All You Pro Wilson People...

I see. So Joe thinks the GJ are all racists...and lied..and covered up for the white cop.
He defended himself. It's a matter of whether you look at doing that as killing or protecting your own life.

He had a SUV, a baton, a taser and a gun. And he's a trained LEO.

And apparently he couldn't defend himself without spraying the street with bullets.

First of all, he did not have a taser.

Second of all, using mace when you are inside an SUV is guaranteed to incapacitate you. Whether it does the same for the guy leaning in the window is not guaranteed.

Third of all, that you think he could use a baton from inside the SUV, against an attacker leaning in the window, shows your own ignorance.

Lastly, the residue in the wound on Brown's thumb shows it was at or on the gun when it went off. Consistent with the officers story.

Yeah, apparently he had a taser available and didn't take it becuase it was "too heavy".

No one suggested using mace, but that would have been an option.

Again, guy, no one was talking about what went on IN the SUV. If one of the two shots fired inside the SUV had killed Brown, no question

It was after Brown was running away, Wilson was out of the car, had chased him a ways firing over his head, and then decided he needed to put six more slugs in him at a distance.
He defended himself. It's a matter of whether you look at doing that as killing or protecting your own life.

He had a SUV, a baton, a taser and a gun. And he's a trained LEO.

And apparently he couldn't defend himself without spraying the street with bullets.

First of all, he did not have a taser.

Second of all, using mace when you are inside an SUV is guaranteed to incapacitate you. Whether it does the same for the guy leaning in the window is not guaranteed.

Third of all, that you think he could use a baton from inside the SUV, against an attacker leaning in the window, shows your own ignorance.

Lastly, the residue in the wound on Brown's thumb shows it was at or on the gun when it went off. Consistent with the officers story.

Yeah, apparently he had a taser available and didn't take it becuase it was "too heavy".

No one suggested using mace, but that would have been an option.

Again, guy, no one was talking about what went on IN the SUV. If one of the two shots fired inside the SUV had killed Brown, no question

It was after Brown was running away, Wilson was out of the car, had chased him a ways firing over his head, and then decided he needed to put six more slugs in him at a distance.
Thats not what the autopsy said. But I guess they lied too, eh?
I see. So Joe thinks the GJ are all racists...and lied..and covered up for the white cop.

I think that it was a tainted procedure..

Ferguson grand jury announcement Prosecutor Robert McCulloch influenced the proceedings.

So McCulloch did something sneaky. He decided to foist the responsibility for an inevitably unpopular decision onto the members of the grand jury. By letting themmake the ultimate decision, McCulloch hoped that he would be absolved of the responsibility for either prosecuting a cop or freeing a man many saw as a murderer.

But in order to do this, McCullough first needed to sell the notion that the grand jury was an independent body. And while there is some historical basis for this claim, in modern America, the grand jury is by no means independent. Rather, it is completely controlled by and ultimately loyal to the prosecutors who submit cases to it. This reality is sufficiently well-known that McCulloch realized that merely claiming that the grand jury would be independent wouldn’t turn the trick. His solution: pledging to change the very nature of how the grand jury works by fundamentally altering its mechanics. McCullough set out to show that in the Wilson case the grand jury was indeed an independent bodyand that McCulloch was, rather than its overseer, merely its mouthpiece. Rather than frame the case and present carefully curated evidence designed to obtain the result the prosecution sought, McCulloch insisted that the grand jury presentation in the Wilson case would be “open.” That is, the prosecutors would present all the evidence, for every side, and would take no stand, nor play any role in the evaluation of that evidence.
I was just being sarcastic. I have no intention of discussing this with you because you are brainwashed. Oh. Wait. Until some thug..any color..decides to KILL YOU or hurt you really bad, and you call a cop for help. Hope one comes.
I was just being sarcastic. I have no intention of discussing this with you because you are brainwashed. Oh. Wait. Until some thug..any color..decides to KILL YOU or hurt you really bad, and you call a cop for help. Hope one comes.

So do I.

I would also hope that he wasn't too busy shooting a child for jaywalking or stealing cigars.

I would also hope that when cops throw a grenade into a playpen with a toddler in it, that they will be held accountable.

