A Visit to a Care Home--and Thoughts About Illegals

Okay, here's the problem with your whole theory.

If we don't have immigration, we aren't going to have enough young people paying into the system to keep it afloat. I mean, it would be nice if the politicians stopped stealing from Social Security to pay for bombers and tax cuts for billionaires, but at some point, we are going to need more younger people to provide the tax revenues for these folks.

Not to mention a pool of people to change Granny's Depends(R) for minimum wage.

The reality, immigration is a net benefit, because we get the value of the goods and services produced by these immigrants, as opposed to these old folks in nursing homes who really don't produce anything at this point in their lives.

Illegals don't "pay into the system". Hello?

Quite the opposite they are a drain on the system.

Left tards truly are morons.
what excuses will president tinkles come up with?

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers

At the president’s New Jersey golf course, an undocumented immigrant has worked as a maid since 2013. She said she never imagined she “would see such important people close up.”

By Miriam Jordan
Dec. 6, 2018

BEDMINSTER, N.J. — During more than five years as a housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Victorina Morales has made Donald J. Trump’s bed, cleaned his toilet and dusted his crystal golf trophies. When he visited as president, she was directed to wear a pin in the shape of the American flag adorned with a Secret Service logo.

Because of the “outstanding” support she has provided during Mr. Trump’s visits, Ms. Morales in July was given a certificate from the White House Communications Agency inscribed with her name.

Quite an achievement for an undocumented immigrant housekeeper.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/us/t ... rkers.html

Trump business empire shuns E-Verify, hires illegal immigrants

By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 6, 2018

Just five of the 565 companies in President Trump’s business empire are signed up to use E-Verify, the government’s best tool to weed illegal immigrants out of the workforce, according to a Washington Times analysis that suggests the president could personally be doing more on that front.

Mr. Trump’s golf courses in Charlotte, Los Angeles and Miami, his hotel in Washington, D.C., and a hotel he operated in New York are signed up.

But his marquee Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is not signed up, nor are his golf courses in Virginia, Philadelphia or Bedminster, New Jersey — where, The New York Times reported Thursday, some illegal immigrants have been working for years.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... hiring-il/

Lawyer says he gave investigators documents for undocumented immigrants who claim they were employed at Trump golf course

By Justin Wise - 12/30/18 08:05 AM EST
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing ... o-docs-for

Oh, about the same as Gutierrez and now Chuy Garcia have come up with. Where they pretend to give a damn about people but are really concerned for businesses.

You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn.

^^^ 'You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn'

then why haven't you figured out that trump is feeding you red meat just to keep you faithful?

I didn't vote for Trump and don't care for the guy, you fucking moron.

my bad - i thought you were another poster. it happens.
Soundbites. I came through with the stats.

No you didn't. You made some claims. But failed miserably.

No, you have made claims and provided nothing. Actually not even claims, you have spouted the soundbites of your Overlords, that's it. You have linked nothing, no support, nothing.

Sweet, sweet Sue.

You've ignored the facts. I know for a fact that you've been in threads where the facts were posted. You refused to learn.

The impact that undocumented immigrants have on our economy is positive. We'd lose money if they all suddenly left or were deported. These are facts.

This is absolutely untrue just in the money we pay to educate their children.

Incorrect. You are pulling that out of your ass. You bleeeev it. You want it to be true. But it isn't.

So in your Utopia, Illegal Mother working under the table is totally bringing in what it costs the school district to not only educate her four children what it costs to educate English-speaking children, but also to teach them English and to feed them breakfast and lunch every single day of the school year. And provide for them remedial education as well.

On her under-the-table wages, it is your assertion that she is bringing in money to equal that education. From her under-the-table wages.

Do that math for me. Let's see it.
Last night we visited an elderly family member at a care home. I was pleased to see that the care staff seems competent and friendly. My family member reports she is being well cared for, the food is good, and she gets good rest.

This is no less than she deserves, having paid into "the system" for years and years. (We can debate another day whether we need 'a system' at all). As she was reporting that Medicaid would give her a ride to her doctor appointments, I thought of the money all her care was costing. Again, she deserves this care. We owe it to our elderly citizens who have paid in and raised our young ones.

And then I thought of the thousands of people stealing over the border every year, taking money out of the system without ever having put a darn thing in. And they people who support this. Who say it's immoral NOT to support this.

