. Of those 23 persons, only five had Ph.D.s in a field closely related to climate science, an equal number (5) were staffers for environmental activist groups, two were politicians, one was the EPA general counsel under the Clinton administration and 19 of the 23 had already spoken out on behalf of global warming alarmism prior to being chosen for the panel.

Clear out the underbrush between the trees and you won't have so many forest fires, dimwit.
Its that SIMPLE?
Hope you are being sarcastic or you've just proven your intellect to be extremely low.

I'm going with your intellect is very low.
Besides, how do people think fires start anyway? You build and expand human cities and swelling, run power lines thru the former wildeness, and have people camping, traveling, biking, driving, and throwing baby parties, and we get fires started by humans
If you took all the fossil fuels burned by mankind all over the world for an entire year...

The sun gives us more energy than that in one hour.

OoOoH lookie! We have a scientist in the thread.
Praise JEBUS! :icon_rolleyes:

So you admit you're a SCIENCE DENIER?

No - My point was that I'm NOT a science denier.
97% of peer reviewed studies by ACTUAL climate scientists (aka not YOU) confirm extreme weather events are manmade.
But live in your bubble - Y'all will be dead sooner than later.

You really ought to read this again...

For example, a position statement recently published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and frequently cited as the “definitive” indication of scientific consensus on global warming was authored by a mere 23 persons. Of those 23 persons, only five had Ph.D.s in a field closely related to climate science, an equal number (5) were staffers for environmental activist groups, two were politicians, one was the EPA general counsel under the Clinton administration and 19 of the 23 had already spoken out on behalf of global warming alarmism prior to being chosen for the panel.

View attachment 387476
It's like a peer reviewed study conducted with 70 KKK members from across the US, and they all agree that the white race is superior. Wow, imagaine that, like minds thinking alike.
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

First off I didn't read past the title. Global Warming, Climate Change, what us normal people call Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall we go by what we see and feel not by what some talking head with an agenda tell us. You should try it.
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

Let me first asure you I never read past the title of your rant. So allow me to rebate of what I never read a word of. Clmate Change, Global Warming, Summer, Winter, Spring, Fall, or what ever you want to call it is a lie for stupid people with too much money to believe.

Most people laugh at the talking heads preaching this crap. The Normal People go by what they see, what they feel, and by the moral compass of the one doing the preaching. Algore, over ten years ago told us about the fear of Global Warming and the money to be made. To hear him give the facts we should have all drowned or grown gills. How could he be lying? He did it on a gas powered manlift! It got so bad to get a government grant it was mandentory to 'believe'.

Living in a desert you remember the days that topped 126 degrees when you work in it. I remember one over 20 years ago. Was working inside a building covered in black tar paper. A guy fell over and died that day. The next time it got that hot was about 10 years latter. I was out in it finishing an underground. My helper sat in my truck not able to continue that was latter found to have had a heart attack. Those are days I remember.

These last 10 years Summers have been fairly easy. It's hot but not your fall over dead hot. I do recall a couple Winters ago for the first time in my life I saw hail stones bigger than golf balls. I don't keep up on the Global Warming Shit. Maybe you have. Can you tell me the last island, if any that have been covered in water? I remember just last year a quarter of the Artic fell into the sea. Didn't it melt spelling doom for mankind or did they just put a flag on it making it a country?

You need to start practicing seeing the nose in front of your face. Stop listening to 'experts' that all financially benefit from you believing what they are selling. I'll bet you have other cases where you take other evil devils at their word. Those kind of people make life hard. Waking up and smelling the stinch makes life worth living.
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

Hi DrLove. I'm so glad to read you're ok. As you know, I was in that area just a couple weeks ago. I was so worried about you. I had not seen a post from you in a few days and know that there's wildfires in your area. I'm so glad to see a post from you. I'm crying because a friend of mine and I just photographed the area again.

