Addressed to people who are not racists

If you didn't give a shit why did you flip out when I said my Korean ex confirmed the myth?

I did not "flip out" at all, liar, and my comments were about your silly generalizations and rank gullibility. Keep lying, liar.
And do you realize how illogical that is?

Can you tell me one black person that cares what Meathead wants to say?

The premise in question was not about one specific person. You are trying to be dishonest AGAIN.

Except it was about one specific person. I'm the one that made the statement and you were too stupid to catch that. How did you miss I was talking to Meathead when you came back with your stupid question?

What you don't seem to get is that we don't care much at all what you think about it .

"We"? Do you presume to speak for all black people, or claim that all black people (or any other 'race' for that matter) think alike?

Please introduce me to one Black person stupid enough to care what Meathead has to say about the Black community.
If you didn't give a shit why did you flip out when I said my Korean ex confirmed the myth?

I did not "flip out" at all, liar, and my comments were about your silly generalizations and rank gullibility. Keep lying, liar.

Yes you did flip out Unk. You called me a racist liar just because I said my Korean ex girlfriend told me the myth was true. You also have typed in all caps displaying extreme distress. What would provoke such a strong reaction? Korean women are nice. Admit your racism Unk then grow from there.
Can you tell me one black person that cares what Meathead wants to say?

The premise in question was not about one specific person. You are trying to be dishonest AGAIN.

Except it was about one specific person. I'm the one that made the statement and you were too stupid to catch that. How did you miss I was talking to Meathead when you came back with your stupid question?

What you don't seem to get is that we don't care much at all what you think about it .

"We"? Do you presume to speak for all black people, or claim that all black people (or any other 'race' for that matter) think alike?

Please introduce me to one Black person stupid enough to care what Meathead has to say about the Black community.

LMAO :lmao:
Please introduce me to one Black person stupid enough to care what Meathead has to say about the Black community.
The answer is inferred by anyone with anyone with better analytic qualities than yourself. Christ Asc, you are such a fucking idiot. And I say that regardless of your race.

Speak English. What are you trying to say? I think you are just PO'd that your irrelevant opinion holds no weight. You have the right to say what you want and I have the right to consider you ignorant and racist. Dont whine about it.
The premise in question was not about one specific person. You are trying to be dishonest AGAIN.

Except it was about one specific person. I'm the one that made the statement

I'm the one who asked the question, which was not about one specific person.

No Meathead asked the question I was addressing in my post. You asked your question in response to my answer. How did you mess that up that badly?

Here is my response to his question which you then quoted and asked your question.

What you don't seem to get is that we don't care much at all what you think about it unless you are there to assist and not put down. In short your opinion is just as irrelevant as you are. Its pretty humorous to see you think you can make a difference coming from a negative standpoint.

Pretty easy to determine I was talking specifically to Meathead. If you have a hard time comprehending the answer simply ask for clarification Unk. There is no shame in that. The only shame is being ignorant and not facing it.
I did not "flip out" at all, liar, and my comments were about your silly generalizations and rank gullibility. Keep lying, liar.

Yes you did flip out Unk.

Wrong, liar.

No I'm right and your response proves it. No one responds like that unless they are upset. You call me a racist liar, typing in all caps, and I'm supposed to think you are calm? Go sale that to someone born yesterday Unk. No shame in admitting you were disturbed I had some Korean lovin.
This is not an easy thread to reply to, but I'll try.

Racism is not an inherent trait, it is learned in one's youth and over time from family associates, and where/when you live.

I grew up in a household with Christians and Jews, many of them my "family". Our neighborhood was mixed with Whites, Jews, and Asians - my best friend was sent to a camp during WII. The local racism was against "beaners", Mexicans who lived in a separate neighborhood nearby.

In high school, I tended to associate with whites but did have some "colored" friends, although I still tended to feel ill at ease around Mexicans.

I entered the army and encountered my first truly racist group of people - my platoon had 32 men assigned to it and only two of us were not from the Deep South. One thing I saw during my three years there was the anti-blacks changing their bias to against the French and becoming friendlier with fellow soldiers who were black.

