A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Do you think people who think it's important for kids having both mom and dad like gay marriage?

  • Yes, they can think both are important

  • No, the two can't exist in the same universe

Results are only viewable after voting.
As far as the federal government's concerned anyone can marry anyone, anything as many as they want or whatever they want, it doesn't matter - that's why it should be a states issue.

The institution of marriage has become meaningless - let people marry a fencepost of they want to. Who gives a shit?

Rustic once again displaying not only his profound bigotry- but his profound ignorance on the Constitution and the courts.

As a man, who has been happily married to my wife for over 20 years- the institution of marriage hasn't changed for me at all.

But apparently now Rustic thinks it is meaningless.

Does that mean that Rustic is single and has no clue about marriage- or that gays being allowed to marry made his own marriage fall apart?
It means that the federal government should stay out of personal lives, including financial....
As far as the federal government's concerned anyone can marry anyone, anything as many as they want or whatever they want, it doesn't matter - that's why it should be a states issue.

The institution of marriage has become meaningless - let people marry a fencepost of they want to. Who gives a shit?
I am sorry to hear that the legalizing of gay marriage has ruined your faux marriage.
Never said any such thing, just that when the federal government is involved it fucks everything up…
As far as the federal government's concerned anyone can marry anyone, anything as many as they want or whatever they want, it doesn't matter - that's why it should be a states issue.

The institution of marriage has become meaningless - let people marry a fencepost of they want to. Who gives a shit?

Rustic once again displaying not only his profound bigotry- but his profound ignorance on the Constitution and the courts.

As a man, who has been happily married to my wife for over 20 years- the institution of marriage hasn't changed for me at all.

But apparently now Rustic thinks it is meaningless.

Does that mean that Rustic is single and has no clue about marriage- or that gays being allowed to marry made his own marriage fall apart?
It means that the federal government should stay out of personal lives, including financial....

I agree. Let's get the gov't completely out of marriage. End the tax breaks and all the other gov't benefits for something that requires no qualifications other than not dying for 18 years. Make it a completely private and/or religious affair.
Meanwhile private business is getting into marriage...to their own detriment. 90% silently opposed is quite a gamble as a business to take a stand against..
As far as the federal government's concerned anyone can marry anyone, anything as many as they want or whatever they want, it doesn't matter - that's why it should be a states issue.

The institution of marriage has become meaningless - let people marry a fencepost of they want to. Who gives a shit?
I am sorry to hear that the legalizing of gay marriage has ruined your faux marriage.
Never said any such thing, just that when the federal government is involved it fucks everything up…

Seriously. All that integration and civil rights and "let the blacks vote" BS in the South was a travesty.
Meanwhile private business is getting into marriage...to their own detriment. 90% silently opposed is quite a gamble as a business to take a stand against..

You're still not over being 100% wrong about this, are you?
Meanwhile private business is getting into marriage...to their own detriment. 90% silently opposed is quite a gamble as a business to take a stand against..

Perhaps you should take a college course in statistics. Your poll, of +/-100 people, on a single web site, does not translate into 90% of the real world. It simply does not.

However, the Gallup poll I linked to earlier is based on scientific polling methods (this is why Gallup is a respected institution).

So 60% of the people in this country approve of same sex marriage. 90% of the 100 people who responded to your poll think having a mother & father is important. Can you see the difference?
As far as the federal government's concerned anyone can marry anyone, anything as many as they want or whatever they want, it doesn't matter - that's why it should be a states issue.

The institution of marriage has become meaningless - let people marry a fencepost of they want to. Who gives a shit?
I am sorry to hear that the legalizing of gay marriage has ruined your faux marriage.
Never said any such thing, just that when the federal government is involved it fucks everything up…

Seriously. All that integration and civil rights and "let the blacks vote" BS in the South was a travesty.
Perhaps you should take a college course in statistics. Your poll, of +/-100 people, on a single web site, does not translate into 90% of the real world. It simply does not.

:lmao: OK then what's the magic number that does if not 100 people? I've seen many a poll from between 100-150 people be taken by the media and others as "the word of God". If I was a business, I'd err on the side of caution that these 100 people from all walks are a good cross section of America; as good as any other 100 people polled..
The entire thread premise is moot because all humans have a specific singular mother and a specific singular father.
Left wing agitators and fascists want to force alternatives to those two specific people raising the children they create. An absolute violation of the natural right of a human to be raised by its actual parents.
Perhaps you should take a college course in statistics. Your poll, of +/-100 people, on a single web site, does not translate into 90% of the real world. It simply does not.