Yes we're neighbors. I'm ok here. We have a lot of smoke here. I can't even see Puget Sound out my window today. It's all blocked by the smoke. The ocean is just two blocks from my home but the smoke is so thick and bad, it can't be seen.

The Gifford Pinchot National Forest is on fire here which isn't far from where I live. We started getting the bad smoke on Wednesday. It's gotten worse everyday since.

I've been working to prevent and stop all this since the 80s when reagan started the deforestation of our mountains. I'm sure if you were here you remember bald mountains with nothing left alive on them for as far as the eye can see. For miles and miles. Especially along Interstate 90 and over on the Peninsula.

Climate change was here in the early 2000s showing it's effects then but people didn't listen.

Now, what is called Reflection Lake that used to be a mirror of Mt. Rainier is no more a reflection. There isn't enough water anymore.

Same with Picture Lake for Mt. Baker. Half the water is gone so there's no water to reflect the mountain anymore.

Everywhere I go Lakes, streams and rivers are drying up.

Mt. Rainier is melting. Literally. For the first time in my 60 years of life I actually saw and photographed black spots on the very top of Mt. Rainier where there is no snow. That has never happened before. The south side if the mountain is nearly without snow in the summer now.

Mt. St Helens has no snow in the summer now. I was at Windy Ridge last month and was taking the photos of the crater through tears because I was crying at what I was seeing. Again, for the first time in my 60 years of life. I have never seen Mt. St. Helens without snow except for when it blew up in 1980.

A friend of mine and I went to Smith Rock last year in April. We drove highway 22 through the middle of Oregon and the southern Cascades. It was normal. Beautiful. Then we came to an area of a wildfire. Everything was dead and black. It went on for miles and miles and miles. I had never driven through an old wildfire that lasted that long. Sure we're used to spots but nothing like that. At one point I just pulled my car over, put my hands in my arms and sobbed. Just sobbed. It was just too overwhelming for me. I couldn't hold in in any longer and I knew I shouldn't be driving that upset. It took me a while to get myself together. When I did I pulled out one of my cameras, the one with the 18-200 mm lens on it. I didn't have my camera with Big Betty on it with me, my curved 14 to 28mm so I had to make due with what I had. I had to document it. It's one of the things I do. Document. So through tears again, shoulders shaking because of my sobs, I climbed out the car and walked over to take shots. Here are some of them. I took them through tears and still shaking.


Everything you all see in those photos is black, dead burned trees. For miles and miles as far as the eye can see.

What you deniers don't realize is that those trees make our air. They not just make our air they clean our air.

If we don't have trees we don't have air.

I don't know about you deniers but I like to breathe. In fact, I'm addicted to and can't live without it.

Same with water. Nothing on this planet can live without water.
I’ll just be blunt. Those that deny anthropogenic Climate change are among the most obtuse individuals on the planet. The scientific evidence is overwhelming and the empirical evidence everywhere.

Your “science” is in the same category as that which holds that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

It has nothing to do with genuine science.

So THIS is why 97% of actual peer reviewed climate scientists agree with ME Bob.
Ok man - Go with the 3% - They suit you!
Here's another gem for you...

A recent survey of American Meteorological Society members shows meteorologists are skeptical that humans are causing a global warming crisis. The survey confirms what many scientists have been reporting for years; the politically focused bureaucratic leadership of many science organizations is severely out of touch with the scientists themselves regarding global warming issues.

According to American Meteorological Society (AMS) data, 89% of AMS meteorologists believe global warming is happening, but only a minority (30%) is very worried about global warming.

This sharp contrast between the large majority of meteorologists who believe global warming is happening and the modest minority who are nevertheless very worried about it is consistent with other scientist surveys. This contrast exposes global warming alarmists who assert that 97% of the world’s scientists agree humans are causing a global warming crisis simply because these scientists believe global warming is occurring. However, as this and other scientist surveys show, believing that some warming is occurring is not the same as believing humans are causing a worrisome crisis.