It seems to me, if you support this, you are supporting taking money away from American citizens who really need it. Resources are finite. Money runs out. If you raise taxes, the economy slows and the funds dry up.

Given the scenario above, it seems incomprehensible to me that Americans do not want to seal the border. Can anyone make the case?
We had to put my mom in an Alzheimer’s home. Either $12k or $22k a month if you didn’t have Medicare. We paid 1 month and were hoping my mom would get Medicare in a month before they took any more of my dads money. A lawyer said he could get her on Medicare. My dad and I didn’t believe Medicare would kick in until my dad was broke. Luckily she didn’t last more than one month so we didn’t have to find out.

So that’s what it costs if you don’t have government healthcare. Could you afford it?

And the place was a dump and understaffed. Most of these homes are horrible. You maybe went on visiting day. Lol

Anyways, get this. There were these old Arab women in these homes on Medicaid. They came over with their party store owner kids and never paid in but here we are paying for gramma

There are no "visiting days"....we have dropped in twice, at different hours.

Interesting comment about "Arab women with party store owner kids". Hey Joe and company, this dude is a liberal. Comment on.
There are lots and lots of Arab immigrants in metro Detroit milking the system. They are masters of the system.

Oh I don't doubt it.....just waiting for the liberals here to slaughter you for being racist.

Joe?? Laughter?

Why would I slaughter him? We had a massive argument in 2016 over roughly the same thing. It got ugly enough to the extent that we don't interact with each other anymore.
No you didn't. You made some claims. But failed miserably.

No, you have made claims and provided nothing. Actually not even claims, you have spouted the soundbites of your Overlords, that's it. You have linked nothing, no support, nothing.

Sweet, sweet Sue.

You've ignored the facts. I know for a fact that you've been in threads where the facts were posted. You refused to learn.

The impact that undocumented immigrants have on our economy is positive. We'd lose money if they all suddenly left or were deported. These are facts.

This is absolutely untrue just in the money we pay to educate their children.
And we write off the costs when they go to the hospital with no insurance

Still a net positive.

No it’s not. It’s ruining the middle class.

Are you a liberal? Funny how us liberals are just like republicans. We can defend anything our party tells us to defend even if it’s flat out wrong.

But I see what you are saying. I was going to say nothing illegal is good but pot was illegal and still that black market economy was a net positive on the economy. Will be better now that it’s legal though right?
what excuses will president tinkles come up with?

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers

At the president’s New Jersey golf course, an undocumented immigrant has worked as a maid since 2013. She said she never imagined she “would see such important people close up.”

By Miriam Jordan
Dec. 6, 2018

BEDMINSTER, N.J. — During more than five years as a housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Victorina Morales has made Donald J. Trump’s bed, cleaned his toilet and dusted his crystal golf trophies. When he visited as president, she was directed to wear a pin in the shape of the American flag adorned with a Secret Service logo.

Because of the “outstanding” support she has provided during Mr. Trump’s visits, Ms. Morales in July was given a certificate from the White House Communications Agency inscribed with her name.

Quite an achievement for an undocumented immigrant housekeeper.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/us/t ... rkers.html

Trump business empire shuns E-Verify, hires illegal immigrants

By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 6, 2018

Just five of the 565 companies in President Trump’s business empire are signed up to use E-Verify, the government’s best tool to weed illegal immigrants out of the workforce, according to a Washington Times analysis that suggests the president could personally be doing more on that front.

Mr. Trump’s golf courses in Charlotte, Los Angeles and Miami, his hotel in Washington, D.C., and a hotel he operated in New York are signed up.

But his marquee Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is not signed up, nor are his golf courses in Virginia, Philadelphia or Bedminster, New Jersey — where, The New York Times reported Thursday, some illegal immigrants have been working for years.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... hiring-il/

Lawyer says he gave investigators documents for undocumented immigrants who claim they were employed at Trump golf course

By Justin Wise - 12/30/18 08:05 AM EST
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing ... o-docs-for

Oh, about the same as Gutierrez and now Chuy Garcia have come up with. Where they pretend to give a damn about people but are really concerned for businesses.

You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn.

^^^ 'You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn'

then why haven't you figured out that trump is feeding you red meat just to keep you faithful?

I didn't vote for Trump and don't care for the guy, you fucking moron.

my bad - i thought you were another poster. it happens.

