African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

Who told you we were post racial and why in the hell did you actually believe it?
You must be kidding,what planet do you live on? This so called "post racialism" propaganda has been the soup de jour for over that year. No soup for YOU!
You should never let propaganda become your truth. Thats how whites were tricked into believing wild claims such as they discovered america or that the egyptians were white people.
I almost got run over in a cross walk in front of a Denver DMV/police substation in Montebello by a young black man going 30 MPH whilst blaring loud ass crap rap noise. (ironic as hell) I really resent the fact blacks get off the hook for so much negativity they DO , for the little positive good that they do to offset that. And if we call them out, that's....racism. Good lord, get over it.
I really dont know what to tell you other than there is mental help out there for your resentments. I personally laugh at white people like you that live small lives and point to rare occurrences to validate your ingrained beliefs. i cant express how insignificant you are in the big scheme of things. My posting is only to provide you information in the event you become brave enough to challenge your beliefs and decide to convince yourself of the reality.
Take your own advice, I don't need lectures on issues like this. Pandering conformists like you LOVE to pretend they know everything. Au contraire!
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.
Aren't we supposedly post-racial? Why devote month to back humijahobiters BUT NOT TO Asian tap-dancing Anglo alligator wrestling? Equally valid concerns .Yes I am mocking black oriented exclusionary calibrations. We are post racial aren't we? I question all this.
Who told you we were post racial and why in the hell did you actually believe it?

Finally you're telling the truth. Most blacks, including you, were never post racial,Barney Fife even long time after most whites got over it. For poor "dyn do" like you, everything is about the race.
I've never spoken anything but the truth. Any fool can see we are not post racial.

We are long past the slavery, segregation, equal rights, civil rights, America elected black president and we were still getting better.

And then that black president decided to be president of black Americans, instead of all Americans. Yeah, he's the one turning us against each other. And you're the one falling for it.
We are getting better which the election of Obama helped but we were never long past any of the things you claim we were. White boys such as yourself wont even admit those things are still causing issues. :laugh:

They only cause issues because people like you and boy king are initiating them.
Who told you we were post racial and why in the hell did you actually believe it?

Finally you're telling the truth. Most blacks, including you, were never post racial,Barney Fife even long time after most whites got over it. For poor "dyn do" like you, everything is about the race.
I've never spoken anything but the truth. Any fool can see we are not post racial.

We are long past the slavery, segregation, equal rights, civil rights, America elected black president and we were still getting better.

And then that black president decided to be president of black Americans, instead of all Americans. Yeah, he's the one turning us against each other. And you're the one falling for it.
We are getting better which the election of Obama helped but we were never long past any of the things you claim we were. White boys such as yourself wont even admit those things are still causing issues. :laugh:

They only cause issues because people like you and boy king are initiating them.
Me nor your POTUS initiated slavery, jim crow, etc etc.
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:
Finally you're telling the truth. Most blacks, including you, were never post racial,Barney Fife even long time after most whites got over it. For poor "dyn do" like you, everything is about the race.
I've never spoken anything but the truth. Any fool can see we are not post racial.

We are long past the slavery, segregation, equal rights, civil rights, America elected black president and we were still getting better.

And then that black president decided to be president of black Americans, instead of all Americans. Yeah, he's the one turning us against each other. And you're the one falling for it.
We are getting better which the election of Obama helped but we were never long past any of the things you claim we were. White boys such as yourself wont even admit those things are still causing issues. :laugh:

They only cause issues because people like you and boy king are initiating them.
Me nor your POTUS initiated slavery, jim crow, etc etc.

But you still blaming me for it, because...?

Blame democrats, they did it. Oh no, you didn't know?

Btw, how long have you been slave?
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
I've never spoken anything but the truth. Any fool can see we are not post racial.

We are long past the slavery, segregation, equal rights, civil rights, America elected black president and we were still getting better.

And then that black president decided to be president of black Americans, instead of all Americans. Yeah, he's the one turning us against each other. And you're the one falling for it.
We are getting better which the election of Obama helped but we were never long past any of the things you claim we were. White boys such as yourself wont even admit those things are still causing issues. :laugh:

They only cause issues because people like you and boy king are initiating them.
Me nor your POTUS initiated slavery, jim crow, etc etc.

But you still blaming me for it, because...?

Blame democrats, they did it. Oh no, you didn't know?

Btw, how long have you been slave?
Why would i blame you? Youre just some random cave monkey in a trailer park.
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
White girls have been nothing but great in my life. What made you think they screwed it up?
Why would i blame you? Youre just some random cave monkey in a trailer park.

