American First


Teach them that were it not for the mental instability of a Japanese Emperor, none of it would have happened to begin with....

Actually, militarists had taken over the Japanese government in the 1930s.
And you knew they were all flag waving Americans, right? And which ones were not? Do your students know this:

— Richard Kotoshirodo, a Japanese American and John Mikami, who was Japanese, gathered extensive amounts of information while they were spying that was very helpful to the Japanese forces that attacked Pearl Harbor. Japanese-Americans (Yoshio and Irene Harada) aided a Japanese pilot who landed at Niihau island, Hawaii after being shot down while attacking Pearl Harbor.

Cables decoded from the Japanese in May 1941 said in part,
"We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials…”
^ Note that the Japanese did not make the distinction you keep trying to justify between Japanese and American Japanese.

Also note that the Japanese attacked us in 1941. And yet, detainment didn't begin until 9 months later. I wonder if spying for Japanese by Japanese in America was a factor...

It was in a time when the safety of American citizens trumped political correctness. We were protecting our own from Japanese who, were killing us. <You keep overlooking that in your quest to demonize a president that didn't ask for this and whose loyalty was to us and not Japan. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Be mad at your Emperor, not our President. Your mad man was directly responsible for the mistrust of Japanese by the citizens of this country. Until him, we lived in harmony with our Japanese Americans.

No Japanese Americans wore tags declaring which side they were on. It was the prudent move to detain them considering Japanese contacts had already been established in our country.

I'll let you have the last word. I've wasted enough time...
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No Japanese Americans wore tags declaring which side they were on. .......

Are you? Have all your shit disposed of by tomorrow morning. The soldiers will be there at 6:00 to throw your ass on a train to the middle of nowhere.
Because roosevelt was a racist, greedy, un-American son of a bitch.

But far from alone

Consider the McCarthy era detainees

Fast foward to the post 9/11 islamophobic hysteria ,along with all the racial profiling and detentions

And please do teach the Patriot Act allows for history to repeat it all

good luck

So sick and tired of the bashing America bullshit. We liberated the world. We stopped the annihilation of a race of people. Teach your students the difference between a detention camp and a concentration camp. Show them the children playing in one camp, and children being gassed in the other.
Teach them how many Americans died because the Japanese thought was a good idea to attack us out of nowhere. Killing Americans was a Japanese mantra. Teach them that. The Japanese were so dead set on killing Americans that it took 2 devastating bombs to make them stop. Teach them that.
Stop with the blame America for everything agenda and tell those kids what the Japanese did to warrant our actions.

Teach them about Mrs. Sullivan. Tell them she sank to the ground after asking which of her 5 sons was dead, and the chaplain told her, "All of them." And that one waited his turn to be eaten alive by sharks. How many Japanese did we kill in those detention camps?
Stick your, poor poor Japanese, bad bad Americans up your ass. If you were my children's teacher, you wouldn't be for long...
Maybe the pop-educated generation is confused about the difference between engaging in a World War and the principles of Constitutional law. You don't get to arrest American citizens and place them in concentration camps without due process just because you question their loyalties. #9066 was such a faulty executive order that you have to question FDR's mental stability in 1942.

Pop educated generation? My father was in that war. He came home. Others did not. I was educated BY those vets. I was taught, Flander's Field. Now our children are being taught about how incentive America was to the Japanese. Please...

Speaking of education, engaging in a world war, trumps the principles of Constitutional Law. Laws can be set aside in times of war. You do get to do exactly what is necessary to insure the safety of our country. They were detained because of possible ties to Japan and the fear was they would aid the enemy. It was the neighbors of those Japanese that were fearful. Were their fears justified? We will never know, because that option to aid the enemy or be the enemy was removed for the duration.
FDR was a man whose country was thrown into war BY THE Japanese. As the leader of that country, he did what he felt was the best was to protect Americans. Because the Japanese were killing us.

Teach them that were it not for the mental instability of a Japanese Emperor, none of it would have happened to begin with.
How we treated the Japanese:

How the Japanese treated Americans:
FDR appointed General MacArthur to be the front line commander for the area most likely to be attacked by the Japanese. MacArthur lost his entire Army within four months of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and abandoned his Troops on Bataan and Corrigador. The question is whether history impaired Americans want to blame innocent Japanese American storekeepers in California or blame MacArthur for the Battan Death March.
So sick and tired of the bashing America bullshit. We liberated the world. We stopped the annihilation of a race of people. Teach your students the difference between a detention camp and a concentration camp. Show them the children playing in one camp, and children being gassed in the other.
Teach them how many Americans died because the Japanese thought was a good idea to attack us out of nowhere. Killing Americans was a Japanese mantra. Teach them that. The Japanese were so dead set on killing Americans that it took 2 devastating bombs to make them stop. Teach them that.
Stop with the blame America for everything agenda and tell those kids what the Japanese did to warrant our actions.

