A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Do you think people who think it's important for kids having both mom and dad like gay marriage?

  • Yes, they can think both are important

  • No, the two can't exist in the same universe

Results are only viewable after voting.
Although her delusional ramblings warrant ridicule, bear in mind that the fear, ignorance, hatred, and bigotry she exhibits is common to far too many on the social right who would disadvantage gay Americans through force of law if given the opportunity, and absent the constitutional protections preventing conservatives from doing so.

Only matched by your cult's fear, ignorance, bigotry and hatred of people oriented towards sanity, common sense or a religion that doesn't agree with your dogma. What to do? I know, let's check the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution for ideas... :popcorn:

Smiling.....the 1st amendment doesn't allow you to ignore any law you don't like Sil. Ask Kim Davis how that misconception worked out for her.

That's funny because I was just thinking that PA laws don't allow you to ignore the 1st Amendment.

Businesses should pay heed to the 90% who believe having a mother and father was "important" to them. And the fact that this 90% cannot hold that belief and privately also support gay marriage or any of the other insane dogma the LGBT cult dispenses through its media monopoly..
So you're flaunting putting a Christian in jail for her beliefs?

The laws apply to Christians too, Sil. And when Kim Davis tried to use the government to force her religion on unwilling people, she was held accountable.

As for your 90% gibberish, you're laughably trying to project your personal beliefs onto everyone else. Back in reality, support for same sex marriage is at an all time high:


Which the businesses certainly take very seriously. Your gibberish? Not so much.
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The Poll: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Note "Anti LGBT" = Pro-Christian

Businesses including Microsoft, Wells Fargo, and Apple previously signed a joint statement to argue that anti-LGBT bills are bad...Several companies spoke out against the Indiana legislation, including Yelp, Angie's List, and Salesforce. Angie's List even canceled a planned expansion in the state.... Businesses Denounce North Carolina's Antigay Law | Advocate.com

I believe Dow and Disney and American Airlines are also boycotting bills that protect people who feel it's important for children to have both a mother and father (see poll and logical deduction below)..but I'm not entirely certain they are still on board with offending the 90% who are silently opposed to the cult of LGBT..

So if you too believe like 90% of Americans that it's important for a child to have both a mother and father (you are against gay marriage) or if people hacking off healthy organs to play-act at the opposite gender, while never actually becoming the opposite gender is insane, then you know which companies to avoid buying products from. If you have a choice, choose another business that is friendlier to people who believe sanity is important..

Taken from post #31 Here: Shining a light in a dark place.
OK, 90% of Americans "hate" the concept at least of gay marriage...and most likely also the concept of amputating healthy organs and forcing society to play along with deep mental delusions in a game of pretend.

...business boycotters need to understand the math behind who ACTUALLY supports the cult of LGBT and who in their private thoughts are saying WTF??? If I was a CEO, I'd sit up in my chair and notice a poll result of 90% anywhere: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
I think you will find that the majority of people are supportive or dont give a shit. Your "poll" is comedy gold.

So you're saying polls aren't accurate then? (As of today's date and time) 92 people voted in the poll and the results are running 90% +/- that people think having BOTH a mother and father is "important". Are you saying those same people are somehow not aware that "gay marriage" denies one or the other to children for life? I tend to think people, even the dullest, are capable of drawing that logical connection. And the poll is important because it helps people realize the real reason behind their private reservations about "gay marriage"...and all the other weird shit attached to the LGBT cult label...like trannies.

You think actual poll results are "comedy". A business though that banks on polls and opinions may not. So, there you go..

Stop calling yourself Christian.

You know nothing of Christ and his teachings.

The conservative evangelical worships homophobia and fear over the core of Christianity.

Christ never said a goddamned word about gays.

He might have been gay himself.
Although her delusional ramblings warrant ridicule, bear in mind that the fear, ignorance, hatred, and bigotry she exhibits is common to far too many on the social right who would disadvantage gay Americans through force of law if given the opportunity, and absent the constitutional protections preventing conservatives from doing so.

Only matched by your cult's fear, ignorance, bigotry and hatred of people oriented towards sanity, common sense or a religion that doesn't agree with your dogma. What to do? I know, let's check the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution for ideas... :popcorn:

Smiling.....the 1st amendment doesn't allow you to ignore any law you don't like Sil. Ask Kim Davis how that misconception worked out for her.

That's funny because I was just thinking that PA laws don't allow you to ignore the 1st Amendment.