That's what you're doing all the time. Blame everyone else but yourself.

Interesting you poor "dyn du" calling me a "cave monkey". Kinda ironic.
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I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
White girls have been nothing but great in my life. What made you think they screwed it up?

The way you cry about whites, that could be one of the explanations.
Why would i blame you? Youre just some random cave monkey in a trailer park.

That's what you're doing all the time. Blame everyone else but yourself.

Interesting you poor "dyn do" calling me a "cave monkey". Kinda ironic.
I dont blame other people for things I do.

I dont see whats ironic about calling you a cave monkey. Its a known fact you are hairy and have thin lips like a monkey and your people lived in caves. Hell you even smell like a monkey when you get wet.
I cant take my own advice because I dont have any resentments. If i were like you and ignored every incident that was contrary to what i believed i would wind up resentful like you. I used to be you. However, at the age of 18 i met a white girl that changed my mind about whites.

I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
White girls have been nothing but great in my life. What made you think they screwed it up?

The way you cry about whites, that could be one of the explanations.
I've never cried about whites. Telling you about yourself is not crying. Its educating.
Why would i blame you? Youre just some random cave monkey in a trailer park.

That's what you're doing all the time. Blame everyone else but yourself.

Interesting you poor "dyn do" calling me a "cave monkey". Kinda ironic.
I dont blame other people for things I do.

I dont see whats ironic about calling you a cave monkey. Its a known fact you are hairy and have thin lips like a monkey and your people lived in caves.

Oh, I see Jimmy is rustled. You poor "dyn du" really wanna go that way?
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Why would i blame you? Youre just some random cave monkey in a trailer park.

That's what you're doing all the time. Blame everyone else but yourself.

Interesting you poor "dyn do" calling me a "cave monkey". Kinda ironic.
I dont blame other people for things I do.

I dont see whats ironic about calling you a cave monkey. Its a known fact you are hairy and have thin lips like a monkey and your people lived in caves.

Oh, I see Jimmy is rustled. You poor "dyn do" really wanna go that way?
Who is Jimmy and yes i dont mind going that way.
It's not "African music appreciation month", it's "African American music" appreciation month" What the hell is African American music? Don't African Americans appreciate the same music as duh Americans or is it another way for democrats to keep the races separate?
I see, you got triggered by rejection. Poor "dyn do", you didn't deserve that.
Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
White girls have been nothing but great in my life. What made you think they screwed it up?

The way you cry about whites, that could be one of the explanations.
I've never cried about whites. Telling you about yourself is not crying. Its educating.

I don't think you could educate me on anything except maybe on how to get something for free.

You've tried to educate me on Moors, you failed.

And since this is going nowhere, I am gonna let you do what you do the best your whole life, wasting time blaming everyone else for you being "dyn du". Whatever you heard, it's not my fault dude.
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Poor cave chimp. Still unable to make a relevant post. :laugh:

Well, it's your life that got screwed by white girl, not mine.
White girls have been nothing but great in my life. What made you think they screwed it up?

The way you cry about whites, that could be one of the explanations.
I've never cried about whites. Telling you about yourself is not crying. Its educating.

I don't think you could educate me on anything except maybe on how to get something for free.

You've tried to educate me on Moors, you failed.

And since this is going nowhere, I am gonna let you do what you do the best your whole life, wasting time blaming everyone else for you being "dyn do". Whatever you heard, it's not my fault dude.
I believe I recall telling you not to attempt to think without me helping you.

I may have failed to educate you on Moors but it appears your lack of intellect is hard to overcome.

I already told you I dont blame people for anything especially someone as lowbrow as you are. Everyone knows its not your fault you are inbred.
I believe I recall telling you not to attempt to think without me helping you.

I may have failed to educate you on Moors but it appears your lack of intellect is hard to overcome.

I already told you I dont blame people for anything especially someone as lowbrow as you are. Everyone knows its not your fault you are inbred.

You can't educate about something you know nothing about. You're incapable of doing it, just as those who were educating you. You didn't failed to educate me on Moors, you were being educated on Moors. By the way, the Moors you were so proud about (from 17c BC and later) were original race-traitors. Look for it, you might be in for a surprise.

Oh, one last thing. Your hate for whites is evident from your posts, not just this thread, but every single one you posted on this forum. You think you can upset me with your insults? Nah, that's just you being you. Simple "dyn du".

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