A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Do you think people who think it's important for kids having both mom and dad like gay marriage?

  • Yes, they can think both are important

  • No, the two can't exist in the same universe

Results are only viewable after voting.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans- including gay Americans.

And reject your campaign of hate.

Well that's weird because 90% of the nearly 100 voters

Not weird at all to anyone who has more than a third grade education.

The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans.

Your 'poll' is statistically irrelevant. to what Americans think.
OP is legally retarded.

No, businesses who offend up to 90% of their customers are legally retarded... and opening themselves up to lawsuits p..

Business's who offend 90% of their customers would go out of business.

But you aren't talking about any business that has offended 90% of their customers- indeed most Americans agree with Well's Fargo and others.
So you're flaunting putting a Christian in jail for her beliefs?

Christian's have no special exemption from the law- whether its for beating their child to death claiming that they are exorcising demons to ignoring a court order.

Christians who break the law don't get special exemptions from the law.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. Check the OP link for details. Those doing weird things as an extreme minority are the ones who should enclave their cultish behaviors. And if you're going to put yourself in the highest risk group for getting and passing on HIV/AIDS, be sure you have at least $500,000 saved up until your early death. Otherwise you'll have to leave your enclave and ask the 90% who disagree privately, in principle or publicly with your lifestyle for help paying most of that bill (statistically)..
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important

The majority of Americans support marriage equality.

That is millions of Americans- not 90 people on a website.
Businesses have an obligation to their stockholders to chase down every possible lead on trending information that might affect their profits. For instance, you contend that businesses should ignore a poll of 100 people that's running 90% in favor of a child having both a mom and dad as "important" (which cannot exist in the same universe as support for gay marriage...and ostensibly also wouldn't support for hacking off one's healthy genitals to play-act another gender one will never be.....just a logical guess on the last one..) Meanwhile I feel a business should support Christian and sanity-oriented people running in the 90% range.

Banking on just 10% avid support from the general population while 90% privately thinks your business is sleeping with the devil is foolhardy. You say otherwise. On this point we disagree.

You making shit up isn't information. Nor does any business have any obligation to 'chase down' the silly lies you tell yourself. As the '90% privately think' nonsense is just you making shit up, pretending that secretly....everyone thinks exactly like you do.

Um, no, Sil. Your all consuming obsession with gay people is your own. And no business gives a shit. Nor should. Back in reality, the majority support same sex marriage:


Yet you laughably ignore it.....and then pretend that every business is obligated to ignore it too.

What is my "cult"? Seems to me that you are supporting a revolution against our country and our form of government......promoting treason?
I am supporting a revolution against those seeking to remove freedoms of others; including people who have a Christian-orientation and a sanity-orientation. You know how we protect our orientations in this country...

You're supporting the same, boring anti-gay and anti-lesbian bigotry that has been around for decades.

Its remarkably unremarkable.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. Check the OP link for details. Those doing weird things as an extreme minority are the ones who should enclave their cultish behaviors. And if you're going to put yourself in the highest risk group for getting and passing on HIV/AIDS, be sure you have at least $500,000 saved up until your early death. Otherwise you'll have to leave your enclave and ask the 90% who disagree privately, in principle or publicly with your lifestyle for help paying most of that bill (statistically)..

And you just keep piling on hallucinations about your imaginary '90%'. The message board strawpoll is about the importance of mothers and fathers. All the other hapless batshit you made up, from HIV-AIDS to same sex marriage to your 'LGBT cult' to Christianity to transgender people using bathrooms....

....is just you citing your own insanity. The message board strawpoll doesn't make the slightest mention of any of them.

If you're ever curious why you don't get many donations for your 'fight against the gays' on your website.....its because of hallucinations like your blunder with the strawpoll.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important

The majority of Americans support marriage equality.

That is millions of Americans- not 90 people on a website.
As you know, polls represent a larger trend by a smaller sample. A couple of the larger polls I know of were 1. The Prince's Trust 2010 survey on kids who were young adults then who grew up without the gender they were in the home. It was a couple thousand, the largest of its kind for that field. and 2. The survey the CDC did of over 3,000 gay men that found they reported having been sexually abused as boys as "epidemic" among their ranks.


ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

So a poll of 90-100 is pretty much par for the course on regular polls. I believe it reflects what people truly feel: both a mother and father are important for a child. And when poll results match just plain common sense and instinct, they take on further credibility.

When you have 90% of people (and an exhaustive youth survey) saying that it's "important" a child have both a mother and father, those conclusions cannot support a majority support for gay marriage as people feel privately, out of earshot of the PC-police. Gay marriage cannot provide the "important" mother and father for children.

Companies don't bank on the public PC-correct genuflections to your cult. They bank on the private decisions people make to support or not support them accordingly. If I was a CFO, I'd notice the importance of the poll done here. I would. Or I wouldn't deserve to have my job.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important

The majority of Americans support marriage equality.

That is millions of Americans- not 90 people on a website.
As you know, polls represent a larger trend by a smaller sample. A couple of the larger polls I know of were 1. The Prince's Trust 2010 survey on kids who were young adults then who grew up without the gender they were in the home. It was a couple thousand, the largest of its kind for that field. and 2. The survey the CDC did of over 3,000 gay men that found they reported having been sexually abused as boys as "epidemic" among their ranks.


ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

So a poll of 90-100 is pretty much par for the course on regular polls. I believe it reflects what people truly feel: both a mother and father are important for a child. And when poll results match just plain common sense and instinct, they take on further credibility.

