All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Forever Young, or anyone else who reads Hebrew (fanger does not)

Could you translate this article and tell us what is happening with some of the photos?
Especially the photo where one Israeli female soldier is adding make-up on another female soldier?

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד
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Forever Young, or anyone else who reads Hebrew (fanger does not)

Could you translate this article and tell us what is happening with some of the photos?
Especially the photo where one Israeli female soldier is adding make-up on another female soldier?

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד
I'm a Biblical Hebrew type of person. Maybe one of the Israelis can help you: Lipush or rylah. Unfortunately, Yeshivas (Hebrew day schools) don't do a very good job of teaching modern, conversational Hebrew.
Talk about fake news. Check out these makeup artists. Next time you see a report about atrocities committed against Arab children by Israel – make sure the “wounded child” is not sneaking a smile behind the mask of a bloody flesh wound.

Hamas Hollywood tactics caught on tape again!

Israeli soldiers’ ‘fake wound’ rumours debunked

Here is a comment on the page above:

Stacy Ward
Jo Ann Wescott,who says she's an activist for Palestine is using these photos on her Facebook page and accusing Israel of deceiving people.....she also says the Boston Marathon bombings and Sandy Hook were fake,even accusing Stephen Spielberg of being a part of the Boston bombings hoax.....she even said 9/11 was committed by Israel.....whenever I shared some actual fact,such as Boston bombing victim,Jeff Bauman NOT being Lt.Nick Vogt,who was injured in Afghanistan,but conspirators claim they are the same guy,all she could do was call me a Jesus freak and a bit** and then block,no loss here


In other words, do the research and judge for yourself

Since, you posted a bogus link, I would say that Stacy Ward, is a propagandist.
Talk about fake news. Check out these makeup artists. Next time you see a report about atrocities committed against Arab children by Israel – make sure the “wounded child” is not sneaking a smile behind the mask of a bloody flesh wound.

Hamas Hollywood tactics caught on tape again!

Israeli soldiers’ ‘fake wound’ rumours debunked

Here is a comment on the page above:

Stacy Ward
Jo Ann Wescott,who says she's an activist for Palestine is using these photos on her Facebook page and accusing Israel of deceiving people.....she also says the Boston Marathon bombings and Sandy Hook were fake,even accusing Stephen Spielberg of being a part of the Boston bombings hoax.....she even said 9/11 was committed by Israel.....whenever I shared some actual fact,such as Boston bombing victim,Jeff Bauman NOT being Lt.Nick Vogt,who was injured in Afghanistan,but conspirators claim they are the same guy,all she could do was call me a Jesus freak and a bit** and then block,no loss here


In other words, do the research and judge for yourself

Since, you posted a bogus link, I would say that Stacy Ward, is a propagandist.
The link only leads to a facebook page sfishermen
LOL, this was the source posted by Fanger

Israeli soldiers’ ‘fake wound’ rumours debunked

In comments there was this post from someone who said that these photos were being used on Facebook as conspiracy theories by Israel.
That is all !

The Observers is set in France (France 24), written by people who speak French, Arabic, and Persian (it should be Farsi)

My question stands.

Is The Observers about debunking fake news, or creating fake news for a certain
part of the population?
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Forever Young, or anyone else who reads Hebrew (fanger does not)

Could you translate this article and tell us what is happening with some of the photos?
Especially the photo where one Israeli female soldier is adding make-up on another female soldier?

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד
Bet Neta Elbaz (20) from Jerusalem is a trauma instructor at Training Base 10 in Tzrifin. Neta guides medics, doctors and soldiers from different units in treating trauma - every injury caused by gunfire, bruises and falls. She also uses her previous skills in makeup to decorate simulation dolls and even soldiers with dummy wounds during exercises and exams. "I love my section," she says. "There's a family atmosphere here."
Forever Young, or anyone else who reads Hebrew (fanger does not)

Could you translate this article and tell us what is happening with some of the photos?
Especially the photo where one Israeli female soldier is adding make-up on another female soldier?

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד
Bet Neta Elbaz (20) from Jerusalem is a trauma instructor at Training Base 10 in Tzrifin. Neta guides medics, doctors and soldiers from different units in treating trauma - every injury caused by gunfire, bruises and falls. She also uses her previous skills in makeup to decorate simulation dolls and even soldiers with dummy wounds during exercises and exams. "I love my section," she says. "There's a family atmosphere here."

So, the alleged "Fake wounded soldiers" is not about "Faking Israelis soldiers" during combat by putting make up on them in order to fool the media that the soldiers ARE wounded, as the article seems to say.

That was a photo from a class where Israeli Soldiers were training for combat and
THEREFORE, as with any other army in the world, they were using simulation in order to look more real for the training class.

So, Fanger, how much of the other photos are about Israel "faking wounded soldiers"
in combat.

This is what your link says:

"A set of photos, below, has been spreading all over social media in the past week. Sometimes, the photos are reposted individually. However, they all send the same message: Israel is supposedly deceiving the world into thinking their soldiers are getting wounded in Gaza by using special effects makeup."

Thank you Fanger for making it clear that there was no truth to the allegations made in The Observers.

