Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

He hasn't been given the narrative. :omg:
In a desperate plea for gun reform on the Senate floor afterwards, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) told colleagues, “This isn’t inevitable. These kids weren’t unlucky. This only happens in this country and nowhere else, nowhere else do little kids go to school thinking that they might be shot that day.”
“Spare me the bullshit of mental illness,” he said. “We’re not an outlier on mental illness. We’re an outlier on firearms.”
Discounting mental illness in the commission of gun crime is foolish!

This is the third mass shooting Potato Head has presided over in the past six weeks. More dead kids. Thanks, Potato Head.
More incompetence from the left.
I accept you don't mind school kids dying for your freedoms. No worries.
I've laid out a very logical and thoroughly documented set of posts detailing why your "solution" hasn't worked and won't work here.

I have given you charts and graphs directly from the government bureaus tasked with compiling the homicide data.

I've included links for you to see the data and conclusions for yourself.

That's all I can do.

I can't force you to see. You need a mindset that logic and data can permeate for that to happen.

You are locked into your agenda.

You will fail.

Because the majority can be swayed by facts.

TexasGov't Code § 411.172
A person is eligible for a license to carry a handgun if the person:
Is not a chemically dependent person; and
Is not incapable of exercising sound judgment with respect to the proper use and storage of a handgun.
A person is incapable of exercising sound judgment with respect to the proper use and storage of a handgun if the person:
Has been diagnosed by a licensed physician as suffering from a psychiatric disorder or condition that causes or is likely to cause substantial impairment in judgment, mood, perception, impulse control, or intellectual ability;
Suffers from a psychiatric disorder or condition that:
Is in remission but is reasonably likely to redevelop at a future time; or
Requires continuous medical treatment to avoid redevelopment.
Has been diagnosed by a licensed physician, determined by a review board or similar authority, or declared by a court to be incompetent to manage the person’s own affairs; or
Has entered in a criminal proceeding a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.

BTW, is there such a thing as an "Inactive shooter ?"

Not to be too rhetorical, but really, think about the terminology here, and what is being said.

When is any shooter not "active" versus "Non-active" ???

Not much more info at this time.

As predictable as the Sun rising in the East.
What better way to deflect and compromise from
Today's Elections in places like Georgia.
Plus a total distraction from Biden's now RECORD
Low Approval ratings.I mean in spite of not reaching the
definitive LOW.
Again ... There is no low.According to those who abide a
self-inflicked Religion where something as simple as
Life in the Womb can be compromised at the drop of a hat.
Where a Speaker-of-the House { Madame Cruella de Pelosi }
has been instructed in no uncertain terms by her Archibishop
of San Fransico who wrote her as many as 6 times about her
Abortion on Demand pleas.That in lieu of that she is being instructed
to NOT RECEIVE COMMUNION. No matter if Visiting Georgetown.
What this ALL Means is the desperate straights the now
" FOUND OUT " pack of craven Liars and cheats in the Democrat
party rely upon.
Flash Point News events.
Like the WACO Siege in 1993 or Columbine in 1999.
The Aurora Shooter in 2012.
All attempts to foment a Political narrative.

Criminals know they can run free now.
The grown ass men, even the gun owning grown ass men, aren't going to come out fighting for a gun.
Some wouldn't, a lot WOULD. You and your ilk who decry the slaughter of innocents would CHEER the deaths of thousands of gun owners who died as a result of fighting back against confiscation. You'd call it necessary, for "the greater good". To inject a little reality into these fantasies, there aren't enough cops, jail cells, or even military to collect the guns if Americans are willing to resist it.

Spare us your selective outrage as though you care more about dead children than we do. It's the cultural contributions of you people on the Left that have degraded and created an immoral society that leads to this crap. These events grew as the Left became more dominant in politics. All I can say is come get some if you want to test our resolve.
So many conservatives are in this thread declaring, "SAVE THE CHILDREN! SAVE THE CHILDREN!".
Oh, wait, wrong thread. That's in the abortion threads.
So many conservatives are in this thread declaring, "SAVE THE CHILDREN! SAVE THE CHILDREN!".
Oh, wait, wrong thread. That's in the abortion threads.
Too bad leftwingers don't care about the 800,000 aborted every year as much as they pretend to care about these 21 kids.
Florida had armed security. Maybe that’s why.
Yeah, one coward who ran the other way. So the rest of the nation should just give up on that idea because of one example? The reality is the Left does not want to stop these events as much as they want to turn them into political power to control more people.
What wouldn't help would be to look at a critical point of mass shooting events. Never.
Particularly not the 'shooting' point. No way.
Are you referring to the availability of guns? Drugs have been illegal for many decades. That makes it impossible to get them, right? If DC decides the time is right to come calling for confiscation, things are going to get very ugly, very quickly and folks like you wouldn't care how many gun owners died protecting their rights. You'll pardon us for not particularly caring about your input.

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