Advice for the St. of the Union Speech

let me know when that happens
One would have to be brain dead not to know Trump has done a lot of good things for this country.

He will likely list some of them tonight.

Trump has done a remarkable job of taking a nation divided and increasing that divide. Trump is by far the most unfit and incompetent POTUS in our history.

Trump has done NOTHING to increase the divide.

It is you libs, with your constant hate mongering that has done that.

Trump, by challenging your bullshit, is if anything, working bring US back together.

that's why 38% of the people think he's doing a great job, amirite?

No, that's from the constant propaganda campaign being waged by the media and pop culture.


IT's only been a year. What policies could have had an effect enough to generate such a rapid change, especially considering that the economy is doing just fine?

Answer, none of them.

THis is about liberal lies.

i totally agree- trump's policies have done nothing, yet the trumplings think the sun rises because donnie tweezerhands wants to be a deeper shade of orange.

maybe the 62% that think he's an incompetent asshole just don't like him?

or maybe they don't like the way he takes credit for things he's had zero to do with, like the economy?

or maybe they don't like liars


i don't mind- the occasional one term disaster like trump is good for the country in the long run.
Except if what he does is good for Americans....then whine endlessly about what he says.

For just a minute, try being fair......

All that Trump has done for the "good of America" is to pass a tax cut that mostly benefits rich donors......

Second, he has eliminated many guidelines that now allow his rich donors to pollute our environment with impunity.

ALL other "successes" is his riding the coat tails of Obama's last 3 years in office (Obama's increase of DOW by 140% and lowering the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7%)

It remains to be seen IF the American electorate is smart enough to render a fair judgment of Trump's "successes."

In all fairness the effects of the weakening dollar has not been felt yet...

This hurts main street, prices of go up... Just look at Oil and other things will follow

While Trump say it will help exports and it might but Trump is cutting trade with other countries where he can... Trump has a backward view on trade, he thinks if you have a negative balance with a country it is bad. It is not, it just means they can produce one commodity cheaper or better than your home grown producers can if they exist (US still has to buy foreign oil even if from Canada).
So US pays more fro Oil even if it is dearer, this is called trade, trade usually benefits both sides other wise there should be no trade.
One would have to be brain dead not to know Trump has done a lot of good things for this country.

He will likely list some of them tonight.

Trump has done a remarkable job of taking a nation divided and increasing that divide. Trump is by far the most unfit and incompetent POTUS in our history.

Trump has done NOTHING to increase the divide.

It is you libs, with your constant hate mongering that has done that.

Trump, by challenging your bullshit, is if anything, working bring US back together.

that's why 38% of the people think he's doing a great job, amirite?

No, that's from the constant propaganda campaign being waged by the media and pop culture.


IT's only been a year. What policies could have had an effect enough to generate such a rapid change, especially considering that the economy is doing just fine?

Answer, none of them.

THis is about liberal lies.

i totally agree- trump's policies have done nothing, yet the trumplings think the sun rises because donnie tweezerhands wants to be a deeper shade of orange.

maybe the 62% that think he's an incompetent asshole just don't like him?

or maybe they don't like the way he takes credit for things he's had zero to do with, like the economy?

or maybe they don't like liars


i don't mind- the occasional one term disaster like trump is good for the country in the long run.

All Presidents take credit for the good things that happen on their watch.

You agree that Trump's policies have had little impact on most people's lives so far.

Thus my point, that the rapid drop in Trump's ratings has nothing to do with any of his actions, and is from the constant lefty hate mongering.

Propaganda works. That's why people keep doing it.
Trump has done a remarkable job of taking a nation divided and increasing that divide. Trump is by far the most unfit and incompetent POTUS in our history.

Trump has done NOTHING to increase the divide.

It is you libs, with your constant hate mongering that has done that.

Trump, by challenging your bullshit, is if anything, working bring US back together.

that's why 38% of the people think he's doing a great job, amirite?

No, that's from the constant propaganda campaign being waged by the media and pop culture.


IT's only been a year. What policies could have had an effect enough to generate such a rapid change, especially considering that the economy is doing just fine?

Answer, none of them.

THis is about liberal lies.

i totally agree- trump's policies have done nothing, yet the trumplings think the sun rises because donnie tweezerhands wants to be a deeper shade of orange.

maybe the 62% that think he's an incompetent asshole just don't like him?

or maybe they don't like the way he takes credit for things he's had zero to do with, like the economy?

or maybe they don't like liars


i don't mind- the occasional one term disaster like trump is good for the country in the long run.

All Presidents take credit for the good things that happen on their watch.

You agree that Trump's policies have had little impact on most people's lives so far.

Thus my point, that the rapid drop in Trump's ratings has nothing to do with any of his actions, and is from the constant lefty hate mongering.

Propaganda works. That's why people keep doing it.

there's no rapid drop, he's been circling the toilet bowl pretty much since the best attended inauguration ever.

even rasmussen couldn't get him to 50%

keep swinging- it's quite amusing
Except if what he does is good for Americans....then whine endlessly about what he says.

For just a minute, try being fair......