I think you are so locked into a if not one side than the other, that is all that exists for you.

It's unfortunate.
what excuses will president tinkles come up with?

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers

At the president’s New Jersey golf course, an undocumented immigrant has worked as a maid since 2013. She said she never imagined she “would see such important people close up.”

By Miriam Jordan
Dec. 6, 2018

BEDMINSTER, N.J. — During more than five years as a housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Victorina Morales has made Donald J. Trump’s bed, cleaned his toilet and dusted his crystal golf trophies. When he visited as president, she was directed to wear a pin in the shape of the American flag adorned with a Secret Service logo.

Because of the “outstanding” support she has provided during Mr. Trump’s visits, Ms. Morales in July was given a certificate from the White House Communications Agency inscribed with her name.

Quite an achievement for an undocumented immigrant housekeeper.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/us/t ... rkers.html

Trump business empire shuns E-Verify, hires illegal immigrants

By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 6, 2018

Just five of the 565 companies in President Trump’s business empire are signed up to use E-Verify, the government’s best tool to weed illegal immigrants out of the workforce, according to a Washington Times analysis that suggests the president could personally be doing more on that front.

Mr. Trump’s golf courses in Charlotte, Los Angeles and Miami, his hotel in Washington, D.C., and a hotel he operated in New York are signed up.

But his marquee Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is not signed up, nor are his golf courses in Virginia, Philadelphia or Bedminster, New Jersey — where, The New York Times reported Thursday, some illegal immigrants have been working for years.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... hiring-il/

Lawyer says he gave investigators documents for undocumented immigrants who claim they were employed at Trump golf course

By Justin Wise - 12/30/18 08:05 AM EST
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing ... o-docs-for

Oh, about the same as Gutierrez and now Chuy Garcia have come up with. Where they pretend to give a damn about people but are really concerned for businesses.

You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn.

^^^ 'You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn'

then why haven't you figured out that trump is feeding you red meat just to keep you faithful?

I didn't vote for Trump and don't care for the guy, you fucking moron.

my bad - i thought you were another poster. it happens.

I think you are so locked into a if not one side than the other, that is all that exists for you.

It's unfortunate.

LOL... uh no. what happened here is that it didn't make sense what your answer was- as opposed to who i thought your reply belonged to. like i said - it happens & if you can't accept that as truth because i don't lie... then THAT is what is unfortunate.
No you didn't. You made some claims. But failed miserably.

No, you have made claims and provided nothing. Actually not even claims, you have spouted the soundbites of your Overlords, that's it. You have linked nothing, no support, nothing.

Sweet, sweet Sue.

You've ignored the facts. I know for a fact that you've been in threads where the facts were posted. You refused to learn.

The impact that undocumented immigrants have on our economy is positive. We'd lose money if they all suddenly left or were deported. These are facts.

This is absolutely untrue just in the money we pay to educate their children.

Incorrect. You are pulling that out of your ass. You bleeeev it. You want it to be true. But it isn't.

So in your Utopia, Illegal Mother working under the table is totally bringing in what it costs the school district to not only educate her four children what it costs to educate English-speaking children, but also to teach them English and to feed them breakfast and lunch every single day of the school year. And provide for them remedial education as well.

On her under-the-table wages, it is your assertion that she is bringing in money to equal that education. From her under-the-table wages.

Do that math for me. Let's see it.

You've presented a scenerio that doesn't exist.

You've been provided with the evidence but prefer to be ignorant.
No, you have made claims and provided nothing. Actually not even claims, you have spouted the soundbites of your Overlords, that's it. You have linked nothing, no support, nothing.

Sweet, sweet Sue.

You've ignored the facts. I know for a fact that you've been in threads where the facts were posted. You refused to learn.

The impact that undocumented immigrants have on our economy is positive. We'd lose money if they all suddenly left or were deported. These are facts.

This is absolutely untrue just in the money we pay to educate their children.
And we write off the costs when they go to the hospital with no insurance

Still a net positive.

No it’s not. It’s ruining the middle class.

Are you a liberal? Funny how us liberals are just like republicans. We can defend anything our party tells us to defend even if it’s flat out wrong.

But I see what you are saying. I was going to say nothing illegal is good but pot was illegal and still that black market economy was a net positive on the economy. Will be better now that it’s legal though right?

