A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Do you think people who think it's important for kids having both mom and dad like gay marriage?

  • Yes, they can think both are important

  • No, the two can't exist in the same universe

Results are only viewable after voting.
Who wants to force alternatives on anyone raising the children they create?? If a man & woman create a child, they raise it. It is simple, and not part of this discussion. What IS being discussed is people who, while they are the same gender, wish to raise a child that someone else refused to raise.

Gay couples who adopt are taking children that straight couples created and then threw away. And they also adopt a higher percentage of children is medical and mental issues. Again, that straight couples threw away.
Refusing to raise a child you create is a violation of the natural right of that human to be raised by his actual parents.
You just posts the typical logic-challenged lefty response.

Natural rights? Lmao!! Are you really going to use the parenting attributes of animals here? Plenty of animals abandon their young. Plenty of males kill the young of other males. And in many species, the female has no choice in the mating.
Like it or not, there are still very innate traits when it comes to humans. Lefties try to obfuscate that reality to fit their fascist agendas.

LOL! Spare me the "Lefties" nonsense. What you are using as a reason to not allow gays to marry is a fairytale.

I am discussing reality. And in that reality, straight couples create children and then abandon them. Some are adopted by gay couples.
Lefties is accurate. And you're doing the lefty anecdotal dance in order to wag the dog of normalcy. The George Burns routine. George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Using your lefty anecdotal (lack of) logic, that means smoking is good for you.

Not even close. Your argument against gay couples raising children is that natural law requires them to be raised by those who created them. That is nonsense. They kids are available for adoption because some straight couple abandoned them. Claiming some farcical natural law does not change the fact that it happens.
LOL- 'f*gs'- (I presume you call African Americans n*ggers too) were created almost exclusively by heterosexuals.

Millions of Americans have been raised by a single mother or father, or by their grandparents- and done well- frankly you are just slandering every good single mother and father out there- besides of course of your just plain bigotry towards homosexuals.

Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father. Whereas everyone hopes a single parent will find the missing mother or father, everyone understands that "gay marriage" can never, ever, provide both, as a matter of binding contract....for the child's entire life.

So, businesses pay attention. Know your consumer's actual mind.

"Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is inaccurate.

"Yet 90% of the 100 people who responded to my poll believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is accurate.
"Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is inaccurate.

"Yet 90% of the 100 people who responded to my poll believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is accurate.

A poll is a poll is a poll. In fact, here at USMB, the moderators will tell you I have ZERO access to the people responding outside PMs. And, the mods can check my PMs for indication that I said on the poll "vote this way or that way!" So if you want a clean pedigree that people can really access publicly, this site is a pretty good bet. The poll is what it is. People voted how they voted and spoke their minds honestly.

90% of 100 or so people feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. End of story.

Businesses take note.
LOL- 'f*gs'- (I presume you call African Americans n*ggers too) were created almost exclusively by heterosexuals.

Millions of Americans have been raised by a single mother or father, or by their grandparents- and done well- frankly you are just slandering every good single mother and father out there- besides of course of your just plain bigotry towards homosexuals.

Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father. Whereas everyone hopes a single parent will find the missing mother or father, everyone understands that "gay marriage" can never, ever, provide both, as a matter of binding contract....for the child's entire life.

But those 90% of people all think you were wrong to be a single mother....because as you keep pointing out- raising a child without a father- in your opinion- is child abuse.

I mean according to your own interpretation of what that 90% means....which of course is just bullshit.
"Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is inaccurate.

"Yet 90% of the 100 people who responded to my poll believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father." is accurate.

A poll is a poll is a poll. In fact, here at USMB, the moderators will tell you I have ZERO access to the people responding outside PMs. And, the mods can check my PMs for indication that I said on the poll "vote this way or that way!" So if you want a clean pedigree that people can really access publicly, this site is a pretty good bet. The poll is what it is. People voted how they voted and spoke their minds honestly.

90% of 100 or so people feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. End of story.

Businesses take note.

Silhouette- you could have cast every single one of those votes.

Unlike a Gallup or Pew Poll where people are contacted in a scientifically random way that ensures a broad cross section of opinions, a poll here at USMB is determined by anyone who wants to cast a vote.

And no- it isn't that difficult to spoof an internet ID- you could have created 90 USMB accounts and cast all of those votes yourself. I don't think you actually did that- though with the way you lie, it would be stupid to presume you couldn't have, but I am merely pointing out that not only is a 'poll' here at USMB statistically irrelevant, it would be very easy to manipulate by anyone who chose to do so.

