A question for Republicans

Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

In my field technological advances have created jobs. We didn't need MRI technicians until we had MRIs. Etc. Etc. Etc. DUH!

To you the glass isn't half full or half empty. To you the glass doesn't exist.
Very Platonic, isn't it?

iliac is having a platonic affair with iliac? :eek:

That's funny. Having read some of it's dopey posting efforts, I'm inclined to advise it to "go all the way."

iliac needs to fuck itself.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34MHpBu0Oo"]Three Minute Philosophy: Plato - YouTube[/ame]

I may as well share... it's fucking hillarious. They do more than a few philosophers. I now remember why I don't like Plato like I don't like Nietzsche.

Nice shot of Nashville's Parthenon!
Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.


Or we can have a more progressive taxes, like it was done in most of adwanced countries.

But no. You prefer paying more taxes so the super-rich can pay less. Talk about having sex with yourself -- in that game you are the champions till the kingdom come.

The connection rank and file Republicans never get...

Mini taxes for the idle rich means they have to pay more.

No one has answered my question about Joe Kennedy yet:

You really shouldn't post drunk, Puppy dog.

No one has been cast aside by the rich. The rich got that way from hard work, good ideas and sound business practice,. but you try to paint them as somehow evil. It's liberal dogma to paint certain wealthy people as evil.
You could at least, be consistent.
Exxon is evil! They enjoy an 8.4% profit margin. Apple is good at at 34.2%. Google is good with a 25.7% margin but Walmart is bad at 3.8%

As far as raising taxes on the evil rich, could you somehow justify taxing the man who makes a $50 million salary $12 million while the guy making $50 thousand pays $8K?
If you would follow me on here, you would see that I donot cast anyone who has made their money legally as being evil (no matter if rich or other), but I do point out the ones (if the show fits then wear it) who did enguage in evil greed, that had swollen into a significant number over the years, and that did cast many onto the government assistance roles, in which is right now a fact you choose to ignore.

Please read carefully before you post OK.

Joe Kennedy?

Who had his beautiful mentally ill (not retarded) daughter, Rosemary, lobotomized so she wouldn't ruin his sons' political careers!~


Rosemary Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kennedys were a ruthlessly evil crime family.

they routed for the Nazis as the bombed England. Rum runners, murderers, drunks, adulterers.

Yeah, that's Camalot for ya.
Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

In my field technological advances have created jobs. We didn't need MRI technicians until we had MRIs. Etc. Etc. Etc. DUH!

To you the glass isn't half full or half empty. To you the glass doesn't exist.
How many MILLIONS of people owe their job directly, or indirectly to the Interwebs? How many of them are quite good paying? I'd bank a lot. Shit, technology has always grown this nation in some ways while making it bigger better faster stronger. It has come with the cost to some. Do we really need hay markets, buggies and horse breeders so much? I'm sure Baldwin Lima Hamilton Locomitive would have loved to have kept it's supremacy in steam engine manufacturers till that paintcan potpourri of diesels showed up.

Don't mourn for the obsolete, celebrate the future and grow.

One word: Plastics.
If you would follow me on here, you would see that I donot cast anyone who has made their money legally as being evil (no matter if rich or other), but I do point out the ones (if the show fits then wear it) who did enguage in evil greed, that had swollen into a significant number over the years, and that did cast many onto the government assistance roles, in which is right now a fact you choose to ignore.

Please read carefully before you post OK.

Joe Kennedy?

Who had his beautiful mentally ill (not retarded) daughter, Rosemary, lobotomized so she wouldn't ruin his sons' political careers!~


Rosemary Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kennedys were a ruthlessly evil crime family.

they routed for the Nazis as the bombed England. Rum runners, murderers, drunks, adulterers.

Yeah, that's Camalot for ya.
Even Camelot had dungeons and dark corners, and Joe Kennedy was the evil king that founded it.
Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

we should all pay the same percent in taxes.

If you want more from the rich, go to a federal sales tax.
and watch big ticket item purchases flee this nation I get you, but as you know, it won't help consumption to make everything arbitrarily cost more for political reasons. If the goal is to get rid of rich people by making them not WANT to come back, yeah, this is a good idea.

