Addressed to people who are not racists

You can deny it .

No, I can inform you - AGAIN - that I don't give a shit.

Yelling is not going to change anything. It just highlights how upset you are getting again. The question is why are you upset that I have had relationships with a number of Asian women and specifically the Korean one that got you yelling the last time?

Here you are highlighting your inherent dishonesty yet AGAIN.
News flash? That's humorous. Of course I understand how a person can live in a different country, pay taxes here and still be a citizen.

As far as keeping "abreast" of events here, of course there are newspapers and news channels, and some report news accurately, and some do not.

I do not care what race you are, but I will ask, when did you last spend a significant amount of time in a predominately black community in the presence of any black people who were obviously desperate?

I vaguely recall you stating in a different thread, that where you live, the population of whites exceeds 90%, which means your day to day contact with black people is minimal.

It does not take a rocket scientist to realize exactly what I stated. Your opinions/assumptions are yours, and yours alone.

But I will give you this, you provided great commentary on your own ignorance. With that, I have nothing else to discuss with you.
If you have nothing to discuss with me you may as well not ask me questions. Your ignorance is evident in your assumption that someone posting form another country could not be a US citizen. It is further compounded by complete ignorance on the availability of news from the United States, especially in these days of IT.

But please do go back to disregarding what I post. I don't suffer fools gladly.

Except thats not what he said. To me its laughable that you are actually relying on media to form your presumptions on how "desperate" black people are. How amazingly ignorant is that? Didnt anyone tell you the media guides your day to day thoughts based on what they want you to think about? You ever wonder why the news is about 95% bad all the time? They want you distracted and thinking about dumb shit while your rights are eroded right under your nose.

You are right. And his blathering was nothing more than a piss poor, immature way of deflecting.

Applying some hypothetical common sense here, if I LIVE in the United
States, but at one point in time lived in a different country, but happen to rely on "news sources" to keep me abreast of what is happening where i used to live, would that qualify as keeping me as well informed as someone who currently lives in that country and around its citizens?

It's a no brainer to anyone who thinks logically, and bases their opinions on actual life experience.

What is really amazing is the lengths that some will go to in order to REMAIN ignorant.
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What you don't seem to get is that we don't care much at all what you think about it .

"We"? Do you presume to speak for all black people, or claim that all black people (or any other 'race' for that matter) think alike?

Yes I do presume to speak for all black people on this issue. I dont know any Black person that cares what Meathead thinks. Do you?
No, I can inform you - AGAIN - that I don't give a shit.

Yelling is not going to change anything. It just highlights how upset you are getting again. The question is why are you upset that I have had relationships with a number of Asian women and specifically the Korean one that got you yelling the last time?

Here you are highlighting your inherent dishonesty yet AGAIN.
Claiming I'm dishonest does not erase your post. Its there for everyone to see if they go back and read the thread. You almost had a coronary when I said I had a Korean ex. Why Unk?
Yelling is not going to change anything. It just highlights how upset you are getting again. The question is why are you upset that I have had relationships with a number of Asian women and specifically the Korean one that got you yelling the last time?

Here you are highlighting your inherent dishonesty yet AGAIN.
Claiming I'm dishonest does not erase your post.

Apparently it doesn't help you understand it either. Can you understand this? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. If that's too complicated for you, go ask an adult to explain it.
Here you are highlighting your inherent dishonesty yet AGAIN.
Claiming I'm dishonest does not erase your post.
Can you understand this? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

Go back and read the posts. The record is clear you got upset about my Korean ex. So no....I don't understand your new claim that you don't give shit written in all caps. Are you frustrated you got caught? I thought you claimed you were not racist? Whats up with your lying about it now?
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Claiming I'm dishonest does not erase your post.
Can you understand this? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

Go back and read the posts.


Just keep reading it over and over until it starts to sink in, moron.
We have several here on the board. I am not talking to you.

I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists and if so, how did you handle that relationship. Because I don't know how. I find it just as difficult here as in real life to tolerate the ignorance and ugliness being spewed by such people.

I have a cousin who is no longer speaking to me (good riddance) because I told him I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore. It's like he doesn't know how to even shut it off, discuss anything else - he's all about the hate. And frankly, I don't get it. He is not 'all that,' that he should be denigrating 'those people' all the damn time.

Plus, it's almost like he's using it as a weapon, trying to gouge people into reacting, so he can start up again. My aunt and uncle are bewildered, they don't know where all this shit is coming from. He was raised better than that. I don't know much about M.S., but I doubt that it's affecting his brain to this degree.


Anyway. Anybody else dealing with what I'm up against?

I can empathize with you Boop. When I was a kid growing up with my Grandparents in Montana, I had to listen to regular speeches from both of them about how anyone who wasn't a WASP was lazy and no good. My aunt married a Hispanic, and I (as well as my aunt) had to listen to them refer to him as the "****", "wetback", or any other name. There were also a lot of Native Americans in Montana, and I would also have to listen to them speak lots of racist crap about them as well, even though I had friends in school who were Native American.

I also remember the day I left for the Navy when I turned 18. My Grandparents told me as I was getting ready to leave that I would meet lots of good people in the Navy, some of which would turn out to be lifelong friends, and that I could bring any of them home with me when I came back for leave, just make sure they were white.

How did I deal with it? I kept an open mind when I got to boot camp, and found out that we were all in the same deal, no matter if you were brown, black, yellow, white, red, or whatever.