When you have 90% of people (and an exhaustive youth survey) saying that it's "important" a child have both a mother and father, those conclusions cannot support a majority support for gay marriage as people feel privately, out of earshot of the PC-police. Gay marriage cannot provide the "important" mother and father for children.

Companies don't bank on the public PC-correct genuflections to your cult. They bank on the private decisions people make to support or not support them accordingly. If I was a CFO, I'd notice the importance of the poll done here. I would. Or I wouldn't deserve to have my job.

Perhaps one day you'll make a post that isn't riddled with flat-out lies and misinformation. I won't hold my breath, though. Support for gay marriage continues to climb and all you can do is huddle around a straw poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage. Too funny.
Perhaps one day you'll make a post that isn't riddled with flat-out lies and misinformation. I won't hold my breath, though. Support for gay marriage continues to climb and all you can do is huddle around a straw poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage. Too funny.

A person who thinks its "important" for a child to have both a mother and father doesn't have to be asked if they support gay marriage at all. Because if they do, their either lying about thinking it's important for a child to have both a mother and father, or they only think it's important for themselves and that other kids can just piss off. The latter being the sign of a sociopath, lacking empathy.

The poll is accurate and it has a direct relational bearing on people's feelings about children in gay marriage. And since children will always be an assumed part of marriage in the preponderance of cases, people who feel it's "important" for them to have both a mother and father CANNOT support gay marriage in good conscience. To do both would create an intolerable internal conflict.
Perhaps one day you'll make a post that isn't riddled with flat-out lies and misinformation. I won't hold my breath, though. Support for gay marriage continues to climb and all you can do is huddle around a straw poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage. Too funny.

A person who thinks its "important" for a child to have both a mother and father doesn't have to be asked if they support gay marriage at all. Because if they do, their either lying about thinking it's important for a child to have both a mother and father, or they only think it's important for themselves and that other kids can just piss off. The latter being the sign of a sociopath, lacking empathy.

The poll is accurate and it has a direct relational bearing on people's feelings about children in gay marriage. And since children will always be an assumed part of marriage in the preponderance of cases, people who feel it's "important" for them to have both a mother and father CANNOT support gay marriage in good conscience. To do both would create an intolerable internal conflict.

The poll is just another one of the delusions you wrap yourself in to pretend that people share your rabidly anti-gay bigotry. When the poll actually asks about gay marriage you lose every time. A poster in this very thread said they think a mother and father is important but also supports gay marriage. That didn't jive with your narrative so you called her liar and dismissed her view entirely. None of which is shocking b/c ignoring inconvenient facts has been your modus operandi since my arrival.
It's hard to believe that Americans accept the bigoted sodomite/freakazoid community's effort to punish states because they don't agree with the freaking law that was passed insuring 1st Amendment protection of religious beliefs. Liberal media propaganda is a powerful tool.
Perhaps kristians need to all build and live in enclosed neighborhoods, sort of like a self-flagellating Warsaw ghetto mentality. And if they are out of that enclave then they can't expect a hospital or doctor to treat them if the hospital or doctor doesn't want to treat a kristian.

This is what some of these people would want, they want to separate from the rest of society completely.
Why should they? They're in the 90% majority who believe it's important

The majority of Americans support marriage equality.

That is millions of Americans- not 90 people on a website.
As you know, polls represent a larger trend by a smaller sample. A couple of the larger polls I know of were 1. The Prince's Trust 2010 survey on kids who were young adults then who grew up without the gender they were in the home. It was a couple thousand, the largest of its kind for that field. and 2. The survey the CDC did of over 3,000 gay men that found they reported having been sexually abused as boys as "epidemic" among their ranks.


The Prince's Trust study doesn't mention a thing you just said.You're just spamming at random now.

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Which has nothing to do with your straw poll. Again, are you even reading what you're posting?

So a poll of 90-100 is pretty much par for the course on regular polls.

No, it isn't. Most polls start at around 1000. And are random samplings. You're offering us a straw poll of only interested parties....where you can vote as often as you'd like.

If Strawpolls predicted outcomes, Ron Paul would have been elected to 3 terms as President

You're offering us your hallucinations about a random messageboard strawpoll. Then laughably insisting that Disney and Wells Fargo have an 'obligation' to abide your made up nonsense.

Um, no. They don't.
It's hard to believe that Americans accept the bigoted sodomite/freakazoid .

You find it hard to believe that your fellow Americans are not bigots towards Americans who happen to be homosexuals.

I find that easy to believe about you.
Perhaps one day you'll make a post that isn't riddled with flat-out lies and misinformation. I won't hold my breath, though. Support for gay marriage continues to climb and all you can do is huddle around a straw poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage. Too funny.

A person who thinks its "important" for a child to have both a mother and father doesn't have to be asked if they support gay marriage at all. .

Since many of us- myself included- both support marriage equality and also think it is important for a child to have a mother and a father- and have said so- of course you don't need to ask- you just ignore everyone who points out your idiotic claims.
Perhaps one day you'll make a post that isn't riddled with flat-out lies and misinformation. I won't hold my breath, though. Support for gay marriage continues to climb and all you can do is huddle around a straw poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage. Too funny.

The poll is accurate .

Frankly we have no way of knowing whether or not the 'poll' is accurate or not.

Since there is very little control over the process, it would be very possible for all 90 of the votes you count to have been cast by the same actual physical person.

Your 'poll' is neither a real poll, nor statistically relevant, nor does it answer anything about how the 90 identities at USMB who 'voted' think about marriage equality.

Just another example of your continuous dishonesty on the issue.

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