A question for Republicans

I am saying that $1100 gain is NOT equal to $100 loss. Not even after you decide to call them both "aggregate". And the sum of them is not zero either.

So stop talking nonsense.

In one example you say that my gain is a loss somewhere else in the economy in another you say only some of my gain is a loss somewhere else in the economy.

make up your mind.

-- do you want to live as part of tiny superrich elite surrounded by the poor. Is this what America should become?

If I get rich because of my effort fuck yeah.
In your example, the median went from $500 to $1000.

You are confusing median and average. What went up is the average. The median of two values does not even exist.

Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?
You are confusing median and average. What went up is the average. The median of two values does not even exist.

Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


Here's a source for those who failed grade school math, so you can understand.

The Median of a Set of Data
Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


Here's a source for those who failed grade school math, so you can understand.

The Median of a Set of Data

So if the set happens to have an ODD number, the problem isn't too difficult.

But if the set has an even number, then the two middle-most numbers get averaged.

Give or take.


Thanks for setting iliac straight.
Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


Here's a source for those who failed grade school math, so you can understand.

The Median of a Set of Data

So if the set happens to have an ODD number, the problem isn't too difficult.

But if the set has an even number, then the two middle-most numbers get averaged.

Give or take.


Thanks for setting iliac straight.

No problem.
I enjoy showing liberals how they're wrong.
Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


In the set of two numbers, 400 and 600, there is no number 500, you imbecile!

You such and idiot, you can't understand a concept after reading the definition twice.
Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


In the set of two numbers, 400 and 600, there is no number 500, you imbecile!

You such and idiot, you can't understand a concept after reading the definition twice.

"You such and idiot"

Now that's funny
Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?


In the set of two numbers, 400 and 600, there is no number 500, you imbecile!

You such and idiot, you can't understand a concept after reading the definition twice.

Hey, moron. From my source, that you didn't read.....

Let's look at some examples in which there is an even number of items in the data set.

Example 3: A marathon race was completed by 4 participants. What was the median race time?
2.7 hr, 8.3 hr, 3.5 hr, 5.1 hr

Solution: Ordering the data from least to greatest, we get:
2.7, 3.5, 5.1, 8.3
Since there is an even number of items in the data set, we compute the median by taking the mean of the two middlemost numbers.
3.5 + 5.1 = 8.6


Answer: The median race time was 4.3 hr.

Does it hurt when you think?
Is that why you do it so rarely?

In the set of two numbers, 400 and 600, there is no number 500, you imbecile!

You such and idiot, you can't understand a concept after reading the definition twice.

Hey, moron. From my source, that you didn't read.....

Let's look at some examples in which there is an even number of items in the data set.

Example 3: A marathon race was completed by 4 participants. What was the median race time?
2.7 hr, 8.3 hr, 3.5 hr, 5.1 hr

Solution: Ordering the data from least to greatest, we get:
2.7, 3.5, 5.1, 8.3
Since there is an even number of items in the data set, we compute the median by taking the mean of the two middlemost numbers.
3.5 + 5.1 = 8.6


Answer: The median race time was 4.3 hr.

Does it hurt when you think?
Is that why you do it so rarely?
I think his head just caved in like a capped gas can that had boiling water
I paid $22,000 in federal taxes last year, but you did not answer the question.

Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?
Of course I didn't answer a question based on a false premise. Should anyone pay income taxes when they don't make income? The poor don't even when they DO work! So why should the rich?

You only claim to have paid 22k in taxes. Is that REALLY your fair share? I suspect it's low. If you took a single allowance or deduction, you are betraying your ethics.

Of course, if you would agree to a flat tax for all incomes, include all income streams and eliminate ALL deductions from every person, business and organization that raises or makes money... you'd not have to worry about this at all now, would you?

You did not answer the question....

Should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do work?
Are they investing, do they employ many and receive earned tax breaks? How many IDLE rich are there? Most WORKED to gain wealth.
OK, I made a little mistake, I'm sorry. But org direct not change anything on the substance -- it is still a fact that the middle class income stagnated beacause the rich incomes were growing super fast.

And you still have not answered if this is America you want to live in.
You are confusing median and average. What went up is the average. The median of two values does not even exist.

Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?

Actually, your source also mentions how to find the median if given an even set of numbers.

How to Calculate the Median Value

All you have to do is read a little more. Is this what one calls a FAIL?

(As practice, try answering the question at the bottom a couple of times. After 2 or three correct answers, it will give you a list of even numbers. School grade math is not that hard.)
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Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?

Actually, your source also mentions how to find the median if given an even set of numbers.

How to Calculate the Median Value

All you have to do is read a little more. Is this what one calls a FAIL?

(As practice, try answering the question at the bottom a couple of times. After 2 or three correct answers, it will give you a list of even numbers. School grade math is not that hard.)

It was for him.
Should the "rich" be required to pay tax on money they already paid tax on? They pay tax on capital gains and sales tax and property tax. What do you libs want to do send in the gestapo to steal their wallets?
Really? There is no median for the numbers 400 and 600? LOL!
How old were you when you first failed math?

Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?

Actually, your source also mentions how to find the median if given an even set of numbers.

How to Calculate the Median Value

All you have to do is read a little more. Is this what one calls a FAIL?

(As practice, try answering the question at the bottom a couple of times. After 2 or three correct answers, it will give you a list of even numbers. School grade math is not that hard.)

I was in a hurry, so I skipped over insignificant details.

But it is telling how everyone is excited hair splitting, so they don't have to discuss the real issue -- how the growing inequality turns America into a banana republic.
Here is a definition of median for school graders, so you understand:
"Median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers)."

What is the middle number of the set of 400 and 600?

Actually, your source also mentions how to find the median if given an even set of numbers.

How to Calculate the Median Value

All you have to do is read a little more. Is this what one calls a FAIL?

(As practice, try answering the question at the bottom a couple of times. After 2 or three correct answers, it will give you a list of even numbers. School grade math is not that hard.)

I was in a hurry, so I skipped over insignificant details.

But it is telling how everyone is excited hair splitting, so they don't have to discuss the real issue -- how the growing inequality turns America into a banana republic.
Your claim does not make the thing itself true.

Income inequality is neither unexpected nor morally wrong.

If I work harder and smarter and more efficiently than you do, or if I have greater talent or brains or crazy mad skills, and especially if I can properly market my products/services, etc. better than you do, then I should be able to reap a greater reward than you do since you are lacking in all those things.

I am not jealous of the very very wealthy. I will go about the business of getting there myself.

And has been shown in this thread alone several times already, my progress will keep not one other person "down."

If you REALLY want to know what keeps you down, go find a good full length mirror, stand in front of it, and study your reflection for a good long time.

"Income inequality" is not some bogeyman you can use to scare nice people into caving-in to your rather mindless liberal/progressive/socialist claptrap agenda.

The fact that you are a lazy shit and can't even grasp the terms you bandy about is simply additional EVIDENCE that you lack any hint of persuasiveness.
I am saying that $1100 gain is NOT equal to $100 loss. Not even after you decide to call them both "aggregate". And the sum of them is not zero either.

So stop talking nonsense.

In one example you say that my gain is a loss somewhere else in the economy in another you say only some of my gain is a loss somewhere else in the economy.

make up your mind.

Of course it's the later -- only some of your gain is someone else's loss (on average). I never said othervise.But if that some is 90%, or even 50%, then the results are not much different from that of the zero sum game.

It would lead to more inequality and the question remains -- do you want to live as part of tiny superrich elite surrounded by the poor. Is this what America should become?

And if the answer is "no", then we need more social transfers -- like it is done in most adwanced countries, BTW.
More social transfers? What is that or what does this mean?

The rich need only to be outted and embarassed for what they do, and trust me, before the eyes of their families once outted, they will do better about what they do. The nations wrath and scorn upon them once outted, is enough of a motivator to get them to do better.

The reason they do what they do, is because they are not outted for what they do, otherwise they hide their hand in a sea of buisness dealings and operations, until the government starts getting the huge influx of economic reffugee's layed upon it's door steps to take care of, after the corps or nations companies start to conduct themselves in a manor that is greed driven, short sighted, wrong headed, morally wrong, indecent and in some cases highly illegal. A national grading system could do the job quite well, and would get this nation back on track to doing the right thing. The government need only to look at this through a grading system, along with a bill board campaign, that will show the nation who the scumbags and villans really are, and who the good guy's are in contrast to, but to engineer through social programs, a way to take wealth from all as if they are all guilty, and to give it to another is just plain wrong. :eusa_angel:
Actually, your source also mentions how to find the median if given an even set of numbers.