Businesses should pay heed to the 90% who believe having a mother and father was "important" to them. And the fact that this 90% cannot hold that belief and privately also support gay marriage or any of the other insane dogma the LGBT cult dispenses through its media monopoly..

Hysterical. You had a poster in this thread claim they voted that a mother and father is important and yet supports gays marrying. Like every thing that doesn't jive with your narrative you simply just dismissed it. You are free to pretend that 90% of Americans actually support your sick and delusional obsession but don't expect they rest of us to join you on your trip to Imaginationland.

Meanwhile...gays continue to marry in all 50 states and all you can do is tell yourself lies in a lame attempt to remain relevant. Poor thing.
If companies want to play Russian Roulette with the true statistics behind avid vs lukewarm or nonexistent support of the LGBT cult, then by all means...I'm sure that Disney will do fine because really, there's nothing quite like Disney. One of a kind. But then Wells Fargo...not so much the same story is it? There are other banks one can choose from and really, one bank is very competitive with its neighbors. Their function is nothing special at all.

I certainly am fine with bigots like yourself boycotting Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo has made a decision based upon where they believe the profit is.

And that is firmly with the American people- not you.
So you're flaunting putting a Christian in jail for her beliefs?

No- a government employee was put in jail for not following the law.

She is not the first Christian who has been jailed for breaking the law. Why exactly do you believe Christians should be exempt from the law?

Especially when the New Testament specifically and exactly tells Christians to obey the law.

All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged.

3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good.

But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong.

5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.
Stop calling yourself Christian...You know nothing of Christ and his teachings...The conservative evangelical worships homophobia and fear over the core of Christianity...Christ never said a goddamned word about gays....He might have been gay himself.

I said that it's not just Christians but also sane people with a grasp on common sense who, 90%, feel that it's "important" for a child to have both a mother and father. The 1st Amendment doesn't just protect religion, it also protects the right to free speech and association. Those also protect the right to speak out against a cult you don't want to belong to and not to associate with cult values you don't want to associate with.

LGBT isn't a race, it's a cult of behaviors. Behaviors don't have protections under the 14th, unless they are a religion. When will you drop the veil and just declare LGBT what it is: a religion? You know if you did though, you couldn't force other religions to abdicate their faith in favor of yours...
Stop calling yourself Christian...You know nothing of Christ and his teachings...The conservative evangelical worships homophobia and fear over the core of Christianity...Christ never said a goddamned word about gays....He might have been gay himself.

I said that it's not just Christians but also sane people with a grasp on common sense who, 90%, feel that it's .

The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans- including gay Americans.

And reject your campaign of hate.
The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans- including gay Americans.

And reject your campaign of hate.

Well that's weird because 90% of the nearly 100 voters in the poll from the OP link think that it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...so? What would your explanation for that figure be with regards to those same people with a single gender parenting situation in "gay marriage"?
Stop calling yourself Christian...You know nothing of Christ and his teachings...The conservative evangelical worships homophobia and fear over the core of Christianity...Christ never said a goddamned word about gays....He might have been gay himself.

I said that it's not just Christians but also sane people with a grasp on common sense who, 90%, feel that it's "important" for a child to have both a mother and father. The 1st Amendment doesn't just protect religion, it also protects the right to free speech and association. Those also protect the right to speak out against a cult you don't want to belong to and not to associate with cult values you don't want to associate with.

You say a lot of silly shit, Sil. But its almost always poorly reasoned. Take a look at this situation. You've taken a straw poll from a message board about the importance of mothers and fathers.....and imagined elaborate batshit about gay marriage, the LGBT 'cult', and boycotts on businesses. None of which the straw poll even mentions. Yet you've invented whole, imagined and made up by you.

You're simply projecting your own personal beliefs, imagining that 'secretly' everyone thinks just like you do. Because you desperately want it to be true.

Alas, that's not how reality works. The silly, self soothing lies you tell yourself based on the nonsense you imagine has no relevance to the rest of us. Wells Fargo is fine. Disney is fine. The lack of your business is irrelevant.

LGBT isn't a race, it's a cult of behaviors. Behaviors don't have protections under the 14th, unless they are a religion. When will you drop the veil and just declare LGBT what it is: a religion? You know if you did though, you couldn't force other religions to abdicate their faith in favor of yours...

More pseudo-legal gibberish. The 14th offers no such restrictions. You're literally just making this shit up as you go along, and then insisting that the law and courts are bound to whatever nonsensical 'restrictions' you imagine.

