After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

I could not agree with the OP more...

I turned 51 this year, my first Presidential election was way back between Reagan and Mondale.
For the first time in my life I may actually not even vote on a Presidential election. Like the OP I can't bring myself to vote for a bombastic clown like Trump. And nothing short of a gun to my head would I vote for an elitist/corporatist like Hillary Clinton.
We are 100% screwed.

This is the perfect chance for you to vote third party. There is no other way to tell people you want another choice. Staying home says you don't give a shit, no one will interpret it any other way

did you not learn the lesson of Wallace and Perot? Third parties always help the worst of the two main primaries. We have to vote against Hillary. keeping her out of the whitehouse is the most important thing any of us can do this year.

I voted for Perot and I'd do it again given the choices of HW and Slick
So you voted for Slick it.

Yes I did...I have no problem with who I have voted for over the want my entire record?

1) 1984 - Reagan
2) 1988 - Reagan
3) 1992 - Clinton
4) 1996 - Clinton (uh..Bob Dole?
5) 2000 - Bush
6) 2004 - Bush (was not excited about this...but the alternative? - :D)
7) 2008 - McCain
8) 2012 - Romney
Nope, attack on a people, not a religion...Jews are not a religion..Do you have to practice being this stupid?:dunno:
Not an attack on a people, an attack on a government.

You need no practice being stupid.

And since when is Judaism not a religion?

Funny you leftist only attack Jews while the islamofascist cut off heads and rape women..Judaism is a religion. Jews may or may not practice it..Simpleton :slap:
I could not agree with the OP more...

I turned 51 this year, my first Presidential election was way back between Reagan and Mondale.
For the first time in my life I may actually not even vote on a Presidential election. Like the OP I can't bring myself to vote for a bombastic clown like Trump. And nothing short of a gun to my head would I vote for an elitist/corporatist like Hillary Clinton.
We are 100% screwed.

This is the perfect chance for you to vote third party. There is no other way to tell people you want another choice. Staying home says you don't give a shit, no one will interpret it any other way

did you not learn the lesson of Wallace and Perot? Third parties always help the worst of the two main primaries. We have to vote against Hillary. keeping her out of the whitehouse is the most important thing any of us can do this year.

I voted for Perot and I'd do it again given the choices of HW and Slick

So did I and we helped elect bubba Clinton by voting for Perot. I will not make that mistake again. We have to vote against Hillary, nothing else matters except keeping that bitch out of the whitehouse.
Gore would have been a disaster.

Agreed, but W was a disaster, so it's a matter of which of the two did / would have done more damage

W was not a disaster. he made some mistakes and some good moves, like all presidents. If you think he did the Iraq mess totally on his own then you are as naïve as some of the libs.

What about throwing away a balanced budget?
Tanking the economy?
What good did he do?

He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?
I could not agree with the OP more...

I turned 51 this year, my first Presidential election was way back between Reagan and Mondale.
For the first time in my life I may actually not even vote on a Presidential election. Like the OP I can't bring myself to vote for a bombastic clown like Trump. And nothing short of a gun to my head would I vote for an elitist/corporatist like Hillary Clinton.
We are 100% screwed.

You have to vote against the worst of the two. staying home will help the worst of the two.

Believe me, I am wrestling with this considerably. I take the right to vote seriously, but I am honestly fearful that Trump would do something stupid on a grand scale not seen before - militarily.
And Clinton??? No way, no how.

Trump is a smart man with a lot of international experience. He is not going to do anything stupid militarily, but Hillary might.

We have had 8 years with a narcissist President, however Obama is not very energetic
I could not agree with the OP more...

I turned 51 this year, my first Presidential election was way back between Reagan and Mondale.
For the first time in my life I may actually not even vote on a Presidential election. Like the OP I can't bring myself to vote for a bombastic clown like Trump. And nothing short of a gun to my head would I vote for an elitist/corporatist like Hillary Clinton.
We are 100% screwed.

This is the perfect chance for you to vote third party. There is no other way to tell people you want another choice. Staying home says you don't give a shit, no one will interpret it any other way

did you not learn the lesson of Wallace and Perot? Third parties always help the worst of the two main primaries. We have to vote against Hillary. keeping her out of the whitehouse is the most important thing any of us can do this year.

I voted for Perot and I'd do it again given the choices of HW and Slick

I soooooooo regret not voting Perot. My gut told me to, but I didn't. He might have been a little eccentric, but he foretold the future of our economy to the T!! And how he said we would get screwed happened exactly like he said it would. And Hillary would expand on the "extraction of America" like never before.

I share your emotions on this, but we have to be realistic. the Perot votes elected bill Clinton, third party votes this year would elect bitch Clinton.

We have to put the emotion aside and vote against the hildebeast, nothing else matters.
7. Who cares about the flip flops at this point. He's pro life in no uncertain terms and you want to equivocate about it? Fuck that.
He was pro-choice in no uncertain terms a few years ago. What gives you any indication that he won't change his position again in a year? Or all his positions?

obozo and the hildebeast were against gay marriage until they were for it. do you have a point here?
Agreed, but W was a disaster, so it's a matter of which of the two did / would have done more damage

W was not a disaster. he made some mistakes and some good moves, like all presidents. If you think he did the Iraq mess totally on his own then you are as naïve as some of the libs.