Thanks for making my point, how do you know the Makeup artist's in Gaza were not also being used to train first aiders or Doctors?
Thanks for making my point, how do you know the Makeup artist's in Gaza were not also being used to train first aiders or Doctors?

How do you know that the two female soldiers were in Gaza?
Were there any female soldiers stationed around the Gaza area?

Here is my friend's translation (She knows Hebrew) of what was going on with that photo ( I am not posting the whole article which was on that link unless you ask for it) of one soldier applying make up on another female soldier:

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד

Neta Elbaz. She is trained to work with the handicapped.
She is 20 years old and is from Jerusalem.
She is trained as a trauma instructor.
In that way she guides medical issues regarding gunfire bruises and falls.
She has prior training in makeup that comes handy to use it in dolls for demonstration.
She can also demonstrate those wounds in the students themselves with make up.
She leads the students in exercises as well as exams.
She loves her job and the family atmosphere that she encounters.>>

Thanks for making my point, how do you know the Makeup artist's in Gaza were not also being used to train first aiders or Doctors?

The link you gave states that the photo was before the 2014 Gaza war. In 2012 actually:

This photo indeed shows Israeli soldiers. However, it was taken from an article published back in August 2012 - long before the current outbreak of fighting. The article was about women’s roles in the Israeli military. The photo shows an instructor who teaches a course for trauma medics. This photo was retweeted several thousand times.

Israeli soldiers’ ‘fake wound’ rumours debunked

What you are alleging, still, is that they were training doctors and medics to put make up on soldiers during the war of 2014, or any other war, in order for it to look as if there were Israeli soldiers who got wounded, and the allegation the article and you are pushing is that "There were no Israeli soldiers wounded, or killed during the Gaza war, it was all fake".

Two things debunk your allegations:

1) The date of that photo

2) The total lack of proof from Gazans or any other international reporters who were there on the scene in Gaza while the war took place.
My My, As well as being too dumb to know how to use Google translate, you also miss the point, were the makeup artists part of a training exercise or do you have any proof the Gazans used the photo's for propaganda?
Read the comments, they were making a Film!
Thanks for making my point, how do you know the Makeup artist's in Gaza were not also being used to train first aiders or Doctors?

How do you know that the two female soldiers were in Gaza?
Were there any female soldiers stationed around the Gaza area?

Here is my friend's translation (She knows Hebrew) of what was going on with that photo ( I am not posting the whole article which was on that link unless you ask for it) of one soldier applying make up on another female soldier:

חיילות צה"ל מספרות על התפקיד

Neta Elbaz. She is trained to work with the handicapped.
She is 20 years old and is from Jerusalem.
She is trained as a trauma instructor.
In that way she guides medical issues regarding gunfire bruises and falls.
She has prior training in makeup that comes handy to use it in dolls for demonstration.
She can also demonstrate those wounds in the students themselves with make up.
She leads the students in exercises as well as exams.
She loves her job and the family atmosphere that she encounters.>>

Bet Neta Elbaz (20) from Jerusalem is a trauma instructor at Training Base 10 in Tzrifin. Neta guides medics, doctors and soldiers from different units in treating trauma - every injury caused by gunfire, bruises and falls. She also uses her previous skills in makeup to decorate simulation dolls and even soldiers with dummy wounds during exercises and exams. "I love my section," she says. "There's a family atmosphere here."
My My, As well as being too dumb to know how to use Google translate, you also miss the point, were the makeup artists part of a training exercise or do you have any proof the Gazans used the photo's for propaganda?
Read the comments, they were making a Film!

My My, As well as being too dumb to know how to use Google translate, you also miss the point, were the makeup artists part of a training exercise or do you have any proof the Gazans used the photo's for propaganda?
Read the comments, they were making a Film!

I shall be as dumb as you like. At your service :)
Why don't you teach me to use Google translate :)

You are talking about a different thing now.

That is not what I was talking about before, about the two Israeli soldiers in the photo.
Their photo is in the Israeli article with the link provided in The Observers.
And your issue, and the article, was about Israeli soldiers "faking being injured during the war in Gaza" in 2014.

You found the video on an Israeli site. On Facebook.אזרחים-נגד-מציאות-הטרור-1647164985540524/videos/

The video clearly shows the Palestinians in Gaza either doing a trauma training or something else.

But here is what I found when I clicked on comments (below the video) which tells the story of what the video is really about:

"The latest fraud by residents of Gaza" (Is the title)

- Palliwood,fake injuries,fake deaths,fake culture,fake history,and a fake people.Fifty years of bullshit from bullshitters and the western world media is still feeling up on Arab bullshit.
(is one of the comments) (use your google translate for the other comments)

Now, who do you think was making a movie?
The Israelis? To fake Israelis being wounded?

(I am still dumb as to what you are attempting to do.)
PS: Not really.
In a future conflict with the Jewish state, Hezbollah has the capacity to fire 1,500 rockets into Israel each day, overwhelming Israel’s missile defense systems.

World Shrugs as Hezbollah Prepares for Mass Murder of Israelis
simple answer don't invade Lebanon again or you will get a bloody nose, again


Hooray for Islamic terrorist cowards and those like you flailing your Pom Poms. You may have noticed that since the beat-down Israel delivered to Nasrallah and the rest of his Iranian stooges, he has been in hiding, not wanting to step outside and have his turban ventilated.
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