'A Shell Of His Former Self' -- Ex-WH Stenographer Reveals Biden Is Not Physically / Mentally Capable Of Being President

A treaty is a treat or it isn't. An agreement is an agreement.

The problem is Barry entered negotiations with Iran ON HIS OWN BEHALF, NOT ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES.

Barry had no Legal or Constitutional authority to enter negotiations with Iran to come up with a LEGALLY BINDING agreement on behalf of the United States, as specified by the Constitution. For Barry's treaty to be legally binding it had to be ratified by Congress....but as pointed out, after Barry cut his deal he fled to the UN to get his personal treaty accepted by the UN before Congress could read it.

Barry cut the American people out of the negotiations /deal. He cut the US govt out of the negotiations, the terms of the deal, and the deal itself. this was an agreement between Iran and Barry.

"A treaty is an official, express written agreement that states use to legally bind themselves. A treaty is an official document that expresses that agreement in words;"

1. If the deal was NOT a 'Treaty', as you now claim, then IT WAS NEVER LEGALLY BINDING!
- Which means all the pissing and moaning by the Democrats / snowflakes when President Trump walked away from Barry's deal was for nothing. It was never binding to begin with.

"it is also the objective outcome of a ceremonial occasion which acknowledges the parties and their defined relationships."

2. Yup, it was a ceremonial occasion in which Barry got down on his knees in front of Iran leaders who were mocking him and calling for the destruction of America the whole time, negotiated NOT from a position of strength but one od desperation and weakness in order to get some deal that ended up giving Iran access to a massive amount of money they needed to continue their work on acquiring nukes and no definitive way to stop Iran's march towards acquiring them. It was an official ceremonial occasion marking the date/time Barry AND BIDEN officially became Iran's bitches!

Of course, considering Joe's dementia, I would be surprised if he can even remember it.

Nothing with Iran is really legally binding. Agreements mean nothing to us either when we want to ignore them.
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

And here's the difference between criticisms of Trump and criticisms of Biden: The criticisms of Biden come from someone who has the balls to stand up and be identified. It lends a great deal of credence to his claims. The criticisms of Trump come from "anonymous" sources and, as such, are completely dismissable...

:clap: :clap:
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

McCormick has been with Biden for 15 years and has seen Joe's decline is probably more qualified than anyone to say how much Biden has physically and mentally declined. Out of everyone in his 'inner circle', McCormick is the only one honest enough to come right out and say what everyone already knows.

"McCormick said he wrote the book because "there was a lot of things I saw that America needs to know," adding he was surprised how far the 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had slipped, pointing to his debate performance and reliance on teleprompters during the 2020 election."

"When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn't the Joe Biden I knew," he said. "That guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he's never done that."

Thousands of people, many who know him personally, a dozens of so who have written books about it, and tons of news articles say tRump is in mental decline and unfit to handle the responsibility of chief executive. You don't believe any of them.

One guy smears Biden and you lap it up.

tRumplings have no connection to reality.

Son, your hatred blinds you. Biden is out of it, his mind is declining by the day.

You are a one trick pony, Simpleton.

Joe has lost his last marble, and trying to deny it makes you as out of touch with reality as he is.

And Biden was always a few marbles short to begin with.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
What does president hillary say

What does that have to do with me or what I said? I agree Hillary would have been a awful president. That doesn't mean Trump is fit to be president.
The people decide, as they will again

And the people chose a 12 year old. Most people have learned that you don't make fun of people with disabilities well before that.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
What does president hillary say

What does that have to do with me or what I said? I agree Hillary would have been a awful president. That doesn't mean Trump is fit to be president.
The people decide, as they will again

And the people chose a 12 year old. Most people have learned that you don't make fun of people with disabilities well before that.
You are upset we make fun of Crazy Joe?
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
What does president hillary say

What does that have to do with me or what I said? I agree Hillary would have been a awful president. That doesn't mean Trump is fit to be president.
The people decide, as they will again

And the people chose a 12 year old. Most people have learned that you don't make fun of people with disabilities well before that.
You are upset we make fun of Crazy Joe?

I care less who you make fun of.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
What does president hillary say

What does that have to do with me or what I said? I agree Hillary would have been a awful president. That doesn't mean Trump is fit to be president.
The people decide, as they will again

And the people chose a 12 year old. Most people have learned that you don't make fun of people with disabilities well before that.
You are upset we make fun of Crazy Joe?
Actually we should be ashamed of ourselves for mocking a kick the canner dude
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
What does president hillary say

What does that have to do with me or what I said? I agree Hillary would have been a awful president. That doesn't mean Trump is fit to be president.
The people decide, as they will again

And the people chose a 12 year old. Most people have learned that you don't make fun of people with disabilities well before that.
You are upset we make fun of Crazy Joe?

I care less who you make fun of.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
And, bingo.

It doesn't require much effort to notice Biden's decline. But the alternative is the ugliness of Trumpism.

What a lousy moment in our history. I hope this is rock bottom.

And four years ago I thought Trump v Hillary was rock bottom.