Other questions solidified the meteorologists’ skepticism about humans creating a global warming crisis. For example, among those meteorologists who believe global warming is happening, only a modest majority (59%) believe humans are the primary cause. More importantly, only 38% of respondents who believe global warming is occurring say it will be very harmful during the next 100 years.

With substantially fewer than half of meteorologists very worried about global warming or expecting substantial harm during the next 100 years, one has to wonder why environmental activist groups are sowing the seeds of global warming panic. Does anyone really expect our economy to be powered 100 years from now by the same energy sources we use today? Why immediately, severely, and permanently punish our economy with costly global warming restrictions when technological advances and the free market will likely address any such global warming concerns much more efficiently, economically and effectively?

In another line of survey questions, 53% of respondents believe there is conflict among AMS members regarding the topic of global warming. Only 33% believe there is no conflict. Another 15% were not sure. These results provide strong refutation to the assertion that “the debate is over.”

Interestingly, only 26% of respondents said the conflict among AMS members is unproductive.

Overall, the survey of AMS scientists paints a very different picture than the official AMS Information Statement on Climate Change. Drafted by the AMS bureaucracy, the Information Statement leaves readers with the impression that AMS meteorologists have few doubts about humans creating a global warming crisis. The Information Statement indicates quite strongly that humans are the primary driver of global temperatures and the consequences are and will continue to be quite severe. Compare the bureaucracy’s Information Statement with the survey results of the AMS scientists themselves.

Scientists who have attended the Heartland Institute’s annual International Conference on Climate Change report the same disconnect throughout their various science organizations; only a minority of scientists believes humans are causing a global warming crisis, yet the non-scientist bureaucracies publish position statements that contradict what the scientists themselves believe. Few, if any, of these organizations actually poll their members before publishing a position statement. Within this context of few actual scientist surveys, the AMS survey results are very powerful.

It's also noteworthy that 80% of those meteorologists have PhDs or Master's degrees (as opposed to being a spoiled teenager from Sweden like Greta Thunberg).....
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

Hi DrLove. I'm so glad to read you're ok. As you know, I was in that area just a couple weeks ago. I was so worried about you. I had not seen a post from you in a few days and know that there's wildfires in your area. I'm so glad to see a post from you. I'm crying because a friend of mine and I just photographed the area again.

Yes we're neighbors. I'm ok here. We have a lot of smoke here. I can't even see Puget Sound out my window today. It's all blocked by the smoke. The ocean is just two blocks from my home but the smoke is so thick and bad, it can't be seen.

The Gifford Pinchot National Forest is on fire here which isn't far from where I live. We started getting the bad smoke on Wednesday. It's gotten worse everyday since.

I've been working to prevent and stop all this since the 80s when reagan started the deforestation of our mountains. I'm sure if you were here you remember bald mountains with nothing left alive on them for as far as the eye can see. For miles and miles. Especially along Interstate 90 and over on the Peninsula.

Climate change was here in the early 2000s showing it's effects then but people didn't listen.

Now, what is called Reflection Lake that used to be a mirror of Mt. Rainier is no more a reflection. There isn't enough water anymore.

Same with Picture Lake for Mt. Baker. Half the water is gone so there's no water to reflect the mountain anymore.

Everywhere I go Lakes, streams and rivers are drying up.

Mt. Rainier is melting. Literally. For the first time in my 60 years of life I actually saw and photographed black spots on the very top of Mt. Rainier where there is no snow. That has never happened before. The south side if the mountain is nearly without snow in the summer now.

Mt. St Helens has no snow in the summer now. I was at Windy Ridge last month and was taking the photos of the crater through tears because I was crying at what I was seeing. Again, for the first time in my 60 years of life. I have never seen Mt. St. Helens without snow except for when it blew up in 1980.

