All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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“The international community is becoming more and more convinced that the occupation of the Palestinian state by Israel is the reason for all the disasters that the region and the world are suffering from...”
[Official PA TV, March 12, 2017]

Abbas’ statement echoes the antisemitic teachings of a religious scholar on official PA TV, Imad Hamato, who Abbas has also endorsed by
appointing him dean of a system of schools.

Abbas: Reason for all world’s disasters is “occupation” - PMW Bulletins
This system has been in place since the British Mandate for Palestine, before the U.N. Partition Plan led to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Until recently, this division was barely questioned. Most parents, including Arabs, support it, according to Yousef Jabareen, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament and director of The Arab Center for Law and Policy.

So, you think there were no mixed race schools in Apartheid South Africa.
How many blacks live in apartheid Gaza or the apartheid West Bank?
Gilad Atzmon

Jewish history is a chain of disasters: inquisitions, holocausts and pogroms. Time after time, throughout their history, Jews find themselves discriminated against, persecuted and expelled and, to most Jews, this continuum of tragedy is largely a mystery. Yet one would expect that Jews, clever people for sure, would peer into their past, understand it and take whatever measures necessary to change their fate.

I was born and raised in Israel and it was many years before I realised that Israel was Palestine. When I was a young Israeli boy, the Holocaust and Jewish suffering were somehow foreign to me and my peers. It was the history of a different people, namely the diaspora Jews and we young Israelis didn’t much like their Jewish past. We didn’t want to associate ourselves with those people, so hated by so many, so often and in so many different places. Erasing two thousand years of imaginary ‘exile’, we saw ourselves as the sons and daughters of our Biblical ‘ancestors.’ We were proud youngsters and we were disgusted by victimhood.

So Jewish suffering has, in many ways, been a riddle to me. But yesterday, at the London School of Economics (LSE), I witnessed a spectacle of Jewish bad behaviour, so incredible, that much that hitherto had been unclear, suddenly became all too clear.

Yesterday, at a talk given by one of the greatest humanists of our generation, Professor. Richard Falk, it took Israel-advocate Jonathan Hoffman just sixty minutes of intensive hooliganism to cause him to be ejected from the hall. As Hoffman and his associate were thrown out of the building, the entire room expressed their feelings by shouting “Out, out, out”

Hoffman wasn’t just a run-of-the-mill thug. Waving his Jewish nationalist symbols, he was acting openly as a Jewish-ethnic activist. Later I learned that he is associated with many Jewish and Zionist institutions: BOD, Zionist Federation and so on.

Behaving as he did with total disrespect to an academic institution, did Hoffman think that the LSE was some kind of yeshiva or perhaps just his local synagogue? I guess not. My guess is he just assumed that, like so many spaces in our country today, the LSE was simply ‘occupied’. It seems that merely the presence in a room of just one Zionist is enough to transform that room into occupied territory.

If they want to burn it, you want to read it!
Next door to the lab is the cardiology ward, where Rashad Rizeq, 32, a Palestinian from Ramallah, has been selected for a residency.

The Israelis and Palestinians who work together in peace

There were thousands of non-white doctors in Apartheid South Africa. What's your point?
How many non-white doctors practice in apartheid Gaza or the apartheid West Bank?
Palestinian doctor urges justice for murdered daughters in Israeli war
A Palestinian physician has demanded that the Israeli regime apologize and bring to justice culprits involved in the killing of three of his daughters and a niece during a tank shelling on his home in the besieged Gaza Strip in 2009, a day ahead of a court hearing set to take place on the murder case.

Izzeldin Abuelaish, a fertility specialist, lost his daughters, aged 20, 14 and 13, along with his niece on the night of January 16, 2009, during the Israeli military aggression against Gaza.

In late 2010, he sued Tel Aviv in an Israeli court, demanding an apology, acceptance of responsibility and due compensation. The court scheduled the hearing for March 15.

“This is an emotional moment for me. But I want you all to know that I am not coming to defend but coming to advocate for justice and hope,” Abuelaish told reporters in Jerusalem al-Quds on Tuesday, adding that “in spite of the tragedy and what happened to us, we succeeded with the help of my beloved children to make life from death.”

