A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Do you think people who think it's important for kids having both mom and dad like gay marriage?

  • Yes, they can think both are important

  • No, the two can't exist in the same universe

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's hard to believe that Americans accept the bigoted sodomite/freakazoid community's effort to punish states because they don't agree with the freaking law that was passed insuring 1st Amendment protection of religious beliefs. Liberal media propaganda is a powerful tool.

Not so powerful as to squash 90% of the people in the OP poll link who said they believe a child having a mother and father is "important". That's why I set up the poll on this thread the way I did, to force people to think about that concept as being unable to exist in the same universe as gay marriage since gay marriage ALWAYS REMOVES EITHER A MOTHER OR FATHER VIA CONTRACT, FOR LIFE, FROM A CHILD INVOLVED.
Filled out yet another page with your three spam posts..

You have sixty-five threads on your obsession with gays and you're are whining about spam?! You're the very soul of irony. lol
So a poll of 90-100 is pretty much par for the course on regular polls..

As anyone who has ever actually taken a statistics course-or bothered to actually read a poll would know- that is just another piece of crap you pull out of your ass and call candy.

'regular polls'- national polls- generally poll thousands of people.

For example this poll on marriage equality- note the quantity of people- and 'random' and all 50 states.

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted May 8-11, 2014, with a random sample of 1,028 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

For results based on the total sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.


Now lets to go Pew

These are among the key findings of Pew Research Center’s 2014 U.S. Religious Landscape Study. The latest survey was conducted among a nationally representative sample of 35,071 adults interviewed by telephone, on both cellphones and landlines, from June 4-Sept. 30, 2014. Findings based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 0.6 percentage points.
It's hard to believe that Americans accept the bigoted sodomite/freakazoid community's effort to punish states because they don't agree with the freaking law that was passed insuring 1st Amendment protection of religious beliefs. Liberal media propaganda is a powerful tool.

Not so powerful as to squash 90% of the people in the OP poll link who said they believe a child having a mother and father is "important". That's why I set up the poll on this thread the way I did, to force people to think about that concept as being unable to exist in the same universe as gay marriage since gay marriage ALWAYS REMOVES EITHER A MOTHER OR FATHER VIA CONTRACT, FOR LIFE, FROM A CHILD INVOLVED.

Yet you never actually have a poll asking that question do you Silhouette?

You prefer to deceive- both about the intent of your question and on what the results say.

90 people- including myself- said having a mother and father in a child's life is important- but I like many of those 90 also believe in marriage equality.

I believe a gay couple who raise a child are as good or better parent than a single mom raising her kid.

Frankly- it would be as honest for me to say that 90% of the people in the 'survey' are calling you a bad mother because you raised your child as a single mother.

And by 'honest'- I mean it would be just as dishonest.
LGBTs are the kings and queens of deceiving people in polling. Otherwise, we wouldn't have 90% of people believing a child having both a mother and father is "important" existing in the same universe as "a majority of people support gay marriage" now would we? Minds would be imploding everywhere from the paradox.
LGBTs are the kings and queens of deceiving people in polling. Otherwise, we wouldn't have 90% of people believing a child having both a mother and father is "important" existing in the same universe as "a majority of people support gay marriage" now would we? Minds would be imploding everywhere from the paradox.

...She added will being deceitful about a poll. :lol:
LGBTs are the kings and queens of deceiving people in polling.

Says you, citing yourself. But then you're also the poor, hapless soul that insisted that the 'gays had infiltrated Gallup so they could lie about polling'.

Sigh.....you realize that your personal delusions aren't actually evidence, right?

Otherwise, we wouldn't have 90% of people believing a child having both a mother and father is "important" existing in the same universe as "a majority of people support gay marriage" now would we? Minds would be imploding everywhere from the paradox.

Easy. Because the two have nothing to do with each other.

Remember....the only one saying that 90% of people 'secretly' oppose same sex marriage...is you citing yourself.

And you're genuinely mentally ill.
LGBTs are the kings and queens of deceiving people in polling. Otherwise, we wouldn't have 90% of people believing a child having both a mother and father is "important" existing in the same universe as "a majority of people support gay marriage" now would we? Minds would be imploding everywhere from the paradox.

So let me get this straight.

You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract where a child is deprived of either a mother or father ("gay marriage")? What is the bridge for that paradox? You still haven't said. And so far the number who have felt it's important for a child to have both is running 90%.

You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract

Any rational person who is not listening to the voices in your head.

Unlike yourself- I believe children can thrive being raised by two mom's- or 1 mom.

Unlike yourself- I don't believe it is child abuse for a child to be raised by 1 mom- or by 2 mom's.

Unlike yourself- I am not delusional.
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract where a child is deprived of either a mother or father ("gay marriage")? What is the bridge for that paradox? You still haven't said. And so far the number who have felt it's important for a child to have both is running 90%.


There is no paradox....there is only your imagination and your hallucinations. The strawpoll you're citing doesn't even mention marriage. The Gallup poll that found an all time high in support for same sex marriage most definitely did ask about marriage.


And it utterly contradicts you. So you ignore Gallup and double down on your hallucinations.