Um, no. They're not. Much like Wells Fargo and Disney....neither the courts nor the law give a shit what you believe. And are almost certainly unaware of the silly lies you tell yourself.
The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans- including gay Americans.

And reject your campaign of hate.

Well that's weird because 90% of the nearly 100 voters in the poll from the OP link think that it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...so? What would your explanation for that figure be with regards to those same people with a single gender parenting situation in "gay marriage"?

Probably the same as it would be for single parenting. As no rational person would consider 'hope' to be the same thing as an actual parent.

Again, the majority of Americans support same sex marriage:


Why would a rational person ignore one of the most trusted polling organizations in the world asking about support for same sex marriage....and instead believe you citing a random strawpoll on a message board that *doesn't even ask about same sex marriage*?

See above about the 'silly shit' you routinely say.
Businesses have an obligation to their stockholders to chase down every possible lead on trending information that might affect their profits. For instance, you contend that businesses should ignore a poll of 100 people that's running 90% in favor of a child having both a mom and dad as "important" (which cannot exist in the same universe as support for gay marriage...and ostensibly also wouldn't support for hacking off one's healthy genitals to play-act another gender one will never be.....just a logical guess on the last one..) Meanwhile I feel a business should support Christian and sanity-oriented people running in the 90% range.

Banking on just 10% avid support from the general population while 90% privately thinks your business is sleeping with the devil is foolhardy. You say otherwise. On this point we disagree.
Businesses have an obligation to their stockholders to chase down every possible lead on trending information that might affect their profits. For instance, you contend that businesses should ignore a poll of 100 people that's running 90% in favor of a child having both a mom and dad as "important" (which cannot exist in the same universe as support for gay marriage...and ostensibly also wouldn't support for hacking off one's healthy genitals to play-act another gender one will never be.....just a logical guess on the last one..) Meanwhile I feel a business should support Christian and sanity-oriented people running in the 90% range.

Banking on just 10% avid support from the general population while 90% privately thinks your business is sleeping with the devil is foolhardy. You say otherwise. On this point we disagree.

In the real world, support for gay marriage is at an all time high, but you're free to lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.
The majority of Americans support marriage for Americans- including gay Americans.

And reject your campaign of hate.

Well that's weird because 90% of the nearly 100 voters in the poll from the OP link think that it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...so? What would your explanation for that figure be with regards to those same people with a single gender parenting situation in "gay marriage"?
That's not what you asked in your "poll"....you asked if it was important TO US. SInce it's the only thing I experienced, I had to say yes...it was important. But, in typical Silly style, you take a poll and twist what it says...claim it's nation wide and in standard Christer style, you lie about it.
OP is legally retarded.

No, businesses who offend up to 90% of their customers are legally retarded... and opening themselves up to lawsuits from their stockholders as well...who may also access and view the poll results linked in the OP.

And all the ad hominems from the gang of LGBT payroll-blogger thugs who show up in concert consistently to badger any opposing free speech won't save the day from the actual results of an actual poll. There is no denying that if a person believes it's important for a child to have BOTH a mother and father, they cannot in the same sane mind support gay marriage. And if they don't support gay marriage then they're not likely to be on board with any other of the LGBT agenda items either.

So, do business accordingly oh sane businesses...or face stockholder anger when your shares start to slip..
So you're flaunting putting a Christian in jail for her beliefs?
Silly thinks being a Christer excuses someone from following the law...I guess only Christer sharia law should be followed.
Passively refusing to play along with another religion's dogma is protected under the 1st Amendment. Hurt feelings don't count. Physical harm does. Your cult's day in the sun is waning. Enjoy your legal coups while you can because I have a feeling they are about to vanish before your very eyes..
So you're flaunting putting a Christian in jail for her beliefs?
Silly thinks being a Christer excuses someone from following the law...I guess only Christer sharia law should be followed.
Passively refusing to play along with another religion's dogma is protected under the 1st Amendment. Hurt feelings don't count. Physical harm does. Your cult's day in the sun is waning. Enjoy your legal coups while you can because I have a feeling they are about to vanish before your very eyes..
What is my "cult"? Seems to me that you are supporting a revolution against our country and our form of government......promoting treason?
What is my "cult"? Seems to me that you are supporting a revolution against our country and our form of government......promoting treason?
I am supporting a revolution against those seeking to remove freedoms of others; including people who have a Christian-orientation and a sanity-orientation. You know how we protect our orientations in this country...

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