Alt Right is complete fiction

This is total Cinton Campaign, liberal media, racist bullshit. If you are so goddamn dumb as to belive in an "alt right" movement you need to be a sheep in an Orwell novel. Dumbassed motherfuckers. Just unbelievable.

They sem to exit in Alt Reality.

Dumbfucks.. true dumbfuck sheeple.
The Alt-Right is a concept, not an organization. It's all the wingnuts out there that are pretty much living in a world of paranoid delusions, conspiracy theories and who seem to believe that being mean is the solution to everything. Trump largely represents this segment of society.

But another concept that is circulating on the internet is the 'regressive left'. This is all the liberals that buy into any politically correct nonsense that anyone proposes.

For example: the BlackLivesMatter movement seems to take that position that anytime police use force against a black person, the police are wrong. Effectively creating an environment that black people are allowed to commit any crime without fear of police force being used against them. While most of us believe that their are instances that police use unjustifiable and excessive force (not only against blacks, but against anybody that pisses them off), most of us realize that in the VAST MAJORITY of the cases that police use force, the police are JUSTIFIED. Unfortunately, Clinton caters way to much to the 'regressive-left'.

Both the alt-right and the regressive left are idiots, and they are a minority in our society, but they get an inordinate amount of news coverage and control the political dialogue simply because of the sensationalism of their idiotic views.

We need more attention paid to the 'sane middle'.

Funny. No one ever heard of the Alt Right until leftist fuckwits started yammering on about it.
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL

You know them intimately as the folks from Stormfront. They're the guys next to you in the Swastika armband and the white hoods.

They're your brothers.

Bobby Byrd and his fellow Dem slave owners are not my brothers
The Alt-Right is a concept, not an organization. It's all the wingnuts out there that are pretty much living in a world of paranoid delusions, conspiracy theories and who seem to believe that being mean is the solution to everything. Trump largely represents this segment of society.

But another concept that is circulating on the internet is the 'regressive left'. This is all the liberals that buy into any politically correct nonsense that anyone proposes.

For example: the BlackLivesMatter movement seems to take that position that anytime police use force against a black person, the police are wrong. Effectively creating an environment that black people are allowed to commit any crime without fear of police force being used against them. While most of us believe that their are instances that police use unjustifiable and excessive force (not only against blacks, but against anybody that pisses them off), most of us realize that in the VAST MAJORITY of the cases that police use force, the police are JUSTIFIED. Unfortunately, Clinton caters way to much to the 'regressive-left'.

Both the alt-right and the regressive left are idiots, and they are a minority in our society, but they get an inordinate amount of news coverage and control the political dialogue simply because of the sensationalism of their idiotic views.

We need more attention paid to the 'sane middle'.

Funny. No one ever heard of the Alt Right until leftist fuckwits started yammering on about it.

No, YOU never heard of the 'Alt-Right' until leftists fuckwits started yammering about it. I was told about it and the 'regressive left' by my son a few weeks ago.

In fact there's a whole bunch of young people on the internet that are fed up with both the wing-nuts and the fringe left and are having a crusade to discredit both.

These are the 'leftist fuckwits' that your referring to. I call them the 'Sane Middle'.
Saw a guy making Nazi salute so just beat the shit out of him, his wife and his kid. Turns out he was just hailing a cab. Oops!
Saw a guy making Nazi salute so just beat the shit out of him, his wife and his kid. Turns out he was just hailing a cab. Oops!

Did you call 911? Did you try to assist? Are you now a witness in the upcoming assault trail?

Or are you a lying bag of shit that saw no such thing and are making it up entirely?
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL


Are you still claiming they don't exist?

What a unanimous Southern Baptist condemnation of the alt-right says about evangelicals in America

Well why don't you argue with Southern Baptists. They live among the alt right every day.

