Addressed to people who are not racists

One of my aunts is racist against her own ethnicity. She wont admit it but my cousins were encouraged to date anyone but black people. She was positively ecstatic when my first daughter was born from a union with a white woman. Needless to say I keep my kids as far away from her as possible now.

I also have a cousin that went the other way and hates gay, white, and jewish people. He complains he cant get a job because of white people all the time.
One of my aunts is racist against her own ethnicity. She wont admit it but my cousins were encouraged to date anyone but black people. She was positively ecstatic when my first daughter was born from a union with a white woman. Needless to say I keep my kids as far away from her as possible now.

I also have a cousin that went the other way and hates gay, white, and jewish people. He complains he cant get a job because of white people all the time.

It's a great way to get stuck in life. Because as long as you can blame someone else, there's not a single thing you can do to improve your lot in life.
One of my aunts is racist against her own ethnicity. She wont admit it but my cousins were encouraged to date anyone but black people. She was positively ecstatic when my first daughter was born from a union with a white woman. Needless to say I keep my kids as far away from her as possible now.

I also have a cousin that went the other way and hates gay, white, and jewish people. He complains he cant get a job because of white people all the time.

It's a great way to get stuck in life. Because as long as you can blame someone else, there's not a single thing you can do to improve your lot in life.

As far as your cousin goes, I had a wise person tell me that you need to give less time to people not helping you grow and more to those that are. So if you spend 2 hours a day talking to your cousin bring it down to 2 hours a week. They will either get the hint or have less time to clutter your head and affect your moods.
I grew up in a county that was 99.5% white and as a kid I never gave race any thought. My Mother, the Christian that she was taught me we are all equal. The first black kid I ever saw was part of a group from a reform school they brought from Baltimore to go swimming and hiking in the forest I lived next to. The kid missed the bus and ours being the closest house he came knocking on our door. He was literally shaking with fear. He was afraid they would think he escaped. My mom went over and gave him a big hug and said it's ok honey, I'll call the school and explain. And she sure did. She called and jumped all over them and asked how they could be so inept as to leave one of there kids behind. A couple hours later a deputy came and got him. But not before he got a good home cooked meal. He kept in touch with us until he died of cancer years later. And I know she had a hand in turning him around. Mama told me to judge people by character and not color long before I heard MLK's words.

I was raised in a Christian home and from very early on we were taught not to demean or make fun of people for any reason, whether they looked funny, walked funny or were just different. So, when I had my kids, I would not tolerate any type of discrimination. My kids had friends that were white, hispanic and black, and they all got treated equally. I really don't understand mentality that believes one race is better than another - especially when none of us had anything to do with the race we were born into.
I grew up in a county that was 99.5% white and as a kid I never gave race any thought. My Mother, the Christian that she was taught me we are all equal. The first black kid I ever saw was part of a group from a reform school they brought from Baltimore to go swimming and hiking in the forest I lived next to. The kid missed the bus and ours being the closest house he came knocking on our door. He was literally shaking with fear. He was afraid they would think he escaped. My mom went over and gave him a big hug and said it's ok honey, I'll call the school and explain. And she sure did. She called and jumped all over them and asked how they could be so inept as to leave one of there kids behind. A couple hours later a deputy came and got him. But not before he got a good home cooked meal. He kept in touch with us until he died of cancer years later. And I know she had a hand in turning him around. Mama told me to judge people by character and not color long before I heard MLK's words.

I was raised in a Christian home and from very early on we were taught not to demean or make fun of people for any reason, whether they looked funny, walked funny or were just different. So, when I had my kids, I would not tolerate any type of discrimination. My kids had friends that were white, hispanic and black, and they all got treated equally. I really don't understand mentality that believes one race is better than another - especially when none of us had anything to do with the race we were born into.

I had two homeless young men living here for awhile. One black, one white. They were friends and every so often the black one would look at the white one and say "Dude, you know you're white, right?" I always got a kick out of that.
I grew up in a county that was 99.5% white and as a kid I never gave race any thought. My Mother, the Christian that she was taught me we are all equal. The first black kid I ever saw was part of a group from a reform school they brought from Baltimore to go swimming and hiking in the forest I lived next to. The kid missed the bus and ours being the closest house he came knocking on our door. He was literally shaking with fear. He was afraid they would think he escaped. My mom went over and gave him a big hug and said it's ok honey, I'll call the school and explain. And she sure did. She called and jumped all over them and asked how they could be so inept as to leave one of there kids behind. A couple hours later a deputy came and got him. But not before he got a good home cooked meal. He kept in touch with us until he died of cancer years later. And I know she had a hand in turning him around. Mama told me to judge people by character and not color long before I heard MLK's words.