No charges for officers in botched drug raid that disfigured toddler
I wont be. I live in a state that allows me to carry my .45

Any hooligans wanting "justice" for Gentle Giant who bring that nonsense to me...will join him

Keyboard tough guys are so impressive.
It's no BS in my case. I've got a lot of ammo. And if any of those subhuman rioters try to break into my home, business or vehicles I will not hesitate to use it. And I guarantee I won't spend a day in jail no matter how many of those monkeys get injured or killed.

The intelligent people are sick of those lowlife scumbags.
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he killed a criminal protecting himself. Police do that.

If he can't handle an unarmed kid, he shouldn't be a cop.

And he won't be much longer.

The "kid" attacked him and was much larger than him. The cop was supposed to let him beat on him while he read him his rights?? Brown has used his size to commit robbery earlier in the evening. This was no angel. And since Brown blood spatter was found on the INSIDE door handle of the SUV, it is obvious that he was leaning in the window.
And your evidence that they are racist?? Oh, I guess since they didn't vote the way your ignorant ass demands that they vote, the only answer is that they are racist???

YOu know, usually they don't bring the SUSPECT in to testify, and on the rare occassions when they do, they actually BOTHER to cross examine him.

Take some time to read Wilson's testimony. seriously, they stopped just short of giving him cookies and milk and asking, "Did the scary negro frighten booby?"

Once they saw the tape from the convenience store showing Brown to be a thug, and found the blood on the inside door handle, it didn't take much to realize the officer was telling the truth. They also have testimony from other witnesses verifying the cop's story.
He defended himself. It's a matter of whether you look at doing that as killing or protecting your own life.

He had a SUV, a baton, a taser and a gun. And he's a trained LEO.

And apparently he couldn't defend himself without spraying the street with bullets.

First of all, he did not have a taser.

Second of all, using mace when you are inside an SUV is guaranteed to incapacitate you. Whether it does the same for the guy leaning in the window is not guaranteed.

Third of all, that you think he could use a baton from inside the SUV, against an attacker leaning in the window, shows your own ignorance.

Lastly, the residue in the wound on Brown's thumb shows it was at or on the gun when it went off. Consistent with the officers story.

Yeah, apparently he had a taser available and didn't take it becuase it was "too heavy".

No one suggested using mace, but that would have been an option.

An option? Mace? In a confined space?

You really are an idiot.
He defended himself. It's a matter of whether you look at doing that as killing or protecting your own life.

He had a SUV, a baton, a taser and a gun. And he's a trained LEO.

And apparently he couldn't defend himself without spraying the street with bullets.

First of all, he did not have a taser.

Second of all, using mace when you are inside an SUV is guaranteed to incapacitate you. Whether it does the same for the guy leaning in the window is not guaranteed.

Third of all, that you think he could use a baton from inside the SUV, against an attacker leaning in the window, shows your own ignorance.

Lastly, the residue in the wound on Brown's thumb shows it was at or on the gun when it went off. Consistent with the officers story.

Yeah, apparently he had a taser available and didn't take it becuase it was "too heavy".

No one suggested using mace, but that would have been an option.

Again, guy, no one was talking about what went on IN the SUV. If one of the two shots fired inside the SUV had killed Brown, no question

It was after Brown was running away, Wilson was out of the car, had chased him a ways firing over his head, and then decided he needed to put six more slugs in him at a distance.

The autopsy results said otherwise. I guess medical experts don't know as much as biased witnesses.
Thats not what the autopsy said. But I guess they lied too, eh?
It was after Brown was running away, Wilson was out of the car, had chased him a ways firing over his head, and then decided he needed to put six more slugs in him at a distance.

That's not what the medical experts doing the autopsy said. Guess the medical experts aren't good enough for you but biased witnesses are.
Seems you don't take into account the specifics of how thug Brown put him in a bad situation.

Not at all. At the point where Brown was running away, there was no longer a physical danger, and he decided to shoot at the guy anyway.

Since the medical experts said the bullets entered from the front and his hands weren't up, it means your claims are not valid. You don't have to agree with me but if you want to argue with medical forensics experts, that makes you an idiot. Guess you think they lied?

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