A question for Republicans

he took his money, that he earned, and paid the top rate on in taxes, and invested it.

if the investment tanks, he gets nothing back

so he took money he ALREADY PAID taxes on, and gambled on another company.

for taking that risk, he makes some profit.

and is still double taxed on the profit.

and you have the gall to think he needs to be taxed MORE than the 45% the first time and the 14% the second time?

That isn't quite the case.

Those are dividends. If he sells the stock, he has to pay a higher rate than 15%. If he just collects dividends, he pays the 15 percent.

How about Everyone Pays 15%? ;) Pretty Please. ;)

I'd be interested to see exactly how much income that would produce. It sounds high to me.

I'm curious....why is it if you have 4 kids you pay "less" income tax? You'll be using 4X more school desks than I am.

Just a thought. Anyway, 15% sounds high if we're all in on this.
There is no national 'pay scale' that says 'society' has to reward anyone for anything.

But it the society does reward people for their work, and that is why we live in it.

As a widow and single mother of two children I raised alone, I simply will not give the sympathy vote to the single mother with two low paying jobs. She didn't have to have kids, birth control has been around for 40 years, and there is all kinds of money out there for women to go to school these days.

Well, just for the record, those "all kinds of money" is what the rights call "the waste spending", which has to be cut to reduce the deficit. Or they call it redistribution of income, and thus unfair.

But in any case, the simple truth is that everyone can't go Harvard and become a top lawyer. Someone would have to work low paying jobs. Now imagine that for some reasons this is how our market economy works -- most of national income goes to a very few suits holding important jobs, while the wast majority of workers has to share the crumbs that left.

You think that in this case some income redistribution would benefit us? Because if the answer is yes, this is what has been happening in US in the past decades -- middle class jobs disappear. Instead of 10 steel mill jobs paying 60K each, we now have 9 wal-mart or other mcjobs paying 30K each and one suit getting 330K.

And it's not just because of the outsourcing to China. The main driver is automation of the manufacturing (as it has been for long time, read "Player Piano").

So what do you think -- is it all a-okay, or we should do something about it?

Actually, the money I know of is 'pay back' money. I got a scholarship from the VA for my master's in nursing, and I had to sign a contract to work for a specific period of time to pay it back. IMO college money should not be grants or free money. Loans, and payback scholarships are the way I would go. I would do away completely with the Pell grants. It is wasteful. Even with the nursing shortage, each year many many scholarships for nursing school go untaken because no one applies for them.

You don't have to go to Harvard to be a lawyer. Most of the lawyers and judges in middle TN went to the Nashville School of Law, formerly known as the YMCA Law School because it started in 1911 in the basement of the Y and taught at night by the Vanderbilt profs so the poor kids would have a chance. But it wasn't free, they had to pay. What do you call a judge who graduated form NSL rather than Harvard? "Your Honor." Who gave you such grandiose ideas of what it takes to make a lawyer? At NSL, there were a few scholarships, but most students pay by the month. Think Harvard would let you do that? Or Vanderbilt Law? I don't think so.

And you don't go to the Sorbonne to be a nurse. Any state school has a program as do many trade schools. What else can you go to school for two years (ADN) to do and get out making $40K right out of school? But then there are those of us who go for the BSN. I got my BSN at a state school and paid every dime of it, the scholarship to go to Vanderbilt, and my pay back was contracting to work for the VA a certain amount of time. And I paid every dime of law school. My point is that if you WANT to make something of yourself you can. But nobody is going to do it for you. And yes, the silly shits on here boohooing over the poor single mother with 2 low paying jobs disgust me. Nobody made them get knocked up by a dirt bag who is now doing hard time. They made their own bed. They can lie in it. No sympathy here!

Some of you have such a fucked up notion of the food chain, and who deserves what in this country that it is astounding! Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?
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That isn't quite the case.

Those are dividends. If he sells the stock, he has to pay a higher rate than 15%. If he just collects dividends, he pays the 15 percent.

How about Everyone Pays 15%? ;) Pretty Please. ;)

I'd be interested to see exactly how much income that would produce. It sounds high to me.

I'm curious....why is it if you have 4 kids you pay "less" income tax? You'll be using 4X more school desks than I am.

