After the lawsuits there will be a shooting war...

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...I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.

Indeed... If Trump succeeds with the assistance of the States to nullify this fraudulent election of China Joe.... there will certainly be Antifa?BLM the terrorist arm of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat commies reacting violently. If shooting begins, the Left must understand that bullets can go both ways.
Most people I know have either served in Nam, Desert Storm and the Afghan/Iraq wars.
I firmly suggest that the Democrats don't piss them off...
It may be alot worse than a civil war.

The US navy has deployed around the continental USA. (east and west coasts).

Why? I really couldn't say. But a deployment like this is clearly to defend our homeland!
Democrats would welcome Chinese troops on our shores to help them fundamentally transform America and defeat any resistance.
I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.
I know y'all are upset, but what you're suggesting is suicidal. Up the meds before it's too late.
Maybe, but what I see are millions of Americans who feel cheated. As we speak they are gearing up to fight and die for their country. Why do you think Republicans are being suicidal?
Because, if shooting starts, things won't go well for the rebels. I never said Republicans. Most are sane as evidenced in GA, but too many have become enthralled by a narcissistic sociopath.
Who is going to shoot the rebels?

You ask who will shoot the rebels? You mean the Traitors and the line forms to the rear but it starts with me defending my home against people like you and then the cops, the National Guard, The State Police, US Marshals, the FBI, Homeland Security (it's gonna be a long line).
I've gotten the pitchfork out of the shed. Any half cocked militia types come sashaying around here, they're gonna get WHAT FOR!
...I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.

Indeed... If Trump succeeds with the assistance of the States to nullify this fraudulent election of China Joe.... there will certainly be Antifa?BLM the terrorist arm of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat commies reacting violently. If shooting begins, the Left must understand that bullets can go both ways.
Most people I know have either served in Nam, Desert Storm and the Afghan/Iraq wars.
I firmly suggest that the Democrats don't piss them off...

If you people succeed in this then Democracy is gone for good. You just installed a King. We already fought a war against that. It wasn't over just dumping a few cases of tea overboard. The People already spoke and the courts and legislators have been agreeing (some begrudgingly) with that decision. You have no idea what monster you will have unleashed if you are successful.
You people are seriously deranged

Hopefully you don't encourage some dimwit to pull a Dylan Roof.
...I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.
It may be alot worse than a civil war.

The US navy has deployed around the continental USA. (east and west coasts).

Why? I really couldn't say. But a deployment like this is clearly to defend our homeland!
I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.
I know y'all are upset, but what you're suggesting is suicidal. Up the meds before it's too late.
Maybe, but what I see are millions of Americans who feel cheated. As we speak they are gearing up to fight and die for their country. Why do you think Republicans are being suicidal?
Because, if shooting starts, things won't go well for the rebels. I never said Republicans. Most are sane as evidenced in GA, but too many have become enthralled by a narcissistic sociopath.

Why do you love the Chinese Communist Party more than you love Americans?
I'm not saying who will shoot at who first, but the last time a Presidential election went bad we had a Civil War.
I know y'all are upset, but what you're suggesting is suicidal. Up the meds before it's too late.
Maybe, but what I see are millions of Americans who feel cheated. As we speak they are gearing up to fight and die for their country. Why do you think Republicans are being suicidal?
Because, if shooting starts, things won't go well for the rebels. I never said Republicans. Most are sane as evidenced in GA, but too many have become enthralled by a narcissistic sociopath.

Why do you love the Chinese Communist Party more than you love Americans?

At least I can understand the Chinese Communist Party and know they are in China where they belong. What I don't understand is why you traitors are in America insulting Americans that are trying to protect the "We, the People".
Are you fools going to head out into town, looking for someone to kill, or fort up in the house, and wait on them to come to you? Your NRA-inspired fantasy lives are hyperactive.
I've never seen anything like this. Every blessed Powell and Rudy and Brooks and Tucker and Hannity that has these people foaming at the mouth deserves a Darwin award.

I hope this is just our resident keyboard warriors--they've always enjoyed a zesty civil war and will make any excuse for one.

It's CHRISTMAS, ferchrissakes! Go have an eggnog and behave yourselves, including watching what comes out of your mouth!
Unless you're Nostradamus and KNOW this is the outcome -- we're not feeding the blood lust for violence with only a 2 sentence OPost..

Anyone wants to make a case that there is no other option -- be sure you MAKE a solid case for the violence you're advocating..
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