Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

It's only Sunday, pal. His appearence is still roughly 48 hrs away & then watch how close those walls feel on Trump in that courtroom.

Trump's appearance in a criminal court is looooong overdue. Long overdue.
If I was you I'd keep my mouth shut. You fools always count your chickens before they hatch and then you look like the idiots you are.
We are where we are now cuz apologist got it wrong
This will go all the way and Trump will be
Convicted cuz it's the new York way
Trump's asseaters like Jordan, Graham, McCarthy & his goon squad on Fox did him a diservice by enabling him & excusing his behaviour. As a result Trump continued to believe he was invincible & above the law which is one of the reasons he's in the jam he's in today with worse coming down the pike in the future.

Trump & his asslicking enablers may cause him to end up in prison for J6, Georgia & the document heist.

Nice going, guys. Any more bright ideas?
This is lib frothing nirvana. There's even a poster here that says this is the pinnacle of his existence.
Do you live in NYState? If not, it costs you nothing!
You don't live in NY either, so why are you flapping your jaws? It is a criminal waste of taxpayer money. It should concern every American citizen when their money is wasted for political gain while unfairly targeting an American that has been shown to be innocent of wrong doing numerous times during the past seven years. If karma exists--you will be next.
Bragg unfortunately is just another affirmative action ignorant wanna be who filled a quota. He's more qualified for McDonald's or Taco Time. He's too stupid to realize that the democrat party is just using him and will toss him on the ash heap when he's no longer useful.
Trumps worst nightmare
And unnecessarily cost taxpayers $$$ for the desired political gain of the democrat party--Same waste of money they have been guilty of for seven solid years.
Think you can still get a taste of Trump's ass thru an orange jumpsuit, pal? But not to fret. If Trump gets house arrest the bracelet fastens to his ankle, not his ass. Relax.
He is not wrong. This is going to end in embarrassment for Bragg and the left.

It is a fabricated prosecution for political gain.
Bragg unfortunately is just another affirmative action ignorant wanna be who filled a quota. He's more qualified for McDonald's or Taco Time. He's too stupid to realize that the democrat party is just using him and will toss him on the ash heap when he's no longer useful.
I'll guess that he's a whole lot smarter than you are, based upon your post.

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