How to Calculate the Median Value

All you have to do is read a little more. Is this what one calls a FAIL?

(As practice, try answering the question at the bottom a couple of times. After 2 or three correct answers, it will give you a list of even numbers. School grade math is not that hard.)

I was in a hurry, so I skipped over insignificant details.

But it is telling how everyone is excited hair splitting, so they don't have to discuss the real issue -- how the growing inequality turns America into a banana republic.

Your claim does not make the thing itself true.

Income inequality is neither unexpected nor morally wrong.

If I work harder and smarter and more efficiently than you do, or if I have greater talent or brains or crazy mad skills, and especially if I can properly market my products/services, etc. better than you do, then I should be able to reap a greater reward than you do since you are lacking in all those things.

I am not jealous of the very very wealthy. I will go about the business of getting there myself.

And has been shown in this thread alone several times already, my progress will keep not one other person "down."

If you REALLY want to know what keeps you down, go find a good full length mirror, stand in front of it, and study your reflection for a good long time.

"Income inequality" is not some bogeyman you can use to scare nice people into caving-in to your rather mindless liberal/progressive/socialist claptrap agenda.

The fact that you are a lazy shit and can't even grasp the terms you bandy about is simply additional EVIDENCE that you lack any hint of persuasiveness.

Corporations now, are by nature, socialistic, communistic styled or run companies (like the old southern plantations were once run back in the day), in which donot engage in the things in which you speak about mostly these days (that would allow you those things in which you do speak), and that would also identify them with American values and ways in which we expect them to, especially once they became global, because they have seen the numbers in it all, and they do realize that what lay within those numbers, is that they can extract great wealth from such a huge thing that is realized by them quickly, and especially if there is no thing in place that keeps them from abusing the very nation in which had gave birth to them in, then they will go with those numbers over what is morally right and good to do for their nation, for whom are affected it seems big time now, along the chain greatly as a result of their actions be it one way or the other when they act.

They do this by way of an operation managing style picked freely of course, in which they use and deploy in these companies in order to extract great wealth from what seems now is only for a few or fewer, instead of for the many. It is now being found in a trend or ideology amongst them, to conduct themselves with a more pure greed purpose and reasoning than ever before. If our nation doesn't require these companies to operate in an American way or style while on the property of American soil anymore (or) elsewhere as an American company in the world, then she has become an accomplice in these corporations misdeeds and greed in which they engage in upon American soil or elsewhere in the world.

Should we expect better as a nation? I say yes we should, but how do you go about getting better out of them, otherwise if we donot employ things that pull at their heart strings and loyalties, in order to find out where exactly do those loyalties lay anymore, and upon how we can do better? Now if they have become America's enemy instead of it's friend, that doesn't lift up many, and instead only lifts up a few, then what are we to do in order to create an enviroment that gives you the best opportunity to do those things in which you want to do as listed above by you ?

You have to have the right enviroment to do what you want, but if that enviroment has been made hostile towards you, and wishes to enslave you and/or to equalize you for greed purposes in a communistic or socialistic way, keeping you from being able to do what you aspire to in America as an American in this nation by virtue of your talents and character, then we all must work to re-create the proper enviroment for it to work for us, and for you in the ways that you speak of.
Let me ask a question in return is it fair that a vast number of people pay nothing in taxes other than what is taken out of their check? We talk about everyone paying their fair is this fair?
More social transfers? What is that or what does this mean?

Pretty easy to work out really. Means you have a lot of wealth and I don't like it. Therefore, because I don't like it and think it's wrong for you to have MORE than ME and/or other people, I am justified in taking your shit by any means necessary and giving it to whom *I* feel deserves it, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

It's called greed, elitism and a power trip on steroids and the veneer of respectability because we use congressmen and lawyers to do it. So that makes it AAAALLLLL better.

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