ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump

Court decisions such as Wisconsin v. Right To Life in 2007, Citizens United v. FEC in 2010 and Speechnow v. FEC in 2010 spurred the proliferation of “dark money,” enabling organizations like Americans for Prosperity to legally raise and spend unlimited sums of money through 501(c)(4) nonprofits without having to disclose the original source of funding behind their donors’ network.

One out of every $5 fueling the Americans for Prosperity Action committee comes from unknown sources. Americans for Prosperity’s hybrid PAC has received large donations from Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, a dark money group that is part of the Koch network and gave the hybrid PAC $25 million.
Wrong thread?
There's a major difference between the spin and cherry picking normal politicians do and the outright malicious lies of Cheeto Hitler.
That's bullshit. Trump is no better nor any worse than other politicians.

Go seek halp for yoar TDS.

Actually, he's 100 times worse, but being a conspiracy nutter with a limited grasp on reality and your meds, you just won't see it.

Trump makes me miss Mitt Romney, and everyone here knows how much I hate Mitt Romney.

ah yes, now with the fallacies. You lost, deal with it.

The propagandist at ABC planned really backfired on Harris.

Most Americans were really turned off by their inabilty to conduct a fair debate, and how they allowed Harris to simply lie the entire time
There's a major difference between the spin and cherry picking normal politicians do and the outright malicious lies of Cheeto Hitler.
Harris is the worst candidate for President in my voting lifetime. And only Joe gives her competition. Carter at least talked Presidential.
ah yes, now with the fallacies. You lost, deal with it.

This was the same Robin Williams who, in 1996, got up in front of a Democratic Fundraiser and made fun of Bob Dole's physical infirmities.

Trump is an insult comic, who mocks Gold Star Families and the disabled. But, no, no, let's not engage in attacks on his character.
Harris sounded pretty darned presidential to me last Tuesday... when she mopped the floor with Trump so bad he had to fake another assassination attempt.

She didn't sound presidential, she sounded rehearsed, which is exactly what she was.

Too bad people like you are too stupid to see it.

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