Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting

The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.
MLK was on tape watching and laughing at a woman being raped. Seriously, look it up.
Even better. That’s it, tear all his shit down. Rename every street in the hood, etc.
It was MLK's own pullitzer prize winning biographer who found the tapes in the national archives. They will go public in a few more years.

The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.
MLK was on tape watching and laughing at a woman being raped. Seriously, look it up.
Even better. That’s it, tear all his shit down. Rename every street in the hood, etc.
It was MLK's own pullitzer prize winning biographer who found the tapes in the national archives. They will go public in a few more years.

Not the tapes. The FBI summary. IN 2027, the tapes can be made public.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
You forgot to mention that atleast one of the victims was a black male.........and that Webb is actually special forces army-------(he isn't from Florida, he at one point was assigned to elgin base)

Does it matter what race the victims are? Murder is murder. So he is SF what does that change? I don't give a damn if he was from Kalamazoo what difference does that make?
I live in florida----I move in from another state.........and I don't like misinformation or lies. To claim that this guy is from florida is just wrong--he's military at one point was stationed in Florida---he's actually from the midwest. It matters in that I like the facts posted.

Ok he is not from Florida, still doesn't change what he did.

You started the nonsense saying that the shooter was white---to which I liking the facts posted concurred and even so far as to mention that the only picture of one of the victims that I have seen so far shows a black elderly gentlemen.

Where did I state that?
I only added to your everyone is picking on blacks mantra in that in this case that the attacker (assumed attacker) is white while the only know identified victim is black. It's literally a white on black crime-----they are so rare and the racists (black ones) are always so happy to pretend that whites are always attacking blacks and then that the board covers for white criminals. (Assuming that there isn't some reason for this craziness that we haven't been made aware of.)

Turtle Shit are you really this stupid. You do realize 5 other people were shot, a couple of kids at that.

I don't like criminals regardless of color--------more criminals in any race only means I dislike more in that race. Making excuses for any group of criminals because of their race is a sign of stupidity.

Who is making excuses for ANYONE committing crime? You might hate white criminals, but your dumb ass posts show you hate Black folks.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.

Yep.....the democrat party wants the statues of their war heroes taken down so people won't remember that it was the democrat party that took the country to war so they could keep blacks as slaves......the democrat party wants to get rid of anything that reminds people of their racism....

So why are you fighting to keep up statues and monuments of those whom you claim are racists and the fathers of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Statues and monuments are meant to honor folks, do you think these folks deserve to be honored?
It's always about race, where have you been.

Yeah, especially when you constantly go out of your way to make it about race. Things like this are why both sides are more similar than they are capable of realizing.

Actually the point I am making is that had this guy been black, this thread would be 8 pages deep about how violent black folks are, black folks are criminals, blah, blah, blah.
The Stats say they are---------sorry, but the truth does matter. An odd ball likely mentally ill vet isn't going to cover this fact.

Funny how when someone white murders folks it is because they are mentally ill, but if they are black or hispanic it is just in our nature. Smfh.
when you gonna back up your claim of random attacks on blacks???

You have yet to prove what I said wrong, black folks don't defend black folks who murder whites folks in the manner that some whites will defend whites or others who murder black folks. Next.
your claim was whites were randomly attacking and lynching blacks,,
now back it up,,,

No dumbass if you were paying attention, I said he wanted the Good Ole Days back when whites were attacking and lynching black folks and not brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

You mean when democrats were attacking and lynching black Americans and democrat juries and judges were letting them go...

Why is it that you right wingers love to claim those folks were Democrats, but when folks start talking about taking down those Democrat statues and monuments it is Republicans that come out and oppose it. Why is that? Why would you guys be defending those racist Democrats.

Republicans don't want to erase history.....the democrats want to erase their history, and the fact that those statues are the statues of democrat party members who fought a war to keep blacks as slaves...

We want to remember the crimes of the democrat party......not hide them so they can keep doing them.

Has nothing to do with erasing history. Statues and monuments are for folks of honor, so you think these democratic racist and haters should be honored.