After an initial probe into the case, the Israeli military acknowledged that its forces bore liability for the killings, saying they mistook the girls for spotters from the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

However, Israeli military lawyers recently claimed that they had found fresh documents alleging that shrapnel from the victims' bodies had not been used by the troops but were from explosives concealed in the house. Abuelaish said such allegations were “immoral, unethical (and) insane.”
PressTV-Palestinian seeks justice for girls killed by Israel
Next door to the lab is the cardiology ward, where Rashad Rizeq, 32, a Palestinian from Ramallah, has been selected for a residency.

The Israelis and Palestinians who work together in peace

There were thousands of non-white doctors in Apartheid South Africa. What's your point?
How many non-white doctors practice in apartheid Gaza or the apartheid West Bank?
Palestinian doctor urges justice for murdered daughters in Israeli war
A Palestinian physician has demanded that the Israeli regime apologize and bring to justice culprits involved in the killing of three of his daughters and a niece during a tank shelling on his home in the besieged Gaza Strip in 2009, a day ahead of a court hearing set to take place on the murder case.

Izzeldin Abuelaish, a fertility specialist, lost his daughters, aged 20, 14 and 13, along with his niece on the night of January 16, 2009, during the Israeli military aggression against Gaza.

In late 2010, he sued Tel Aviv in an Israeli court, demanding an apology, acceptance of responsibility and due compensation. The court scheduled the hearing for March 15.

“This is an emotional moment for me. But I want you all to know that I am not coming to defend but coming to advocate for justice and hope,” Abuelaish told reporters in Jerusalem al-Quds on Tuesday, adding that “in spite of the tragedy and what happened to us, we succeeded with the help of my beloved children to make life from death.”

After an initial probe into the case, the Israeli military acknowledged that its forces bore liability for the killings, saying they mistook the girls for spotters from the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

However, Israeli military lawyers recently claimed that they had found fresh documents alleging that shrapnel from the victims' bodies had not been used by the troops but were from explosives concealed in the house. Abuelaish said such allegations were “immoral, unethical (and) insane.”
PressTV-Palestinian seeks justice for girls killed by Israel
Jewish history is a chain of disasters: inquisitions, holocausts and pogroms. Time after time, throughout their history, Jews find themselves discriminated against, persecuted and expelled and, to most Jews, this continuum of tragedy is largely a mystery. Yet one would expect that Jews, clever people for sure, would peer into their past, understand it and take whatever measures necessary to change their fate.

Women's history is a chain of disasters: mutilation, child marriage, rape culture, domestic violence, restriction of rights. Time after time, throughout their history, women find themselves discriminated against, persecuted, raped, abused, murdered and, to most women, this continuum of tragedy is largely a mystery. Yet one would expect that women, clever people for sure, would peer into their past, understand it and take whatever measures necessary to change their fate.
The last post offers a perfect summation of the jewish mindset.

"All the bad things that happened to us in the last 2 millenia were the fault of the damned Goy.

We are as immaculate as Elohim
The last post offers a perfect summation of the jewish mindset.

Its that like the women's mindset? As in, hey, if you don't want to get raped -- don't dress that way, don't go out in public, always have a male escort, make sure you have the protection of a man by marrying when you are six, don't fight back so you don't anger him (you know, so you only get a little raped, and not big raped), don't look at a man 'funny', actually, just don't look at a man at all, cover all of body, only talk to men you are related to....
More or less, Shusha.

You know there are sluttly women out there who have a sadistic pleasure in getting men sexually aroused.

They go around semi-naked with the only intention of provoking them and then complain when things don't go according to "plan".

But in all seriousness, this whole whorish women - Jews analogy is somewhat awkward and can only take us so far.

Clearly. Since you apparently apply victim blaming consistently.

Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

When did the invading European xtian Crusaders become native Pal'istanians?
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

No, I am saying that Zionist Jews are responsible for the victimization of the native Palestinians who had nothing to with the persecution of the Jews in Europe, or anywhere else. They are the victims of the European Zionists who travelled to Palestine with the intent to colonize the area against the will of the native people. It's very simple.
The last post offers a perfect summation of the jewish mindset.

"All the bad things that happened to us in the last 2 millenia were the fault of the damned Goy.

We are as immaculate as Elohim
Do you have any other explanation?
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".

Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".

Because Catholics wanted to be exterminated in Europe.
Now I get it.
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".