Just a thought. Anyway, 15% sounds high if we're all in on this.

I agree. Lose the Subsidies, the Loop Holes, the hidden Taxes, come up with a rate that is flat percentage, that effects Each of us the same. We were Founded on that Principle. It is not a new concept. Think where it would put the Lobbyists? What they would have to do to earn an honest dollar.
How about Everyone Pays 15%? ;) Pretty Please. ;)

I'd be interested to see exactly how much income that would produce. It sounds high to me.

I'm curious....why is it if you have 4 kids you pay "less" income tax? You'll be using 4X more school desks than I am.

Just a thought. Anyway, 15% sounds high if we're all in on this.

I agree. Lose the Subsidies, the Loop Holes, the hidden Taxes, come up with a rate that is flat percentage, that effects Each of us the same. We were Founded on that Principle. It is not a new concept. Think where it would put the Lobbyists? What they would have to do to earn an honest dollar.

I'm also for 2 years mandatory service in the armed forces myself (National Guard okay).
I'd be interested to see exactly how much income that would produce. It sounds high to me.

I'm curious....why is it if you have 4 kids you pay "less" income tax? You'll be using 4X more school desks than I am.

Just a thought. Anyway, 15% sounds high if we're all in on this.

I agree. Lose the Subsidies, the Loop Holes, the hidden Taxes, come up with a rate that is flat percentage, that effects Each of us the same. We were Founded on that Principle. It is not a new concept. Think where it would put the Lobbyists? What they would have to do to earn an honest dollar.

I'm also for 2 years mandatory service in the armed forces myself (National Guard okay).

There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.
I agree. Lose the Subsidies, the Loop Holes, the hidden Taxes, come up with a rate that is flat percentage, that effects Each of us the same. We were Founded on that Principle. It is not a new concept. Think where it would put the Lobbyists? What they would have to do to earn an honest dollar.

I'm also for 2 years mandatory service in the armed forces myself (National Guard okay).

There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.

Well, the reason I say "national guard" is that in our current make up, they are just as likely to get deployed. Secondly, when a natural or some manmade disasters hit, the Guard responds. In a bizarre way, the response to homegrown crisis is more important, in my view, than fighting 15,000 miles away. You see how the other half lives, really quickly when you're laying sandbags or doing US&R.
I'm also for 2 years mandatory service in the armed forces myself (National Guard okay).

There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.

Well, the reason I say "national guard" is that in our current make up, they are just as likely to get deployed. Secondly, when a natural or some manmade disasters hit, the Guard responds. In a bizarre way, the response to homegrown crisis is more important, in my view, than fighting 15,000 miles away. You see how the other half lives, really quickly when you're laying sandbags or doing US&R.

I hear you. Personally I like seeing our Military respond to Natural Disasters and Humanitarian Needs. I came of age in a Volunteer Fire Department that kept pretty busy. The whole Community Involvement is a good experience in most any form. AMT, EMT, Volunteer Social Work. Try incorporating the Outlook from a different perspective though. Local Government, County, State, and Federal. Each play a role. This would be money well spent at the local level. It is the foundation of Community Preparedness.


United States civil defense refers to the use of civil defense in the history of the United States, which is the organized non-military effort to prepare Americans for military attack. Over the last twenty years, the term and practice of civil defense have fallen into disuse and have been replaced by emergency management and homeland security.

United States civil defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?
Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?

My answer:
Because one (a taxable citizen) can’t take advantage (qualify in current tax code) of a LOWER! tax tier. And you ask, “Should the idle rich. who don’t work”? A person (Or tax payer) regardless of status, should pay more than a person that can, as they can’t take the same option as less money (any) was made in that tax year? I would think a simple puzzle like this is/was self explanatory on so many levels on its face, while you typed out the question? I could be wrong.
This question itself does and should answers itself if you apply what the idea of what America (USA/ UNITED STATES) is/ was in the beginning was about, before now and you asked. But I will help you out… No.
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Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.

Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.

Very Platonic, isn't it?
Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.

Very Platonic, isn't it?

iliac is having a platonic affair with iliac? :eek:

That's funny. Having read some of it's dopey posting efforts, I'm inclined to advise it to "go all the way."

iliac needs to fuck itself.
Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.

