African American support for Trump is skyrocketing !!

You also left your spoon and sippy cup on the floor when you started throwing things from your high chair.
How old are you? Three?

This is all he's got folks..........when intelligence just isn't an option......throw stupid meaningless insults as cover..

Now THAT's Lame.

I suppose Pogo thinks he/she/whatever is being "edgy" or "witty, but it just comes out as "lame" for some reason.

I'm serious. Your drivel is at the intellectual level of a three-year-old. And it's certainly not worth my time.


Thank you. Please add "Elitism" and "Narcissism" to the list of despicable traits you subscribe to. You wear as well as the dick-sucking coke-head last President we last had.

See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.
This is all he's got folks..........when intelligence just isn't an option......throw stupid meaningless insults as cover..

Now THAT's Lame.

I suppose Pogo thinks he/she/whatever is being "edgy" or "witty, but it just comes out as "lame" for some reason.

I'm serious. Your drivel is at the intellectual level of a three-year-old. And it's certainly not worth my time.


Thank you. Please add "Elitism" and "Narcissism" to the list of despicable traits you subscribe to. You wear as well as the dick-sucking coke-head last President we last had.

See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.

I DON'T THINK SO DImples. You haven't posted a fucking thing on the actual topic in the last three pages.
Not if it's contextual I don't.

Prove I do.
You're a flaming hypocrite.

I'm not seeing a quote there.
Tough shit. I've seen you do it to my own posts. Your acknowledgment of your hypocrisy is neither sought nor required.

Throw your little /THREAD tantrum again, boy.

STILL not seeing a quote.

Wassamatta? Can't find it? Guess what that makes you.
This is the part where I could tell you to suck me, which is what you do when you hear uncomfortable truths.

But lemme guess...that too is good and righteous and holy when you do it, huh?

Bzzzzzzzzzzt I'm sorry that's not correct. What it makes you is WRONG.
I suppose Pogo thinks he/she/whatever is being "edgy" or "witty, but it just comes out as "lame" for some reason.

I'm serious. Your drivel is at the intellectual level of a three-year-old. And it's certainly not worth my time.


Thank you. Please add "Elitism" and "Narcissism" to the list of despicable traits you subscribe to. You wear as well as the dick-sucking coke-head last President we last had.

See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.

I DON'T THINK SO DImples. You haven't posted a fucking thing on the actual topic in the last three pages.
You're a flaming hypocrite.

I'm not seeing a quote there.
Tough shit. I've seen you do it to my own posts. Your acknowledgment of your hypocrisy is neither sought nor required.

Throw your little /THREAD tantrum again, boy.

STILL not seeing a quote.

Wassamatta? Can't find it? Guess what that makes you.
This is the part where I could tell you to suck me, which is what you do when you hear uncomfortable truths.

But lemme guess...that too is good and righteous and holy when you do it, huh?

Bzzzzzzzzzzt I'm sorry that's not correct. What it makes you is WRONG.
LOL! We both know I'm right. You just lack the integrity to admit it.
I'm serious. Your drivel is at the intellectual level of a three-year-old. And it's certainly not worth my time.


Thank you. Please add "Elitism" and "Narcissism" to the list of despicable traits you subscribe to. You wear as well as the dick-sucking coke-head last President we last had.

See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.

I DON'T THINK SO DImples. You haven't posted a fucking thing on the actual topic in the last three pages.

That comment wasn't to you, Bowser. White knight much?
I'm not seeing a quote there.
Tough shit. I've seen you do it to my own posts. Your acknowledgment of your hypocrisy is neither sought nor required.

Throw your little /THREAD tantrum again, boy.

STILL not seeing a quote.

Wassamatta? Can't find it? Guess what that makes you.
This is the part where I could tell you to suck me, which is what you do when you hear uncomfortable truths.

But lemme guess...that too is good and righteous and holy when you do it, huh?

Bzzzzzzzzzzt I'm sorry that's not correct. What it makes you is WRONG.
LOL! We both know I'm right. You just lack the integrity to admit it.

No, what I lack is "ANY EVIDENCE".
polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

You can go right on believing that!!

I consider this exchange important as a classic example of a Liberal's "debate" response to a Conservative's point of view.

The OP, a conservative, gives numbers from Liberals polls, government released job approval numbers and known policies of the administration...all supporting his/her opinion that Blacks are starting to wake up to the scam that has been run on them for decades by Democrats.

Good argument...good start to a legitimate debate..of the type for which this board was instituted.

What is the response from the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist?

Nothing but elementary school playground childishness.

Its all we ever see from Liberal/Progressive/Socialists.

Why is that?
polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

You can go right on believing that!!

I consider this exchange important as a classic example of a Liberal's "debate" response to a Conservative's point of view.

The OP, a conservative, gives numbers from Liberals polls, government released job approval numbers and known policies of the administration...all supporting his/her opinion that Blacks are starting to wake up to the scam that has been run on them for decades by Democrats.

Good argument...good start to a legitimate debate..of the type for which this board was instituted.

What is the response from the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist?

Nothing but elementary school playground childishness.

Its all we ever see from Liberal/Progressive/Socialists.

Why is that?

At this point in the game, that's all they have left. Their "Rules for Radicals" seem to have withered and become meaningless in the Trump era.
That comment wasn't to you, Bowser. White knight much?

Cock gobble much?

Apparently. :laugh:

Tough shit. I've seen you do it to my own posts. Your acknowledgment of your hypocrisy is neither sought nor required.

Throw your little /THREAD tantrum again, boy.

STILL not seeing a quote.

Wassamatta? Can't find it? Guess what that makes you.
This is the part where I could tell you to suck me, which is what you do when you hear uncomfortable truths.

But lemme guess...that too is good and righteous and holy when you do it, huh?

Bzzzzzzzzzzt I'm sorry that's not correct. What it makes you is WRONG.
LOL! We both know I'm right. You just lack the integrity to admit it.

No, what I lack is "ANY EVIDENCE".
That's nice. Go play.
Thank you. Please add "Elitism" and "Narcissism" to the list of despicable traits you subscribe to. You wear as well as the dick-sucking coke-head last President we last had.

See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.

I DON'T THINK SO DImples. You haven't posted a fucking thing on the actual topic in the last three pages.

That comment wasn't to you, Bowser. White knight much?
Like you're doing with, say, Newsweek?

Just pointing out yet another instance of your boundless hypocrisy.

Don't like it? Stop being a hypocrite.

Your call, Slappy.
See what I mean about the intellect of a three-year-old? You just keep proving me right.

No, actually I shamed you mercilessly. Unfortunately inhuman examples such as yourself seem to be bereft of shame, remorse, or humility. You know, emotions that normal people feel. Being the optimist I am though, I'll say a little prayer for you, in hopes that someday you'll have an epiphany and perhaps join the human race.

I DON'T THINK SO DImples. You haven't posted a fucking thing on the actual topic in the last three pages.

That comment wasn't to you, Bowser. White knight much?
Like you're doing with, say, Newsweek?

Just pointing out yet another instance of your boundless hypocrisy.

Don't like it? Stop being a hypocrite.

Your call, Slappy.

Wuh-oh, the toddler needs attention again.

Here you go Hunior. Ready?

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