A friend of mine and I went to Smith Rock last year in April. We drove highway 22 through the middle of Oregon and the southern Cascades. It was normal. Beautiful. Then we came to an area of a wildfire. Everything was dead and black. It went on for miles and miles and miles. I had never driven through an old wildfire that lasted that long. Sure we're used to spots but nothing like that. At one point I just pulled my car over, put my hands in my arms and sobbed. Just sobbed. It was just too overwhelming for me. I couldn't hold in in any longer and I knew I shouldn't be driving that upset. It took me a while to get myself together. When I did I pulled out one of my cameras, the one with the 18-200 mm lens on it. I didn't have my camera with Big Betty on it with me, my curved 14 to 28mm so I had to make due with what I had. I had to document it. It's one of the things I do. Document. So through tears again, shoulders shaking because of my sobs, I climbed out the car and walked over to take shots. Here are some of them. I took them through tears and still shaking.

View attachment 387480View attachment 387481View attachment 387482View attachment 387483

Everything you all see in those photos is black, dead burned trees. For miles and miles as far as the eye can see.

What you deniers don't realize is that those trees make our air. They not just make our air they clean our air.

If we don't have trees we don't have air.

I don't know about you deniers but I like to breathe. In fact, I'm addicted to and can't live without it.

Same with water. Nothing on this planet can live without water.

Deniers too friggin stupid to realize we live only on one planet.
Clear out the underbrush between the trees and you won't have so many forest fires, dimwit.
Its that SIMPLE?
Hope you are being sarcastic or you've just proven your intellect to be extremely low.

I'm going with your intellect is very low.
Prove me wrong.
I already did.
Your solution along with Dotard trump includes a total misunderstanding of "Forest Management"
What have you been told forest management is?

If it's any "solution" that doesn't reduce forest floor litter...i.e., forest fire fuel...it's not a solution.
Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D.

Since when?

Since weather has been documented on west coast or Oregon?
Guessing since mid 1850s latest. Do you have contrary evidence of a gazillion alarm fire in Lincoln City??
Look dude, you can sit back and leave this mess to your grandchildren. I for one will NOT.

OMG my friend and I stayed in Lincoln City a couple weeks ago.

Is there much left?
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Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently.

Probably wasn't the human density in that area in that area even 60 yr ago to make it a crisis..

The 1 degC of "warming" that we're measuring during your lifetime is a small fraction of the year to year variance in temperature for any given day or month.. Yearly VARIANCE is in the +/- 4DegC range.

Weather is not truly driven by a single variable.. EVERYTHING IMPORTANT about weather is based on differentials.. Storms and their intensity are based on vertical temp differentials, wind direction directions, humidity differentials.. If weather were driven simply by a 1 DEGC change -- the Equatorial region would be too dangerous for human life..

And UNPRECEDENTED --- is totally relative.. On a CLIMATE timescale of millenia -- we've only had satellites up for about 35 years with sufficient instrumentation.. Before WW2 -- the land based weather collection wasn't GOOD enough to detect a 0.1 Degc change per decade.. Our ability to CALL anything in weather and climate UNPRECENDENTED is severely limited. The use of Proxy studies for ANCIENT climate and weather is limited in both TIME and SPATIAL resolution...

Get a hold of yourself and realize that MAN DOES play a role in these fires.. But taking the SIMPLE conspiratorial approach to blame is kinda lazy....
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

Hi DrLove. I'm so glad to read you're ok. As you know, I was in that area just a couple weeks ago. I was so worried about you. I had not seen a post from you in a few days and know that there's wildfires in your area. I'm so glad to see a post from you. I'm crying because a friend of mine and I just photographed the area again.

Yes we're neighbors. I'm ok here. We have a lot of smoke here. I can't even see Puget Sound out my window today. It's all blocked by the smoke. The ocean is just two blocks from my home but the smoke is so thick and bad, it can't be seen.

The Gifford Pinchot National Forest is on fire here which isn't far from where I live. We started getting the bad smoke on Wednesday. It's gotten worse everyday since.