Manipulating every national poll would be virtually impossible.
LOL- 'f*gs'- (I presume you call African Americans n*ggers too) were created almost exclusively by heterosexuals.

Millions of Americans have been raised by a single mother or father, or by their grandparents- and done well- frankly you are just slandering every good single mother and father out there- besides of course of your just plain bigotry towards homosexuals.

Yet 90% of people believe it's important for children to have both a mother and father. Whereas everyone hopes a single parent will find the missing mother or father, everyone understands that "gay marriage" can never, ever, provide both, as a matter of binding contract....for the child's entire life.

So, businesses pay attention. Know your consumer's actual mind.

What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions.

You....you realize that you're literally just making this shit up as you go along, right?

I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

Your strawpoll doesn't even mention 'habitual addicts'. Or compare a mother and a father with any other group.

You're hallucinating, just like you did when you imagined that a strawpoll that never mentions marriage tells us the national sentiment on gay marriage.

And no business is basing its policies on your mental illness.
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

What sort of environmental damages will these two people "playing house" inflict on a child? Similar to the kind that the "mother and a father" inflicted on the child who turned out to be gay?

You realize that nearly all homosexuals are born to heterosexual parents, right? Many are born to very happy, religious, 2-parent households.

Perhaps we should ban happy, heterosexual, religious 2-parent households from now on to prevent this epidemic from spreading?
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

I have started a new poll that actually asks about marriage equality- and so far, I am in the majority- 58% favor marriage equality- which oddly enough- mirrors national polls.

Businesses take note.....oh wait- they already have.....
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(

"Chunky Monkey" better watch its ass. That's all I'm sayin'.
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(

Which one's gone? Obviously vanilla is racist....but shouldn't we do something about those fruity rainbow sherbert types?
What if they can someday pray the gay away? Shouldn't we hold out?

No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(

Which one's gone? Obviously vanilla is racist....but shouldn't we do something about those fruity rainbow sherbert types?

Rainbow Sherbet has been hijacked by the cult of LGBT! :mad:
No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(

Which one's gone? Obviously vanilla is racist....but shouldn't we do something about those fruity rainbow sherbert types?

Rainbow Sherbet has been hijacked by the cult of LGBT! :mad:

I'm keeping my eye on cookies N cream, too....
No more than you should hold out to pray away the bulimia or drug addiction. All behaviors are in the same class: habituated addictions. I'm of the opinion that a child having a mother and father is more important that two habituated addicts playing house who are of the same gender. That's because I think children, still in their formative years, are far more important to take into consideration when it comes to mentors inflicting environmental injuries on their psyches..

And with 90% behind me, I'm in the majority. Again, businesses take note..

90% of the people in your poll believe vanilla ice-cream is racist. Sure, it doesn't matter that ice-cream racism was never mentioned but if one makes the logical jump...

Again, businesses take note..

I'm sure that post sent Baskin Robbins into a marketing frenzy.

They now have only 30 flavors. :(

Which one's gone? Obviously vanilla is racist....but shouldn't we do something about those fruity rainbow sherbert types?

Rainbow Sherbet has been hijacked by the cult of LGBT! :mad:

Well, Sil's poll did show that 90% of people think that Baskin Robbin's 'Love Potion #31' promotes date rape.

Love Potion #31 - Baskin Robbins PH

Sounds like a roofie to me.
Refusing to raise a child you create is a violation of the natural right of that human to be raised by his actual parents.
You just posts the typical logic-challenged lefty response.

Natural rights? Lmao!! Are you really going to use the parenting attributes of animals here? Plenty of animals abandon their young. Plenty of males kill the young of other males. And in many species, the female has no choice in the mating.
Like it or not, there are still very innate traits when it comes to humans. Lefties try to obfuscate that reality to fit their fascist agendas.

LOL! Spare me the "Lefties" nonsense. What you are using as a reason to not allow gays to marry is a fairytale.

I am discussing reality. And in that reality, straight couples create children and then abandon them. Some are adopted by gay couples.
Lefties is accurate. And you're doing the lefty anecdotal dance in order to wag the dog of normalcy. The George Burns routine. George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Using your lefty anecdotal (lack of) logic, that means smoking is good for you.

Not even close. Your argument against gay couples raising children is that natural law requires them to be raised by those who created them. That is nonsense. They kids are available for adoption because some straight couple abandoned them. Claiming some farcical natural law does not change the fact that it happens.
You use the anecdotal again. A hardship case is one thing but to mainstream the anomalous is bad for the society as proven empirically over the past fifty years. Kids need mom and dad whenever it possible, as clearly demonstrated in recent generations.
Progress a little.

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