Very Platonic, isn't it?

iliac is having a platonic affair with iliac? :eek:

That's funny. Having read some of it's dopey posting efforts, I'm inclined to advise it to "go all the way."

iliac needs to fuck itself.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34MHpBu0Oo"]Three Minute Philosophy: Plato - YouTube[/ame]

I may as well share... it's fucking hillarious. They do more than a few philosophers. I now remember why I don't like Plato like I don't like Nietzsche.
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Very Platonic, isn't it?

iliac is having a platonic affair with iliac? :eek:

That's funny. Having read some of it's dopey posting efforts, I'm inclined to advise it to "go all the way."

iliac needs to fuck itself.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34MHpBu0Oo"]Three Minute Philosophy: Plato - YouTube[/ame]

I may as well share... it's fucking hillarious. They do more than a few philosophers. I now remember why I don't like Plato like I don't like Nietzsche.

That was touching. I was moved.

<<sniff sniff>>


Good stuff.
Whatever happened to the concept of hard work?

Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.


Or we can have a more progressive taxes, like it was done in most of adwanced countries.

But no. You prefer paying more taxes so the super-rich can pay less. Talk about having sex with yourself -- in that game you are the champions till the kingdom come.
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Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.


Or we can have a more progressive taxes, like it was done in most of adwanced countries.

But no. You prefer paying more taxes so the super-rich can pay less. Talk about having sex with yourself -- in that game you are the champions till the kingdom come.

The connection rank and file Republicans never get...

Mini taxes for the idle rich means they have to pay more.
Whatever happened to reading comprehension? Technological advances make any modern market economy a place, in which a few stellar jobs are getting disproportional share of the national income -- at the expense of middle class. Does it bother you at all?

Ah. So THAT'S what's happenin'.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

So, to make things all better, we must either do away with those nasty technological advances --

or put some laws into place to limit what folks are allowed to make because YOU and the intelligentsia should be the ones to decide such things.


Or we can have a more progressive taxes, like it was done in most of adwanced countries.

But no. You prefer paying more taxes so the super-rich can pay less. Talk about having sex with yourself -- in that game you are the champions till the kingdom come.
definition of insanity. Keep doing what failed and expect change.
I agree. Lose the Subsidies, the Loop Holes, the hidden Taxes, come up with a rate that is flat percentage, that effects Each of us the same. We were Founded on that Principle. It is not a new concept. Think where it would put the Lobbyists? What they would have to do to earn an honest dollar.

I'm also for 2 years mandatory service in the armed forces myself (National Guard okay).

There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.

So what happened to Obama's civilian military?
There is a part of me that supports either that or something similar, which may include a Civil Alternative in the mix. I miss "Civil-Defense". Just consider that there is much you surrender in Military Service. That should Never include Conscience, for one. I'm not saying that is the norm, but it opens a can of worms. There is a part of me that supports it, being Voluntary, with some compensation, VA benefits, for one, is a lifetime given.

Well, the reason I say "national guard" is that in our current make up, they are just as likely to get deployed. Secondly, when a natural or some manmade disasters hit, the Guard responds. In a bizarre way, the response to homegrown crisis is more important, in my view, than fighting 15,000 miles away. You see how the other half lives, really quickly when you're laying sandbags or doing US&R.

I hear you. Personally I like seeing our Military respond to Natural Disasters and Humanitarian Needs. I came of age in a Volunteer Fire Department that kept pretty busy. The whole Community Involvement is a good experience in most any form. AMT, EMT, Volunteer Social Work. Try incorporating the Outlook from a different perspective though. Local Government, County, State, and Federal. Each play a role. This would be money well spent at the local level. It is the foundation of Community Preparedness.

United States civil defense refers to the use of civil defense in the history of the United States, which is the organized non-military effort to prepare Americans for military attack. Over the last twenty years, the term and practice of civil defense have fallen into disuse and have been replaced by emergency management and homeland security.

United States civil defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My dad couldn't get into the military during WWII due to a bad knee. So he joined the Civil Air Patrol.

Civil Air Patrol - United States Air Force Auxiliary

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