Whenever I went home on leave (by myself), whenever I would hear them go on about how useless people of other ethnic groups were, I would simply smile, ignore what they said about them, because I knew better, as many of my friends weren't white.

I didn't get mad at them, I forgave them for their ignorance, because they never took the time to get to know people of other ethnic backgrounds. Me? Because of the environment that the military put me in, I knew better and thought about that.

Bigots aren't necessarily bad people (my Grandparents were pretty good people), they're just ignorant of what other people are like because they are afraid to get out of their own comfort zone and learn about others.

In some ways, I pity bigots and racists, because they have willfully shut themselves off from people who very may well be the ones that could teach them useful things.

My room mate in "A" school was a black man from LA named Leslie, and he's one of the people that helped me get through school because he understood the material better than myself and helped me understand it as well.

Other friends of different ethnic groups have helped me along my career as well. YNC Murrill was one of the best teachers I ever had, and working for a black PNC at Newport RI really helped my career as well.

So...............if you have a relative that is a bigot, just think of all the people you know who are your friends that you like and have been helped by, secure in the knowledge that your relative is just ignorant.

I can't know about something that you refuse to learn about.
We have several here on the board. I am not talking to you.

I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists and if so, how did you handle that relationship. Because I don't know how. I find it just as difficult here as in real life to tolerate the ignorance and ugliness being spewed by such people.

I have a cousin who is no longer speaking to me (good riddance) because I told him I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore. It's like he doesn't know how to even shut it off, discuss anything else - he's all about the hate. And frankly, I don't get it. He is not 'all that,' that he should be denigrating 'those people' all the damn time.

Plus, it's almost like he's using it as a weapon, trying to gouge people into reacting, so he can start up again. My aunt and uncle are bewildered, they don't know where all this shit is coming from. He was raised better than that. I don't know much about M.S., but I doubt that it's affecting his brain to this degree.


Anyway. Anybody else dealing with what I'm up against?

I can empathize with you Boop. When I was a kid growing up with my Grandparents in Montana, I had to listen to regular speeches from both of them about how anyone who wasn't a WASP was lazy and no good. My aunt married a Hispanic, and I (as well as my aunt) had to listen to them refer to him as the "****", "wetback", or any other name. There were also a lot of Native Americans in Montana, and I would also have to listen to them speak lots of racist crap about them as well, even though I had friends in school who were Native American.

I also remember the day I left for the Navy when I turned 18. My Grandparents told me as I was getting ready to leave that I would meet lots of good people in the Navy, some of which would turn out to be lifelong friends, and that I could bring any of them home with me when I came back for leave, just make sure they were white.

How did I deal with it? I kept an open mind when I got to boot camp, and found out that we were all in the same deal, no matter if you were brown, black, yellow, white, red, or whatever.

Whenever I went home on leave (by myself), whenever I would hear them go on about how useless people of other ethnic groups were, I would simply smile, ignore what they said about them, because I knew better, as many of my friends weren't white.

I didn't get mad at them, I forgave them for their ignorance, because they never took the time to get to know people of other ethnic backgrounds. Me? Because of the environment that the military put me in, I knew better and thought about that.

Bigots aren't necessarily bad people (my Grandparents were pretty good people), they're just ignorant of what other people are like because they are afraid to get out of their own comfort zone and learn about others.

In some ways, I pity bigots and racists, because they have willfully shut themselves off from people who very may well be the ones that could teach them useful things.

My room mate in "A" school was a black man from LA named Leslie, and he's one of the people that helped me get through school because he understood the material better than myself and helped me understand it as well.

Other friends of different ethnic groups have helped me along my career as well. YNC Murrill was one of the best teachers I ever had, and working for a black PNC at Newport RI really helped my career as well.

So...............if you have a relative that is a bigot, just think of all the people you know who are your friends that you like and have been helped by, secure in the knowledge that your relative is just ignorant.

I can't know about something that you refuse to learn about.

I've always felt that instead of integrating the schools, we should integrate the neighborhoods. It's hard to hate someone you grew up with.
Can you understand this? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

Go back and read the posts.


Just keep reading it over and over until it starts to sink in, moron.

Watch your blood pressure Unk. If you didn't give a shit why did you flip out when I said my Korean ex confirmed the myth? Face it Unk, everybody on USMB now knows you are racist against Black guys that may be with Asian women and most specifically Korean women. Thats messed up.
We have several here on the board. I am not talking to you.

I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists and if so, how did you handle that relationship. Because I don't know how. I find it just as difficult here as in real life to tolerate the ignorance and ugliness being spewed by such people.

I have a cousin who is no longer speaking to me (good riddance) because I told him I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore. It's like he doesn't know how to even shut it off, discuss anything else - he's all about the hate. And frankly, I don't get it. He is not 'all that,' that he should be denigrating 'those people' all the damn time.

Plus, it's almost like he's using it as a weapon, trying to gouge people into reacting, so he can start up again. My aunt and uncle are bewildered, they don't know where all this shit is coming from. He was raised better than that. I don't know much about M.S., but I doubt that it's affecting his brain to this degree.


Anyway. Anybody else dealing with what I'm up against?

My parents were racists. I dealt with it by demonstrating to them that their ingrained biases that they learned as kids were wrong. They are no longer racist.

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