America Needs to Provide More Weapon Systems To Ukraine!

Why keep this war going? The best solution would be a peace agreement.
Problem is Blaster i think that train left the station a while ago, at least for the time being, and the Dictator Zelenky has said many times he won't negotiate with Russia, if i was Russia i wouldn't be interested in talking to that puppet anyway, i think it will be settled on the Battlefield.
... i think that train left the station a while ago, ..... if i was Russia i wouldn't be interested in talking to that puppet anyway ...
If I'm not mistaken that was Putin's last word on the issue. Zoolinsky's term of office is now finished but he abolished any Democratic elections so Putin said, "I don't negociate with Fascist" or words to that effect.
If I'm not mistaken that was Putin's last word on the issue. Zoolinsky's term of office is now finished but he abolished any Democratic elections so Putin said, "I don't negociate with Fascist" or words to that effect.
Indeed, that is why i call Zelensky the dictator, in reality there has been no real election since 2010 in Ukraine, the Regime after 2014 was illegitimate because it came to power through a coup.
Indeed, that is why i call Zelensky the dictator ...
Yes, he is a dictator in the same way as the Shah of Iran, that is to say, a dictator puppet from the CIA.
in reality there has been no real election since 2010 in Ukraine, the Regime after 2014 was illegitimate because it came to power through a coup.
True. I didn't mention it because I didn't know if you realized it or not and I didn't want to get entangled in a sideline disagreement.
Yes, he is a dictator in the same way as the Shah of Iran, that is to say, a dictator puppet from the CIA.

True. I didn't mention it because I didn't know if you realized it or not and I didn't want to get entangled in a sideline disagreement.
According to some clowns there was no coup in 2014, well there sure as hell was no election to remove the Government.
Please don't tell me the name of it otherwise there'll be a risk that I'll have a look at it. :auiqs.jpg:
The bad news is there is more than one, i have been thrown off several because they just won't tolerate debate of any alternative view, i must say this forum is the best i have been on with no Gestapo moderation.
The bad news is there is more than one, i have been thrown off several because they just won't tolerate debate of any alternative view ...
I hear ya' because I've also been there.
i must say this forum is the best i have been on with no Gestapo moderation.
I completely agree. But the worst one is probably the one where all I did was say that I admire Putin's intelligence. That's all I said! I promise that was all I said! The response I got was so outrageous that I screen-shot it and saved it. I removed my name and the name of the forum (just to show you) but here it is from 2023:


Can you believe that?!
I hear ya' because I've also been there.

I completely agree. But the worst one is probably the one where all I did was say that I admire Putin's intelligence. That's all I said! I promise that was all I said! The response I got was so outrageous that I screen-shot it and saved it. I removed my name and the name of the forum (just to show you) but here it is from 2023:

View attachment 951493
Can you believe that?!
I can't play that link, but i believe you, one forum i was on there was a small group who tried to intimidate new members they didn't like, well i told them you have come to the wrong guy if you think you can intimidate me, i chose to destroy them with facts, it was quite funny watching them go off the deep end like hysterical Schoolgirls.
I can't play that link, but i believe you,
It's not a link. It is a copy of the notice I got from the forum informing me that I was banned ..... and the reason for the ban.

one forum i was on there was a small group who tried to intimidate new members they didn't like, well i told them you have come to the wrong guy if you think you can intimidate me, i chose to destroy them with facts, it was quite funny watching them go off the deep end like hysterical Schoolgirls.
I don't put that much effort into it. If a member is a real asshole I put him/her on "ignore". If the forum is shitty I either unregister or taunt them into banning me. And as far as "school girls" there are a few of those here but the majority I have on "ignore".

USMB is the best forum I have ever been on.
At what point is enough, enough? Ukraine has been its own sovereign state for what, 30 years? Why didn’t they prepare to defend themselves?

It is NOT our job to protect the entire world from Russia, China, Iran, etc…
At what point is enough, enough? Ukraine has been its own sovereign state for what, 30 years? Why didn’t they prepare to defend themselves?
I'm going to take that question on face value. I suggest the reason why Ukraine didn't prepare for war is because Russia didn't threaten them with war and neither did NATO. It's only since the United Snakes and the CIA have begun stirring the pot :stir: that unrest began fomenting. Ukraine has been dupped by the US into playing minion for the American Military-Industrial Complex. Ukraine was always a deeply corrupt country but they didn't make a nuisance of themselves until the US decided they needed another war in Europe.
I'm going to take that question on face value. I suggest the reason why Ukraine didn't prepare for war is because Russia didn't threaten them with war and neither did NATO
Then they are fools and victims who didn’t deserve any of the support they have been provided.

I’m not directly threatened by anyone either, but I spend my personal time and money every single week preparing myself in case the worst case scenario occurs. That is the mentality I believe every individual and country should take at all times.
Then they are fools and victims who didn’t deserve any of the support they have been provided.

I’m not directly threatened by anyone either, but I spend my personal time and money every single week preparing myself in case the worst case scenario occurs. That is the mentality I believe every individual and country should take at all times.
My philosophy is, if the bomb is on the way I can't stop it so just make it quick.
My philosophy is, if the bomb is on the way I can't stop it so just make it quick
I’m guessing you consider a nuke the “worst case scenario”. I don’t. As you said, both we can do about that.

For me the worst case scenario is being mugged/robbed in a public place or having my home broken into.
I’m guessing you consider a nuke the “worst case scenario”.
For me the worst case scenario is being mugged/robbed in a public place or having my home broken into.
I was broken into once in the US but I ran him off. There was one time four guys tried to mug me in Sri Lanka but I took my money back and fought them off. I've been shot at in Vietnam, come under rocket attack in Beirut, mortar attack in Rhodesia, and had a small mob throw stones at me in Iran. Possessions don't mean very much to me even though I do defend my property (by reflex) when the necessity comes up. Possessions can be replaced. The lives of my family cannot. I grieve if they die and I grieve if I die and can no longer take care of them.
Zelenky has said many times he won't negotiate with Russia

And unless the talks involved their pulling back to the borders set in the 1997 Russian-Ukrainian Friendship treaty, there is really nothing to talk about. Oh, and add in a UN peacekeeping force in a DMZ to prevent any more incursions from either side.

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