Addressed to people who are not racists

I deal with it by letting the losers go. Removing myself from their lives. Their presence. Phone calls. Any contact whatsoever.

My own son I don't speak to, nor have spoken to for over 15 years. Why? Because he's an asshole, that's why. I raised him right. Taught him to be a decent human being. He wanted to be a cop. He was a good kid. Until he met his wife in high school. HER family was racist. White, just as my son is white. Yet once he got with HER, he refused to speak to or have anything to do with lifelong black friends. Or mexicans. Or Jewish people. Or asians. Or even his step brothers because HER parents didn't like ME for being friends with "riff raff" in their opinion.

Fuck 'em. All of them.

You sound like a great mom! Hard to believe your son chose a different family!
I deal with it by letting the losers go. Removing myself from their lives. Their presence. Phone calls. Any contact whatsoever.

My own son I don't speak to, nor have spoken to for over 15 years. Why? Because he's an asshole, that's why. I raised him right. Taught him to be a decent human being. He wanted to be a cop. He was a good kid. Until he met his wife in high school. HER family was racist. White, just as my son is white. Yet once he got with HER, he refused to speak to or have anything to do with lifelong black friends. Or mexicans. Or Jewish people. Or asians. Or even his step brothers because HER parents didn't like ME for being friends with "riff raff" in their opinion.

Fuck 'em. All of them.

You sound like a great mom! Hard to believe your son chose a different family!

La familia es todo.

Apparently not for left wing extremists. Her hate for her own blood coincides were her pro-homosexual degeneracy nicely. Their opposition to traditional family values really shines through here.
We have several here on the board. I am not talking to you.

I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists and if so, how did you handle that relationship. Because I don't know how. I find it just as difficult here as in real life to tolerate the ignorance and ugliness being spewed by such people.

I have a cousin who is no longer speaking to me (good riddance) because I told him I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore. It's like he doesn't know how to even shut it off, discuss anything else - he's all about the hate. And frankly, I don't get it. He is not 'all that,' that he should be denigrating 'those people' all the damn time.

Plus, it's almost like he's using it as a weapon, trying to gouge people into reacting, so he can start up again. My aunt and uncle are bewildered, they don't know where all this shit is coming from. He was raised better than that. I don't know much about M.S., but I doubt that it's affecting his brain to this degree.


Anyway. Anybody else dealing with what I'm up against?

it all depends on how much you are willing to fight. You can either mock them and fight, or ignore their shit and laugh at them behind their backs... I prefer to mock....

my father was the huge racist....

I knew if i wanted to kill him off all i had to do was bring a black man and say he was my boyfriend. :lol:

he about snapped a gasket when, at my brothers wedding, my mother was walked to her seat by one of the grooms men.... a black man.

It was funny as fucking hell.... he blew up like a grape. I was waiting for his head to explode right off his shoulders.

And... it happened a second time when my sister's made of honor was a black woman......and she got to walk HIM to his his seat. I felt so bad for her. bwhahahaha.

Hopefully he behaved himself long enough to be seated?

he kept his mouth shut....His face was purple and he was swelling up like a little toad.... which made it all the more funny. I tell ya, i was loving life at that point.
I would never cut ties with a family member over a mere concept.

Nope. Their failings are my failings, and when those failings come up, I still see it as my duty to address them and help them get back on the right path.
And boys who choose asshole women from asshole families generally have asshole mothers.

Just saying.

My boys both picked peaches. I love them dearly.
In korea (I am generalizing) they hated the Japanese with a passion. They also despised white people. They thought black men grew tails after midnight.

When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?
In korea (I am generalizing) they hated the Japanese with a passion. They also despised white people. They thought black men grew tails after midnight.

When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?

The Japanese invaded and occupied Korea in the early 20th century until the end of WWII. They also invaded and occupied parts of China. There were attrocities committed. Neither the Korean nor the Chinese people have very positive feelings toward the Japanese. But this is something created by historical events; it is not simple, pure racism. It is like the Greeks and Turks hating each other, and similar situations. I would think someone who worked with Japanese students for 20 years would do a little research on their history.
It's racism if it manifests as negative views of a race of people based on nothing but their race....

I mean, historically speaking, using your understanding of racism, we could say that people who hate blacks because they saw white people bypassed for jobs they were qualified for in the name of affirmative action isn't simple, pure racism.

Typically, racist progressives view negative views of blacks, hispanics and Indians only as racism. They generally maintain that blacks, hispanics and Indians cannot be racist, because they are brown. Which is, in fact, racist!
I would never cut ties with a family member over a mere concept.

Nope. Their failings are my failings, and when those failings come up, I still see it as my duty to address them and help them get back on the right path.

Also, you really don't know what they have been through. I never had any experience with blacks until I moved to Nashville. I worked with a couple of black nurses at Vandy who were quite nice. We weren't BFFs, but we got along. Then I changed jobs. The techs were mostly all black. The only ones who would cooperate were white and the name of the game for the blacks was 'let's see how fast we can sink her.' One day I had a patient who was a young black retarded woman. No one would help her with her ADLs so I just gave her a bath and did her hair myself. They should have all been fired, but the union protected them. At that point, I wouldn't give you 2 cents for any of them. But after I took care of that black retarded woman myself as they should have done, the majority of them apologized for their behavior. One of them actually went on to be a nurse, and I used to run into him occasionally. I went to law school with some and we became very good friends. I studied with the one who was actually in my class, and visited frequently with one who was a couple years behind me. If we were the only ones in the library they never left me sitting alone, but always invited me to lunch with them. Over the years, I worked with a goodly number of black nurses and social workers. None of them ever gave me any trouble, and most were really fun to work with.