You place the blame for the destruction of the middle class on undocumented immigrants?

Last night we visited an elderly family member at a care home. I was pleased to see that the care staff seems competent and friendly. My family member reports she is being well cared for, the food is good, and she gets good rest.

This is no less than she deserves, having paid into "the system" for years and years. (We can debate another day whether we need 'a system' at all). As she was reporting that Medicaid would give her a ride to her doctor appointments, I thought of the money all her care was costing. Again, she deserves this care. We owe it to our elderly citizens who have paid in and raised our young ones.

And then I thought of the thousands of people stealing over the border every year, taking money out of the system without ever having put a darn thing in. And they people who support this. Who say it's immoral NOT to support this.

It seems to me, if you support this, you are supporting taking money away from American citizens who really need it. Resources are finite. Money runs out. If you raise taxes, the economy slows and the funds dry up.

Given the scenario above, it seems incomprehensible to me that Americans do not want to seal the border. Can anyone make the case?

I do some voluntary work for the social services, which involves visitations to a care home. Old age and infirmity used to be a one dimensional concept for me, but now I feel confronted by harsh reality. Some of it is heartbreaking to watch. Like G-D's waiting room.

As you said, elderly citizens; those people were young and full of vitality once.

The guy I visit had an exciting career once, working around the world, lived in exciting places. Now he has no one, uses one of those walkers to get around.

Elderly care has gotten better, but I agree it's heartbreaking in so many cases. I couldn't do it--I couldn't tend to elderly people, God bless those who do, who have a heart for it. The heartbreak would show in my eyes, and they don't need that.

Listened to 'em for decades in the back of a meatwagon , seen grown men cry

People do not realize we are a capitalist society , with capitalist responses and remedies following suit in the HC industry

Aging in America, for ex., is all fine and well IF one has $$$, not so good if you've none

Good luck when the vultures come circling....


Oh, about the same as Gutierrez and now Chuy Garcia have come up with. Where they pretend to give a damn about people but are really concerned for businesses.

You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn.

^^^ 'You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn'

then why haven't you figured out that trump is feeding you red meat just to keep you faithful?

I didn't vote for Trump and don't care for the guy, you fucking moron.

my bad - i thought you were another poster. it happens.

I think you are so locked into a if not one side than the other, that is all that exists for you.

It's unfortunate.

LOL... uh no. what happened here is that it didn't make sense what your answer was- as opposed to who i thought your reply belonged to. like i said - it happens & if you can't accept that as truth because i don't lie... then THAT is what is unfortunate.

Welcome to ignore.
/—-/ Working for cash off the books, for starters.

Oh yeah? Let me guess. You've witnesses this with your own eyes. Right?
/——-/ Yes. My contractor and landscaper.

It is your duty to report them. Why haven't you done that? Why do you support undocumented immigrants?

But since you are lying about it, don't worry.

Man. Why do nutbags think everyone is a gullible idiot.
/——/ Rather than an endless debate where you will just call me a liar no matter what I post, drive over to Home Depot and pull up to the group of day laborers and say you need to hire 10 but you pay off the books. See how many try to climb in your car.

I almost asked you if you saw them at Home Depot. Why? Because that's also a nutbag meme.

I have 6 Home Depot stores as customers. I've visited each store hundreds of times over the years. I've never seen a group of day laborers.

You haven't either. But that's not stopping you from saying that you have.
/——/ day laborers at home depot at DuckDuckGo
Oh yeah? Let me guess. You've witnesses this with your own eyes. Right?
/——-/ Yes. My contractor and landscaper.

It is your duty to report them. Why haven't you done that? Why do you support undocumented immigrants?

But since you are lying about it, don't worry.

Man. Why do nutbags think everyone is a gullible idiot.
/——/ Rather than an endless debate where you will just call me a liar no matter what I post, drive over to Home Depot and pull up to the group of day laborers and say you need to hire 10 but you pay off the books. See how many try to climb in your car.

I almost asked you if you saw them at Home Depot. Why? Because that's also a nutbag meme.

I have 6 Home Depot stores as customers. I've visited each store hundreds of times over the years. I've never seen a group of day laborers.

You haven't either. But that's not stopping you from saying that you have.
/——/ day laborers at home depot at DuckDuckGo

yup.....and guess how they all got here......hint>not via caravan! ~S~
/——-/ Yes. My contractor and landscaper.