Nope....the democrats fought to get those statues up to honor their war dead.......killed fighting to keep blacks as, they want to remove those statues so people forget that it was the democrat party that owned slaves and killed 500,000 Americans to keep blacks as slaves....

They want to hide the history of the democrat party.....

Like the Brad Pitt Character in "Inglorious Bastards," I want the truth about the democrat party kept in the public eye........never forget what the democrat party did, and continues to do....

So taking down statues and monuments is erasing history, come on 2 you can do better than that.
It's always about race, where have you been.

Yeah, especially when you constantly go out of your way to make it about race. Things like this are why both sides are more similar than they are capable of realizing.

Actually the point I am making is that had this guy been black, this thread would be 8 pages deep about how violent black folks are, black folks are criminals, blah, blah, blah.
The Stats say they are---------sorry, but the truth does matter. An odd ball likely mentally ill vet isn't going to cover this fact.

Funny how when someone white murders folks it is because they are mentally ill, but if they are black or hispanic it is just in our nature. Smfh.
when you gonna back up your claim of random attacks on blacks???

You have yet to prove what I said wrong, black folks don't defend black folks who murder whites folks in the manner that some whites will defend whites or others who murder black folks. Next.
your claim was whites were randomly attacking and lynching blacks,,
now back it up,,,

No dumbass if you were paying attention, I said he wanted the Good Ole Days back when whites were attacking and lynching black folks and not brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

You mean when democrats were attacking and lynching black Americans and democrat juries and judges were letting them go...

Why is it that you right wingers love to claim those folks were Democrats, but when folks start talking about taking down those Democrat statues and monuments it is Republicans that come out and oppose it. Why is that? Why would you guys be defending those racist Democrats.

Republicans don't want to erase history.....the democrats want to erase their history, and the fact that those statues are the statues of democrat party members who fought a war to keep blacks as slaves...

We want to remember the crimes of the democrat party......not hide them so they can keep doing them.

Has nothing to do with erasing history. Statues and monuments are for folks of honor, so you think these democratic racist and haters should be honored.

The socialist death camps in Germany are not left standing to honor the socialists who murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children. They are left standing so people will not forget their crimes.....dittos the statues of democrat party members who started a war to own black human beings.

You don't see statues of Hitler in Germany, as a matter of fact, it is illegal to name your kid Hitler in Germany. You don't see Nazi monuments in Germany, but you fight to honor the very folks you claim are racists, haters, etc. Your logic is ass backwards at best.
It's always about race, where have you been.

Yeah, especially when you constantly go out of your way to make it about race. Things like this are why both sides are more similar than they are capable of realizing.

Actually the point I am making is that had this guy been black, this thread would be 8 pages deep about how violent black folks are, black folks are criminals, blah, blah, blah.
The Stats say they are---------sorry, but the truth does matter. An odd ball likely mentally ill vet isn't going to cover this fact.

Funny how when someone white murders folks it is because they are mentally ill, but if they are black or hispanic it is just in our nature. Smfh.
when you gonna back up your claim of random attacks on blacks???

You have yet to prove what I said wrong, black folks don't defend black folks who murder whites folks in the manner that some whites will defend whites or others who murder black folks. Next.
your claim was whites were randomly attacking and lynching blacks,,
now back it up,,,

No dumbass if you were paying attention, I said he wanted the Good Ole Days back when whites were attacking and lynching black folks and not brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

You mean when democrats were attacking and lynching black Americans and democrat juries and judges were letting them go...

Why is it that you right wingers love to claim those folks were Democrats, but when folks start talking about taking down those Democrat statues and monuments it is Republicans that come out and oppose it. Why is that? Why would you guys be defending those racist Democrats.

Republicans don't want to erase history.....the democrats want to erase their history, and the fact that those statues are the statues of democrat party members who fought a war to keep blacks as slaves...

We want to remember the crimes of the democrat party......not hide them so they can keep doing them.

Has nothing to do with erasing history. Statues and monuments are for folks of honor, so you think these democratic racist and haters should be honored.
No, i think he believes that history should be preserved. Are we going to tear down Egyptian pyramids because they were made by slaves? Should we tear down Mayan temples where people were once sacrificed?