Biden still isn't as bad a Hillary. The choices last time were worse than this time. I suppose it's a wasted argument though as it simply shows how far we have fallen and where we are going.
Evil Crooked Hilliary 2016 verses mind gone bye bye crooked JOe 2020? I just don't see an improvement here.
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

McCormick has been with Biden for 15 years and has seen Joe's decline is probably more qualified than anyone to say how much Biden has physically and mentally declined. Out of everyone in his 'inner circle', McCormick is the only one honest enough to come right out and say what everyone already knows.

"McCormick said he wrote the book because "there was a lot of things I saw that America needs to know," adding he was surprised how far the 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had slipped, pointing to his debate performance and reliance on teleprompters during the 2020 election."

"When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn't the Joe Biden I knew," he said. "That guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he's never done that."

Democrats don't care if Biden is incapable of fulfilling a four-year term as president
For some odd reason, they want Harris You know the one who dropped out before the first primary.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
And, bingo.

It doesn't require much effort to notice Biden's decline. But the alternative is the ugliness of Trumpism.

What a lousy moment in our history. I hope this is rock bottom.

And four years ago I thought Trump v Hillary was rock bottom.

Biden still isn't as bad a Hillary. The choices last time were worse than this time. I suppose it's a wasted argument though as it simply shows how far we have fallen and where we are going.
Evil Crooked Hilliary 2016 verses mind gone bye bye crooked JOe 2020? I just don't see an improvement here.

No matter who wins.
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

McCormick has been with Biden for 15 years and has seen Joe's decline is probably more qualified than anyone to say how much Biden has physically and mentally declined. Out of everyone in his 'inner circle', McCormick is the only one honest enough to come right out and say what everyone already knows.

"McCormick said he wrote the book because "there was a lot of things I saw that America needs to know," adding he was surprised how far the 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had slipped, pointing to his debate performance and reliance on teleprompters during the 2020 election."

"When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn't the Joe Biden I knew," he said. "That guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he's never done that."

Democrats don't care if Biden is incapable of fulfilling a four-year term as president
For some odd reason, they want Harris You know the one who dropped out before the first primary.

Maybe she slept with the right people afterall?
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

McCormick has been with Biden for 15 years and has seen Joe's decline is probably more qualified than anyone to say how much Biden has physically and mentally declined. Out of everyone in his 'inner circle', McCormick is the only one honest enough to come right out and say what everyone already knows.

"McCormick said he wrote the book because "there was a lot of things I saw that America needs to know," adding he was surprised how far the 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had slipped, pointing to his debate performance and reliance on teleprompters during the 2020 election."

"When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn't the Joe Biden I knew," he said. "That guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he's never done that."

Democrats don't care if Biden is incapable of fulfilling a four-year term as president
For some odd reason, they want Harris You know the one who dropped out before the first primary.

She is farther to the left than Commie Bernie.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
And, bingo.

It doesn't require much effort to notice Biden's decline. But the alternative is the ugliness of Trumpism.

What a lousy moment in our history. I hope this is rock bottom.
The only ugliness is coming from your side, I mean Sandman got approved for college and you loons gonna follow him around. His crime, wearing a Trump hat and keeping his mouth shut.while a liberal fake Vietnam veteran yell's slurs at him and beats a drum in his face.
He probably isn't and Trump never was and that's what our country is faced with. It's really sad.
And, bingo.

It doesn't require much effort to notice Biden's decline. But the alternative is the ugliness of Trumpism.

What a lousy moment in our history. I hope this is rock bottom.
The only ugliness is coming from your side, I mean Sandman got approved for college and you loons gonna follow him around. His crime, wearing a Trump hat and keeping his mouth shut.while a liberal fake Vietnam veteran yell's slurs at him and beats a drum in his face.

He was called guilty of something before the media researched what the facts were. He got paid off very well for that. That's a good thing.

But when a black man has the same thing done to him by the police many cheer.
"That's not Joe Biden. That's a shell of his former self," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017"

McCormick has been with Biden for 15 years and has seen Joe's decline is probably more qualified than anyone to say how much Biden has physically and mentally declined. Out of everyone in his 'inner circle', McCormick is the only one honest enough to come right out and say what everyone already knows.

"McCormick said he wrote the book because "there was a lot of things I saw that America needs to know," adding he was surprised how far the 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had slipped, pointing to his debate performance and reliance on teleprompters during the 2020 election."

"When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn't the Joe Biden I knew," he said. "That guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he's never done that."

Thousands of people, many who know him personally, a dozens of so who have written books about it, and tons of news articles say tRump is in mental decline and unfit to handle the responsibility of chief executive. You don't believe any of them.

One guy smears Biden and you lap it up.

tRumplings have no connection to reality.

Biden's Dementia and early onset of Alzheimer's is medically undeniable considering all of his many 'gaffes'.

Americans know it.

"I have been involved in patient care for over 40 years, and have no doubt that these are signs of significant cognitive defects. I don’t know if Joe Biden has Alzheimer’s disease, but he clearly has a degenerative neurological disorder in which dementia is a part."

Joe's "dementia" is just like Hillary's "Parkinson's".

It is nothing but a lie.

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