It is your duty to report them. Why haven't you done that? Why do you support undocumented immigrants?

But since you are lying about it, don't worry.

Man. Why do nutbags think everyone is a gullible idiot.
/——/ Rather than an endless debate where you will just call me a liar no matter what I post, drive over to Home Depot and pull up to the group of day laborers and say you need to hire 10 but you pay off the books. See how many try to climb in your car.

I almost asked you if you saw them at Home Depot. Why? Because that's also a nutbag meme.

I have 6 Home Depot stores as customers. I've visited each store hundreds of times over the years. I've never seen a group of day laborers.

You haven't either. But that's not stopping you from saying that you have.
/——/ day laborers at home depot at DuckDuckGo

yup.....and guess how they all got here......hint>not via caravan! ~S~
/—-/ Your point being?
Oh yeah? Let me guess. You've witnesses this with your own eyes. Right?
/——-/ Yes. My contractor and landscaper.

It is your duty to report them. Why haven't you done that? Why do you support undocumented immigrants?

But since you are lying about it, don't worry.

Man. Why do nutbags think everyone is a gullible idiot.
/——/ Rather than an endless debate where you will just call me a liar no matter what I post, drive over to Home Depot and pull up to the group of day laborers and say you need to hire 10 but you pay off the books. See how many try to climb in your car.

I almost asked you if you saw them at Home Depot. Why? Because that's also a nutbag meme.

I have 6 Home Depot stores as customers. I've visited each store hundreds of times over the years. I've never seen a group of day laborers.

You haven't either. But that's not stopping you from saying that you have.
/——/ day laborers at home depot at DuckDuckGo

Nope. Send me a picture that you take at your local Home Depot. Include a copy of today's newspaper in the image.

It is your duty to report them. Why haven't you done that? Why do you support undocumented immigrants?

But since you are lying about it, don't worry.

Man. Why do nutbags think everyone is a gullible idiot.
/——/ Rather than an endless debate where you will just call me a liar no matter what I post, drive over to Home Depot and pull up to the group of day laborers and say you need to hire 10 but you pay off the books. See how many try to climb in your car.

I almost asked you if you saw them at Home Depot. Why? Because that's also a nutbag meme.

I have 6 Home Depot stores as customers. I've visited each store hundreds of times over the years. I've never seen a group of day laborers.

You haven't either. But that's not stopping you from saying that you have.
/——/ day laborers at home depot at DuckDuckGo

yup.....and guess how they all got here......hint>not via caravan! ~S~
/—-/ Your point being?

We let them in legally, because we want cheap labor

i see them on every other construction job

^^^ 'You would think after so much time that people would kind of figure out that none of these folks give a damn'

then why haven't you figured out that trump is feeding you red meat just to keep you faithful?

I didn't vote for Trump and don't care for the guy, you fucking moron.

my bad - i thought you were another poster. it happens.

I think you are so locked into a if not one side than the other, that is all that exists for you.

It's unfortunate.

LOL... uh no. what happened here is that it didn't make sense what your answer was- as opposed to who i thought your reply belonged to. like i said - it happens & if you can't accept that as truth because i don't lie... then THAT is what is unfortunate.

Welcome to ignore.

lol... m'k.
No, you have made claims and provided nothing. Actually not even claims, you have spouted the soundbites of your Overlords, that's it. You have linked nothing, no support, nothing.

Sweet, sweet Sue.

You've ignored the facts. I know for a fact that you've been in threads where the facts were posted. You refused to learn.

The impact that undocumented immigrants have on our economy is positive. We'd lose money if they all suddenly left or were deported. These are facts.

This is absolutely untrue just in the money we pay to educate their children.

Incorrect. You are pulling that out of your ass. You bleeeev it. You want it to be true. But it isn't.

So in your Utopia, Illegal Mother working under the table is totally bringing in what it costs the school district to not only educate her four children what it costs to educate English-speaking children, but also to teach them English and to feed them breakfast and lunch every single day of the school year. And provide for them remedial education as well.

On her under-the-table wages, it is your assertion that she is bringing in money to equal that education. From her under-the-table wages.

Do that math for me. Let's see it.

You've presented a scenerio that doesn't exist.

You've been provided with the evidence but prefer to be ignorant.

Oh sweetie I know it exists.

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