Over the next 23 years in the military, my views towards race mellowed and I had some very close friends of all races and backgrounds. Some of the finest men I served with and under came from racists I had once heard to be inferior. Those who spouted hateful, racist comments soon became outsiders and some slowly began to change their viewpoints due to close encounters. I may be wrong but think I lost any racism over that 23 years.

When I retired and moved to Las Vegas, I can honestly say I no longer had any stupid racist viewpoints. And then, after a while, I got a job driving the city bus. There was one route through the "ghetto" and I actually enjoyed driving it. No problems whatsoever. However, black drivers hated it. When I asked, I was told it was due to their fellow blacks always asking for a break in the form of a free ride. Giving one would cost a driver his or her job.

I then drove a taxi and quickly learned some calls I dreaded - always "welfare blacks" who wanted me to do everything for them, sneered at me as being racists, and never left a tip. I met and married a Mexican girl 24 years ago and my entire view of her people has drastically changed. I've gained a feeling of pride in their history and their beliefs.

So, what do you say to a racist?


The only way to change racist viewpoints is by his or her getting to know and understand those they are racist or bigoted against. As we learned in the army, one doesn't give a damn about the skin color of the guy in the foxhole with you.

I hope that makes sense and gives you an idea or two.
This is not an easy thread to reply to, but I'll try.

Racism is not an inherent trait, it is learned in one's youth and over time from family associates, and where/when you live.

I grew up in a household with Christians and Jews, many of them my "family". Our neighborhood was mixed with Whites, Jews, and Asians - my best friend was sent to a camp during WII. The local racism was against "beaners", Mexicans who lived in a separate neighborhood nearby.

In high school, I tended to associate with whites but did have some "colored" friends, although I still tended to feel ill at ease around Mexicans.

I entered the army and encountered my first truly racist group of people - my platoon had 32 men assigned to it and only two of us were not from the Deep South. One thing I saw during my three years there was the anti-blacks changing their bias to against the French and becoming friendlier with fellow soldiers who were black.

Over the next 23 years in the military, my views towards race mellowed and I had some very close friends of all races and backgrounds. Some of the finest men I served with and under came from racists I had once heard to be inferior. Those who spouted hateful, racist comments soon became outsiders and some slowly began to change their viewpoints due to close encounters. I may be wrong but think I lost any racism over that 23 years.

When I retired and moved to Las Vegas, I can honestly say I no longer had any stupid racist viewpoints. And then, after a while, I got a job driving the city bus. There was one route through the "ghetto" and I actually enjoyed driving it. No problems whatsoever. However, black drivers hated it. When I asked, I was told it was due to their fellow blacks always asking for a break in the form of a free ride. Giving one would cost a driver his or her job.

I then drove a taxi and quickly learned some calls I dreaded - always "welfare blacks" who wanted me to do everything for them, sneered at me as being racists, and never left a tip. I met and married a Mexican girl 24 years ago and my entire view of her people has drastically changed. I've gained a feeling of pride in their history and their beliefs.

So, what do you say to a racist?


The only way to change racist viewpoints is by his or her getting to know and understand those they are racist or bigoted against. As we learned in the army, one doesn't give a damn about the skin color of the guy in the foxhole with you.

I hope that makes sense and gives you an idea or two.

You should have seen the look on my mom's face when I brought my niece over. Racism from that point on was completely washed from her. Mixing families & groups through marriage, necessity, and work were the answer in Shakespeare's day just as they are today.
Except it was about one specific person. I'm the one that made the statement

I'm the one who asked the question, which was not about one specific person.

No Meathead asked the question I was addressing in my post. You asked your question in response to my answer. .

I asked you a question. My question was not about one specific person. You even anomalously answered the question this time.
I'm dealing with millions of morons who think i'm racist because i'm of the opinion that Barack Obama is a lying, marxist, narcissist asshole and his policies are harmful to the country. How bigoted of them.... :thup:
I'm the one who asked the question, which was not about one specific person.

No Meathead asked the question I was addressing in my post. You asked your question in response to my answer. .

I asked you a question. My question was not about one specific person. You even anomalously answered the question this time.

I dont care what you asked in response to my answer Unk. This is how it works. If you ask a question about my answer you either stay with the flow of the conversation or alert me that you are trying to derail the thread with your dumb irrelevant questions.
Nothing funnier than watching racists arguing that just because whites are superior doesn't mean they are racists.

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