What about throwing away a balanced budget?
Tanking the economy?
What good did he do?

He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.
I could not agree with the OP more...

I turned 51 this year, my first Presidential election was way back between Reagan and Mondale.
For the first time in my life I may actually not even vote on a Presidential election. Like the OP I can't bring myself to vote for a bombastic clown like Trump. And nothing short of a gun to my head would I vote for an elitist/corporatist like Hillary Clinton.
We are 100% screwed.

This is the perfect chance for you to vote third party. There is no other way to tell people you want another choice. Staying home says you don't give a shit, no one will interpret it any other way

did you not learn the lesson of Wallace and Perot? Third parties always help the worst of the two main primaries. We have to vote against Hillary. keeping her out of the whitehouse is the most important thing any of us can do this year.

I voted for Perot and I'd do it again given the choices of HW and Slick
So you voted for Slick it.

First of all, HW and you have one thing in common, you don't own my vote. If you (Republicans) want my vote, give me better candidates. I've said I'd probably vote for Cruz and I'm likely to vote for Kasich as well. Trump I won't vote for, I'd never vote for someone who says he opposes free market capitalism
Yes I did...I have no problem with who I have voted for over the want my entire record?

Here's mine. We're almost the same age, I voted in the exact same elections you did. I supported Reagan in 80, but wasn't old enough to vote for him:

1) 1984 - Reagan
- Reagan

2) 1988 - Reagan
- HW (Reagan wasn't in that one, do you mean you voted for HW because of Reagan?)

3) 1992 - Clinton
- Perot

4) 1996 - Clinton (uh..Bob Dole?
- Browne

5) 2000 - Bush
- Browne

6) 2004 - Bush (was not excited about this...but the alternative? - :D)
- Badarnak

7) 2008 - McCain
- Nader (Wouldn't vote for Obama or McCain and the Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian candidate, they went attention whoring with Barr, so I voted for the strongest other third party candidate)

8) 2012 - Romney
- Romney (again, Libertarians nominated a conservative for attention whoring rather than a libertarian and Obama proved he was the Marxist all Democrats say they are when running, but most back off when elected)
W was not a disaster. he made some mistakes and some good moves, like all presidents. If you think he did the Iraq mess totally on his own then you are as naïve as some of the libs.

What about throwing away a balanced budget?
Tanking the economy?
What good did he do?

He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it
What about throwing away a balanced budget?
Tanking the economy?
What good did he do?

He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

Some dem hands aren't clean BUT THE GREAT MAJORITY of your republicans hands are filthy Look up the vote or should I post it as one sided as it was??
What about throwing away a balanced budget?
Tanking the economy?
What good did he do?

He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

I'm an independent. President is the commander in chief. He was the one telling us all why it needed to be done. Many Dems voted wrong, but I didn't see any on tv strongly pushing for it.
He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

I'm an independent. President is the commander in chief. He was the one telling us all why it needed to be done. Many Dems voted wrong, but I didn't see any on tv strongly pushing for it.

Uhhh, you need to go back and see what both Clintons said about going into Iraq and about Saddam and WMDs. They were very public comments and said exactly the same things that Bush said.
Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

I'm an independent. President is the commander in chief. He was the one telling us all why it needed to be done. Many Dems voted wrong, but I didn't see any on tv strongly pushing for it.

Uhhh, you need to go back and see what both Clintons said about going into Iraq and about Saddam and WMDs. They were very public comments and said exactly the same things that Bush said.
Show me one link where President Clinton said he wanted a war with Iraq
Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

I'm an independent. President is the commander in chief. He was the one telling us all why it needed to be done. Many Dems voted wrong, but I didn't see any on tv strongly pushing for it.

Uhhh, you need to go back and see what both Clintons said about going into Iraq and about Saddam and WMDs. They were very public comments and said exactly the same things that Bush said.

If they did they didn't get as much press as bush, now did they? Who was commander in chief? You guys pretend to be the party of personal responsibility. Just not when your guy messes up badly? Trump blames bush and he is your guy.
He believed in the USA and honored our service people. He respected the flag and what it stands for. He helped our vets and treated them with respect. He treated our allies like friends and our enemies like enemies. He was/is an American with American values.

His fiscal policies did not work, except the tax rate reductions (the Obama kept in place) did help the economy recover a little from the 9/11 disaster.

Most presidents don't DO much, but they can set the tone of the country. Bush set a positive optimistic tone, obozo has set a negative hateful tone.

Do you know how many vets he sent to war are committing suicide? He did vets no favors.

He was a disaster.

Congress voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco, they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is ignorant partisan bullshit. Do you only blame Johnson and Kennedy for the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam for nothing?

It is one of a long list of disasters, just ask trump. Bush is the guy we saw on tv pushing for it. He gets to take credit.

Bull shit, the Democrats gave him the votes he needed to do it, the blood is on your hands. Your party is responsible for what you did, man up to it

Some dem hands aren't clean BUT THE GREAT MAJORITY of your republicans hands are filthy Look up the vote or should I post it as one sided as it was??

Your solution to the Democrat hands that are guilty are to do things like vote for her for President in November. Your indignation is feigned for cheap political points.

Now I actually am against the wars, but you are no ally. For you it's all about pumping Democrat willies, morality has zero to do with it

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