Zone1 After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned...


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I learned that Luther was "very" Catholic in 1521 when he wrote that document!

A lot of what he says is exactly what the Catholic Church teaches! Who knew?

Well, I had read a few of the items on this Thesis before but recently read nearly the entire thing... was very surprised to see what a Catholic document it was/is. Yes, there were some heresies there also, and the Church noted those and anathematized them. And later, Luther was excommunicated.

I read The Facts About Luther some years ago and he definitely, definitely devolved away from his Catholicity! He called priests and others horrible names when they disagreed with him and said obscene things I cannot write out here... at least R rated..

In other words, he let himself go to hell, probably literally.

(That's one reason, by the way, that the Catholic Church does not canonize --or name a building after--anyone until that person is gone and there is evidence the person is in Heaven. )
Martin Luther surely believed on his death bed that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior and forgiven of the Sin of calling the Pope a MF.

Why would he not be in heaven?
you don't seem to fully grasp how evil certain sins are and how much DAMAGE they do to frail human beings. Jesus cannot fully restore a person to the pre-mortal-sin state unless that person is very, very INTO Jesus...

Luther? Yeh, right...

I would think that dividing the ONE Church would be a big sin with massive repercussions... arrogating to yourself your own "papacy" when Christ established ONE human head of the Church (St Peter and all the popes who followed him [legitimate popes, that is])
oh, an Ignored one said something... probably a bunch of antiCatholic BS

heard it all b4, though...................
you don't seem to fully grasp how evil certain sins are and how much DAMAGE they do to frail human beings. Jesus cannot fully restore a person to the pre-mortal-sin state unless that person is very, very INTO Jesus...
I am a rational theist. I do not believe in original sin, or the divinity of Jesus Christ. I believe in America’s civil religion, which was started by our first four presidents and others who lived during the America Revolution.

Our second president, John Adams, can explain to you Saint 1miseryindex the rational theist rejection if the Christian myth of original sin.

Was John Adams a Christian? could not accept the deity of Jesus Christ or that he died for the sins of the world. Adams said,​
“An incarnate God!!! An eternal, self-existent omnipresent [everywhere] omniscient [all-knowing] Author of this stupendous Universe suffering on a Cross!!! My Soul starts with horror, at the Idea.” The idea that a “finite Being” like Christ making “Satisfaction to infinite justice for the sins of the world” was absurd.​

After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned...​

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Evangelicals and Trump Sep’20 Seatyz00431 Correll Sep’20 Seatyz asks why NFBW is: “so determined to deny our Christian hertiage?” crrll 200927 Seatyz00441

After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned... 240325 {post•12}

Our first four presidents were not Christians. America has a rich Christian Heritage. I have never denied the fact that America has a Christian Heritage. I’m on the record here objecting to Saint Ding and Saint Correll spreading the white Christian nationalists lie that our first four presidents were Christians.

Saint Ding keeps posting ‘belief in a christ-less god’ by the first four presidents and count them towards a mythical American Christian Heritage.

Why have these two lied about me for years saying I deny that Christianity had something to do with the revolution and formation of our constitutional republic with no recognition to Christianity or any other religion as having preference,

It’s because the political operation of Republican white Christian nationalism needs Jesus Christ to be the keynote founder of a new covenant nation of believers dedicated to doing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.

A Christian website says John Adams was not a Christian. Let’s leave Washington Adams, Jefferson and Madison out of Saint Ding’s white Christian Nation bs. That is all I ask.

Was John Adams a Christian? could not accept the deity of Jesus Christ or that he died for the sins of the world. Adams said,

“An incarnate God!!! An eternal, self-existent omnipresent [everywhere] omniscient [all-knowing] Author of this stupendous Universe suffering on a Cross!!! My Soul starts with horror, at the Idea.” The idea that a “finite Being” like Christ making “Satisfaction to infinite justice for the sins of the world” was absurd.​
Adams also denied the Trinity. He thought that the Trinity violated the First Commandment. This made Adams a Unitarian. A Unitarian believes that God is one, not three. Unitarians believed that God could only be understood through reason. The Trinity cannot be understood by human reason so it must be false. “As a man deeply influenced by the Enlightenment, he could not tolerate any form of religion that seemed to contradict the dictates of reason.” In this way, he was no different than Jefferson.[13]
Adams also rejected the Biblical teaching of original sin and total depravity. By doing this he rejected the very foundation of the Gospel. Jesus came to earth and died for our sins because of original sin – the teaching that Adam and Eve were perfect until they sinned against God. He believed that humans do sin, but not that they were pure evil (in contrary to numerous Scriptures – Genesis 8:21; Romans 3:9-20). He was a believer in Enlightenment thought that humanity will improve and progress. He also did not like the idea that great thinkers in history, for example, Plato, Cicero, and others, were in hell because they rejected Christ. Note that these “great thinkers” were pagans.[14]

After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned... 240325 {post•12}

Our first four presidents were not Christians.

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When did the last time someone scalp you? And was it a Catholic who did do so?

The majority of Catholics in America are in my tribe - I love them as if they were my brothers and sisters. I think Trump Catholics are harmful to America but not because they are Catholic. It’s because they are antiAmerica like you. Please invite them to come live with you so they can hate the deep state in your country instead.
The majority of Catholics in America are in my tribe - I love them as if they were my brothers and sisters. I think Trump Catholics are harmful to America but not because they are Catholic. It’s because they are antiAmerica like you. Please invite them to come live with you so they can hate the deep state in your country instead.
no comment
Now THAT'S an empty phrase!!!

No. I inform him with this statement that I read what he wrote and that I say nothing to this theme. The alfernative is not to answer at all - what could also mean that I did not read what he wrote.
I wrote on the same topic a few weeks ago.

For the record, the plural of "thesis" is "theses"; rhymes with "feces."

No. I inform him with this statement that I read what he wrote and that I say nothing to this theme. The alfernative is not to answer at all - what could also mean that I did not read what he wrote.
No comment is the epitome of "empty phrase."

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