Atlas may be shifting at times, but he sure hasn't shrugged yet.
Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

In my field technological advances have created jobs. We didn't need MRI technicians until we had MRIs. Etc. Etc. Etc. DUH!.

I am happy for you field. But this is how it worked for the whole nation:


The chart above shows that much more of the national income goes to the top 1% now than 30 years ago.

And this is interesting too:

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Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

In my field technological advances have created jobs. We didn't need MRI technicians until we had MRIs. Etc. Etc. Etc. DUH!.

I am happy for you field. But this is how it worked for the whole nation:


The chart above shows that much more of the national income goes to the top 1% now than 30 years ago.

And this is interesting too:

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year | ZeroHedge

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year
Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

Once again you dumb ass, they pay the LEGAL rates based on what their income sources are.
Nice deflection, there, Chickenshit.​

"There are a number of economic arguments used to justify a lower capital gains tax rate, particularly the belief that it boosts savings, investment, and economic growth. Problem is, the economic studies are ambiguous at best. Louis Johnston, economist at College of Saint Benedict/St. John’s University, notes that when capital gains taxes were cut in 1998 and in 2003, savings rates did not pick up and the GDP growth rate declined."

In my field technological advances have created jobs. We didn't need MRI technicians until we had MRIs. Etc. Etc. Etc. DUH!.

I am happy for you field. But this is how it worked for the whole nation:


The chart above shows that much more of the national income goes to the top 1% now than 30 years ago.

And this is interesting too:

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year | ZeroHedge

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year

Since when Medicaid counts as a disposable income? And what is the alternative -- let them die from treatable illnesses? Or starve w/o food stamps?

If anything, that article shows how bad the things are for the 60K guy -- his pay is barely enough to provide him with minimal living standards. That's my point -- families used to be middle class now become poor, while the top earners see dramatic rise in their real incomes.
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Since when Medicaid counts as a disposable income? QUOTE]

If I don't have to pay out of my pocket for medical care, the money I WOULD have spent becomes disposable income The same way humanitarian aid becomes military aid to nations. "What? I don't have to feed my people because these suckers... err kind nations are going to do it for me? Hassan! We can buy more guns and tanks!!!!"

Don't be a sap.

And what is the alternative -- let them die from treatable illnesses?

No, buy your own health insurance or pay for your treatment yourself. If you can't, maybe there should be a good hard look as to WHY prices are so high, instead of figuring out why a person who makes minimum wage can't come up with a six figure bill. That reason is patently obvious.

Or starve w/o food stamps?

Seen anyone starving on the streets lately? I've been so poor as to need assistance to meet my food needs and have never gotten foodstamps. I've relied on the help of family and private charity. Want to know the funny part? I've eaten better on private assistance than I did when I was buying for myself.

I am living proof you can do WITHOUT government aid on this.

If anything, that article shows how bad the things are for the 60K guy

And how screwed he's being by paying taxes for the deadbeat getting that much more disposable income. If his taxes dropped by 20%, he'd probably be doing MUCH better.

his pay is barely enough to provide him with minimal living standards.

So go on welfare and get everything he SHOULD have anyway from the government? Oh that's a sure fire plan with no hidden dangers! :rolleyes:

That's my point -- families used to be middle class now become poor,

Thanks to your friend and mine, the government, not doing it's proper and constitutional job.

while the top earners see dramatic rise in their real incomes.

More jealous irrelevance. The point is that if you make poverty comfortable, people won't get off it, and more people will rely on it, ultimately collapsing the system. making 60k a year puts him into what tax bracket? The top 25% of tax payers? Why yes, I do believe so.
Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

if they dont work, they dont have income. No income means no income taxes

what you want is a tax on wealth. Just admit it.

Romney doesn't work. He hasn't had a job in years.

And he made $20 million just sitting on his butt.

And paid taxes at a lower rate than you do.

Do you like paying higer taxes so the idle rich can get welfare for the wealthy?

Romney doesn't work ?

I am sure you can find some place that will hook your brain up to your mouth so the two can coordinate.