LOL. The guy doesn't get it. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Arabians are people from Arabia. Amazing the ignorance of the Israel Firsters.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian ... Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian.


Did you know these non-Arab people actually have some Arabian genes?

1. Georgia: 5 percent

2. Iran: 56 percent

3. The Luhya people of Kenya: 2 percent

4. Natives of Madagascar: 2 percent

5. The Northern Caucasus (including Dagestanis and Abkhazians): 9 percent

6. Tajikistan (Pamiri mountains): 6 percent

7. Sardinia: 3 percent

8. Southern India: 2 percent

9. Western India: 6 percent

10. Indonesia: 6 percent

11. Ethiopia: 11 percent

12. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent

DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".


LOL. The guy doesn't get it. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Arabians are people from Arabia. Amazing the ignorance of the Israel Firsters.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian ... Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian.

View attachment 117826

Did you know these non-Arab people actually have some Arabian genes?

1. Georgia: 5 percent

2. Iran: 56 percent

3. The Luhya people of Kenya: 2 percent

4. Natives of Madagascar: 2 percent

5. The Northern Caucasus (including Dagestanis and Abkhazians): 9 percent

6. Tajikistan (Pamiri mountains): 6 percent

7. Sardinia: 3 percent

8. Southern India: 2 percent

9. Western India: 6 percent

10. Indonesia: 6 percent

11. Ethiopia: 11 percent

12. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent

DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab
You really going to make us read yet another marginalized study?
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".


LOL. The guy doesn't get it. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Arabians are people from Arabia. Amazing the ignorance of the Israel Firsters.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian ... Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian.

View attachment 117826

Did you know these non-Arab people actually have some Arabian genes?

1. Georgia: 5 percent

2. Iran: 56 percent

3. The Luhya people of Kenya: 2 percent

4. Natives of Madagascar: 2 percent

5. The Northern Caucasus (including Dagestanis and Abkhazians): 9 percent

6. Tajikistan (Pamiri mountains): 6 percent

7. Sardinia: 3 percent

8. Southern India: 2 percent

9. Western India: 6 percent

10. Indonesia: 6 percent

11. Ethiopia: 11 percent

12. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent

DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab

Monte, you need to go read something other than DNA studies. You are boring me.

I mean, what exactly is your problem with the DNA studies? Why don't we just go do a big worldwide comprehensive study on the DNA of every single individual and then divy up all the world's territory based on DNA? Would that finally make you happy?
Now that's funny from the clown that claims the invading, colonizing Zionists are the victims and the expelled native Palestinians are the aggressors.

Did you read the post I was responding to? Which discussed thousands of years of JEWISH history. Are you going to blame thousands of years of Jewish history on 20th century "Zionism"? Are you going to claim that the Jewish peoples aren't victims of oppression, persecution, pogroms and the Shoah? Are you going to claim that Jews, like women, are responsible for their own victimization?

In his mind there are no Jewish People left. They all converted to Christianity or Islam the past 2000 years.
Which leaves "All the Europeans who decided to convert to Judaism" and then take over the land of the "native" converted to Christianity and Islam "Jews".

None of the Arabs are really from Arabia. They are just people who "speak Arabic".


LOL. The guy doesn't get it. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Arabians are people from Arabia. Amazing the ignorance of the Israel Firsters.

Tunisians are only 4% Arabian ... Ashkenazi Jews are 10% Arabian.

View attachment 117826

Did you know these non-Arab people actually have some Arabian genes?

1. Georgia: 5 percent

2. Iran: 56 percent

3. The Luhya people of Kenya: 2 percent

4. Natives of Madagascar: 2 percent

5. The Northern Caucasus (including Dagestanis and Abkhazians): 9 percent

6. Tajikistan (Pamiri mountains): 6 percent

7. Sardinia: 3 percent

8. Southern India: 2 percent

9. Western India: 6 percent

10. Indonesia: 6 percent

11. Ethiopia: 11 percent

12. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews who originated in Eastern Europe): 10 percent

DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab
You really going to make us read yet another marginalized study?

National Geographic, a marginalized survey?

Egyptians are not much more Arabian than Ashkenazi Jews. LOL



DNA analysis proves Arabs aren't entirely Arab
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