All that Trump has done for the "good of America" is to pass a tax cut that mostly benefits rich donors......

Second, he has eliminated many guidelines that now allow his rich donors to pollute our environment with impunity.

ALL other "successes" is his riding the coat tails of Obama's last 3 years in office (Obama's increase of DOW by 140% and lowering the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7%)

It remains to be seen IF the American electorate is smart enough to render a fair judgment of Trump's "successes."

In all fairness the effects of the weakening dollar has not been felt yet...

This hurts main street, prices of go up... Just look at Oil and other things will follow

While Trump say it will help exports and it might but Trump is cutting trade with other countries where he can... Trump has a backward view on trade, he thinks if you have a negative balance with a country it is bad. It is not, it just means they can produce one commodity cheaper or better than your home grown producers can if they exist (US still has to buy foreign oil even if from Canada).
So US pays more fro Oil even if it is dearer, this is called trade, trade usually benefits both sides other wise there should be no trade.

If a negative balance is not bad, then why are our trading partners determined to resist Trump? wasn't about running this was just about "pissing off Progressives".

Well duh ... Progressives and everything they like sucks ... It's like winning by default just pissing them off ... :thup:

Don't watch Trump's lips, for the next nine months, watch his feet.

It is never wise to believe what he says, it is a good practice to see what he does.
Except if what he does is good for Americans....then whine endlessly about what he says.

let me know when that happens
One would have to be brain dead not to know Trump has done a lot of good things for this country.

He will likely list some of them tonight.
yeah if you count how he fked over all those who use to be our allies
there's no rapid drop, he's been circling the toilet bowl pretty much since the best attended inauguration ever.

even rasmussen couldn't get him to 50%

keep swinging- it's quite amusing

Not nearly as amusing as when next to nobody polled him winning the election ...
And the utter dismay and tears election night ... :thup:

there's no rapid drop, he's been circling the toilet bowl pretty much since the best attended inauguration ever.

even rasmussen couldn't get him to 50%

keep swinging- it's quite amusing

Not nearly as amusing as when next to nobody polled him winning the election ...
And the utter dismay and tears election night ... :thup:


that was pretty funny

not as funny as trump pretending he knows how to read, but still, pretty funny
oh, poor baby

i'm sorry you voted for an incompetent asshole.

try to do better in 2020, mkay?

Well ... I did vote for President Trump.
I cannot agree that he is incompetent ... Because he 100% the asshole, ringleader of the DC circus I was voting for.

I think you need to attempt to make better choices in candidates for 2020 ... The one you probably voted for just sucked.
Perhaps you actually need something from Congress or the government other than entertainment ... And that's just sad ... :sigh2:

Great, so if you receive any benefit from that recent tax bill I'm sure you'll be sending it back to the IRS. Now nice of you.

Like most cheap whores, you're easily bribed by a few bucks and expect others to follow your screwed up lead.
Like most cheap whores, you're easily bribed by a few bucks and expect others to follow your screwed up lead.

Whores, thieves, parasites ... That's about all Washington DC, Congress and the Federal Government are good for ... But nothing new there ... :thup:

Whores, thieves, parasites ... That's about all Washington DC, Congress and the Federal Government are good for ... But nothing new there ...

I mostly agree.....Would you then call the big donors through Citizen United, first class PIMPS???
I mostly agree.....Would you then call the big donors through Citizen United, first class PIMPS???

Shills, pimps whatever suits your liking is not offensive to me ... I rank them right up there with almost every other 501c organizations.
But ... They are no worse than George Soros or any number of opposing pimps and shills.
I think some religious organizations or charities should be allowed 501c status as non-profits if they can meet the requirements.

Again ... I am not against people doing what they want to with their money.
I am totally against anyone who thinks the Federal Government is in a better position to determine what people should do with their money.

Don't watch Trump's lips, for the next nine months, watch his feet.

It is never wise to believe what he says, it is a good practice to see what he does.

A good practice for any politician.

Really for ANYONE.

What does it say about Obama that he spend twenty years in a racist church.

Since you've never walked in Obama's shoes, nor that of the Pastor, your sarcastic judgment is worthless.

You said "watch his feet".

That implies that we can learn about President Trump by watching his actions, WITHOUT having to "walk in his shoes".

I agreed with that.

YOu appear to NOT agree with what you said, if it is applied to someone you LIKE.

That is called a "double standard".

"F. U." Kiss Trumps ass all you please you f'n Russian supporter.
He’s not going to have to fire Mueller or Rosenstein after The Memo gets released.

Did you know 8 Corrupt Democrats have been “Fired” from The FBI, DOJ and Mueller’s team since this Russia Hoax was launched by The DNC & Hillary Clinton?


Don't watch Trump's lips, for the next nine months, watch his feet.

It is never wise to believe what he says, it is a good practice to see what he does.
I like to watch his chin when he sticks it out with that phony smile ,,,waiting for some one to cold cock him
I think he's going for the Mussolini strong guy look.

I hope he mentions Comey often and fires Mueller during the speech.

Hey True, have you read the Memo? You prove every time you post how stupid you are.

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