I've been working to prevent and stop all this since the 80s when reagan started the deforestation of our mountains. I'm sure if you were here you remember bald mountains with nothing left alive on them for as far as the eye can see. For miles and miles. Especially along Interstate 90 and over on the Peninsula.

Climate change was here in the early 2000s showing it's effects then but people didn't listen.

Now, what is called Reflection Lake that used to be a mirror of Mt. Rainier is no more a reflection. There isn't enough water anymore.

Same with Picture Lake for Mt. Baker. Half the water is gone so there's no water to reflect the mountain anymore.

Everywhere I go Lakes, streams and rivers are drying up.

Mt. Rainier is melting. Literally. For the first time in my 60 years of life I actually saw and photographed black spots on the very top of Mt. Rainier where there is no snow. That has never happened before. The south side if the mountain is nearly without snow in the summer now.

Mt. St Helens has no snow in the summer now. I was at Windy Ridge last month and was taking the photos of the crater through tears because I was crying at what I was seeing. Again, for the first time in my 60 years of life. I have never seen Mt. St. Helens without snow except for when it blew up in 1980.

A friend of mine and I went to Smith Rock last year in April. We drove highway 22 through the middle of Oregon and the southern Cascades. It was normal. Beautiful. Then we came to an area of a wildfire. Everything was dead and black. It went on for miles and miles and miles. I had never driven through an old wildfire that lasted that long. Sure we're used to spots but nothing like that. At one point I just pulled my car over, put my hands in my arms and sobbed. Just sobbed. It was just too overwhelming for me. I couldn't hold in in any longer and I knew I shouldn't be driving that upset. It took me a while to get myself together. When I did I pulled out one of my cameras, the one with the 18-200 mm lens on it. I didn't have my camera with Big Betty on it with me, my curved 14 to 28mm so I had to make due with what I had. I had to document it. It's one of the things I do. Document. So through tears again, shoulders shaking because of my sobs, I climbed out the car and walked over to take shots. Here are some of them. I took them through tears and still shaking.

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Everything you all see in those photos is black, dead burned trees. For miles and miles as far as the eye can see.

What you deniers don't realize is that those trees make our air. They not just make our air they clean our air.

If we don't have trees we don't have air.

I don't know about you deniers but I like to breathe. In fact, I'm addicted to and can't live without it.

Same with water. Nothing on this planet can live without water.

You cry a lot.
Clear out the underbrush between the trees and you won't have so many forest fires, dimwit.

Forest Management is a HUGE part of it.. The Leftists want "pristine" forests UNTOUCH by fire access roads or scientific forest management techniques.. And THEN there's players like PGE that torch off the LAST round of big Cali fires because they're BANKRUPT from being FORCED TO BUY wind and solar and AT THE SAME TIME -- buy REAL power on the spot daily market when the sun dont shine and the wind dont blow...

This is what OVERBUYING on the wind./solar boondoggle leads to.. PGE had to pay out $BILLs in damages for NOT clearing trees/brush and maintaining their grid..
Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it.

It's called summer. And those are Democrat controlled regions. And God doesn't like Democrats
Blame the fires on global warming? They just had a freaking snow storm in Colorado. Maybe if you Oregonors stop whining and take control of the arsons and anarchy things might turn around.

Yep, I talked to someone in Colorado Springs today to get a late bill taken care of. It was snowing there, which in early September would be included as an extreme weather event. Extreme weather and CC have NOTHING to do with hot and cold - Ya freaking MOron :rolleyes:


According to which sources you read -- CLimate change is responsible for damn near EVERY environmental issue.. Rationale folks know there's not one simpleton answer for most ANY environmental issue... And YES -- weather EXTREMES is one of the THEORIES that have been bandied about about future climate.. But as just pointed out -- weather is driven by DIFFERENTIALS in a lot of variables -- NOT the absolute value of any ONE variable..

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