Teach them about Mrs. Sullivan. Tell them she sank to the ground after asking which of her 5 sons was dead, and the chaplain told her, "All of them." And that one waited his turn to be eaten alive by sharks. How many Japanese did we kill in those detention camps?
Stick your, poor poor Japanese, bad bad Americans up your ass. If you were my children's teacher, you wouldn't be for long...
Maybe the pop-educated generation is confused about the difference between engaging in a World War and the principles of Constitutional law. You don't get to arrest American citizens and place them in concentration camps without due process just because you question their loyalties. #9066 was such a faulty executive order that you have to question FDR's mental stability in 1942.

Pop educated generation? My father was in that war. He came home. Others did not. I was educated BY those vets. I was taught, Flander's Field. Now our children are being taught about how incentive America was to the Japanese. Please...

Speaking of education, engaging in a world war, trumps the principles of Constitutional Law. Laws can be set aside in times of war. You do get to do exactly what is necessary to insure the safety of our country. They were detained because of possible ties to Japan and the fear was they would aid the enemy. It was the neighbors of those Japanese that were fearful. Were their fears justified? We will never know, because that option to aid the enemy or be the enemy was removed for the duration.
FDR was a man whose country was thrown into war BY THE Japanese. As the leader of that country, he did what he felt was the best was to protect Americans. Because the Japanese were killing us.

Teach them that were it not for the mental instability of a Japanese Emperor, none of it would have happened to begin with.
How we treated the Japanese:

How the Japanese treated Americans:
FDR appointed General MacArthur to be the front line commander for the area most likely to be attacked by the Japanese. MacArthur lost his entire Army within four months of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and abandoned his Troops on Bataan and Corrigador. The question is whether history impaired Americans want to blame innocent Japanese American storekeepers in California or blame MacArthur for the Battan Death March.
How about blaming the Japanese in Japan?
Because roosevelt was a racist, greedy, un-American son of a bitch.

But far from alone

Consider the McCarthy era detainees

Fast foward to the post 9/11 islamophobic hysteria ,along with all the racial profiling and detentions

And please do teach the Patriot Act allows for history to repeat it all

good luck

The Republicans would have been even worse...
So how did the Japanese treat the Americans and British that lived in Japan after Pearl Harbor?
Because roosevelt was a racist, greedy, un-American son of a bitch.

But far from alone

Consider the McCarthy era detainees

Fast foward to the post 9/11 islamophobic hysteria ,along with all the racial profiling and detentions

And please do teach the Patriot Act allows for history to repeat it all

good luck

The Republicans would have been even worse...

So far only democrats have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps in the United States..
Because roosevelt was a racist, greedy, un-American son of a bitch.

But far from alone

Consider the McCarthy era detainees

Fast foward to the post 9/11 islamophobic hysteria ,along with all the racial profiling and detentions

And please do teach the Patriot Act allows for history to repeat it all

good luck

The Republicans would have been even worse...

So far only democrats have ever thrown innocent Americans into concentration camps in the United States..
At the risk of appearing a conspirator theorists , i feel the need to make one crucial point to you Unkotare.

The means to have history repeat itself have not only been legislated, they've been actively prepared via our lovely PA ,FEMA & various lettered departments employed to save us from ourselves.


Much of the popular focus is to facilitate natural disasters , especially given our dismal Katrina response.

But our insidious penchant for fascism to creep into the details are well documented, we've even instituted our own brownshirts under N.I.M.S. (which i once was)

What do you mean? What choice?

Military Naturalization Unkotare


You’re making no sense. Most of the victims of fdr’s concentration camps were US citizens. They didn’t volunteer to become Americans, they volunteered BECAUSE they were Americans, and despite the racist anti-Americanism of that no-good, POS fdr.
They volunteered rather than sit in a detention center.

Hey, did you see Republicans are trying to suggest these Mexican kids locked in cages and separated from their parents at the border are basically in summer camp? Do you believe that?

Is the only reason you minded what FDR did to the Japs because they were Americans? So the only reason you minded what FDR did is because he did it to American citizens? I'm just trying to figure out if you believe what Trump is doing is wrong or is it ok because they were non citizens trying to come to our country?

I would have some respect for you if you condemned what Trump is doing.

U.N. Rights Chief Tells U.S. to Stop Taking Migrant Children From Parents

I love it because it's deterring people from trying to sneak in.
What do you mean? What choice?

Military Naturalization Unkotare


You’re making no sense. Most of the victims of fdr’s concentration camps were US citizens. They didn’t volunteer to become Americans, they volunteered BECAUSE they were Americans, and despite the racist anti-Americanism of that no-good, POS fdr.

Lets ask George Takei after all he lived in those camps. Did you?

George Takei: Trump Immigration Policy Worse Than Japanese Prison Camps | HuffPost

Actor George Takei, who was sent to a Japanese prison camp with his family during World War II, said immigrant detention centers that separate migrant children from their parents are worse than what he experienced.

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