I was raised in a Christian home and from very early on we were taught not to demean or make fun of people for any reason, whether they looked funny, walked funny or were just different. So, when I had my kids, I would not tolerate any type of discrimination. My kids had friends that were white, hispanic and black, and they all got treated equally. I really don't understand mentality that believes one race is better than another - especially when none of us had anything to do with the race we were born into.

I had two homeless young men living here for awhile. One black, one white. They were friends and every so often the black one would look at the white one and say "Dude, you know you're white, right?" I always got a kick out of that.

I had three stepkids raised on the north side. They all 'sounded black,' and would occasionally get told off for it.

Not going to edit it out, because I did say what I said. I should've said they sounded north side black, or ... I don't know what. But I think everybody knows what I'm trying to say - and maybe somebody will take pity and help me finish this thought properly.
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My grandparents, who have long since passed, had a few unkind comments about Japanese people. They lived through Pearl Harbor, and my grandfather fought in the war. There was just a deep distrust they held which I didn't relate to, but I tried to understand their perspective. I was 10 when my mom met and married my stepdad. A year later, when my brother was born, we were visiting his parents. His dad was rather fond of the N word. My mom had a fit and told him that if he expected to have any sort of relationship with his grandson, then he'd better never use that word in his presence. The only other incident I remember off hand was when I was driving with a friend and her mom. We lived in an area with a lot of Jewish people. There was some sort of road rage incident, and the other driver yelled something like, "Get out of my way, you fucking Gentile." The friend's mom shot back with, "Go jump on a boxcar." That totally confused me, so I asked my mom about it later. I was pretty horrified when I found out what she meant.
My grandparents, who have long since passed, had a few unkind comments about Japanese people. They lived through Pearl Harbor, and my grandfather fought in the war. There was just a deep distrust they held which I didn't relate to, but I tried to understand their perspective. I was 10 when my mom met and married my stepdad. A year later, when my brother was born, we were visiting his parents. His dad was rather fond of the N word. My mom had a fit and told him that if he expected to have any sort of relationship with his grandson, then he'd better never use that word in his presence. The only other incident I remember off hand was when I was driving with a friend and her mom. We lived in an area with a lot of Jewish people. There was some sort of road rage incident, and the other driver yelled something like, "Get out of my way, you fucking Gentile." The friend's mom shot back with, "Go jump on a boxcar." That totally confused me, so I asked my mom about it later. I was pretty horrified when I found out what she meant.

Understandably so.

My birth family, I just met recently. Very open, wonderful people. My step (adopto)dad's family, VERY hateful towards blacks. My mom's family, same as my birthdad's family. So if one family was doing damage which I don't recall, the other family was counterbalance.
We have several here on the board. I am not talking to you.

I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists and if so, how did you handle that relationship. Because I don't know how. I find it just as difficult here as in real life to tolerate the ignorance and ugliness being spewed by such people.

I have a cousin who is no longer speaking to me (good riddance) because I told him I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore. It's like he doesn't know how to even shut it off, discuss anything else - he's all about the hate. And frankly, I don't get it. He is not 'all that,' that he should be denigrating 'those people' all the damn time.

Plus, it's almost like he's using it as a weapon, trying to gouge people into reacting, so he can start up again. My aunt and uncle are bewildered, they don't know where all this shit is coming from. He was raised better than that. I don't know much about M.S., but I doubt that it's affecting his brain to this degree.


Anyway. Anybody else dealing with what I'm up against?

In my childhood days yes. Some times today but not as bad. I'm a new construction, commercial, I dustreial coater/ painter so we hear lots of.".wet backs.stealing our work" type stuff. And my grand mother hated blacks. Truely weird to think about. I figure your cousen was jilted in some way. My best guess.
I have zero tolerance for racists and racism. No friends, no social contacts who are racists. No racists in my family that I would tolerate

You know, you can't learn anything if you only hang around people who believe exactly as you do. Others can't learn from you either. It's a lose lose situation.
I was raised in a Christian home and from very early on we were taught not to demean or make fun of people for any reason, whether they looked funny, walked funny or were just different. So, when I had my kids, I would not tolerate any type of discrimination. My kids had friends that were white, hispanic and black, and they all got treated equally. I really don't understand mentality that believes one race is better than another - especially when none of us had anything to do with the race we were born into.

I had two homeless young men living here for awhile. One black, one white. They were friends and every so often the black one would look at the white one and say "Dude, you know you're white, right?" I always got a kick out of that.