Statues and monuments are erected to honor those folks, so taking them down is not erasing history. That has to be most weak ass argument I have ever heard.
It's always about race, where have you been.

Yeah, especially when you constantly go out of your way to make it about race. Things like this are why both sides are more similar than they are capable of realizing.

Actually the point I am making is that had this guy been black, this thread would be 8 pages deep about how violent black folks are, black folks are criminals, blah, blah, blah.
The Stats say they are---------sorry, but the truth does matter. An odd ball likely mentally ill vet isn't going to cover this fact.

Funny how when someone white murders folks it is because they are mentally ill, but if they are black or hispanic it is just in our nature. Smfh.

What other motive did this guy have to shoot these people? He was a much younger man--likely could have killed the 3 older men with his hands-----same goes for targeting teens unless there is something else going on---I see no rational motive. This said--------I am one of those people who thinks being mentally ill only means that you have less value to society and are far far less likely to be anything but crazy and violent and thusly think the violently mentally illl need to be killed off first when it comes to crimes.

What motive does anyone have to take another person's life?
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.

Yep.....the democrat party wants the statues of their war heroes taken down so people won't remember that it was the democrat party that took the country to war so they could keep blacks as slaves......the democrat party wants to get rid of anything that reminds people of their racism....

So why are you fighting to keep up statues and monuments of those whom you claim are racists and the fathers of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Statues and monuments are meant to honor folks, do you think these folks deserve to be honored?

Do you know what other group pulls down statues, and tries to erase history? ISIS.
It's always about race, where have you been.

Yeah, especially when you constantly go out of your way to make it about race. Things like this are why both sides are more similar than they are capable of realizing.

Actually the point I am making is that had this guy been black, this thread would be 8 pages deep about how violent black folks are, black folks are criminals, blah, blah, blah.
The Stats say they are---------sorry, but the truth does matter. An odd ball likely mentally ill vet isn't going to cover this fact.

Funny how when someone white murders folks it is because they are mentally ill, but if they are black or hispanic it is just in our nature. Smfh.
when you gonna back up your claim of random attacks on blacks???

You have yet to prove what I said wrong, black folks don't defend black folks who murder whites folks in the manner that some whites will defend whites or others who murder black folks. Next.
your claim was whites were randomly attacking and lynching blacks,,
now back it up,,,

No dumbass if you were paying attention, I said he wanted the Good Ole Days back when whites were attacking and lynching black folks and not brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

You mean when democrats were attacking and lynching black Americans and democrat juries and judges were letting them go...

Why is it that you right wingers love to claim those folks were Democrats, but when folks start talking about taking down those Democrat statues and monuments it is Republicans that come out and oppose it. Why is that? Why would you guys be defending those racist Democrats.

Republicans don't want to erase history.....the democrats want to erase their history, and the fact that those statues are the statues of democrat party members who fought a war to keep blacks as slaves...

We want to remember the crimes of the democrat party......not hide them so they can keep doing them.

Has nothing to do with erasing history. Statues and monuments are for folks of honor, so you think these democratic racist and haters should be honored.
No, i think he believes that history should be preserved. Are we going to tear down Egyptian pyramids because they were made by slaves? Should we tear down Mayan temples where people were once sacrificed?
Pretty weak comparison...statue molded 100 years ago to intimidate blacepkgoople versus archaeological treasures... Its getting pretty desperate in here...
The statue was put up for intimidation purposes? Good luck proving that one. Also, what difference does it make if a statue was erected a 100 years ago? Its history and it should remain, just like all other historical sites. Are you for bulldozing concentration camp historical sites? Those arent 100 years old. :cuckoo:
Y, and even if they weren't put up for that purpose, your comparison is laughable and you are embarrassing yourself.
What is wrong with my comparison?

It's stupid as hell and doesn't make any sense.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.

Why don't you see statues of Hitler or Nazis in Germany?
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.
MLK was on tape watching and laughing at a woman being raped. Seriously, look it up.

There is no low that your racist cocksuckas won't go to.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.