81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Now one of their biggest blocs has just condemned the alt-right.

today in Phoenix, representatives of the second-largest religious group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — after two fraught days of internal debate — seemingly unanimously passed a fraught resolution condemning the alt-right and “all forms of racism.”

tensions that transcend the fact of the resolution itself — tell a far more complicated story about age, race, and the changing face of religious leadership in evangelical America.

“there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing … toxic menace, self-identified among some of its chief proponents as ‘white nationalism’ and the ‘alt-right,’ must be opposed for the totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.”

Well the beliefs of the alt-right are complete fiction anyway. Their brains are made of real meat, it's just the thoughts in them that are an ugly fantasy.
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL


Are you still claiming they don't exist?

What a unanimous Southern Baptist condemnation of the alt-right says about evangelicals in America

Well why don't you argue with Southern Baptists. They live among the alt right every day.

81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Now one of their biggest blocs has just condemned the alt-right.

today in Phoenix, representatives of the second-largest religious group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — after two fraught days of internal debate — seemingly unanimously passed a fraught resolution condemning the alt-right and “all forms of racism.”

tensions that transcend the fact of the resolution itself — tell a far more complicated story about age, race, and the changing face of religious leadership in evangelical America.

“there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing … toxic menace, self-identified among some of its chief proponents as ‘white nationalism’ and the ‘alt-right,’ must be opposed for the totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.”

It's a fictional group Hillary Clinton invented on 8/25/16
Why is it no one can find a single mention of Alt Right on USMB prior to 8/25/16, the day Hillary gave the orders to say "Alt Right!" to her mindless minions?
Well the beliefs of the alt-right are complete fiction anyway. Their brains are made of real meat, it's just the thoughts in them that are an ugly fantasy.
I would love to see you attempt to debate any white person who is not politically correct on race.

"Islamophobia" is "ugly fiction".

"White privilege" is "ugly fiction".
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL


Are you still claiming they don't exist?

What a unanimous Southern Baptist condemnation of the alt-right says about evangelicals in America

Well why don't you argue with Southern Baptists. They live among the alt right every day.

81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Now one of their biggest blocs has just condemned the alt-right.

today in Phoenix, representatives of the second-largest religious group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — after two fraught days of internal debate — seemingly unanimously passed a fraught resolution condemning the alt-right and “all forms of racism.”

tensions that transcend the fact of the resolution itself — tell a far more complicated story about age, race, and the changing face of religious leadership in evangelical America.

“there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing … toxic menace, self-identified among some of its chief proponents as ‘white nationalism’ and the ‘alt-right,’ must be opposed for the totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.”
Christians have totally surrendered to anti-white racism and have violated the Gospel in doing so.
both of you girls are too stupid to understand ..

The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the politics of the United States

right on the money. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

At least on The Right there are many alternatives. Not so on the Left. It's Monolithic.
All part of the Democrat radicalization process. They spew rhetoric and terms like 'Alt Right' and 'The Resistance' to radicalize and incite their supporters. There are Thousands & Thousands of radicalized Democrats out there. Just like the one who just tried to kill as many Republicans as he could. The Democrats declared Jihad against Trump on Election Day. Violence is inevitable. The only question now is, how do we hold Democrats accountable for their incitement?
All part of the Democrat radicalization process. They spew rhetoric and terms like 'Alt Right' and 'The Resistance' to radicalize and incite their supporters.

Or to define the new republican party. Tell me, who had more people attend their inauguration? Trump or Obama? Let's see if you answer like the alt-right
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL

It was "Invented" by Far Right, Richard Spencer.

White supremacist[6][7][8][9][10] Richard Spencer appropriated the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused by some media publications of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[11][12][13][14][15] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[16]

Alt-right - Wikipedia

At least on The Right there are many alternatives. Not so on the Left. It's Monolithic.

Alt-right as in alternative facts
Or in your case

  • Alternative Reality
  • Alternative Interpretations not rooted in reality
  • Alternative Conspiracies based in NO FACTS, and emanating from illogical hysteria.
  • ALTERNATIVE DEFINITIONS that are detached from Logic.
  • Alternative Lifestyles.

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