Romney might not collect a wage, but as an investor, you can be he "works" watching his investments. You don't make 20 million just sitting on your butt.

You also don't get elected to the Presidencey or even Govenorship without "working".

Are you really that stupid ?
Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

You are to be commended, as you've learned to ignore those who cannot seem to post a response in a civil, intellectual manner. It has to be laced with something original like: "idiot, moron, dumbfuck, dumbass, communist, socialist...and so on".

You left out liar.....

His question is all based on a liberal lie.

So what was your question ?
I keep seeing this drivel about changes in household income.

Nobody seems to want to say that the people in those quintiles don't stay there. They move around....despite the whining on the left....with a fair amount of mobility.

If don't weight that mobility into those charts....they are pretty much meaningless as far as making a statement about gaps between rich and poor.
I paid $22,000 in federal taxes last year, but you did not answer the question.

Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?
Of course I didn't answer a question based on a false premise. Should anyone pay income taxes when they don't make income? The poor don't even when they DO work! So why should the rich?

You only claim to have paid 22k in taxes. Is that REALLY your fair share? I suspect it's low. If you took a single allowance or deduction, you are betraying your ethics.

Of course, if you would agree to a flat tax for all incomes, include all income streams and eliminate ALL deductions from every person, business and organization that raises or makes money... you'd not have to worry about this at all now, would you?

You did not answer the question....

Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

The idel rich should pay whatever taxes the law deems are appropriate. Since we are the government, we decide.

And what have we decided.

We have decided to tax the crapp out of the rich and then do it again (in the same year).

On a moral basis, the answer is that rich should pay more.

And we making them do so...by law.

And they say you can't legislate morality.
I keep seeing this drivel about changes in household income.

Nobody seems to want to say that the people in those quintiles don't stay there. They move around....despite the whining on the left....with a fair amount of mobility.

If don't weight that mobility into those charts....they are pretty much meaningless as far as making a statement about gaps between rich and poor.

NOt true...

U.S. falls behind Europe in Economic Mobility between Classes

And frankly, if the mobility is people moving down, that's not a good thing.
I keep seeing this drivel about changes in household income.

Nobody seems to want to say that the people in those quintiles don't stay there. They move around....despite the whining on the left....with a fair amount of mobility.

If don't weight that mobility into those charts....they are pretty much meaningless as far as making a statement about gaps between rich and poor.
Oh it's been said... and ignored.... and said.... and ignored.... and said.... and ignored............

The concept fucks class warrior's meme, so they choose instead to ignore it, or find some 'intellectual' workaround as to why it's not relevant.
There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.

Well, the reason I say "national guard" is that in our current make up, they are just as likely to get deployed. Secondly, when a natural or some manmade disasters hit, the Guard responds. In a bizarre way, the response to homegrown crisis is more important, in my view, than fighting 15,000 miles away. You see how the other half lives, really quickly when you're laying sandbags or doing US&R.

I hear you. Personally I like seeing our Military respond to Natural Disasters and Humanitarian Needs. I came of age in a Volunteer Fire Department that kept pretty busy. The whole Community Involvement is a good experience in most any form. AMT, EMT, Volunteer Social Work. Try incorporating the Outlook from a different perspective though. Local Government, County, State, and Federal. Each play a role. This would be money well spent at the local level. It is the foundation of Community Preparedness.

United States civil defense refers to the use of civil defense in the history of the United States, which is the organized non-military effort to prepare Americans for military attack. Over the last twenty years, the term and practice of civil defense have fallen into disuse and have been replaced by emergency management and homeland security.
United States civil defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it were still viable; I'd agree. Since it isn't, I say 2 years mandatory service for every citizen in the Natonal Guard or Reserves or the standing Army. I reject the substitution of volunteerism on a local level however. Nothing is more important than national security; increase the ranks. Nothing is more important than national security; make all understand as such the tactics, the stakes, the modus operandi. Volunteer fire departments, civil air patrol, OCS in colleges and universities, are all good ideas. I think they shrink to 2 years mandatory in (at least) the guard, reserve, or standing military.

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