We had a pastor here once who every now and again would make a remark that left us all scratching our heads. He took a group on a mission trip every year, and one year he was very agitated and troubled from the minute he learned where he had been assigned. He shared with us that as a child he had been molested by two black men and going to work with a black church made him have nightmares and see himself dead as he never had before. But he went, and came back in pretty decent shape.

Family is family. They are one's blood. We don't always know what they have had to endure. They have their foibles and failings. But it is unacceptable to cast them aside because they don't make the right noises. No single group of people in the world, or any concept related to them is enough to make me ditch anyone in my family. When I was a girl, I saw a rift occur between my mother and a couple of family members. I swore I would NEVER let that occur in my life. My brother and sister haven't been the greatest, but life is hard here in Kentucky and I know that at any point in time, they were both doing their dead level best even if some might not have considered it good enough.

I have friends who I consider the family that I chose. But I look at my own family and recognize that I didn't choose them, but know I have learned from them.

"The lack of emotional security of our American young people is due, I believe, to their isolation from the larger family unit. No two people - no mere father and mother - as I have often said, are enough to provide emotional security for a child. He needs to feel himself one in a world of kinfolk, persons of variety in age and temperament, and yet allied to himself by an indissoluble bond which he cannot break if he could, for nature has welded him into it before he was born."
Pearl S. Buck

I would suggest [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] that you turn yourself around in your thinking and consider not how this relative is failing you or your family, but how you or your family is failing him, and consider what things may have brought him to this point in his life. I think if you do that, you will find the answer to your own question.
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I still remember the first time I met a black girl in person. She was sitting outside the cafeteria at the junior high at lunchtime crying. I sat next to her and asked her "What's wrong?" She told me that no one would talk to her because she was black. I pointed out that I was talking to her. She said, "Yeah, but that's just 'cause I'm black" Poor girl never came back to school. I often wonder what happened to her. Then in high school there were 3 blacks in the whole school and one of them and I were very good friends. I was telling someone about him one time and he said "Did you ever go out with him?" The truth is I didn't but then again I had few dates in high school and it's not like I turned him down, he never asked. I doubt he would have though we were just friends.
I still remember the first time I met a black girl in person. She was sitting outside the cafeteria at the junior high at lunchtime crying. I sat next to her and asked her "What's wrong?" She told me that no one would talk to her because she was black. I pointed out that I was talking to her. She said, "Yeah, but that's just 'cause I'm black" Poor girl never came back to school. I often wonder what happened to her. Then in high school there were 3 blacks in the whole school and one of them and I were very good friends. I was telling someone about him one time and he said "Did you ever go out with him?" The truth is I didn't but then again I had few dates in high school and it's not like I turned him down, he never asked. I doubt he would have though we were just friends.

A perfect example of how a white person can never win no matter what you do. And the perfect example of why ditching a family member who doesn't make the right noises about them is unacceptable.
In korea (I am generalizing) they hated the Japanese with a passion. They also despised white people. They thought black men grew tails after midnight.

When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?

The Japanese invaded and occupied Korea in the early 20th century until the end of WWII. They also invaded and occupied parts of China. There were attrocities [sic] committed. Neither the Korean nor the Chinese people have very positive feelings toward the Japanese. But this is something created by historical events; it is not simple, pure racism. It is like the Greeks and Turks hating each other, and similar situations. I would think someone who worked with Japanese students for 20 years would do a little research on their history.

:confused: Did you even bother to read my words when you quoted them? Where did I refute or even address that (very commonly known, btw - sorry you're not impressing anyone) history? I was asking the that other jackass about his rather unusual claim regarding Korean views of 'white' and 'black' people.

If you're going to try and participate at least pay attention.
In korea (I am generalizing) they hated the Japanese with a passion. They also despised white people. They thought black men grew tails after midnight.

When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?

Several times the latest being last year. Koreans in Korea and over here in the states. Why do you ask?
In korea (I am generalizing) they hated the Japanese with a passion. They also despised white people. They thought black men grew tails after midnight.

When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?

Several times the latest being last year. Koreans in Korea and over here in the states. Why do you ask?

Just to confirm that you were lying again. You really are a racist piece of shit.
Asclepias the racist may have met a Korean person with mental problems (birds of a feather and all that), but Korean people in general do NOT "despise white people" and they most certainly do NOT think that black men grow tails after midnight." That is, of course, utter nonsense. No one should take Asclepias the racist seriously. He obviously doesn't.
When were you in Korea and who told you they "despised white people," and "thought black men grew tails after midnight"?

Several times the latest being last year. Koreans in Korea and over here in the states. Why do you ask?

Just to confirm that you were lying again. You really are a racist piece of shit.

You must have some proof I am lying...again. Where is it? Why is it racist to say what others told me they believe? You are a weird dude Unk.

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