But why would any business give a shit about what you're hallucinating?
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract where a child is deprived of either a mother or father ("gay marriage")? What is the bridge for that paradox? You still haven't said. And so far the number who have felt it's important for a child to have both is running 90%.


I feel a child living in a home is important as opposed to a condo or apartment. That being said, I don't agree we should outlaw people raising children in apartments or condos.

You're fucking stupid as shit.
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract where a child is deprived of either a mother or father ("gay marriage")? What is the bridge for that paradox? You still haven't said. And so far the number who have felt it's important for a child to have both is running 90%.


I feel a child living in a home is important as opposed to a condo or apartment. That being said, I don't agree we should outlaw people raising children in apartments or condos.

You're fucking stupid as shit.

You do know that a mother and father are different from living quarters, right? When you examine infants-necessities and contract laws, your scenario is taken into account, stating that wealth is relative. Yet there are certain rock solid elements of a child's life that are necessities for their physical and mental well being. Mother and father have been these for over a thousand years.

Nice try though. You have to cut your teeth somewhere with your baby steps on debating infant necessities and contract law!
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.

What possible condition of the human mind could exist where at once it could feel a child having both a mother and father is important; while at the same time supporting a lifelong contract where a child is deprived of either a mother or father ("gay marriage")? What is the bridge for that paradox? You still haven't said. And so far the number who have felt it's important for a child to have both is running 90%.


I feel a child living in a home is important as opposed to a condo or apartment. That being said, I don't agree we should outlaw people raising children in apartments or condos.

You're fucking stupid as shit.

You do know that a mother and father are different from living quarters, right? When you examine infants-necessities and contract laws, your scenario is taken into account, stating that wealth is relative. Yet there are certain rock solid elements of a child's life that are necessities for their physical and mental well being. Mother and father have been these for over a thousand years.

Nice try though. You have to cut your teeth somewhere with your baby steps on debating infant necessities and contract law!

So you would take kids away from single parents?
So you would take kids away from single parents?

No because they aren't bound that way by contract and their situation can still be remedied. Gay marriage binds children away from either a mother or father for life via contract. You're getting better...practice some more!
The Poll: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Note "Anti LGBT" = Pro-Christian

Businesses including Microsoft, Wells Fargo, and Apple previously signed a joint statement to argue that anti-LGBT bills are bad...Several companies spoke out against the Indiana legislation, including Yelp, Angie's List, and Salesforce. Angie's List even canceled a planned expansion in the state.... Businesses Denounce North Carolina's Antigay Law | Advocate.com

I believe Dow and Disney and American Airlines are also boycotting bills that protect people who feel it's important for children to have both a mother and father (see poll and logical deduction below)..but I'm not entirely certain they are still on board with offending the 90% who are silently opposed to the cult of LGBT..

So if you too believe like 90% of Americans that it's important for a child to have both a mother and father (you are against gay marriage) or if people hacking off healthy organs to play-act at the opposite gender, while never actually becoming the opposite gender is insane, then you know which companies to avoid buying products from. If you have a choice, choose another business that is friendlier to people who believe sanity is important..

Taken from post #31 Here: Shining a light in a dark place.
OK, 90% of Americans "hate" the concept at least of gay marriage...and most likely also the concept of amputating healthy organs and forcing society to play along with deep mental delusions in a game of pretend.

...business boycotters need to understand the math behind who ACTUALLY supports the cult of LGBT and who in their private thoughts are saying WTF??? If I was a CEO, I'd sit up in my chair and notice a poll result of 90% anywhere: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
I think you will find that the majority of people are supportive or dont give a shit. Your "poll" is comedy gold.

So you're saying polls aren't accurate then? (As of today's date and time) 92 people voted in the poll and the results are running 90% +/- that people think having BOTH a mother and father is "important". Are you saying those same people are somehow not aware that "gay marriage" denies one or the other to children for life? I tend to think people, even the dullest, are capable of drawing that logical connection. And the poll is important because it helps people realize the real reason behind their private reservations about "gay marriage"...and all the other weird shit attached to the LGBT cult label...like trannies.

You think actual poll results are "comedy". A business though that banks on polls and opinions may not. So, there you go..

Your poll had fewer than 100 people?

I am guessing that the Gallup poll, which found that 60% of Americans support same sex marriage, talked to a much larger sample.
Your poll had fewer than 100 people?

I am guessing that the Gallup poll, which found that 60% of Americans support same sex marriage, talked to a much larger sample.

Guess all you like. 100 +/- were surveyed here and about 90% of them feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father (cannot privately support gay marriage/ aren't being honest about their private lack of support for gay marriage) And that 90% is derived pretty much evenly between democrats, middle and conservative people. So, businesses who boycott pro-sanity laws beware...
You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.


55%- in real polls- favor marriage equality and children of gay couple having married parents.

You believe that gays are soooooo fantastic that they can manipulate large national polls, put on by actual trained statisticians....

But were inept to manipulate your silly faux poll here at USMB that would allow anyone to sign onto USMB with a new ID and vote multiple times?

What a maroon.


55%- in real polls- favor marriage equality and children of gay couple having married parents.

View attachment 71353
Well, gays should keep it to themselves instead of forcing it on people that don't believe in that horse shit...

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