I had three stepkids raised on the north side. They all 'sounded black,' and would occasionally get told off for it.

Not going to edit it out, because I did say what I said. I should've said they sounded north side black, or ... I don't know what. But I think everybody knows what I'm trying to say - and maybe somebody will take pity and help me finish this thought properly.

Not me, I'll just get you in deeper, or join you myself. :D
I try to look at what kind of oppression that person may feel and see if they have been marginalized in any way.

Then the discussion goes from there....
My grandparents, who have long since passed, had a few unkind comments about Japanese people. They lived through Pearl Harbor, and my grandfather fought in the war. There was just a deep distrust they held which I didn't relate to, but I tried to understand their perspective. I was 10 when my mom met and married my stepdad. A year later, when my brother was born, we were visiting his parents. His dad was rather fond of the N word. My mom had a fit and told him that if he expected to have any sort of relationship with his grandson, then he'd better never use that word in his presence. The only other incident I remember off hand was when I was driving with a friend and her mom. We lived in an area with a lot of Jewish people. There was some sort of road rage incident, and the other driver yelled something like, "Get out of my way, you fucking Gentile." The friend's mom shot back with, "Go jump on a boxcar." That totally confused me, so I asked my mom about it later. I was pretty horrified when I found out what she meant.

For more than 20 years I've been working with Japanese students, either teaching them ESL or finding American families to host them for a temporary English Immersion Program with International Understanding. We've had very few blacks host the Japanese and I've been told to my face by some blacks that the Japanese are the most racist people in the world. They may or may not be but I do know one thing, they're never going to change their minds or learn anything if they aren't exposed to blacks. The black families who have hosted have always been successful host families and the Japanese students have never said one bad word about them. With only one exception all the black families who've hosted for me have been recommended to be host families again. The one I didn't recommend was the one where the mother had cancer and it was just too much for her. Her neighbors stepped in and helped but I was not the one who recruited the family and if I had known then what I know now, I would have insisted on a different family as it really was a hardship on that family.

I still remember walking up to one guy and asking him if he'd like to host a Japanese student and he just stood up as tall as he could and said "I'm Korean!". I said, "Excuse me, I thought you were American!" Good grief. I guess Koreans, even American Koreans really hate the Japanese. Actually that's not true because since that incident, I've had a lot of Korean-American families that have hosted Japanese students but that one guy still sticks in my mind. There are racists in all races and bigots in every ethnic community.

My parents never let us use derogatory words for anybody and I still remember when my brother got in trouble for calling a kid at school a "greaser." My father was all upset until my brother explained that a "greaser" (this was the 60's) was a kid who greased back his hair. My dad was thinking it was a derogatory term for a Mexican, which is what it was when he was young.

Good Lord I went off on some tangents here, happy reading people. :D
These people got a shocker:

Melungeon DNA Study Reveals Ancestry, Upsets 'A Whole Lot Of People'
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- For years, varied and sometimes wild claims have been made about the origins of a group of dark-skinned Appalachian residents once known derisively as the Melungeons. Some speculated they were descended from Portuguese explorers, or perhaps from Turkish slaves or Gypsies.

Now a new DNA study in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy attempts to separate truth from oral tradition and wishful thinking. The study found the truth to be somewhat less exotic: Genetic evidence shows that the families historically called Melungeons are the offspring of sub-Saharan African men and white women of northern or central European origin.
I have zero tolerance for racists and racism. No friends, no social contacts who are racists. No racists in my family that I would tolerate

You know, you can't learn anything if you only hang around people who believe exactly as you do. Others can't learn from you either. It's a lose lose situation.

I don't know how many times I have to say it. I have lived and worked in 4 countries outside the US, all of them countries with very different cultures than where I come from. I have traveled to about 40 countries as well, not cruises or resorts, but with a back pack as an independent traveler. My work is working with people from all around the world; right now I work in a work place with about 500 people from at least 20 different countries. In my last place of employment, with about the same number of people, there were people from 71 different countries. I was there for 4 years. I've been doing this, working in different countries and traveling extensively, for 10 years straight. I doubt anyone on this board has more or even as much experience dealing with people from different backgrounds and opinions. Almost all of my daily work is talking to and working with these people directly and talking about ideas. However, my point was that as far as socially, having people as personal friends, I do not tolerate racism. What's really interesting is that I don't have a problem with this with international people, not really, not much. There are a lot of other differences, differences in perspective and outlook, but racism is simply not the issue in many cultures as it is in America. I did not, btw, say I didn't tolerate other differences and opinions, just racism. So making the assumption that I don't tolerate different ideas would be a complete misreading of what I said.
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