:lmao: OK then what's the magic number that does if not 100 people? I've seen many a poll from between 100-150 people be taken by the media and others as "the word of God". If I was a business, I'd err on the side of caution that these 100 people from all walks are a good cross section of America; as good as any other 100 people polled..

This place? A cross section of the population?? LMAO!!!

That is the scariest thing I have read on here.
The entire thread premise is moot because all humans have a specific singular mother and a specific singular father.
Left wing agitators and fascists want to force alternatives to those two specific people raising the children they create. An absolute violation of the natural right of a human to be raised by its actual parents.

Who wants to force alternatives on anyone raising the children they create?? If a man & woman create a child, they raise it. It is simple, and not part of this discussion. What IS being discussed is people who, while they are the same gender, wish to raise a child that someone else refused to raise.

Gay couples who adopt are taking children that straight couples created and then threw away. And they also adopt a higher percentage of children is medical and mental issues. Again, that straight couples threw away.
Perhaps you should take a college course in statistics. Your poll, of +/-100 people, on a single web site, does not translate into 90% of the real world. It simply does not.

:lmao: OK then what's the magic number that does if not 100 people? I've seen many a poll from between 100-150 people be taken by the media and others as "the word of God". If I was a business, I'd err on the side of caution that these 100 people from all walks are a good cross section of America; as good as any other 100 people polled..

This place? A cross section of the population?? LMAO!!!

That is the scariest thing I have read on here.

Well I'm not sure what the OP poll indicates, it's only managed to attract 10 votes, 6 for and 4 against.

I think if this were an actual Gallup poll or whatever, probably a majority would agree that a mother and father is the best option. We must remember that the majority of nations AREN'T Burn Your Bra Leftist types, the majority of nations are actually either Centrist, Right of Centre or Centre Right.
The entire thread premise is moot because all humans have a specific singular mother and a specific singular father.
Left wing agitators and fascists want to force alternatives to those two specific people raising the children they create. An absolute violation of the natural right of a human to be raised by its actual parents.

Who wants to force alternatives on anyone raising the children they create?? If a man & woman create a child, they raise it. It is simple, and not part of this discussion. What IS being discussed is people who, while they are the same gender, wish to raise a child that someone else refused to raise.

Gay couples who adopt are taking children that straight couples created and then threw away. And they also adopt a higher percentage of children is medical and mental issues. Again, that straight couples threw away.
Refusing to raise a child you create is a violation of the natural right of that human to be raised by his actual parents.
You just posts the typical logic-challenged lefty response.
The entire thread premise is moot because all humans have a specific singular mother and a specific singular father.
Left wing agitators and fascists want to force alternatives to those two specific people raising the children they create. An absolute violation of the natural right of a human to be raised by its actual parents.

Who wants to force alternatives on anyone raising the children they create?? If a man & woman create a child, they raise it. It is simple, and not part of this discussion. What IS being discussed is people who, while they are the same gender, wish to raise a child that someone else refused to raise.

Gay couples who adopt are taking children that straight couples created and then threw away. And they also adopt a higher percentage of children is medical and mental issues. Again, that straight couples threw away.
Refusing to raise a child you create is a violation of the natural right of that human to be raised by his actual parents.
You just posts the typical logic-challenged lefty response.

Natural rights? Lmao!! Are you really going to use the parenting attributes of animals here? Plenty of animals abandon their young. Plenty of males kill the young of other males. And in many species, the female has no choice in the mating.
Perhaps you should take a college course in statistics. Your poll, of +/-100 people, on a single web site, does not translate into 90% of the real world. It simply does not.

:lmao: OK then what's the magic number that does if not 100 people? I've seen many a poll from between 100-150 people be taken by the media and others as "the word of God". If I was a business, I'd err on the side of caution that these 100 people from all walks are a good cross section of America; as good as any other 100 people polled..

Other than your own imagination, do you have any proof that people in the media are using polls with such a small sample as the 'word of god'? A hundred people on an internet message board is not an accurate cross section of America. You only pretend that it does so you can buttress your anti-gay obsession.
We are talking about sexuality, not love.

What is there of value in homosexuality in the grand scheme of things?

Same sex marriage serves the same purpose that traditional marriages serve.
No it doesn't.

Oh? What function does marriage serve that gay marriage does not? And please spare us the "having children" line. The marriage has nothing to do with that.
The whole reason why governments got into the marriage business was to create and foster stable families for children to be raised in, which in turn would create more stable families and well adjusted citizens.

Spare me your ignorance.

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