All You Americans are Fired


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama opening more flood gates


The H-2 guest worker program, which brought in 150,000 legal foreign workers last year, isn’t supposed to deprive any American of a job. But many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to deny jobs to U.S. workers so they can hire foreigners instead. A BuzzFeed News investigation.

MOULTRIE, Georgia — “All you black American people, fuck you all…just go to the office and pick up your check,” the supervisor at Hamilton Growers told workers during a mass layoff in June 2009.

The following season, according to a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, about 80 workers, many of them black, were simply told: “All you Americans are fired.”

"All You Americans Are Fired"
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further

All You Americans are Fired

Dat's what the Chinaman said dat owned the dry cleanery...

... where Uncle Ferd used to wring farts outta shirt-tails.

Another example of a foreigner costin' Americans jobs.
I know, he is just continuing the family legacy of globalization and corporatism.
With that act, we got the Jordan Commission who is partly responsible for those refugee benefits everyone is always bitching about.
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

If you take off the blinders, you'll find one. However, your perpetual denial prevents any logic reaching you and is further clouded by dedicated loyalty to Obama

But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

If you take off the blinders, you'll find one. However, your perpetual denial prevents any logic reaching you and is further clouded by dedicated loyalty to Obama

H-2 visas are for seasonal and temporary work. I believe the cap is actually around 30 or 40K...
The 150K jobs is part of Bushs plan..
The article is inaccurate..
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
This is only extending already in place legislation. In the original legislation, it was made to where it gets adjusted frequently..
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
This is only extending already in place legislation. In the original legislation, it was made to where it gets adjusted frequently..

Ok- Obama felt the need to almost triple it. Nice.....

But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
This is only extending already in place legislation. In the original legislation, it was made to where it gets adjusted frequently..

Ok- Obama felt the need to almost triple it. Nice.....

Probably because of Bushs Jordan Commission. IDK it is but it probably is.. lol
Im just saying, this is actually a time to blame a Bush lol
But.. Jeb is a failure an of no consequence or merit.

Obama is opening the flood gates further


Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
This is only extending already in place legislation. In the original legislation, it was made to where it gets adjusted frequently..

Ok- Obama felt the need to almost triple it. Nice.....

Probably because of Bushs Jordan Commission. IDK it is but it probably is.. lol
Im just saying, this is actually a time to blame a Bush lol

Hang on a minute TNHarley, I was admonished yesterday by a couple lefties, (g5000 and dana) for providing a link that was 4 years old. The data was not current enough so therefore they have established a virtual 'statue of limitations' on critical key data points.

In Summary'

My link = 4 years old
Your Bush excuse= ~8 years old

So no more Boooosh excuses allowed,

Do you have a link that Obama open the flood gates?

Sure... Here you are



Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions.

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.
“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas
This is only extending already in place legislation. In the original legislation, it was made to where it gets adjusted frequently..

Ok- Obama felt the need to almost triple it. Nice.....

Probably because of Bushs Jordan Commission. IDK it is but it probably is.. lol
Im just saying, this is actually a time to blame a Bush lol

Hang on a minute TNHarley, I was admonished yesterday by a couple lefties, (g5000 and dana) for providing a link that was 4 years old. The data was not current enough so therefore they have established a virtual 'statue of limitations' on critical key data points.

In Summary'

My link = 4 years old
Your Bush excuse= ~8 years old

So no more Boooosh excuses allowed,

History is the most vital reference one can pursue.
My excuse is actually 25 years old LOL
Thanks Bush!
Immigration Act of 1990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hell, all three of them really. Bush JR wanted it and ol Jebby has voiced support for more as well.

That is what happens when you bow down to the far left..

It was first introduced by Ted Kennedy in 1989.
Meh. Reagan liked him some immigrants too..
But yes, it was.

also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act

Romano L. Mazzoli was a Democratic representative from Kentucky and Alan K. Simpson was a Republican senator from Wyoming who chaired their respective immigration subcommittees in Congress. Their effort was assisted by the recommendations of the bipartisan Commission on Immigration Reform, chaired by Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, then President of the University of Notre Dame.


Regulations promulgated under the Act introduced the I-9 form to ensure that all employees presented documentary proof of their legal eligibility to accept employment in the United States.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That this is done in plain violation of the law and NO ONE TRIES TO STOP IT, is one huge reason that so many Americans are sick to death of the current Political Class and how it is running this country into the ground.

"All You Americans Are Fired"

Yet a BuzzFeed News investigation, based on Labor Department records, court filings, more than 100 interviews, inspector general reports, and analyses of state and federal data, has found that many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to skirt the law, deliberately denying jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.

A previous BuzzFeed News report found that many of those foreign workers suffer a nightmare of abuse, deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, sexually assaulted, or threatened with deportation if they dare complain.

At the same time, companies across the country in a variety of industries have made it all but impossible for U.S. workers to learn about job openings that they are supposed to be given first crack at. When workers do find out, they are discouraged from applying. And if, against all odds, Americans actually get hired, they often are treated worse and paid less than foreign workers doing the same job, in order to drive the Americans to quit. Sometimes, as the government alleged happened at Hamilton Growers, employers comply with regulations by hiring Americans only to fire them en masse and hand over the work to foreign workers with H-2 visas....

What’s more, companies often do this with the complicity of government officials, records show. State and federal authorities have allowed companies to violate the spirit — and often the letter — of the law with bogus recruitment efforts that are clearly designed to keep Americans off the payroll. And when regulators are alerted to potential problems, the response is often ineffectual.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Labor, which is charged with protecting workers and vetting employers seeking visas, said in a statement: “We acknowledge that the laws that authorize these programs are inadequate.” But the department also said that despite limited resources, it “actively pursues measures to strengthen protections for foreign and U.S. workers.”

The H-2 visa was created to address shortages in the American workforce. Although labor is indeed tight in some areas — such as North Dakota, where an oil boom has driven unemployment below 3%there is little evidence of labor shortages in many industries that use the visas. In some cases, there is even a glut of available workers.

Landscaping companies, for example, were approved for more than 30,000 H-2 visas in the 2014 fiscal year. Yet Daniel Costa, a researcher at the Economic Policy Institute, which receives some funding from unions, found that over the same period, unemployment in landscaping was more than twice as high as the national average.

“The problem with the system is that the H-2 workers who are coming in are not tied to actual, demonstrated labor shortages,” Costa said.

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