A Republican nightmare seems about to become real

MAGAts are known for admiring the orange sexual abuser for his sexual abuse antics.

in fact, conservatives admire Trump for his corruption and criminality – conservatives find Trump’s abuse of power and contempt for the law ‘heroic’; Trump the ‘outlaw,’ Trump the ‘iconoclast,’ all part of the Trump mystic and the cult of Trump.
Bullshit. Trump was investigated for 6 years at the expense of 40 million dollars, by 150 of the most unethical "investigators" the swamp could find.

And they found NOTHING!

Trump is arguably the most non criminal individual in the USA. We KNOW this thanks to your assholes 6 year witch hunt.
The evidence against Trump is objective, documented, comprehensive, and compelling – it’s a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is ‘made up.’
Russia aided the Trumpybear campaign and the Trumpybear's campaign gleefully accepted their aid.

Obama didn't boycott the Trumpybears inauguration and he provided a smooth transfer of power. Durham was suppose to uncover all that wiretapping suff. What happened to that?

Mueller found multiple instances of collusion between Russians and the Trumpybear campaign. He never found a Criminal Conspiracy between the Russian Government and the Trumpyberra campaign.

Biden committed no crime carrying out the foreign policy objective of the USA, the EU and the IMF.

Trumpyberra's owns his response to the Covid crisis.

We challenge our elections in the state where they were held. We don't send MAGAMOB's to Capitol Hill to intimidate Congress while they count the States certified votes.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

It's not that he took them so much as it is lying about them and playing 'Three Card Monty' with them after the subpoena was issued.

Another excellent example of leftists lying to themselves.
For the first time in his patgetic life that is going to have to be determined by juries of his peers soon.
Better keep your fingers crossed cuz as of now it AIN'T looking good.

Sure Scout. You’ll get him this time. How many charges will be levied against Trump between now and the election? I’m setting the over/under at 125 and taking the over.

in fact, conservatives admire Trump for his corruption and criminality – conservatives find Trump’s abuse of power and contempt for the law ‘heroic’; Trump the ‘outlaw,’ Trump the ‘iconoclast,’ all part of the Trump mystic and the cult of Trump.
Again, lecturing us about Trump the criminal given what you have done to this country by placing mafia headquarters in the White House...is comical. It would be funny if it weren't so idiotic.
As for cults, your brownshirt armband is showing Mrs Jones.....
Reality doesn't give a shit about what you could or couldn't "care less about."
It doesn't matter.
It also doesn't give a shit about what a Manhattan jury says

For instance once your little orange golf boy MAGAt king is tried for his numerous felonies in court(s) over the next year and found guilty of some if not all of the charges facing him, he will most likely receive prison sentences that will effectively mean he's spending the rest of his natural life behind bars.
The Supreme court will throw out any guilty verdicts. These cases are all fraudulent.

He will no doubt appeal everything he can IF he still has enough money left by that time to keep paying his attorneys.
He will lose all those appeals because Jack Smith and Fani Willis have rock solid cases against him from multiple angles and, so far anyway, his defenses against any of these charges look pathetically anemic.
A "rock solid case?" ROFL! You must be suffering severe brain damage.

You, no doubt will not "care" what those juries verdicts are either.
But guess what?
It doesn't matter what you think.
I assure you D.J. Trump will fucking care.
You're brain is pickled in Kool-Aid.
The evidence against Trump is objective, documented, comprehensive, and compelling – it’s a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is ‘made up.’
And I will fix this for you Mrs Jones simply by hitting my "Backwards" key....
The evidence against Trump is farcical, made-up, invented, and ludicrous - its a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is "based on fact".
There Dimbulb.....
The evidence against Trump is objective, documented, comprehensive, and compelling – it’s a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is ‘made up.’
The evidence against Trump is objective, documented, comprehensive, and compelling – it’s a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is ‘made up.’

Sure Kiddo. So was the the evidence for the 50 other accusations from the kookapalooza crowd.

in fact, conservatives admire Trump for his corruption and criminality – conservatives find Trump’s abuse of power and contempt for the law ‘heroic’; Trump the ‘outlaw,’ Trump the ‘iconoclast,’ all part of the Trump mystic and the cult of Trump.
I think most of them just watched too much too much of "The Apprentice" and still think it was all real.
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And I will fix this for you Mrs Jones simply by hitting my "Backwards" key....
The evidence against Trump is farcical, made-up, invented, and ludicrous - its a lie to claim the evidence against Trump is "based on fact".
There Dimbulb.....
I hope his defense attorneys have a better line than that!:auiqs.jpg:
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
You could have had the decency to start this bullshit screed thread in the rubber room. It is currently in “politics.” 🙄

Not exactly a clean start, though.
It also doesn't give a shit about what a Manhattan jury says

The Supreme court will throw out any guilty verdicts. These cases are all fraudulent.

A "rock solid case?" ROFL! You must be suffering severe brain damage.

You're brain is pickled in Kool-Aid.
Just hide and watch Skippy.
Pull your head outta your behind so you can see it better.
Trump's impending crash and burn is gonna be epic!
Pass the popcorn please.

Oh, and btw....any appeals to The SCOTUS have about a zero percent chance of even being heard IF they even make it that far through the lower courts.
I'm telling you the government's evidence against him are slam dunks.
On numerous counts.
What I have always found in life is that the lower a person's intelligence, the broader the brush they use to paint the world.

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