Yep.....the democrat party wants the statues of their war heroes taken down so people won't remember that it was the democrat party that took the country to war so they could keep blacks as slaves......the democrat party wants to get rid of anything that reminds people of their racism....

So why are you fighting to keep up statues and monuments of those whom you claim are racists and the fathers of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Statues and monuments are meant to honor folks, do you think these folks deserve to be honored?

Do you know what other group pulls down statues, and tries to erase history? ISIS.

How is that erasing history?
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.
MLK was on tape watching and laughing at a woman being raped. Seriously, look it up.

There is no low that your racist cocksuckas won't go to.
Youre the one who supports a mysoginistic woman beating rapist.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.

Yep.....the democrat party wants the statues of their war heroes taken down so people won't remember that it was the democrat party that took the country to war so they could keep blacks as slaves......the democrat party wants to get rid of anything that reminds people of their racism....

So why are you fighting to keep up statues and monuments of those whom you claim are racists and the fathers of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Statues and monuments are meant to honor folks, do you think these folks deserve to be honored?

Do you know what other group pulls down statues, and tries to erase history? ISIS.

How is that erasing history?

If you aren’t smart enough to see, I’m not here to educate you.
The suspect in a deadly shooting Saturday night at an Illinois bowling alley has been charged with three counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder, police announced Sunday. Duke Webb, a 37-year-old Florida resident, allegedly killed three people and wounded three others at Don Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois.

Webb, an active military member, is being held at the Winnebago County Jail without bond, police said at a Sunday press conference. He is due in court Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea said the three people killed were a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man and a 65-year-old man. Two of those wounded were teenagers, O'Shea said. A 14-year-old boy was shot in face and airlifted to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is now in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl was shot in the shoulder and taken to a local hospital and later released after being treated for the wound. A 62-year-old man was also wounded and is in in critical condition.

O'Shea said the shooting is believed to be a random act and "there is no prior meeting or any kind of relationship between the suspect and any of the victims in this case."

Active Army member charged in Illinois bowling alley shooting (

I am wondering why the usual USMB crime fighters didn't post this crime.

What would create this type of violence in a Bowling Alley
This must be a white guy. You never would have posted this story is the perp was black.

You definitely would have posted it if the perp was black.
the difference is whites dont blame blacks for their failings and demand black pay them back for something that never happened to them ,,,

So slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, discrimination, etc. has never happened to black folks. You do realize there are alot of black folks living today that grew up during Jim Crow. I am one of them. There are also plenty of black folks living today who have experienced racism and discrimination.

All of those things came from the democrat party.....every last one of them......and blacks still vote for democrats.......

Racism in this country is the wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party.

In the 60s you would be correct, but in 2020 those things fall into the lap of Republicans. Hell just look at the racist posters on this forum, folks like you and I could go down the line. Since Abraham Lincoln any legislation or bills designed to help black folks damn sure didn't come from Republicans.
So Jim Crow laws and segregation were from republicans?
You seem to call anyone who points out the rampant criminality and lack or responsibility in the black community racist.
They were crafted by CONSERVATIVES -- both Democrat and Republican....which is why the MAIN OPPOSITION to those laws were NOT FROM CONSERVATIVES.....

If we fast forward to today -- you will find its only the reactionary right wingers who opines for the good old days of Jim Crow laws..

Wrong.......the democrat party was the sole party fighting for jim crow, the klan and lynching......that some democrats didn't support it doesn't change the fact that the democrat party was the party of jim crow and racism.....

Today's Democrats are not the ones fighting to keep these racist monuments and statues up, it's today's republicans.
Are any of those statues up to honor or remember said person’s “racism”?
I’ve never seen “here lies general so and so. No one hated those dark folks more”.
There are statues commemorating things people did, events, etc.
so if a person has a view point or did something that doesn’t jive with the standards of today, we should pull down the statue? Didn’t MLK like to beat up hookers? We better shit can anything and everything honoring him.
MLK was on tape watching and laughing at a woman being raped. Seriously, look it up.

There is no low that your racist cocksuckas won't go to.
Youre the one who supports a mysoginistic woman beating rapist.

Smfh, that really doesn't even need a reply.

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